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What do you do to relax?
BlueFox Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#1 Posted: 23:37:20 29/10/2019 | Topic Creator
I feel like that one stoic and serious character in an animated series that can't chill out worth jack. "Am I doing this right?"

Got curious to see what others do. Because, as cute as they are, watching dog grooming videos isn't cutting it anymore.
Where’s the account deletion button when you need one?
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#2 Posted: 00:24:32 30/10/2019
I draw smilie

Or play videogames.

If I'm trying to sleep, I'll read a book.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8364
#3 Posted: 00:37:02 30/10/2019
Listen to a few relaxing songs (I can share is anyone is curious), play Reignited, Mario Odyssey, or even Pokken (There are other games I relax too, but these come to mind first), watch various youtube videos, or go to Netflix.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#4 Posted: 00:47:56 03/11/2019
I watch something that will make me laugh (usually Game Grumps or Achievement Hunter), take a bath with a nice bath bomb, wear some PJs that make me feel good, have some nice tea, or play a relaxing game.
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5384
#5 Posted: 02:17:57 03/11/2019
hunt for shinies in pokemon

manaphy hunts become oddly enjoyable after a while
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#6 Posted: 21:04:40 28/12/2019
Make a nice hot drink, play something chill and easygoing; my go to game is No Man's Sky while I listen to a podcast or long video essay. If I don't feel like playing anything then I'll listen to some Sigur Rós or any music with odd time signatures and try to "find 1."
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#7 Posted: 22:35:56 03/01/2020
I usually spend my free time watching anime and reading manga. On rare occasions I will venture out of the house and visit friends, but that's not often.
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#8 Posted: 17:08:48 29/02/2020
Quote: Spyroboy
I usually spend my free time watching anime and reading manga. On rare occasions I will venture out of the house and visit friends, but that's not often.

Sounds Like me too. I'm starting to learn ASL too or Ill start planning my next big move. I like to live in different places so thats always fun. Reading books/ researching a topic is fun as well.
This old place has changed too much
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#9 Posted: 05:46:45 11/03/2020
Quote: Vespi
I watch something that will make me laugh (usually Game Grumps or Achievement Hunter), take a bath with a nice bath bomb, wear some PJs that make me feel good, have some nice tea, or play a relaxing game.

Wow things changed in a short amount of time...
Add deep breathing and specifically animal Crossing to that list.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#10 Posted: 12:54:02 11/03/2020
Music, ASMR meditation videos, doing busywork in a game like grinding or dailies.
(What I need is never what I want)
Samius Hunter Gems: 9294
#11 Posted: 14:53:38 11/03/2020
Just being alone works for me. I'm usually rather tense and stoic when I'm out in public, but whenever I get home and close the door behind me I turn into a different person.

I rarely feel like I have to relax though, so I haven't really developed methods for doing that. I suppose I would simply start doing something I enjoy and zone out doing that.
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#12 Posted: 22:30:24 11/03/2020
listen to music
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#13 Posted: 10:39:21 20/06/2020
The only thing that's guaranteed to make me relax is going for a walk outside. Sometimes other things can work though, like listening to some music(mostly sonic music because I'm still obsessed with sonic lol, though other stuff works too), or playing a few specific video games(Sonic Adventure, Spyro 2, Ty 2).
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
#14 Posted: 03:56:31 13/08/2020
i take a giant **** on the toilet
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#15 Posted: 21:16:03 18/02/2021

If I'm stressed out, I really just have to sit or lie down and not do anything. Possibly try to fall asleep, but it's usually impossible if I'm that stressed out, but just doing nothing for a little while is literally the only way I can relax if it gets to that point.

If I'm worried, distractions distractions distractions. Watch TV, eat, whatever. Just literally force myself to think about something else so I'm not thinking about the worry anymore.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11366
#16 Posted: 04:43:52 20/02/2021
Playing starlink battle for atlas PS four
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#17 Posted: 06:47:13 20/02/2021
Music helps a lot for me
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#18 Posted: 10:03:19 21/02/2021
Music, video games (mostly Spyro and the original Tomb Raider games), films.

G Hypernova Green Sparx Gems: 198
#19 Posted: 04:55:41 24/02/2021
Catchy music, drawing, communication.
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#20 Posted: 22:05:45 04/03/2021
comedy seems to be my bliss. read manga, watch videos, or just talking with friends. as long as it makes me chuckle, i tend to just feel like everything is ok.
DannySleepTalks Green Sparx Gems: 233
#21 Posted: 05:43:59 06/03/2021
one sec, i'm trying to remember, it's been a while, hahahaha boo hoo hoo
Look what you made me do, look what you made me do, look what you just made me do, look what you just made me do - Taylor Swift
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#22 Posted: 05:15:01 13/03/2021
i meditate full stop zen meditation too
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11366
#23 Posted: 08:08:42 17/08/2021
Meditation? Like exercise
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8623
#24 Posted: 04:10:50 31/08/2021
touch pp
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#25 Posted: 13:44:13 01/09/2021
Honestly, just exist. Sit there, do absolutely nothing, stare into the ether, and enjoy the silence before someone ruins it for me.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
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