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This game was suppose to be longer???
GP-38 Blue Sparx Gems: 736
#1 Posted: 00:15:37 02/01/2022 | Topic Creator
I've been hearing some talk going around saying due to budget restrictions, DOTD was forced to be cut shorter than planned? Thought? Anyone have any info on this?

Also, what are your thoughts on what a, "full version" of the game could have been?

I just heard about this so I don't have any thoughts on what else could have been done. I did find a youtube video of a few short voice clips that they didn't use in the game. So a longer version was most likely planned.
The Brightest Way in the Darkest Days.
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10345
#2 Posted: 03:36:31 02/01/2022
I have never heard about these rumours. But there is a sense of high under-development in this game from the start screen to finish that I would not be surprised about possible budget cuts.

This game should have been called "The Legend of Spyro: The Darkest Hour" and should have been developed 100% by the Krome studios.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#3 Posted: 13:17:40 02/01/2022
You're thinking of ANB and TEN, DOTD has a cut level (a coral cave) and some cutscenes tying character interactions or developments, but it's largely what it set out to do, for better or worse. Those voice clips are probably all the way from the Krome games since they had plenty themselves along with huge chunks of plot and levels removed for budget reasons.

What Unnamed said about its development is true though, it started out as an entirely different thematic finale. One of the concept artists, Jared Pullen, went into detail on his deviantart if you're willing to dig through thousands of comments for some sparse responses.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:19:41 02/01/2022 by Bifrost
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#4 Posted: 20:59:56 03/01/2022
here's his da account if you're having trouble finding it:

man... i can't believe 2016 was such a long time ago
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
GP-38 Blue Sparx Gems: 736
#5 Posted: 01:52:36 05/01/2022 | Topic Creator
Quote: Project_Unnamed
I have never heard about these rumours. But there is a sense of high under-development in this game from the start screen to finish that I would not be surprised about possible budget cuts.

This game should have been called "The Legend of Spyro: The Darkest Hour" and should have been developed 100% by the Krome studios.

I will have to agree with you. Krome Studios should have been the ones to complete the third game. However, I did enjoy DOTD very much and can proudly say it is my favorite, Spyro game. Nevertheless, I believe we would have had a better story and more exclamations from the previous games.
The Brightest Way in the Darkest Days.
GP-38 Blue Sparx Gems: 736
#6 Posted: 01:53:27 05/01/2022 | Topic Creator
Quote: ThunderEgg
here's his da account if you're having trouble finding it:

man... i can't believe 2016 was such a long time ago

Already started watching him. Thanks anyways. smilie
The Brightest Way in the Darkest Days.
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