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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Forum Games > Say something good about the above user
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Say something good about the above user
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#1 Posted: 17:07:09 01/02/2021 | Topic Creator
Well, I made this hard...
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#2 Posted: 08:29:26 05/02/2021 | Topic Creator
Ah, thank you! smilie

You're super fun to talk to! Maybe it's conceited because we have a lot in common, but I feel really comfortable talking to you and it's always a great time.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4049
#3 Posted: 18:45:58 05/02/2021
it's fun when we're both logged on and just say dumb things at each other : )
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#4 Posted: 19:08:26 05/02/2021 | Topic Creator
I agree completely! :-)

You're one of the only active users left and deserve some credit for it!!
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:08:53 05/02/2021 by Erikatastrophe
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10445
#5 Posted: 02:19:31 15/02/2021
Your willingess to start a conversation with people is an initiative that should be regarded and valued highly around here. And people should follow your example...
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#6 Posted: 16:41:05 17/02/2021 | Topic Creator
Awww, thank you! I really appreciate it. :-)

You're very friendly and welcoming. That's also an underappreciated quality around here!
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
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