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Baptism by Lightning (legend of Orion. private) [CLOSED]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#2451 Posted: 03:55:19 20/05/2020 | Topic Creator
“Very well sir.” Shade simply said as he continued to follow with them. Though he didn’t mind walking he would of preferred flying. He would continue to try his best. He had hopes of getting his freedom someday.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2452 Posted: 04:36:07 21/05/2020
Veris, delightfully satisfied with his kill, began digging into the guts. From what he knew, the bipedal species weren't quite as fond of them, which he found o dd - but it wouldn't be the first time they had rules that didn't really make sense. He would begin eating more of the meat once he was satisfied, though he slowed down enough to leave the other side of the bear uneaten in order to give Angora a selection of meat to have. The temptation to just wolf down the whole kill was strong - but he couldn't let Angora starve, could he?

As the trio rode through the beach, Maverick seemed lost in his own thoughts. Ilasi thought to ask him, but decided that letting Maverick bring them up himself - if he so chose - would be the better option.
Maybe she was overthinking things. She didn't have too much to do today - the main focus was filling out the census, the results which would be used to direct changes in the coming days, according to word supposedly from the King. They should just enjoy the moment, while they had the time...

Armed men followed Shade on horseback - the horses, for the most part - staying a reasonable length away from him - as a behemoth led the path forward. Though they took brief breaks occasionally in their trip, the group generally moved at a brisk pace. Finally, the destination appeared in sight from high ground - what appeared to be a border colony, many of the buildings scorched or in ruins after skirmishes on the border.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2453 Posted: 05:09:27 21/05/2020
As Latnok and company finished their breakfast/early conversation-- the furry duo of companions would soon come up with a possible 'game plan' for the day or at least part of it; the last piece of bacon was soon swallowed. The two were both itching for some action; Chester really wanted to feel the breeze again and Raclaw's wings were just itching for some excitement. The two canine 'brothers' looked at each other and both seemingly knew what the other wanted. And the two didn't even have a telepathic connection; they sometimes just seemed to know.

"Chester here was hoping to experience flight again, so I was thinking that we might go out and fly him around for a bit. And after that.. maybe we can do some training. We're pretty good with the fireball even in the air, but perhaps we should experiment and see what else we can do? If the situation calls for it and we are to depend on each other in that regard, than we should maximise *what* we are able to do while in the air. It doesn't matter what I can do solo if we can't master those same abilities while together; and my fire has shown that we need each other now more than ever before.," Raclaw than said not blind to the fact that his abilities were developing in conjunction with Latnok's own abilities; and to the point where he *needed* Latnok in order to maximise his own abilities. For better or worse, they had formed a symbiotic relation to one another. He needed Latnok and the Guardian perhaps needed him even. Regardless of rather or not they considered each other owner/pet or rider/mount, this fact .. remained true.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2454 Posted: 05:20:55 21/05/2020
As Dahlia digested the oats, she accelerated the pace.
"Hold on mi amor." Maverick warned as the dirt buffalo's throttle became a full gallop. It wasn't long before she stopped in a place with many rock formation where some particular grass grew. It could even thrive on sand. Dahlia loved this grass, and despite already eating, she wasn't going to miss the opportunity. Maverick helped Ilasi dismount, keeping her far from the water to avoid triggering her transformation.
"You know, I bet this place has a beautiful sunset." he commented, looking at the sky. He used to hate beaches due to the water reminding him of his pirate days, but thanks to Ilasi, he found a new love for it.

Quote: A Guy
Veris, delightfully satisfied with his kill, began digging into the guts. From what he knew, the bipedal species weren't quite as fond of them, which he found o dd - but it wouldn't be the first time they had rules that didn't really make sense. He would begin eating more of the meat once he was satisfied, though he slowed down enough to leave the other side of the bear uneaten in order to give Angora a selection of meat to have. The temptation to just wolf down the whole kill was strong - but he couldn't let Angora starve, could he?

Angora returned with some firewood, just in time to see Veris devouring the rest of the guts from a distance. She has seen him feeding many times before, but most of it had been processed meat, and when he hunted, they were usually smaller creatures that he either swallowed whole or crunched inside his mouth. She thought she could handle this too, but had to look away, almost throwing up. She was raised along trolls for a while, and not even that was enough for her to handle such display. Apart from her size and more precise speech, her lack of bloodthirstiness was yet another thing that set Angora apart from other trolls.
"Hey big guy. I see you're slowing down. So... guess it's my turn to pick something? Well..." Angora said as she made her selection, hoping Veris had been too distracted to notice how grossed out she was at his feeding. Having only the 'poisonous' knife and not wanting to waste the liquid if there was still any left, she used her teeth to carve the meat, claiming a paw and part of the liver. The knife reminded her of the time she lost Veris' fang. She still didn't have the heart to tell him she lost it, but he has never asked about it anyway, so it was better that way.

Next step was the fire. Angora tried to use magic to set it, but after a while the combustion was so enormous it blew right in her face. Her face was slightly singed and a few of her hairs burned off, but thankfully, it was hardly noticeable and she wasn't hurt badly and she would be able to recover from the little wounds. Still, it was very annoying. She almost threw a tantrum, but didn't want to make a scene in front of Veris.
"Damn this..." she cursed under her breath, starting to cook the meat. The campfire was lit, but next time, she was going to do it the old fashioned way. As she ate, she looked at the afternoon sky, a bit embarrased about what happened. Even now, some stars could be appreciated. She wasn't fond of this job, but Veris loved her, and she could now see he was even willing to go as far as to share food with her, something he probably never did with his own master. Feeling very proud, was almost tempted to show off to Sere, but decided to let him notice eventually or talk to Veris through Latnok or Raclaw. For now, all she wanted was to enjoy this moment of peace. Veris was no Maverick or Shade, but his company was still pleasant.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#2455 Posted: 05:45:39 21/05/2020 | Topic Creator
The scorched building and ruins reminded Shade of what he did he kept his head low as he approached the outskirts of the colony. “I assume I’m going to be helping rebuild as well as offer protection if needed sir?”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2456 Posted: 07:08:42 21/05/2020
After her trip to the archives, Huntress went to a bar for a drink. She searched for the time Maverick was wanted, but all that was stored was his previously wanted poster and a brief reason on why he was sought out. This couldn't be right. It had to be because king Seraos didn't know Maverick's past or origins, otherwise he wouldn't have been so forgiving. Perhaps it was time for her hear king to know the truth. She doubted a man as respected and wise as Seraos would be fooled by his likely fake goofiness.

