

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?

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10 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#1 Posted: 13:47:21 14/10/2021 | Topic Creator
It's been 10 years since the launch of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure back in October 2011, setting Spyro off on a radically different tangent which may have not appealed to many existing Spyro fans. So the question today is: over those ten years have you actually played any of the many Skylanders games? Or are you here just for Spyro?
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4514
#2 Posted: 16:47:04 14/10/2021
Every of the console ones (didn't play the 3DS ones). Have all of them but Swap Force.
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#3 Posted: 20:41:02 14/10/2021
i have played all skylanders games(ps3/ps4/3ds), and i still have them all too with figures and even the boxes. i did come here because of the skylanders. its great games and i miss the excitements that used to be around here in the forum when a new game released. i am happy i was there from the beginning, great times we will never get back. i hope we will get a remake of the first game at some point, and hopefully we will have a new one too.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#4 Posted: 02:08:45 15/10/2021
all of the mainline ones!

i learned about it due to it's connection with spyro. i was so excited at the time! and in the target demographic, which helped. it was very cool seeing all the little doodads they'd sell in stores with skylanders branding. stuff like clothes, erasers, trading cards, etc.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#5 Posted: 08:25:41 15/10/2021
I've played the first 4 games but only once each. They were pretty fun but I haven't gone back to them since that one time.
NSane Bandicoot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3188
#6 Posted: 18:34:24 15/10/2021
I've played SSA, SG, SF, and Imaginators.

I love the first two games, not much of a fan of the others I've played. I can't believe it's been 10 years! Time flies! I can still remember exactly where I was when I first saw the trailer for SSA on Cartoon Network and how excited I was for a new Spyro game. I also remember unwrapping SSA and SG and how happy I was. I never liked toys as a kid, so that didn't appeal to me, I was solely interested in Skylanders because I was a huge Spyro fan. While at the time I was sad about how this was now "Spyro", I still adored SSA and SG and still do to this day. Such a nostalgic series that means quite a lot to me and played a big role in my childhood. I remember watching The8bittheater's "Skylanders Hunting" series and Coin-Op TV. I bought a lot of Skylanders merch like School Backpacks, Rugs, Stationary, Cloths, Clothes, even Bubble Bath lol. I loved the series to death between 2011 - 2012, but once Swap Force was announced, I tapped out. I was never a fan of the series for the 'Toys for Life' aspect, so when the focus moved more off of Spyro, I stopped playing. In 2017, I bought Imaginators for Thumpin' Wumpa Island and went back and played SF. They were ok, but nothing compared to SSA and SG personally.

During 2013 - 2018, I was one of those Spyro fans that was just hoping for Spyro as it's own franchise to return. I was never one of the toxic Spyro fanboys who flamed Skylanders fans, however, because I wouldn't do that and I liked the franchise myself at one point. When Reignited was announced, I was very happy, now us Spyro fans are back to square one lol.

