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Michigan militia made me lose respect for Trump
Kyn82 Ripto Gems: 148
#1 Posted: 22:44:00 09/10/2020 | Topic Creator
Some thing about armed people trying to kidnap a Michigan governor.

Just something you'd expect to hear in a country under a dictatorship or something
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#2 Posted: 23:19:01 09/10/2020
Just now?
Kyn82 Ripto Gems: 148
#3 Posted: 00:19:58 10/10/2020 | Topic Creator
Quote: Crash10
Just now?

I was on board til i realised that, if people defend this.. then they just hate democracy as a whole.

I found two videos of the people behind this

" "Pete Musico, Brandon Caserta, Joseph Morrison, Adam Dean Fox, Ty Garbin, Daniel Harris and Kaleb Franks." is the name of the organizers of it. Only thing that sounds a little fake is "Wolverine Watchmen" sounds a tad bit corny but... other than that.
Pete is unclear but i think he may have pro Trump sympaties in the vid, or atleast the way he formulates. But unless someone can prove this is all made of Antifa actors, then i aint buying it.

But its never cool to attack politicians or governors for the sake of power. Just when one has that power. I have heard republicans argue that USA is a republic not a democracy, but i just assumed they meant it as "US democracy way of doing it.. as in its not a direct democracy". Just saying it seems hypocritical of a country to talk about democracy if they dont try to atleast follow some part of it themself.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:20:47 10/10/2020 by Kyn82
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#4 Posted: 16:42:16 10/10/2020
The real crime is unironically liking Hate Eternal
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#5 Posted: 13:35:30 11/10/2020
I'd say 5+ years is a bad amount of time to realize the white supremacist/facist is a white supremacist/facist
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:44:52 11/10/2020 by Bifrost
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#6 Posted: 10:59:40 16/11/2020
I'm honestly surprised there isn't more politics in this forum section.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8623
#7 Posted: 17:02:04 16/11/2020
Quote: icedragon333
I'm honestly surprised there isn't more politics in this forum section.

tbf vocal majority of the site is anti-trump
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#8 Posted: 19:53:53 24/11/2020
Unsurprising, given that the Discord server is a reflection of the overall userbase of this website+forum.
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#9 Posted: 22:42:51 24/11/2020
Quote: icedragon333
Unsurprising, given that the Discord server is a reflection of the overall userbase of this website+forum.

Eh, maybe more the S&N/Idle Chatter side. The "majority" of this website & forum are still people who come here strictly for Skylanders, I believe.
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