As Angora finished the meat, she realized she forgot to tell Veris something.
"Almost time to go home Veris. Oh and by the way, I have the day off tomorrow, so try to be nice to the substitute caretaker." Angora asked, knowing he wasn't mean to them or anything, but on her last day off, Veris wasn't exactly affectionate either. She knew Sere would do it himself when he could, but busy days were ahead of him, and she knew that having her around was a great relief. She could only imagine how Veris' day went by when she was free, but she hoped he understood that even she needed a break from time to time.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2457 Posted: 16:40:38 23/05/2020
Ilasi gave a small grin in anticipation. "Oh, of course. I think you're going to be very satisfied," she suggested. Watching the sunset was how Ilasi sometimes spent her younger, less busy evenings - thinking of all the things she could be. It would be rather fitting to sit and reflect back on those years, how things have changed since then...

One of the guards with Shade nodded. "You got it. The resource convoy will be here soon, as will the engineers and builders. You can start by clearing the rubble. Get to it."

Latnok picked Chester up as he prepared to help oblige his request. "Sure, I'll get Chester set up for a flight. As for more training, that sounds like a good idea. We've only just started to tap into our potential." Latnok was already asked about his keeping of Raclaw and CHester from a more curious colleague; most creatures the Guardians kept around for use were treated more as tools to be maintained than companions. Unfortunately, Guardians lacked the level of empathy that normal humans had; it would still be a learning experience for most on the base.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#2458 Posted: 17:56:21 23/05/2020 | Topic Creator
Shade nodded and started to clear up the rubble as best as he can. He used his extra limbs to lift bigger pieces and put them where as instructed. By the time the resource convoy had arrived he had already finished up a few lots ready for them to start building.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2459 Posted: 21:59:23 23/05/2020
After finishing thir meals and leaving nothing but bones, Angora grinned, giving her bones for Veris to gnaw on if he so desired, feeling proud that she succeeded in making him share his food to him, though naturally, it involved catching a bigger prey. As they rested right there on the soft grass to make digestion before they headed back home, little did Angora knew that Maverick's letter was close by. But it wasn't the only notorious letter. Somewhere in the post office, Huntress has written a letter of her own, ready for it to be delivered as soon as possible. She was one of the few who had king Seraos' personal address, for the one used the most, like citizen's requests, had a different direction. The letter read as such;

Dear king Seraos

My liege, it's Huntress. I know now more than ever that you are a very busy man, so I'll make it brief. You remember that dastard pirate captain Armon? I know it's a subject of many years ago, but have many reasons to believe that he has a son... and that he is right here in Redwater. He hasn't been linked to any major crimes yet, but he is someone you know. You probably won't believe his identity if I told you here, so it's a matter we will have to take in person. I will keep an eye on this person, so don't you worry about a thing. Let's just meet when you have the time.

The letter said... but as Huntress was getting ready to have it delivered, she had second thoughts. It felt wrong telling him this through a letter, so she was simply going to wait until she could meet the king in person. She was aware that he had different projects after what happened with the battle against the Ishulgites, so she thought it was better to not bother him with such a matter... for now. She put the letter on her satchel again, but Maverick better not try something funny or she will not have any second thought about delivering the son of Armon Blakes to the authorities.

Quote: A Guy
Ilasi gave a small grin in anticipation. "Oh, of course. I think you're going to be very satisfied," she suggested. Watching the sunset was how Ilasi sometimes spent her younger, less busy evenings - thinking of all the things she could be. It would be rather fitting to sit and reflect back on those years, how things have changed since then...

Waiting for dusk to approach, Maverick collected some seashells and rocks, intending to sell them as they were or make some jewelery with it. It could be a nice addition to his kiosk. After having enough of the grass, Dahlia looked at the couple, happy to see them happen, but her thoughts couldn't help but drift away to the little troll that her master loved so much. What has become of her? Has she been eaten yet? She didn't want Maverick's heart to be broken, so she sincerely hoped she was fine. If only she had been intelligent enough not to go with her predator. What was Angora thinking? It was something that Dahlia was still trying to understand.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2460 Posted: 22:26:55 23/05/2020
Latnok picked Chester up as he prepared to help oblige his request. "Sure, I'll get Chester set up for a flight. As for more training, that sounds like a good idea. We've only just started to tap into our potential." Latnok was already asked about his keeping of Raclaw and CHester from a more curious colleague; most creatures the Guardians kept around for use were treated more as tools to be maintained than companions. Unfortunately, Guardians lacked the level of empathy that normal humans had; it would still be a learning experience for most on the base.

"Agreed-- I'm looking forward to what we can achieve. Together.," Raclaw said with a gentle smile as neither canine or dragon resisted Latnok's actions. The trio had been fortunate to find a craftsman skilled enough to make what had become an almost invisible harness system when not in use; no-one questions the presence of the harness ring and it in fact nearly blended in perfect with his pre-existing tanish/brownish strips. The collar instead was the obvious thing to draw anyone's attention and that even that at least complimented his fur pattern and eye color.

