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dotd challenge to myself
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#1 Posted: 23:30:50 24/08/2022 | Topic Creator
i forgot if i made a post about this.

ok so at the start of the year, i decided to play through dotd again. this time, though, i decided to make it more interesting by not leveling up anyone's breath attacks. i quickly ran into trouble because i'm not super great at combos or combat games in general. right now, i'm relying a bit more on spyro and cynder's armor than i'd like.

one of my favorite strategies so far is to zap an enemy with spyro's lightning and then get in some melee attacks while they're still stunned. you can do a similar thing with the ice breath.

i stopped playing a couple of months ago, but got the itch to get back to it recently. HOPEFULLY i can finish the game in the next few days bc i'm gonna get way too busy to play starting next week. i'm at the burned lands right now. the mini secret boss thing that you have to attack with a certain element from that level has always been difficult for me, but it's been hell so far because my elements are so weak.

ideally, after finishing the story, i'd like to go back through the game and pick up any collectibles i missed. i would be upgrading this time through. i don't super expect this to happen bc irl life is busy busy busy. but i can dream
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#2 Posted: 00:18:57 25/08/2022
Quote: ThunderEgg
one of my favorite strategies so far is to zap an enemy with spyro's lightning and then get in some melee attacks while they're still stunned. you can do a similar thing with the ice breath

This was pretty much how you won the game with or without upgrading the elements.

But this is cool, I would always challenge myself in new ways in games, especially if I beat them a million times already. I wish you luck! Hopefully you can finish it!
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#3 Posted: 02:08:14 28/08/2022 | Topic Creator
update: the boss keeps burrowing underground and disappearing. eventually i had to give up and kill it with a fury attack asap before it would get stuck underground again

i also ended up collecting the max amount of exp for spyro. i was worried the rest of the exp id get would not go to cynder so i fully upgraded one of his breaths i never use. so his earth breath. i didnt remember this would influence fury attacks so hopefully i dont get stuck with another glitchy enemy.

i also ended up being wrong about the way exp works. cynder is gaining exp even if i gather the gems a spyro so WHOOPS

anyway it's off to the floating isles!


update i beat the game. guide you home still gives me the feels. still very dissapointed by the malefor fight

spyro and cynder are now fully upgraded and ive gathered all of ther armor. very satisfying to burn through levels after giving myself some difficult constraints. i still have some collectibles to grab before 100% finishing, but i hope to do that eventually. gonna have to watch some walktrhoughs i think
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:21:10 31/08/2022 by ThunderEgg
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#4 Posted: 21:28:48 31/08/2022
Oh ****, I was supposed to go back and reply before you beat it!


I'm curious to know, what is it about the Malefor fight that you don't like?
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5 Posted: 21:47:37 31/08/2022 | Topic Creator
it's just way too easy compared to gaul. at least from what i remember.

i havent played through the entire trilogy all together for a long time, but i remember gaul was a big challenge. mal's fight isnt satisfying for me bc his attacks arent that hard to dodge and all you to is wail on him a couple times. heck i think even the cynder battle was more difficult. malefor is supposed to be the big scary main bad guy so its super disappointing
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#6 Posted: 23:54:08 31/08/2022
I feel you. Gaul was extremely tough, but I think I mostly got stuck on Malefor's first form because I really couldn't tell what was going on and suddenly we were just falling from the sky. The last form is pretty much beatable in one try.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#7 Posted: 21:48:52 02/09/2022 | Topic Creator
yeah so true. the stages definitely has a lot of chaos going on. aesthetically very interesting
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#8 Posted: 22:51:28 02/09/2022
Yeah, I literally can't tell what's happening, lol. I think the scenery in the entire game is one of its best features, but yeah, much chaos.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#9 Posted: 13:57:45 26/09/2022 | Topic Creator
i did it. i 100% ed the game last night

[User Posted Image]

this was my first time collecting everything, but i've been through story mode before.

i had a couple of blue gems and an elite enemy left in the floating isles and that got me thinking. as cool of a set piece it is, it's mechanically a little disappointing. i think as the last level before the boss fight, it would have been a little more mechanically satisfying to include more elemental puzzles. there's a lot of tough enemies there, but once you have the fury armor, they're pretty easy to blast through with a lazer. i think the game as a whole could be mechanically improved if we were given more chances to use the elements for specific things. or like maybe just to find secret places. for me, i totally forgot which elements interact with what objects, which made levels where you have to smash things with earth to get collectibles pretty annoying. it wasn't clear to me which things the earth element would break and which things it woudlnt

i also think a hard mode/ medium mode/ easy mode would have been neat. it would have been a good way to maintain a broader playerbase. i love the concept art gallery, but i wish it was something you could scroll through and not a video. video format makes it a little more engaging, but i really want to be able to analyze the work without having to take a screenshot! some of the art is like a big image that scroll past too, which makes it a pain to try to document

like storywise, it's really satisfying. it's this kind of calm before the storm place after you've been through the creepy belt of fire level. so i don't think the floating isles is a failure of a level at all. i think im just understanding the lack of polish the game has overall a little better. and i understand it's not polished bc the devs were new to the series and probably only had a year to make it + budget, so i'm not super mad at them. i think they made a decent game all things considered
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
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