Due to not liking the subsequent games after SG, I don't care if we get a new Skylanders title personally, I just want new Spyro games, but I hope it happens for the fans.
Just me in my world of Enemies! | NSane Bandicoot? Nah
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:45:42 15/10/2021 by NSane Bandicoot
MrsSpyro01 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1567
#7 Posted: 20:12:29 15/10/2021
I’ve played all of the main series games except for the 3DS version of Superchargers. I found the home console versions (or in my case, the PS3 version) of Superchargers to be very underwhelming. I’ve also played Battlegrounds (which was ok), Cloud Patrol (which I personally didn’t care for), and Lost Islands (which I miss and want them to bring back). I even bought the Battlegrounds starter pack from GameStop and landed Royal Double Trouble. My favorite game in the entire series is Spyro’s Adventure for the home console (or in my case, the PS3) and my least favorite is Spyro’s Adventure for the 3DS. I’m hoping to get the PS4 versions of Swap Force and Trap Team as replacements for Christmas, then sell the PS3 versions of those games. As for Supercharhers, I’m going to sell my PS3 copy and not even bother to get the PS4 version of that game.
Iceclaw Hunter Gems: 10094
#8 Posted: 13:19:43 16/10/2021
I've never played one, but I've always wanted to. The idea of buying the figures in order to play as the characters was a turn off for me. I know you don't have to buy every figure / play every character to get enjoyment from the games, but toys to life just isn't my thing.
Twinkies and 2hus
Barrysun Gold Sparx Gems: 2106
#9 Posted: 20:51:47 16/10/2021
*Been a while, glad to make a comeback* yep, I've played all 6 games... or 11 if you count the 3DS versions. it was fun times, Hunting for Skylanders in GameStop and Walmart was a good time waster.
WAMBurt1984 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3023
#10 Posted: 03:33:16 19/10/2021
Played first one and that it, but unable to finished the game, cos wanted to play just Spyro, did played few other characters. It's fun but lost interest.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#11 Posted: 06:04:07 19/10/2021
I've only played the first one, and I thought it was boring.
Spyro3480 Green Sparx Gems: 462
#12 Posted: 19:09:54 27/10/2021
I've only played when visiting others,
I think it's a nice consept.
Xydrozun Blue Sparx Gems: 758
#13 Posted: 20:22:49 28/10/2021
I played Spyro's Adventure and Giants and really liked them. I played a bit of Swap Force and Trap Team but didn't find the time to fully experience them. I do want to come back to them at some point.
SassouBisbasou Green Sparx Gems: 271
#14 Posted: 19:12:44 31/10/2021
So far, I've played all games available on the Wii, as that's the only console I have.
Just found smilie , S1 smilie , Tiki Speaky and Arkeyan Crossbow at a car boot sale!
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8623
#15 Posted: 01:44:34 25/11/2021
wow i feel old. i remember when this game came out and I got it confused with skyrim and talking to people about it at school was an experience that was quite awkward. i played ssa, giants, and swap force with the number of toys bought decreasing to like 4 toy at the end of the run.
Kory_ Green Sparx Gems: 249
#16 Posted: 23:47:06 08/12/2021
I still come back to this forum every so often to look at the walkthroughs and whatnot. I saw this poll & thread, so I'm gonna write what I've played now. I've done speedruns of all of these aside from the now unplayable mobile games and most of the webgames.
Spyro's Adventure - Completed on Wii, Wii U, and 3ds. 100% on 3ds. Own the PC version but haven't played through it all yet.
Giants - Completed on Wii, Wii U, and 3ds. 100% on 3ds.
Swap Force - Completed on Wii and 3ds. 100%ed on 3ds. Most of the way through beating and 100%ing it on Wii U.
Trap Team - Completed on Wii U and 3ds. 100%ed on 3ds.
SuperChargers - Completed and 100%ed on Wii U. Missing only two emblems as well
SuperChargers Racing - Completed on Wii and 3ds
Imaginators - Completed on Wii U.
Lost Islands - I used to play this a lot when I started playing Skylanders, shame its gone but I suppose that's the way things go.
Battlegrounds - Played a tiny bit of this when I got some of the cards. Lost interest pretty fast
Ring of Heroes - Ok so I actually just started playing this a week ago, and I've beaten the Adventure mode on Easy. I'm almost through the normal difficulty adventure.
Webgames - I played a few of these back when they were on the site, and I got to revisit them with flashpoint. It was really neat to play them again and I'm really happy that they are preserved.
On the poll, I clicked the option for having played every game, but that's not entirely true because of the miscellaneous mobile/webgames I haven't yet or will never be able to play.
I'm still working on my collection and on 100%ing every game, slowly but surely. I'm mostly missing trap team and imaginators figures because they're more expensive.
Kory, Skylanders Speedrunner
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#17 Posted: 11:54:48 26/12/2021
I've only played the first one.
super spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1769
#18 Posted: 21:35:54 05/01/2022
Same lol
Maybe its just me, but i feel like dancing! smilie
Spyro3480 Green Sparx Gems: 462
#19 Posted: 21:37:03 11/01/2022
Amazing, I myself are trying to get the games now to start playing...
I have always been a fan of spyro and own all of the games to ps2 (completed every game exept dawn of the dragon)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:38:39 04/04/2022 by Spyro3480
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6724
#20 Posted: 21:14:37 12/06/2022
I only ever grabbed the one - the first Skylanders.
After the massive amount of characters that came out, along with me being fresh into University and putting more focus onto the course, I just lost track on playing it in those three years. After that, it was just expensive to get back into and I had no space for all the accessories it required after moving back home/into a box for my first job.

Still a great little concept with the data being tracked to the figure seperately from the disc's main story progress, just careful not to lose your figures.
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8623
#21 Posted: 05:31:31 17/01/2024
See ya for the 13 year update
DS D Yellow Sparx Gems: 1601
#22 Posted: 06:55:39 28/06/2024
How would I start trying to play this game in 2024?

(Former admin of TapL's Server.)
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