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I don't like spyro
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#1 Posted: 21:22:26 24/05/2020 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]
hey guys sp here and im gonna tell you why spyro sucks. "but sp arent you on a spyro site???" you say. well yes you are correct but this isn't about me not liking spyro. this is about how i am losing interest in spyro.

[User Posted Image]
first of all i have to say. i am a rare kind of spyro fan. i have been playing the games since childhood before playing skylanders. skylanders is a good game but it is obviously a cash grab targeting kids who don't know any better. i grew up with this games while other kids grew up on cod or some stupid generic fps. so yes I do know a lot about spyro.

[User Posted Image]
spyro is in fact a kids game. why does it have to be? when i was growing up i wanted spyro to have blood and attack mature themes. look at the legend of spyro games for example. they are epics that tell a story about lost and love. you grow up with spyro in that game. it is comparable to great works of fiction like lord of the rings or game of thrones. if activision were to expand on the legend of spyro story than you bet it would be on hbo right now for millions to see. spyro should have grown up like I did.

[User Posted Image]
the new game reignited however is not for grown ups. its for kids. kids are stupid and don't know anything. i am now of age where I can get a job and afford to buy any video game I want. if activision were to focus on this demographic it would be better for the series as a whole. imagine how sad it would be to see characters like spyro tackle deep topics like depression or anger. have him become a silent badass protagonist. this is what the people want. not this bright colorful garbage.

[User Posted Image]
the new games are just lazy remakes of games made over a decade ago. this is not progression. this is regression. how could you evolve the franchise with the beautiful epic and get rid of that world for the same old thing? imagine if your grandmother was this amazing person. she would bake you cookies and buy you toys. shes awesome. but then she gets dementia and all of a sudden all those cookies and toys are gone. this is what activision did to spyro. they gave him dementia.

[User Posted Image]
anyways thanks for reading my thoughts on why I don't like spyro. yiff yiff my doggies
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#2 Posted: 21:29:42 24/05/2020
My head hurt
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#3 Posted: 21:43:00 24/05/2020
You are right, sadly while I do think classic have it’s place and definitely are fun games, legend had potential to be bigger, was ambitious in truly wowing us with a real epic we would remember forever like A Song of Ice and Fire/GOT(I doubt I would not be as much into fantasy if it was not for legend). You can see an idea of what a dark more mature Spyro game could be like if you ever read the Age of Fire series but unfortunately dragons are seen as just for kids and rarely taken seriously.

I also am losing interest with Spyro but it’s because aside for my own fic and roleplay forums, we no longer get any new games, hey I’m sure even if it was just a new classic game we could still find neat stuff to chat about or add to our stories but Activision is silent and we need more than just the same thing with a shiny coat of paint...would not be shocked if when we get a new will feel more like a nostalgia grab than a true evolution like Super Mario Odyssey.

Imagine a game with free flight, huge open world filled with wildlife you can hunt and NPCs that react differently to you depending on how you act, where fights can get messy, maybe Spyro and Cynder became rulers of Warfang after their saving of the world, we finally see other dragons and the plot is deep and complex but for now we can only dream.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#4 Posted: 21:46:54 24/05/2020
Wait a minute.

Is this actually a thing? Are there people who believe this?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#5 Posted: 21:51:24 24/05/2020 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]
alright guys. hearing about how you people wont take this seriously why should i? i am passionate about spyro. without him i wouldnt have my life. he saved me. i hate what activision is doing with a series i love. i just want whats best for the spyro. and that is making it better than the last game. make spyro cuss. let him kiss cynder. let them have sex. i want to see spyro mature with age. i want him to be an adult and not a kid.
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#6 Posted: 21:56:59 24/05/2020
I wanna see spyro with 3 beautiful little dragon kids with cynder and then one night apes burn his home to the ground and his whole family dies including cynder and so he goes on a violent murderous rampage while he is tormented by the images of his family burning to death

