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Signatures? [CLOSED]
BlueFlame Green Sparx Gems: 209
#1 Posted: 19:07:31 17/07/2007 | Topic Creator
Are we allowed to use banners on this site? No one seems to have them, so I was just wondering.

Edit: Never mind, I figured it out. Dark52, please close this.
Last edited at 14:39:45 18/07/2007 by BlueFlame
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#2 Posted: 15:08:36 18/07/2007
It's not possible currently, no. However, I may trial it at some point in the future along with an option to make the forum wider (and probably some other new features too).

And in response to your email; I don't use it.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Last edited at 15:09:23 18/07/2007 by dark52
BlueFlame Green Sparx Gems: 209
#3 Posted: 22:07:11 18/07/2007 | Topic Creator
Oh, OK. Thanks. I've noticed some people have posted images in their messages, though. How do you do that?
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#4 Posted: 22:14:41 18/07/2007
Same way you've written it in your sig, only it works in posts.

Or if you mean the small images like smilie, then check the Help Files for all the codes.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Last edited at 22:16:08 18/07/2007 by dark52
BlueFlame Green Sparx Gems: 209
#5 Posted: 22:16:50 18/07/2007 | Topic Creator
Right.... OK then. *hits herself on the forhead for stupidity*

Thank you. smilie
RedWelshDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#6 Posted: 10:42:09 22/07/2007
We usually get a photobucket account to paste pictures on here, BlueFlame. Or some people use now.
College is a refuge from hasty judgement.

Definition of a college lecturer: someone who talks in other peoples sleep.
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#7 Posted: 13:54:15 23/07/2007
use the IMG bbcode
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#8 Posted: 19:22:15 23/07/2007
how do you paste pics on a comment? out ov a computer folder....
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
RedWelshDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#9 Posted: 19:59:36 23/07/2007
You can't with a computer folder. Not without using photobucket or, what was it? -
College is a refuge from hasty judgement.

Definition of a college lecturer: someone who talks in other peoples sleep.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#10 Posted: 15:54:50 24/07/2007
Yes it's tinypic. I go there.
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#11 Posted: 19:31:19 24/07/2007
it wont let me on it an america only site?
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
RedWelshDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#12 Posted: 10:06:35 25/07/2007
Maybe. I haven't tried - I'm fine with photobucket. Photobucket's been fantastic for my darkokami website (on freewebs, sorry if anyone has that name already).
College is a refuge from hasty judgement.

Definition of a college lecturer: someone who talks in other peoples sleep.
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#13 Posted: 08:37:22 01/08/2007
i always use PhotoBucket now, i used 2 use Google images but they only have...not as good quality pics of Spyro and others. OFF TOPIC: ive asked this alot on other topics but...does anybody live in South Yorkshire, in Barnsley? i NEED someone decent to talk about Spyro with other than myself......ide put my MSN addi on this site but you can never be too careful.....
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
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