As they walked through the various hallways of the Guardian base, Raclaw could sense and read the immediate surface thoughts of those other Guardians passing by. A pair of Guardians casually discussing some business concerning hellhounds and wyverns briefly look one long look at Raclaw before continuing with their walking conversation. 'Interesting choice of mount-- lacks the armor of the wyvern or even the spikes to properly defend itself or its rider in close combat.,' one thought clearly being a wyvern rider and obviously not familiar with Raclaw's "secret weapon." 'Fur Dragons-- aren't they endangered? From what I've heard, they made better dogs than dragons.," the other one thought presumingly the hellhound trainer of the pair. Raclaw didn't comment or make note of what could almost be considered an insult to his own species, although the insult itself could be heard by Latnok with little effort. Chester was blissfully unaware of any such insults-- being sensitive (in a canine sense) to Raclaw, but not to others' thoughts as Latnok was.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2461 Posted: 02:24:04 24/05/2020
The thoughts of his fellow Guardians didn't escape Latnok. Though he was tempted, he decided against trying to confront them about it - they had a right to their own thoughts, after all, and it could make Raclaw's integration harder if people knew their thoughts were being read.
"Well, we'll just have to show them otherwise over time, won't we?" Latnok telepathed to Raclaw. just one on a list of things to work on, after all...

On the beach, some more people began to arrive, seeming to have the same idea of watching the sunset. Despite everything that had happened, Redwater was slowly beginning to return to normal. Martial law had been ended, and trade was beginning to get back to a normal pace. Who knew how long things would stay this way?
The last time Ilasi had stayed to watch the sunset, she had been much younger, and alone. There had been a very arduous journey between them and now, with plenty of tribulations - but there were good days ahead.

After having cleaned the carcass and gnawed the bones, Veris lied down, soon dozing off. Though he was inclined to protest Angora leaving, he figured she must've had something important to do - and she would be back, hopefully. Having had a good meal and some hunting, his dreams instead had him enjoying a nice, brisk flight. Overall, he had everything he wanted for now. He was a very satisfied wyvern, indeed.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2462 Posted: 02:49:37 24/05/2020
"Indeed--," Raclaw responded sounding 'neutral' but with underlying albeit lesser feelings not unlike how he felt around Rigel. Both sides as a whole saw him as the same thing; an object/thing to use rather than a living breathing individual with a heart and soul. His now current occupation as Latnok's sometimes-mount and constant companion wouldn't be what entirely defined him. He was a dragon with a 'job', but he had accepted said job *willingly* and was still perfectly capable of thinking independent thoughts/making his own decisions/etc. He was closer to an Guardian than he was an Wyvern mount, but of course.. such things would take time to fully set in. And he didn't entirely blame them for not immediately knowing any better. 'Just one of many things on the list to work on...,' he thought copycatting that of Latnok's own thought.

As the fields became closer, the distant roar of an Wyvern could be heard. They wouldn't be alone in practising outside exercises, but that was perhaps to be expected. No-one was ever truly alone among a base of so many people and creatures. Chester's ears perked in excitement as they approached the outdoors. 'Finally-- flight again!.,' the excited 'pup' thought eager to experience the air again akin to an canine sticking his head out of a moving wagon.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:50:48 24/05/2020 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2463 Posted: 03:30:35 24/05/2020
Maverick didn't mind other people, but he would've preferred if he and Ilasi had been alone. While Dahlia would otherwise welcome some petting, she didn't want too much attention from strangers this time, so she maintained her distance from potentially curious human. A tamed dirt buffalo was even rarer than a wyvern itself. Maverick let her hide while he had his moment with Ilasi, also thinking about his own past.
"You know mi amor? I'm so grateful to my mother that she gave me my special heritage. I can't fathom the idea of being like my father if I had been pure human. I know being too kind can be bad... but... well you know..." Maverick expressed, sometimes wondering if the only reason why he was so kind, sometimes to the point of naivety was because of his faun half. They were a species that were likely extinct now precisely for their kindness being taken advantage of. Sometimes Maverick wished he could have a little bit of malice to avoid being made a fool, but he just couldn't help being the way he was.

Quote: A Guy
After having cleaned the carcass and gnawed the bones, Veris lied down, soon dozing off. Though he was inclined to protest Angora leaving, he figured she must've had something important to do - and she would be back, hopefully. Having had a good meal and some hunting, his dreams instead had him enjoying a nice, brisk flight. Overall, he had everything he wanted for now. He was a very satisfied wyvern, indeed.

There was still plenty of daylight time, so Angora let Veris sleep for a while. She felt proud at the achievement today, but at the same time sad cause moments like these made her miss her friends more. She knew Veris was happy because she was there being his caretaker just like he wanted, and while she wanted to be happy herself, it wasn't to the same extent as when she was with Maverick and Shade. But instead of confessing that to Veris, she was hoping he would notice one of these days.

As Angora rested her head on Veris' belly like she used to do with Shade, she started to think on the plans she had for tomorrow. She wanted to visit Gregor since she failed to visit Shade the last time. And she didn't know where Maverick lived yet, so the behemoth was the next best option. But as she thought about the giant, she still couldn't the ridiculous irony of her luck. She could befriend creatures tons of times her size like dragons and behemoths, yet she had the hardest time befriending humans. There was Maverick, but he was a hybrid, so he kinda didn't count. Human children liked her, but she figured their sweetness vanished as soon as they grew up. Sere was kinder to her at last, but she figured it was only for Veris' sake. Latnok... she didn't even want to mention him. Knowing her for so much time and he still didn't make any attempts to befriend her. His best friend, ironically another dragon, liked her far better than he did. Oh well, who needed him anyway?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:24:14 25/05/2020 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2464 Posted: 10:28:27 24/05/2020
That was a rather unsettling thought for Ilasi - what Maverick might have become if there was nothing in his nature that would resist his father's influence so strongly. She decided that perhaps sticking to a more positive line of thinking would be more fitting for the current setting.
"As much as your heritage may have factored, you still had to fight to minimize your father's impression. That took unimaginable strength on your part - to avoid giving in as much as you did, despite your situation. Never forget that - you weren't just born this way, you worked to be who you are. And I know you - we - will keep working to be even better."

With Chester completely secure in his harness, Latnok gave the two the go-ahead to fly. It would be a rather whimsical sight ordinarily - perhaps the backdrop of wyverns in flight made it even more so. A few of the Guardians on the ground looked in curiosity before resuming their duties. This would take some getting used to for a lot of people.

