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tipping culture is stupid
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2517
#1 Posted: 01:00:58 30/07/2022 | Topic Creator
im sorry it is what is the problem with America

i dont like having to tip someone for service be it food work whatever and i super dont like when people get all antsy and rude when someone calls it out or doesnt want to tip like you are some morally incorrect being for not wanting to or disliking the concept to tip

its a cultural thing particularly an american culture thing which i find stupid in Japan you dont tip you almost never tip you will be frowned on if you do tip and you are obviously a foreigner from america if you do tip even if france you do not tip not at restaurants.

why is america this way

but those minimum wage/ less than minimum wage workers gotta make money somehow you have to tip!


i feel no sympathy none zip zero for workers of any kind who get ticked off at customers who dont/dont want to tip who target their annoyance at the customer because quite frankly the problem isnt the customer the problem is the industry and the country for not paying you a livable wage and you as a laborer should not have to ask for tips or get by on those tips

i dont like tip whiners

well if you dont like to tip then you can dont have to eat out just stay home and cook for yourself then there you dont have to tip

look i work hard very hard for the very little money i make and if i want to treat myself for that work pain and stress to a meal out then i have every much of a right to do that as you do to whine about your tip you are not the only one working to make a livable wage or having a tough time you privileged little tip begging whiner i want some french fries delivered to my door because this is my money i get to decide how want to spend it and if it makes me feel better i should have the right to it take your complaint to your boss to your organization to joe biden to the congress to god to jesus to the sun and moon but dont nip at me because i am just as broke as you are and just want a moment of satisfaction same as you by getting some food out

tipping to me is not moral

its cultural and it is something that needs to go away in america and anywhere else that they do it to be replaced by workers being rightfully paid the amounts and salaries that their hard work deserves and the blame for it should be absolutely put on the business and the government or whoever and not continue to pit server against customer in a tip battle over who is right or what

its possible

i just listed 2 of many of and in fact most countries that know how to pay workers better to where tips dont wont make sense or are frowned on so whats the problem america


this household tips in fact we more often than not over tip especially if the server is specifically friendly it doesnt hurt to not be a complete jerk it only makes me want to tip you less if you are a jerk i once tipped i think 12 15 for a 20 dollar meal just because the server was so friendly

so i have the right to complain in fact i probably shouldnt tip because i suppose i just encourage the continued culture of doing it in the first place but sometimes i feel bad when they really are very pretty nice but you know


rant done

dont take this too seriously im just bored lol
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
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