"Oh, mummy! I can see the fleas, can't you see the fleas?" Clown fleas, highwire fleas and fleas on parade. But with this place... I wanted to give them something that wasn't an illusion. Something that was real. Something they could see, and touch. An aim not devoid of merit.
Behold the work of Dougal Dixon, a paleontologist and geologist best known for the speculative future books After Man and The New Dinosaurs. You might know him from that Season's Greetings image. You know the one. He's also pretty popular in Japan; they made an exclusive Future Is Wild manga and a stop-motion documentary series for After Man. If you've heard of Primeval, that old BBC sci-fi show, his Night Stalker bats inspired the Future Predator.
You can always quickly identify his art. His animals are either delightfully haunting or just plain lumpy.