Back at Tal Rogas, Seraos was in talks with his advisors to draft new edicts, based on the results of the census.
"This is a bit... drastic, is it not, your Highness?" one of his advisors asked.
"When our country was founded, we needed something to unify the highly split people," Seraos began explaining. "With humans making up the large majority of potential fighters in the war, it was important to find a way to put them all on the same page. And so, we had Rogaso - a very young man when he first came to light, with his charisma and ingenuity allowing him to lead a rebellion that freed thousands of slaves.
"From there, the more experienced mermen he soon found himself allied with helped prop him up as a prodigy, a legend. This did the job - it gave humans an inspiring central figure, turning a ragged, spotty resistance into a formal army. Those times, however, are past. We don't need some esteemed figure to unify people - what we do need is a more fitting balance of power for a modern age where our races are all integrated, lest we be divided by someone who would seek to stoke the flames of resentment to their benefit like we've seen already."
It was a rather ambitious idea - perhaps the most ambitious that Seraos had ever had - but these changes could not be made overnight. They had to be done correctly.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2465 Posted: 12:56:31 24/05/2020
As Angora had many thoughts, especially on what she was going to do tomorrow besides visiting Gregor and the restaurant with the cookies, she took a brief glance at the dozing Veris. He looked almost adorable looking so peaceful and what looked like a smile. Hard to think that he was a deadly predator that would've finished her off if they had met under different circumstances. She wondered why gigantic creatures and children... or in Maverick's case, hybrids, were the only ones she could befriend. Just once, she would like to befriend one pure human. But if she couldn't... well, the problem was likely with them, not her. She has seen much of humanity to know what horrible beings they could be. Heaven knows how many times she tried to appeal to Latnok, only to receive spite and cruelty in return. Sere was just her boss, not her friend. The rest of the caretakers treated her well, but none had gone out of their way to try befriending her. They were usually busy, but still. Maybe it was just impossible for a troll to befriend a pure human. Either way, she refused to let such a thought bother her. After such a hefty meal, it wasn't much long before Angora herself fell asleep on Veris' full, soft belly...

Quote: A Guy
That was a rather unsettling thought for Ilasi - what Maverick might have become if there was nothing in his nature that would resist his father's influence so strongly. She decided that perhaps sticking to a more positive line of thinking would be more fitting for the current setting.
"As much as your heritage may have factored, you still had to fight to minimize your father's impression. That took unimaginable strength on your part - to avoid giving in as much as you did, despite your situation. Never forget that - you weren't just born this way, you worked to be who you are. And I know you - we - will keep working to be even better."

While he didn't remember if he told Ilasi the horrible things he did to avoid his father's punishments, he didn't want to ruin such a precious moment.
"Well, if it wasn't for that shipwreck, I still would've been on that ship doing unimaginable things. I was the only one spared and I couldn't be more grateful. Those mermans gave me a second chance, and also saved me from that horrible life. They even let me keep the medallion mother gave me. To think it was also magical." Maverick said, remembering how his medallion protected him from magic that meant to hurt him back in the war. While it wasn't any good protecting him from physical attacks, it was still enough. As for his father and his men, he felt awful for feeling glad they were dead, but he tried very hard to make them good, but they were beyond redeemable, so perhaps what happened to them was the only way to end the reign of terror they provided to the sea.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2466 Posted: 19:26:25 24/05/2020
As the initial reconstruction of the border town continued, Shade was wrung out of every bit of labor he could offer. Breaks were few for him, and the builders had their work cut out for them.

"Well," Ilasi said, "let's forget about what could've been for now. You were given the opportunity, and now you're here - and how could anyone dislike you after getting to know you?" Even Leoquin, apprehensive at first due to Maverick's friendship with Angora (who had made a terrible first impression), eventually grew to respect Maverick.

Leoquin, in the meantime, had just filled out the census in the underwater dwelling. Filling it out, he wondered what life would be like for humans if they could spend much of their life underwater like merfolk. They were significantly disadvantaged there - besides the obvious inability to breathe underwater, their ears couldn't pick up sounds in water effectively like merfolk ears could, and locomotion was more of a struggle. Of course, they had an easier time on land, and weren't at the complete mercy of the weather.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#2467 Posted: 20:18:42 24/05/2020 | Topic Creator
Shade was trying his best to help where he could by lifting heavy materials even using his ability to fly to lift frames to higher locations and hold them there untill they were secure. He was getting tired but his stamina kept him working.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2468 Posted: 20:55:33 24/05/2020
Before Huntress left the post office, the clerk gave her the census papers, knowing that being practically a nomad, Huntress didn't live in a particular place, so whoever wanted to contact her had to do it from the office directly. After taking the papers, she was thinking of getting back to Maverick's place to continue keeping an eye on him... but she was closer to where Sand Dune was working, so decided to check on him and his friends first. Those three, while former pirates before just like Maverick, haven't done anything wrong so far during their stay in Redwater, but they were people Huntress meant to keep a close eye on as well, though not with the same frequency as Maverick, whom she believed was worse.

Quote: A Guy
"Well," Ilasi said, "let's forget about what could've been for now. You were given the opportunity, and now you're here - and how could anyone dislike you after getting to know you?" Even Leoquin, apprehensive at first due to Maverick's friendship with Angora (who had made a terrible first impression), eventually grew to respect Maverick.

Maverick knew Ilasi was right. They should focus on the today. Not on the past or what the present could've been. He couldn't have asked for a better outcome in his life, although he wished his friends could've been as happy as he was. He still believed they could have a better life eventually. If they get to know Shade better, perhaps the Aelinonian would warm up to him sooner or later. He still feared for Angora, but she has survived many things for very long, so he knew he just had to trust that she would keep herself safe, even though she was likely in constant danger.
"Well... I try. I just wish some people would know it's not really so hard to be kind. Some are misled, others are just too bitter and misunderstood, like mi pobre Angorita. Some are just... mean." Maverick commented, looking at his belly and then touching his neck, remembering his father's punishments and the thug that almost sliced his neck.

