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how do i get gems??
Crystal Dragon Diamond Sparx Gems: 8850
#1 Posted: 05:09:19 08/02/2020 | Topic Creator
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
#2 Posted: 05:17:59 08/02/2020
you earn them by reporting posts
Ezio Hunter Gems: 7178
#3 Posted: 05:20:44 08/02/2020
you get them because thats how many times youve been reported
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed
But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed."
Crystal Dragon Diamond Sparx Gems: 8850
#4 Posted: 05:23:36 08/02/2020 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

bold of u to assume i have made enough posts to be reported 7304 times
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:23:55 08/02/2020 by Crystal Dragon
Lunar Gold Sparx Gems: 2517
#5 Posted: 05:26:33 08/02/2020
gems count pms too
Crystal Dragon Diamond Sparx Gems: 8850
#6 Posted: 05:28:43 08/02/2020 | Topic Creator
i have solved the mystery
the gem count is how old you are in days
hi i'm 20 years old in darkspyro time
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