oh and spyro can say the **** word
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:58:10 24/05/2020 by willspyro
SuperSpyroFan55 Gold Sparx Gems: 2265
#7 Posted: 22:02:33 24/05/2020
hello all my fellow spyro fans im just here to say that this was actually originally my idea and this low down good for nothing thief willspyro actually stole this and posted it here after i told him about it using the popular messaging app for gamers called discord thank u and i hope to see you all at the presentation i am holding for this new up and coming spyro game at e3
eggmans gona pop dat cherry
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#8 Posted: 22:02:58 24/05/2020
[User Posted Image]
excellent points, however you have neglected to mention about how spyro as a franchise would benefit from child labor, as would society as a whole.
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#9 Posted: 22:07:50 24/05/2020
I want a gta style game set in that mole city but everyone is all anthropomorphic like in that picture where Hunter is sitting at the subway eating a 5 dollar footlong
SuperSpyroFan55 Gold Sparx Gems: 2265
#10 Posted: 22:09:20 24/05/2020
i want a gta style game with spyro characters set in the mole city but everyone is all anthropomorphic like in that picture with hunter ****ting into the subway sandwich
eggmans gona pop dat cherry
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#11 Posted: 22:11:00 24/05/2020 | Topic Creator
Quote: Big Green
[User Posted Image]
excellent points, however you have neglected to mention about how spyro as a franchise would benefit from child labor, as would society as a whole.

[User Posted Image]
finally someone who agrees with me. i thought i was the only one who thinks that society should allow child labor. think about how many jobs would be created with children working? this is how America is gonna help the country throughout the pandemic. did you know thousands of people are jobless? do you know how many of those numbers are children? 100% of children are jobless and America isn't allowing child labor for no reason whatsoever. do what Obama couldn't do trump. replenish the economy not suffocate it.
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#12 Posted: 22:15:19 24/05/2020
Not to THAT level, I doubt anyone want a repeat of the grimdark fancomic, A Bittersweet End where that whole Cynder killing and family killed came from. I do not want it to be full of swears as my idea of mature are stuff like Samurai Jack season 5, Game of Thrones, Vikings, Outlander not Adult Swim typical «**mature**» shows. Maybe in a style similar to the Realms of the Elderlings, it could work....but no...even if it work with games like the scenes if done too much will just end up into porn.

I know most don’t take legend fans like me seriously and I accept it but we did saw more potential with the IP than just a platformer. I doubt it mean like you might think, that classic need to go away, it can coexist together with legend like it should have instead of being unfairly replaced by Skylanders.

I know fans tend to hate change...I know I saw the review scores of the Legend games and the games getting mocked as a Lord of the Rings ripoff as oh no...for some obscure reason, it was declared than if a dragon is played, it’s kid friendly and can’t be epic...hello...wake up...dragons are majestic, fiery beasts of death, filling you with awe as they are apex predators who rule over sky, water and earth why do games where we play them need to be platformers where we can only glide, at that point let just use a pterosaur as it does not scream dragons.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#13 Posted: 22:19:33 24/05/2020
Spyro hit me
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#14 Posted: 22:30:48 24/05/2020
[User Posted Image]

u guys smoke weed?
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#15 Posted: 22:44:21 24/05/2020
Ok when I do want dark....child labor is disgusting...same for child soldiers unless it is to comment on it in a meaningful way....Dark does not mean rude, vulgar and insensitive on the pain of others, it mean that the world feel real, full of danger, themes can be explored deeply and not on surface I the only one who saw actual mature shows that weren’t comedies? Because finding child labors, cough...slavery..cough a good idea is disturbing...some person you disturb me deeply. For example think of it for a sec, in the Legend games... Spyro was essentially a child soldier likely plagued with ptsd of all the fights and maybe questioning if it was worth it, if he could see apes and other creatures he killed may had families of their own or forced to fight unless they got slayed.