He had to make a brief pause before being able to continue.
"A hard life made them retialate against the world? Greed? I don't know, but sadly, I know that you won't be able to please everybody, especially if greed is involved. I mean, look at fauns. They received the people that came to their world with kindness and hospitality and look how they were paid. I just wish some people didn't have to be... you know, so bad." Maverick commented gloomily, wanting to be an optimistic idealist, but he has seen more than enough of the world to know that some people were just too horrible, whether it was due to a hard life or chosen personality.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2469 Posted: 12:44:24 25/05/2020
With Chester completely secure in his harness, Latnok gave the two the go-ahead to fly. It would be a rather whimsical sight ordinarily - perhaps the backdrop of wyverns in flight made it even more so. A few of the Guardians on the ground looked in curiosity before resuming their duties. This would take some getting used to for a lot of people.

Without hesitation-- Raclaw took off, spreading his wings and enjoying the open air with passenger in tow. Indeed.. the backdrop of wyverns was certainly something; Veris wouldn't be the only scaled dragon around any more. They would have to get used to the presence of *many* Wyverns .. and Wyvern riders who may or may not judge them. "How many Wyverns do you think they have?," Chester asked somewhat in awe. "I don't know, but just be glad that they're on our side!," Raclaw joked in response performing some sort of flip/maneuver before soaring up even higher.

"What do you think they think of us, a dog and a Fur Dragon flight buddies?," Chester than asked both 'Canines' conversing in the little dog's tongue. "Well-- it'll take some getting used to, that's for sure. Latnok and I aren't exactly your usual situation, much less someone like yourself in the mix. But don't worry, it's only a matter of time. The sailers eventually saw us for who we were and so too will the Guardians. And course, there's Latnok and Sere and Vellune!," Raclaw responded offering an smile and an more excited/hopeful tone.

Vellune-- he's the one who adjusted your collar, right?," the harnessed Beagle asked to clarify. "That's right, and he installed the gem upon my request.," the furry flyer then responded internally remembering how he has initially reacted poorly to what he has first seen as 'the people who had collared him without his permission.' And yet here he was-- willingly owned by someone of that very same organization. Oh how things change; he somewhat regretted how he had initially treated Godfather Sere. Those were different times though and others like Latnok played a big part in winning his heart over. And he couldn't have asked for anything more of the Guardian who would prove himself multiple times of not only being a good owner, but a good friend as well. You could even say a *best* friend...
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:46:15 25/05/2020 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2470 Posted: 16:11:32 25/05/2020
At a clinic not too far away, Sand Dune was helping a doctor with some patients. None have such terrible wounds, but there was a kid with an infected leg, a result of him tripping and falling in some sharp rocks. Despite being busy, Sand Dune took the time to greet Huntress when she arrived.
"Ah. Miss Huntress. Always a pleasure to see you." he said gleefully, very grateful for her for helping him get his job. Even the doctor was grateful to her for recommending Sand Dune. He was an exceptional assistant. Huntress was glad for them, and very grateful that Sand Dune wasn't getting into trouble. Still, she didn't think it was wise to stop keeping an eye on a former pirate.

Several miles from there, Opium was working as a pharmacist. From the three friends, he was the one who knew the most about chemistry. His concoctions were being a great success, and even in the little time he has spent there, he was already receiving requests from scientists and hospitals. He still had much to learn about medicine, but he welcomed any challenge. He wondered how the lady was doing. He was still curious as to why she would choose a name like Huntress, but he believed there wasn't probably much into it. She wasn't the only one with a curious nickname after all.

And then there was Random. Much like Sand Dune, he was an assistant, but the vet was very surprised what a great ability Random had to calm animals. Whether they were dogs, cats or even horses. He was a big, rather scary man, but he was actually very kind. Appearances really deceived. Since the vet didn't know sign language, he gave Random a small notebook for him to write anything he needed to say. Random would rather use his language, but he didn't object for his boss' sake. There were times where they even had to attend wyverns, and while Random was initially nervous around them, it didn't took him long to realize they had no interest to attack humans, whether they were riders, trainers or strangers. Still, sedation was something to consider if their wounds were too big. Seeing wyverns reminded him of Angora and her job. He really hoped the cute little troll was doing alright. She had suffered so much already.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2471 Posted: 18:01:47 25/05/2020
"The truth is," Ilasi replied, "not everyone is made to get along with others. Sometimes, it's greed; sometimes, it's having a different set of values. As long as everyone is different, it will always be a problem... and yet, what would we be without those differences?" Ilasi's thoughts went back to the Ishulgites; how they attempted to essentially assimilate the world into a single hive mind. Sure, everyone would agree; but was that a life worth living?

Veris eventually began rousing from his sleep. The sun was beginning to set; did Angora really just let him sleep out here that long?
He felt a presence on his belly, immediately realizing what had happened; Angora had dozed off, too. He was happy that she was getting rest; she always seemed so stressed out. Resting and eating more often would probably do her much good. Veris wasn't in a particular hurry, so he calmly waited for Angora to wake up once more.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2472 Posted: 18:34:43 25/05/2020
Veris had to wait less than ten minutes for her to wake up as well. When she opened her eyes, she gasped and got up abruptly.
"What the...? What time is it? Oh no! Sunset? Veris, why didn't you wake me?" Angora asked, blushing in extreme embarrassment.
"That's it! No more bear meat for me. This is too humiliating. If anyone asks you, tell them we were playing. It's would be shameful if they knew I fell asleep on the job. Let's go Veris. Time to head home. I'll get your dinner and clean water when we arrive." Angora assured, feeling like crying for letting something like this happen. It had to be the bear meat. This didn't happen before. Or maybe she was too overworked? Veris was not easy to take care of after all.

As she climbed his back and lead him back to the base, she was ready with some answers in case they questioned why she arrived this late, though chances are they were going to assume she was out giving the wyvern some exercise. If someone spotted them resting, she had an answer to that too. For now, it was time to return to the base and call it a day. As embarrased as she was for falling asleep, she did feel well rested and in a much better mood than before. She didn't sleep very well the last couple of days, so the slumber had been worth it.

