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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > General > What's the difference between the original game discs?
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What's the difference between the original game discs?
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#1 Posted: 22:57:54 13/01/2022 | Topic Creator
I have a couple of questions about the discs actually. First, what's the difference between these Spyro 3 discs? Why is the cover art different?

and is it worth getting this Collector's Edition disc?
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:04:38 13/01/2022 by Jaggedstar
artiste_violet Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10814
#2 Posted: 00:41:15 14/01/2022
First and third ones are the NTSC/North American covers (the third one being the Greatest Hits version in silver). Second one is PAL/European. Collector's Edition is worth getting for fixed glitches and finished soundtrack.
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