I do not want grimdark, careless, rude «**adult**» stuff like GTA, Family Guy or South Park. This is NOT what adult mean to me, for me it just mean a more believable world not limited by how child friendly it need to be so it can actually have a deep plot and more complex 3 dimensional characters instead of basic traits but I talk to a wall that refused to listen when Legend was still new and made it a commercial and critical failure by not supporting it enough, killing the movie we could have got with it to bring more people who don’t play games to know Spyro. Sure the games themselves are basic, shallow, full of plot holes, the story, world and lore is not explored enough...also a city of dragons with no dragons just sound weird to me but with a few tweaks it could have become something great...because why lock a dragon inside a smaller zone with only platforms...just let it free to soar in the sky. The problem with always wanting the same thing is it will never recapture the wonder of originally playing it and new games that does not innovate...will just feel like sweet at first but shallow as there’s nothing truly new.

Maybe that’s because Spyro when I was a kid was unfortunately Gamecube/PS2 dork age(I’m 24) so I only experienced the PS1 classics later when I was a pre teen so no longer the target audience that I ended up loving Legend so much but I always loved fantasy so that darker style fit my tastes way more. I since moved on to deeper writing like Realms of the Elderlings, The Witcher, A Song of Ice and Fire, Mistborn, even grew fond of Stephen King works, stuff like Stranger Things or Supernatural but I will always remember the little purple dragon that sparked my love of fantasy.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#16 Posted: 22:46:04 24/05/2020
[User Posted Image]

imagine taking a topic in stuff and nonsense seriously
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#17 Posted: 22:49:18 24/05/2020
I need a spyro game with call of duty guns
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#18 Posted: 22:50:12 24/05/2020
I'll have what he's having
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#19 Posted: 22:50:26 24/05/2020
[User Posted Image]

sparx grows fed up with spyro and shoot him in the head with a gun
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#20 Posted: 22:53:05 24/05/2020
[User Posted Image]

Alright Spyro I'm going to ****ing kill you

fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#21 Posted: 23:00:07 24/05/2020
I will correct you really don’t know what an actual adult dark fantasy’s not Call of Duty with guns! Check stuff like Primal or Samurai Jack season 5 to get an idea of what I mean, look past the sex in Game of Thrones to get immersed in the political intrigues and the deep lore and worldbuilding, check Vikings too. I’m 24, I’m no longer a kid likely like you and my tastes evolved and matured over time, what I could have wanted back then and now is no longer the same. Think for yourself would you truly enjoy a new Spyro game that does not evolved with the time just to satisfy people who scream too much?...I doubt you would as what’s the point, just play the old games then if there’s no overhaul to the level of Breath of the Wild, Fire Emblem:Three Houses or Super Mario Odyssey. I’m disappointed and sadden by you....Spyro for a franchise should mean wanting the best not satisfy yourself with safely made titles...stagnation get boring and it’s no longer the 90s.

Am I the only one left who still do care for Spyro?
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#22 Posted: 23:01:19 24/05/2020
I want rick and morty Spyro

Pickle Spyro
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8537
#23 Posted: 23:03:55 24/05/2020
[User Posted Image]

I'm gonna tell him
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8756
#24 Posted: 23:04:40 24/05/2020 | Topic Creator
Quote: TheFlyingSeal
[User Posted Image]

I'm gonna tell him

[User Posted Image]
dont you dare
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4547
#25 Posted: 23:07:10 24/05/2020
[User Posted Image]

I'm going to have to agree. I especially hated how they introduced female characters starting in Spyro 2 and 3. Back in the first game it was all men, but then they had to force females into it for no reason. Not only that, but the only man who got a woman was the Chad Hunter, while the oppressed Incel Spyro gets nothing.
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#26 Posted: 23:09:43 24/05/2020
Quote: semp123
DotD's plot actually makes a lot of sense but it requires extensive knowledge of macroeconomics (both mainstream and heterodox), American foreign policy in the late 20th and early 21st century, the growing surveillance state, and the origins of the opioid crisis. Not at all surprising it went over the heads of the average player.

willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#27 Posted: 23:10:38 24/05/2020
Quote: semp123
Quote: semp123
DotD's plot actually makes a lot of sense but it requires extensive knowledge of macroeconomics (both mainstream and heterodox), American foreign policy in the late 20th and early 21st century, the growing surveillance state, and the origins of the opioid crisis. Not at all surprising it went over the heads of the average player.


