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Redesign Origin...?
Akame Yellow Sparx Gems: 1584
#1 Posted: 19:43:21 30/03/2021 | Topic Creator
I was looking at the iconic original draft sketches for Spyro's design in the debut Playstation 1 game when something about the fin-like spines seemed familiar...

I wonder if these sketches inspired in part the redesign for Spyro in TLOS series? I know that folks involved said they wanted him to be close to his original design? Since this sketch is a bit sharper and more spunky maybe they drew on that for the new look?

What do you think? Forgive me if this has been pointed out before, I've never seen this comparison before!

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[User Posted Image]
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#2 Posted: 19:55:35 30/03/2021
That's a good point, actually. I haven't noticed that before; the body and facial structure is almost identical, yeah. I know the artists for the TLOS games talked quite a lot about the art. I'll try to see if I can find some reference to it.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#3 Posted: 22:32:32 30/03/2021
hmm i wanna say there are some sketches floating around the internet of different designs of tlos spyro

ok found it. i'd normally just put the image in the topic, but it's on a fan wiki and won't let me add the images. here's the link: https://static.wikia.nocookie....=20181025232228
alternate link

i'd say based on this, there's certainly a possibility of what you're saying. tlos was originally drafted as a prequel to the original series, so it's not a big stretch of the imagination that they'd reference the original concept art.

here's a link to the site it's on. ds has been being weird about the weblinks i've been posting (it's probably due to my formatting): https://the-legend-of-spyro.fa...ery#Concept_art
alternate link
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Akame Yellow Sparx Gems: 1584
#4 Posted: 20:40:28 31/03/2021 | Topic Creator
I'm glad you guys see it too!

ThunderEgg, when I click your first link it leads to a blank image, and the other links lead to a page with lots of images, so I'm not sure which you mean. That being said, I'll take a look at all the artwork there!

EDIT: Ah, it was the very first one, lol. Here (reupload)? That polaroid mock on the right looks almost identical to the old Spyro 1 concept!

[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:42:57 31/03/2021 by Akame
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5 Posted: 23:08:47 31/03/2021
yeah that's the one!

i can't figure out wikia image links for some reason T__T
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