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stupid questions thread
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#1 Posted: 01:14:46 21/05/2022 | Topic Creator
ever have silly questions about stuff that happens in spyro 1? now's your chance to ask them!

-what happens if a crystal dragon statue shatters? will the dragon die? will it be released?
-how do the castles in deamweavers float in the sky?
-do the beast makers ever manage to clean the pollution from their swamp?
-how did the dragons get portal technology?
-what does the guy doing the interview look like?
-why do spyro's wings get big during the flights?
-what is behind the artisans door? (reignited only)
-why are the dragon eggs so small? and why are there less of them than in year of the dragon?
-the peacekeepers obviously did a poor job protecting the realm from gnasty. will they get fired?

I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#2 Posted: 07:36:06 21/05/2022
- When all the dragons are frozen, how is the camera still moving afterwards?
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#3 Posted: 21:48:02 21/05/2022 | Topic Creator

-how do the dragons in the end cutscene know how to play basketball?
-the gnorcs are gnomes/orcs. do gnomes and orcs exist in the spyro universe?
-how did gnasty get the spell to crystalize the dragons? why did he even choose to crystalize them when he could have just nuked them?
-what are the eyes in the life chests? i always thought they were the little extra lives, but reignited made it look like there was some other sort of creature in there
-why do the dragons use portals when they could just fly?
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#4 Posted: 04:45:45 19/08/2022

Quote: ThunderEgg
ever have silly questions about stuff that happens in spyro 1? now's your chance to ask them!

-what happens if a crystal dragon statue shatters? will the dragon die? will it be released?
-how do the castles in deamweavers float in the sky?
-do the beast makers ever manage to clean the pollution from their swamp?
-how did the dragons get portal technology?
-what does the guy doing the interview look like?
-why do spyro's wings get big during the flights?
-what is behind the artisans door? (reignited only)
-why are the dragon eggs so small? and why are there less of them than in year of the dragon?
-the peacekeepers obviously did a poor job protecting the realm from gnasty. will they get fired?


-I always thought the dragon would die, like, he's just shattered crystals now, he ded.
-They're Dreamweavers, it doesn't have to make sense! It's probably just magic or some ****.
-No, they're beasts, they like pollution.
-Is The Professor from an alternate dimension or something? I actually don't remember, it's been too long since I've done anything Spyro... Uh, maybe there's someone like The Professor in the Dragon Realms.
-Do you see his hand? I think he's a dragon, right?
-His wings get big???
-I played Reignited, why don't I remember this...?
-Because they're eggs for babies, duh-uhhhhh... And there's more because they needed to make the game harder, also duh-uhhhhhhhhhh...
-Probably not because the incompetent people never get fired.

Professional answers from Erika. *pride*
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#5 Posted: 05:27:26 19/08/2022
Wait, did you mention thighs?? Probably me.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#6 Posted: 23:32:44 24/08/2022 | Topic Creator
oh yeah thigh masters comes from some sort of stuff in the code. i think it's placeholder text. i think it's mentioned in this article:

RHETORICAL QUESTION: did you know that the shortened version of "spyro the dragon" is std? (im sorry)
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#7 Posted: 23:43:31 24/08/2022
Quote: ThunderEgg
oh yeah thigh masters comes from some sort of stuff in the code. i think it's placeholder text. i think it's mentioned in this article:

RHETORICAL QUESTION: did you know that the shortened version of "spyro the dragon" is std? (im sorry)

Oh, I've never heard of that one before, I will check it out later.

Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I never even paid attention to that, well...

I will be back to answer more stupid questions!!!
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#8 Posted: 07:52:04 29/08/2022
Quote: ThunderEgg

-how do the dragons in the end cutscene know how to play basketball?
-the gnorcs are gnomes/orcs. do gnomes and orcs exist in the spyro universe?
-how did gnasty get the spell to crystalize the dragons? why did he even choose to crystalize them when he could have just nuked them?
-what are the eyes in the life chests? i always thought they were the little extra lives, but reignited made it look like there was some other sort of creature in there
-why do the dragons use portals when they could just fly?

-All dragons are trained to play basketball.
-Yes, they do! Gnorcs are ACTUALLY named after both of the individual creatures because they resemble them BOTH!
-GNASTY COULD HAVE NUKED THEM??? I mean... Because magic, duh! He can just crystalize these *****es!
-There is definitely a creature in the life chests.
-They couldn't ACTUALLY fly to those other worlds, they're in entirely DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS!
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
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