Semp what are your thoughts on Skylanders 1-6
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8689
#28 Posted: 23:12:36 24/05/2020
Alls I'm gonna say is that Insomniac themselves said that Skylanders was a way better representation of Spyro than Legend ever was. Legend also broke one of Insomniac's golden rules in aging up Spyro. Even though Krome/ELB say they didn't, you can blatantly tell that Spyro looks older than he does in Legend.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:13:19 24/05/2020 by JCW555
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#29 Posted: 23:15:13 24/05/2020
Do people really hate story that much? What I mentioned is what tend to make a story feel compelling and believable but to be fair, before being a gamer I was a reader so my view of things do not align with typical gamers and it’s fine...mock me all you want...I dealed with mocking due to being asperger and having different tastes but even if it’s stuff and nonsense, it don’t mean we need to be complete morons. Maybe we do deserve the IP to be dead if you just want the same thing.

However what is for you improvements you do want, I’m kindly asking, what is Spyro for you, why are my improvements bad?

Also even if it may have started as a joke...I saw good points about Spyro needing to evolve why be so rude, a fandom is a family we chose yet this fandom is probably the most hostile I ever saw. I just though I found an opportunity to talk about what Spyro should be in the 21st century as I’m in the dragons are supposed to be majestic not dinosaurs with wings crowd. You said my improvements are bad...but do you saw or read what I referenced to explain it to me?

Won’t bother more as wanting more is not really liked...the Pokémon fans also get angry when I tell them the franchise is stagnating.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:26:03 24/05/2020 by fyra
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#30 Posted: 23:18:43 24/05/2020
Quote: JCW555
Alls I'm gonna say is that Insomniac themselves said that Skylanders was a way better representation of Spyro than Legend ever was. Legend also broke one of Insomniac's golden rules in aging up Spyro. Even though Krome/ELB say they didn't, you can blatantly tell that Spyro looks older than he does in Legend.

Yeah, I think I agree with this. Never played Skylanders but I can definitely see they tried to resurrect the spirit of classic Spyro.

Legend was okay for what it was, but it was different.
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8689
#31 Posted: 23:23:18 24/05/2020
I don't play platformers for story. Having story in platformers is nice, and it can be done really well (see: Mega Man Zero), but it's not what I go to platformers for. If I wanted a story heavy game, I'd play an RPG or a visual novel. For platformers, I just wanna explore the world, collect all the collectibles, and have a basic motivation to go out on my quest.