Quote: A Guy
"The truth is," Ilasi replied, "not everyone is made to get along with others. Sometimes, it's greed; sometimes, it's having a different set of values. As long as everyone is different, it will always be a problem... and yet, what would we be without those differences?" Ilasi's thoughts went back to the Ishulgites; how they attempted to essentially assimilate the world into a single hive mind. Sure, everyone would agree; but was that a life worth living?

"I guess... you do make a strong point. Differences will always be there. But variety makes life fun. I just wished more people could understand you can have peace while also being different. But... well, there is still time for that I suppose. After what happened, perhaps people will start getting along better? I mean, I am friends with a dragon and a troll of all creatures. If they knew that, they would see that being too different is really no obstacle." Maverick commented, getting ready to see the sunset. He wanted to remain optimistic of a better world, and the Ishulgites probably helped with that despite the overwhelming loss of lives. Maverick was aware though that no matter how better the world gets, there was bound to be a rotten apple in every barrel, but he knew there was nothing he could do about that. Steps were few and little, but he wanted to remain optimistic.

As he sat besides his girlfriend to see the sea and the slowly descending sun, Dahlia came out of hiding, not caring anymore who looked at her but remaining behind the couple like a large bodyguard, knowing this moment shouldn't be interrupted.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2473 Posted: 20:30:59 25/05/2020
As Veris dutifully flew back, he wondered - why should this be a concern for Angora? Didn't she need the sleep? Maybe it was something else related to all those things the humans did that didn't really make sense to him. He did know that they often wanted certain things done at a specific time - a schedule, if he remembered what they called it.
He wished they would take it a bit easier on Angora. While the other humans tolerated her presence, many were wary or doubtful of her. And then there were the other wyverns, looking at her like a walking snack... why did things have to be so hard for her here? Why couldn't she just have an easy time?
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2474 Posted: 22:33:23 25/05/2020
Unaware of Veris' concerns, Angora arrived to the base without haste, instructing Veris to go directly to his pen. Not many paid too much attention to them, since as strange and bizzare as it was, this troll and the boss' wyvern had some sort of special connection without a doubt. Angora didn't know if she was going to be reported for arriving so close to night, but even if they did, she doubted Sere would make a big deal out of it, especially if he was seeing how happy she was making Veris.

After entering the pen, Angora did as she said she would, changing Veris' water and heading to the wyvern's meat storage to get his dinner. Even if he hasn't digested the bear yet, she knew he would welcome more food, not to mention she would feed him around this time anyway. After bringing him food and fresh water, it was time to head to her room.
"Well, time for me to leave Veris. I'd sleep here with you, but... well, might be a bit dangerous. I have a few plans for tomorrow, so you won't see me. I promise we will play something when I come back. See you the day after tomorrow, so behave yourself, alright?" Angora said, bidding him farewell. She didn't try to sleep in Veris' place like she did back in the ship, afraid that one of the wyverns nearby could find a way to drag her away in her sleep without any of them noticing. She was glad to have Veris' friendship, but this environment was getting to her. She trusted that her plan for the other wyverns to like her could work so that she wouldn't have to constantly worry about her safety, but it was still too soon to take the risk.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2475 Posted: 01:05:28 26/05/2020
Some time later-- Raclaw and Chester flew back down, the little Beagle perhaps enjoying himself a little too much. "Well, did you enjoy the flight? Feel free to ask any time.," Raclaw said with his usual gentle smile. "I did-- thank you!," Chester responded with eager excitement. They then waited for Latnok to unhook them; the harness definitely required a *human* touch. And perhaps they had time left for some training even...
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2476 Posted: 04:48:54 26/05/2020
Veris frowned somewhat, but he had to accept that Angora wasn't going to be there every day. "Okay. I will wait for you to come back," he said, as he found his spot back in his pen. He was curious about what Angora could possibly be doing - but it must've been very important Certainly it was.

Latnok carefully detached Chester from Raclaw after their flight - the harness certainly was worth every bit of the money he paid for it. "everything looked good from down here," he said. The sun was setting now; there was still some time for other activities if the others were so inclined. "We can take it easy for now, or you and I can do a few practice runs at the targets," he offered to Raclaw. Naturally, having been the one flying, it would be Raclaw who would set the limit on how much flying he would do in a day.

Ilasi really appreciated Dahlia's company, which made her feel safer in a way. Dahlia, too, was rather different - but still managed to fit in, in the end. "We're quite different as well, don't you think?" she asked Maverick. "And yet, we're here now... it's wonderful, don't you think?"
As the sun descended past the horizon, the sky slowly gently began its shift to the more orange and red hues.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2477 Posted: 05:24:04 26/05/2020
"Truly. And look how happy we are. If only people could learn the same. But maybe... someday..." Maverick replied, Ilasi's comment making him notice that he has befriended creatures very different from him, and that he had a mermaid for a girlfriend, also someone very different despite both being humanoids. Smiling at Dahlia's protection, he sat with Ilasi, witnessing the sky turning orange with the sunset. He honestly couldn't ask for anyone better in his life. All would've been perfect if only his friends could be as happy as he was, but he had faith in that outcome as well.

Quote: A Guy
Veris frowned somewhat, but he had to accept that Angora wasn't going to be there every day. "Okay. I will wait for you to come back," he said, as he found his spot back in his pen. He was curious about what Angora could possibly be doing - but it must've been very important Certainly it was.

Angora nodded, knowing Veris was disappointed, but hopefully he understands. She left the pen, being careful into not getting close to the cages to avoid any potential bites. None of the wyverns attacked, but she could swear some were drooling. It was quite an annoying situation. Her bad mood left when she arrived to her room. There was a letter in an envelope waiting for her on the floor that was slided down from below. Could it possibly be? She lied on the bed and opened it, and confirmed her suspicions.

Hola mi Angorita
How have you been? I miss you so much. I hope everybody has been treating you well in there, cause if they don't, I will have to interfere. Ilasi and I found a great place here near the beach where her parents live. The rent is reasonable, but Dahlia couldn't be moved, so I have to leave the poor darling in a stable. She's fine though, but I expect to find a new place soon so that we can all be comfortable. In the meantime, this is enough. Looking forward to your visit Angorita. The address is behind this letter. So is the times I'm at the market so you will know where to find me each day. Got a job there. Best of luck to you mi Angorita, and please be careful there. Hope señor Sere is paying you well at least. See you very soon. You can visit me whenever you want. Love, Maverick.

