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Activision to be purchased by Microsoft.
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5445
#1 Posted: 17:33:41 18/01/2022 | Topic Creator
Didn't see a topic for this yet. Seems like pretty big news for Spyro and Skylanders. Will all future games be exclusive to Microsoft platforms now? How would you feel about that?
Boop me if you see this.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#2 Posted: 20:13:38 18/01/2022
I reeeeeeeeeeally do not want to buy an xbox to play Spyro
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#3 Posted: 00:49:08 19/01/2022
Quote: Jaggedstar
I reeeeeeeeeeally do not want to buy an xbox to play Spyro

my exact reaction. hopefully they're smart enough to continue to release games across many consoles

i feel neutral about the whole situation so far. microsoft doesn't have the best track record with handling it's new ip's well. but who knows, maybe it'll mean more spyro.

i don't really grasp why microsoft is buying acti. considering acti's horrible track record with abuse and whatnot, i don't get why any company would be wanting to touch it with a ten foot pole. but i guess money is money.

also concerned with microsoft's growing monopoly
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Lunar Gold Sparx Gems: 2517
#4 Posted: 07:41:08 19/01/2022
Mixed on the buyout as a whole, but this decision means only good things for Spyro and Crash's futures.

Based on other platforming franchises bought by Microsoft, I imagine the series will be available to Xbox and PC first, then Nintendo, and maybe eventually Playstation. Which will be weird considering Spyro and Crash's history with Playstation, but if it means more games I guess I'm cool with it.

Honestly, this deal means exactly that. Before the buyout there was practically zero hope for any new Spyro/Crash/Skylanders projects. Ring of Heroes is dead and TfB/VV were assimilated. Microsoft could easily reverse some of these decisions and have been vocal about looking for a few classic Family franchises to put under their belt. Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro the Dragon, and Crash Bandicoot are a really nice lineup of family platformers. I think we'll see movement in the relative future.

This also means stuff like the Remastered Trilogies on Game Pass, more likely for there to be Minecraft DLC content based on Spyro/Crash, better relationship between Nintendo and Microsoft for inclusion in stuff like Smash Bros or NSO. There's a lot of potential here.

Doubt we'll see much movement on the Skylanders front but maybe some elements can be included in a new Spyro game.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5 Posted: 22:50:17 19/01/2022
lol maybe we'll get this as our next game
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
NSane Bandicoot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3188
#6 Posted: 21:04:57 21/01/2022
Of course we won't know if this will be a good thing until a few years from now but I'm optimistic and looking forward to seeing where this goes. I've never purchased an Xbox console before but may well do should Spyro 4 release. The thought that Spyro may now actually be in competent hands that will give the developers enough time, freedom and resources to ensure the games are up to a good quality would be a dream come true.

This excerpt from a recent interview with Xbox CEO Phil Spencer is really promising:

(Toys for Bob, one of the studios working under the Activision Blizzard banner, successfully launched games like “Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time,” but was later folded into supporting Call of Duty games. Spencer said the Xbox team will talk with developers about working on a variety of franchises from the Activision Blizzard vaults.
“We’re hoping that we’ll be able to work with them when the deal closes to make sure we have resources to work on franchises that I love from my childhood, and that the teams really want to get,” Spencer said. “I’m looking forward to these conversations. I really think it’s about adding resources and increasing capability.”)

Of course, Xbox is still a company who's main goal is to make money, so we'll have to wait and see if their words actually become actions, but it is refreshing to see statements like this in comparision to Activision, Vivendi Universal, etc.

I must say, I don't see them allowing anything other than maybe COD to be multiplatform from now on. You just don't spend that amount of money on a company to carry on releasing games on your competitors console, unfortunately.
Just me in my world of Enemies! | NSane Bandicoot? Nah
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#7 Posted: 01:11:15 22/01/2022
Ha! HA, sage ich.
WAMBurt1984 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3023
#8 Posted: 07:17:07 22/01/2022
I'm ****ing pissed, Hope Toy for Bob or Spyro will get out bought by good company so it be on Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo, and not just Xbox. No way I'm buying Xbox. I hate Xbox and now they being Disney buying things. Why Activision let themsleve being bought? So pissed
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#9 Posted: 19:27:21 24/01/2022
tfb as it was was already dissolved before the buy out. most of their staff changed a while ago
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Lunar Gold Sparx Gems: 2517
#10 Posted: 06:01:33 25/01/2022
Honestly, I think it's pretty undeniable that Microsoft and Xbox have been the most consumer friendly platforms going into this new gen. Xbox has Game Pass with an insane amount of bang for your buck, they've been really cool about letting Nintendo use some of their IP like Cuphead and Ori, moving between playing on PC and console is real simple, all of the Xbox One controllers work with Series S. Compare that with Nintendo and the Joy-con issues and terrible online support, and Playstation's refusal to play ball with anyone else on the market, I'm glad Xbox was the one to nab them. If there's anyone I trust of the major gaming bigwigs atm, it's Phil Spencer.
WAMBurt1984 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3023
#11 Posted: 23:23:27 25/01/2022
It look like some people think it a good idea and attack on Sony and Playstation and it's fans. Playstation fans may not play their favourite game on Playstation. Microsoft may buy all game companies just to destory Sony/Playstation. I feel sick. Yeah I being over the top, I hate what Mircosoft doing stopping games on Playstation and idiots are attacking Playstation, it's fans and Sony.
TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
#12 Posted: 19:28:51 09/02/2022
Quote: Jaggedstar
I reeeeeeeeeeally do not want to buy an xbox to play Spyro

Hopefully this means any future Spyro projects will release on PlayStation & Switch.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#13 Posted: 11:23:34 22/02/2022
"Microsoft and Xbox have been the most consumer friendly platforms going into this new gen"

ms still have the 2013 drm intact
you need to be online to setup your xbox for use
you need an xbox account
games bought on disc need to be downloaded and cant be played from disc straight away
gamepass netflix rental service, you never own anything

so no microsoft is not consumer friendly at all, its the opposite.

ps5 this new gen, you can just plug it in start it up, make a guest account, put a game disc in and play(if needed new firmware update, it will be included on the game disc and install from game disc).. all this is can be done offline, no need for online whats so ever...THAT IS WHAT WE CALL CONSUMER FRIENDLY.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 11:27:59 22/02/2022 by CountMoneyBone
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