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Portal Masters in the Revamped Ring of Heroes
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#1 Posted: 11:10:00 21/07/2020 | Topic Creator
The mobile game Skylanders: Ring of Heroes has been quiet for most of the year after announcing in February that they were going to revamp the game in some manner. Today they have shared some information on how the role of the Portal Master will be changed in this revamp.

[User Posted Image]
Eugenie, George, Ryeo, and Bruno

Not only are they adding two new designs but they've given each of them a name and a backstory along with their own special abilities to use during battles which you will be able to level up to improve.

When it comes to Portal Masters, Eugenie is a bookworm. She was most comfortable in the basement reading area of the library at her school. When Eugenie came through the Portal to Skylands, Master Eon recognized her strengths and allowed her full access to the Academy Library. Master Eon discovered that Eugenie possessed the ability to analyze the strengths of Skylanders, and utilize these strengths to benefit allies.

Eugenie uses her skills to buff the attack stat of Skylanders.

When the weak are in need of help, George's strength shines through. When George arrived in Skylands, the powers in the land sensed his strong heart. George was gifted with this power, an ability suited to his strengths. George is now able to create a solid shield of earth and stone that can compete with any other shield in Skylands.

George uses protection skills to guard ally Skylanders.

Ryeo has always had an interest and connection with fortune-telling, especially tarot cards. When she became a Portal Master, she was excited to learn about the future and to be gifted this ability through the powers of Skylands. Unfortunately for her, the only ability she received was to throw cards as she wished. Ryeo was disheartened, but Master Eon and Hugo gifted her special tarot cards that fit her powers and were suited for use in battle. After much practice, she is now able to throw the cards to block the enemies' sight.

Ryeo’s skills weaken her enemies.

Bruno has spent so much time around clocks, he could almost control time itself. When Bruno enters the battle, he becomes a fearsome ruler of time. All Skylanders' skills require the consumption of mana and a cooldown time once they're used, but Bruno's watch makes this immutable rule disappear.

Bruno uses his skills to help in battle by controlling time.

No new information on a potential time frame for release was provided.

Thanks to panseit on the Skylanders: Ring of Heroes subreddit for spotting the post.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 13:20:54 21/07/2020
Ryeo drew the short straw there, huh
(What I need is never what I want)
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#3 Posted: 13:18:39 29/07/2020
Quote: Blue Gaudreau
I dislike that the Portal Masters are in this. Defeats the purpose of ME being the Portal Master.

This isn't the main series, so it isn't really tied to that anymore - you can't use figures either. It's a gacha first, Skylanders game second.
(What I need is never what I want)
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#4 Posted: 00:24:30 01/08/2020
Not sure how I feel about this change. Does this affect who you already chose? Can you then change them now that they're their own people? What about their powers ... say you want a different one from what your character has? (And cant change characters.)

I mean, before they were just a cosmetic representation of you, but now they're their own characters, complete with different powers.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#5 Posted: 01:28:17 01/08/2020
hahaha skylanders is anime now
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#6 Posted: 23:04:29 01/08/2020
Quote: Bolt
hahaha skylanders is anime now

animu supairo wen
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Flaccid Hot Dog Emerald Sparx Gems: 3405
#7 Posted: 23:01:20 09/12/2020
Really liking the new revamped Skylanders ROH game. Was not sure about losing all my characters. It was worth it to start over. So much to do, great rpg battle style and slick autoplay feature for leveling. Kudos to the developers for the detailed work. Listen everyone, in this case, change is good!
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