The letter was enough for Angora's mood to improve in an overwhelming matter. She embraced that piece of paper, and started crying. Despite having a girlfriend now, Maverick wasn't willing to forget about her. He was his first, real friend after all. Gregor would have to forgive her, cause Maverick was now her top priority. If she didn't have time to visit the behemoth, she would have to do it for another day. She look at his house's address as well as the market's map, above it the times Maverick worked there and where exactly he was located. Angora continued hugging that letter as she rested on the bed, unable to contain her tears. She missed that silly hybrid so much, and she would give anything for a day where it was only him, her and Shade. Just the three of them together again. Those months with them were the only times she was ever truly happy. But of course, a troll being happy was bound not to last. As much as Veris loved her, he just couldn't make her as happy as her two first friends did. At least Maverick could achieve another kind of happiness. After all he's been through, he deserved it.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:55:07 26/05/2020 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2478 Posted: 21:15:07 26/05/2020
Despite having seen the sunset here before, it was something completely different for Ilasi, watchign with Maverick and Dahlia present. Their presence made her feel as comfortable and secure as ever. Lost in pleasant thoughts, Ilasi began leaning on Maverick's shoulder. How happy she was that fate brought them together like this.

Rebuilding work was being wrapped up for the day at the border town. A foreman ordered the workers to secure all of their tools and turn in for the day at the encampment.
The guards approached Shade. "That's you too," one of them instructed. "Let's get a move-on. There's plenty of work to do later."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2479 Posted: 01:58:09 27/05/2020
Not feeling sleepy, Angora went to the cafeteria for a late snack and some warm milk to help her sleep peacefully for the night. Trolls were mostly nocturnal, but she left that lifestyle behind. She could see some caretakers reuniting for some conversation. They were mostly those that had nowhere else to go, so they stay there and reunited to talk and play games. Angora was too shy and untrusting to approach them out of nowhere, so she kept her distance. Nothing in her contract said she was forbidden to enter Guardian headquarters, but she doubted she would be welcomed there anyway. Caretakers and Guardians each had their own separate places in the base, and they mostly kept each other apart. They all had different jobs and interests, so interactions were few.

Angora ate peacefully, reading a small book that had many interesting facts about wyverns, including their anatomy. Seems as if the Guardians wanted to make sure the caretakers had as much knowledge of the wyverns as they could so that they could take better care of them. As the troll read, the young man who greeted her in the morning was watching her. He had a family to go to, but he liked staying there in the late hours to interact with the rest of the caretakers and have some fun times. Not only was Angora small and capable of perfect speech. She seemingly could read as well. He wanted to invite Angora to the group, but desisted at the last second, uncertain on how his friends would take the action. Plus Angora looked like she wanted to be alone, so he let her be.

Quote: A Guy
Despite having seen the sunset here before, it was something completely different for Ilasi, watchign with Maverick and Dahlia present. Their presence made her feel as comfortable and secure as ever. Lost in pleasant thoughts, Ilasi began leaning on Maverick's shoulder. How happy she was that fate brought them together like this.

Maverick rested his cheek on her head, feeling like time itself froze with the sacred moment. As the couple watched the sunset in peace, Maverick suddenly started to think about the future. Would he and Ilasi have children? Would his friends find happiness? Will Leoquin get his message and finally appear? What about the changes the king said were on their way? Maverick was one to live for the present, leaving the past behind and not think much about the future, but this time, his mind was drifting to the road of possibilities his life and the others could take.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2480 Posted: 05:15:00 27/05/2020
Latnok carefully detached Chester from Raclaw after their flight - the harness certainly was worth every bit of the money he paid for it. "everything looked good from down here," he said. The sun was setting now; there was still some time for other activities if the others were so inclined. "We can take it easy for now, or you and I can do a few practice runs at the targets," he offered to Raclaw. Naturally, having been the one flying, it would be Raclaw who would set the limit on how much flying he would do in a day.

"I say let's do a few runs.," Raclaw responded with a smile and a nod. He wouldn't have complained much either way, but he appreciated Latnok's perspective and willingness to allow him to make such decisions. He could've simply relaxed and taken a step back for the remainder of the day (no-one would've blamed him), but he had 'stepped outside' for multiple reasons; he meant to and *wanted* to improve under Latnok's wings so-to-speak. Chester had his turn and a bit of fun, so it was only fair for Latnok to get his turn and for them both to improve upon themselves/their combined skillset. He briefly thought of what Chester's harness system allowed him to do in mid-flight and wondered how well his collar would serve as a grip over time...
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2481 Posted: 07:16:54 27/05/2020
After her snack and drink, Angora retired for the day. The young man already left for his home, and she never noticed him watching her. As she went to her room, she could see it could use a bit more decoration. The place wasn't as nice as the Guardian's rooms naturally, but the room was far more spacious the cabin she had back at the Enduring Legacy, and the bed was much softer too. It was her own space. She had privacy. It was quiet. She was comfortable. At least Sere was considerate enough to think of the caretakers and provide them with their own cafeteria and a pleasant enough room for those who lived here. She could probably build a house with the money she was receiving, but that would be even more lonely than this room.
"Well, gotta hand it to Sere. He thinks of the caretakers too, not just the Guardians. This is a nice enough room, even if a bit lonely. I wish somebody would visit from time to time, but at least I have you Neo." Angora said, sometimes forgetting the usually dormant spirit she had within her. Neo wasn't physically present, so it wasn't the same. As she prepared to try and get some sleep, Angora hugged Maverick's letter, still very happy to know she could finally visit him.