I've seen Spyro have big levels (see: Enter the Dragonfly and A Hero's Tail), and a lot of the levels in those games just feel empty, and that's not good for a collectathon platformer like Spyro is.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#32 Posted: 23:27:42 24/05/2020
So like the Jak and Daxter games? incels jokes that’s not funny at all...there’s nothing wrong with fact I am one IRL...sexism should never be ok even as a joke.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:31:10 24/05/2020 by fyra
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#33 Posted: 23:29:44 24/05/2020
See, I just don’t see a dark Spyro game working in Trump’s America. I thought our president made it clear who was and wasn’t welcome here, and unless they make some MAJOR changes to Spyro and his lore (like having him believe in Bill Gate’s PHONY 5G vaccine towers, or actually doing research on the impossibility of a round Earth), there will be major complaints from Spyro’s majority conservative fanbase. I’m not sure I want a Spyro game that doesn’t teach kids lessons, and the most important lesson Spyro could teach them is how mail in voting leads to inevitable voting fraud. Maybe a B plot involving Sparx wanting to vote, but witnessing Hunter (who’s an immigrant and shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place) forging mail in ballots for an OBVIOUS transgender liberal candidate. Another good Spyro plot could involve him fighting vaccines with facts, like giving proof that they cause autism and are full of implants while Ripto tries to “vaccinate” the dragon population against RIPTO-19, an obvious fraud disease. The real Spyro wouldn’t, couldn’t, and shouldn’t stand for the homosexual immigrant agenda being pushed in the modern game industry. Did you know 89% of all micro transactions go to groups supporting Sahara law? Look it up, do your own research away from these phony scientists and you’ll find out the truth.
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#34 Posted: 23:35:12 24/05/2020
Quote: Vespi
See, I just don’t see a dark Spyro game working in Trump’s America. I thought our president made it clear who was and wasn’t welcome here, and unless they make some MAJOR changes to Spyro and his lore (like having him believe in Bill Gate’s PHONY 5G vaccine towers, or actually doing research on the impossibility of a round Earth), there will be major complaints from Spyro’s majority conservative fanbase. I’m not sure I want a Spyro game that doesn’t teach kids lessons, and the most important lesson Spyro could teach them is how mail in voting leads to inevitable voting fraud. Maybe a B plot involving Sparx wanting to vote, but witnessing Hunter (who’s an immigrant and shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place) forging mail in ballots for an OBVIOUS transgender liberal candidate. Another good Spyro plot could involve him fighting vaccines with facts, like giving proof that they cause autism and are full of implants while Ripto tries to “vaccinate” the dragon population against RIPTO-19, an obvious fraud disease. The real Spyro wouldn’t, couldn’t, and shouldn’t stand for the homosexual immigrant agenda being pushed in the modern game industry. Did you know 89% of all micro transactions go to groups supporting Sahara law? Look it up, do your own research away from these phony scientists and you’ll find out the truth.

By god, you're right.

I'd also like to explore the dragons' healthy ethnonationalism, clearly under attack by the (((Gnorcs)))
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8689
#35 Posted: 23:39:12 24/05/2020
To get sort of on topic:

You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:39:46 24/05/2020 by JCW555
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#36 Posted: 23:39:40 24/05/2020
I need some 6G coverage
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8537
#37 Posted: 23:40:48 24/05/2020
Quote: Vespi
See, I just don’t see a dark Spyro game working in Trump’s America. I thought our president made it clear who was and wasn’t welcome here, and unless they make some MAJOR changes to Spyro and his lore (like having him believe in Bill Gate’s PHONY 5G vaccine towers, or actually doing research on the impossibility of a round Earth), there will be major complaints from Spyro’s majority conservative fanbase. I’m not sure I want a Spyro game that doesn’t teach kids lessons, and the most important lesson Spyro could teach them is how mail in voting leads to inevitable voting fraud. Maybe a B plot involving Sparx wanting to vote, but witnessing Hunter (who’s an immigrant and shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place) forging mail in ballots for an OBVIOUS transgender liberal candidate. Another good Spyro plot could involve him fighting vaccines with facts, like giving proof that they cause autism and are full of implants while Ripto tries to “vaccinate” the dragon population against RIPTO-19, an obvious fraud disease. The real Spyro wouldn’t, couldn’t, and shouldn’t stand for the homosexual immigrant agenda being pushed in the modern game industry. Did you know 89% of all micro transactions go to groups supporting Sahara law? Look it up, do your own research away from these phony scientists and you’ll find out the truth.

[User Posted Image]

- - - - -
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#38 Posted: 23:43:43 24/05/2020
incels suck just like tlos
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#39 Posted: 23:43:47 24/05/2020
Quote: JCW555
To get sort of on topic:


Vivendi the supreme evil corporates of the globe
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#40 Posted: 23:49:20 24/05/2020
smilie hey legend
smilie what
smilie ur kinda gay hahahahaha
smilie smilie
smilie it's ok because we are all gay that's how our lord and savior Charles Zembillas created us
smilie smilie
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