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Re: What is this music track DotD DS
MTaffyM Blue Sparx Gems: 608
#1 Posted: 01:40:25 09/10/2020 | Topic Creator
Here is a list I compiled of the original pieces’ appearances

TLoS: DotD (DS) music:
Introduction: ???ANB menu/credits TEN dreams???
Catacombs: TEN temple battle /swamp attack
Flight through the valley: TEN the chronicler
Golem: ANB Cynder’s lair/Cynder’s fortress
Dragon city: ANB Freezer action
Dam: ANB hall of trails
Destroyer: ANB gondola
Destroyer’s heart: ANB Cynder boss convexity
Burned Lands: TEN Arborick boss
Flight to the floating islands: Main Theme (appears in ANB egg raid)
Floating islands: TEN Celestial caves / menu theme
Malefor 1: TEN black powers
Malefor 2: TEN Mount Malefor action/ mountain fortress action (DotD elite enemies)
Spyro and Cynder: (sound effects note names approximated as follows: G➡️|A G (A maybe with a very faint C)
Credits: ANB menu / credits

Unused track: ANB Stone Boss
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:54:07 10/10/2020 by MTaffyM
MTaffyM Blue Sparx Gems: 608
#2 Posted: 01:43:12 09/10/2020 | Topic Creator
@Operationgamer @Bifrost @HIR @Razz @Aura24

You were wondering what piece plays in DotD DS Burned Lands. The piece is TEN Arborick Boss.

“The DS version of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon mostly remixes music from A new beginning and the eternal night. I don't know about the music track that plays in the DS version of the Burned Lands. Does anyone know if it's original or not, and, if it's reused, what track is it and what's it from? (Music starts at 2:49)”
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:48:45 09/10/2020 by MTaffyM
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#3 Posted: 12:04:49 09/10/2020
Pinging unfortunately doesn't work here, but thanks for the info!

It's a heavily MIDI-fied version of Arborick too, it didn't even conserve the very unique choir. God damn that's a rushed handheld version, no wonder we couldn't tell at first.
(What I need is never what I want)
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