After visiting the three former pirates and seeing how they were doing, Huntress went to a recluse place, near the sea and below the ground after making sure nobody was following her. The hidden fortune was still there. A place full of treasures it would make a traditional dragon envious. She didn't feel like sleeping on an inn tonight, so Huntress stayed in this damp place, feeling a terrible headache for the day she had. Maverick was roaming around free, but at least she wasn't the only one keeping an eye on him. Someday, she was going to make Maverick pay...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:41:04 27/05/2020 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#2482 Posted: 14:38:36 27/05/2020 | Topic Creator
Shade finished up his work. He made sure to secure it before he left with the guards. He was wondering how Angora and Maverick were doing.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2483 Posted: 23:08:38 27/05/2020
After wishing the best for her friends, Angora finally closed her eyes, the letter still embraced. She was sleeping far better now than she did back at the Enduring Legacy. However, some nightmares about them still managed to slip by, the society taunting and insulting her for not joining them when she had the chance and choosing the life of a smelly, stable troll instead of a better world where she, Shade and Maverick could be together forever without worrying about being persecuted or attacked. Still, the dreams didn't affect her as much as it would've before, for the guilt of letting them sacrifice so many being would've been far worse than the real, current outcome, not to mention that such a promise about a better life was likely a lie to manipulate her. Other nightmares involved a wyvern successfully capturing and eating her, with Veris unable to do anything from his pen and she not daring to defend herself in fear of the Guardians retialating if she killed one of their beloved mounts even if it was self defense. Thankfully, the nightmares were few and brief, and almost none managed to wake her up in the middle of the night to interrupt her sacred sleep.

After the sun disappeared in the horizon, Maverick decided it was time to leave before the night turned more chilly.
"Bueno mi amor, time for us to go. Looks like it's going to be a cold night. Plus I have to get Dahlia back to the stable and I don't want to do it late." Maverick suggested, helping Ilasi get on Dahlia so that they could proceed to go home and have another peaceful night. Unlike Angora, Maverick barely had any nightmares. His sleeps were either dreamless or pleasant ones. The only nightmare he had ever since staying there was him assisting in the arena battle where Angora faced the behemoth, but instead of her being pardoned by the people like it really happened, she was sentenced to death, and instead of king Seraos leading the people, it was Rigel, looking at him with a cruel smile as the behemoth finished off Angora. It got Maverick tense for a while, but all he had to do was think that such a nightmare was never real. Reality was far more pleasant, and luckily for him, it never repeated. The Ishulgites were hopefully a thing of the past, one he wanted to leave very far behind.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2484 Posted: 11:22:49 30/05/2020
Ilasi enjoyed the rhythmic bumping as she rode Dahlia, almost like a massage. Though it was still winter, it was unseasonably warm - perhaps a side effect of all of the winter storms which were triggered before. Regardless, it was getting somewhat chilly, so it was time to get going.
She did wonder how the day would go tomorrow. What new things it would bring... the future was still a work in progress.

Latnok and Raclaw underwent training for the rest of the day, with some time spent feeding his companions and playing with Chester using the Frisbee. The joint capabilities of Latnok and Raclaw were starting to show some marked improvements - though, of course, there was still much room for innovation and practice.
The next day, they would be moving out to begin working on implementation of some of their ideas. For now, it was time for some sleep...

Leoquin had a dreamless sleep - when he woke up, his home was as empty as it was when he went to sleep, to his disappointment.
Was Maverick going to be at the market this morning? He couldn't quite remember - regardless, he figured he might as well head up to the surface early, to give his legs time to shift in.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2485 Posted: 16:05:55 30/05/2020
Despite a few nights of nightmares, this night was smooth and dreamless for Angora. When she woke up, the letter was wrinkled from eventually sleeping on top of it, so she placed it in a drawer with a heavy book to fix it. She kept the address though, and immediately left the room. She wanted to at least say good morning to Veris, but it was her day off and she didn't want the hassle of avoiding wyvern jaws on the way to his pen, so she headed to the cafeteria for a quick breakfast and waited outside the takeoff field where Sere said one of the Guardians would leave. She was quite nervous riding a wyvern that wasn't Veris, but thankfully, none ever dared to attack her when in the presence of their masters. Still, their looks was one that made her very uncomfortable, and she had no doubts the beasts would devour her if their masters weren't around or if they gave the order. Thankfully, while none of the Guardians were particularly fond of her, they meant her no harm, knowing by now how important she was to their boss and his mount. Flying off to Redwater, Angora kept the paper with the directions tight within her pocket, knowing that she wasn't going to catch Maverick on his home anymore at that hour...

Like with the troll, Maverick's night was pleasant and dreamless. He would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with many concerns in his head, but this night wasn't one of them, maybe because of the letter he sent. He really hoped it could reach Angora soon. Having awakened, Maverick made breakfast for Ilasi and himself, and since he didn't want to bring Dahlia to a crowded place, he always walked to the market.
"Well I'm off my amor. Your breakfast is on the table. Last time I was late by a few minutes and got a few complains. Many early birds in this city it seems." Maverick commented, not being used to waking up early, but he had to get used to it for this job. He missed being a travelling market. There was no chosen time and he could see many different places. But he had to adapt to the new lifestyle, at least for now.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2486 Posted: 16:29:55 30/05/2020
Ilasi waved Maverick off. "Have a good day, dear," she called out, before attending to her own work. She recently picked up a more advanced textbook on medicine and another one on herblore - what Ilasi lacked in formal schooling in the matter, she planned to make up for with self-education and experience, the latter especially which she had quite a bit of by now. She also had to prepare some more of her medicines to sell, next time she joined Maverick in the market.

Leoquin was already waiting patiently nearby the supposed stall, his legs having grown in already. Maverick wasn't quite here yet, but he should be arriving any second now...
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#2487 Posted: 16:32:06 30/05/2020 | Topic Creator
Meanwhile Shade was awake though the guards haven’t came to retreve him yet so he instead just stayed laying down watching the rising sun.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2488 Posted: 19:08:39 30/05/2020
"Gracias mi amor." Maverick said, grabbing his trusty hyperspace bag and leaving, knowing Ilasi would be comfortable there. She had breakfast ready and he did some grocery shopping yesterday. She'll be good for a while. The market took a little more than half an hour to reach by foot, which was a decent amount of exercise. He wanted to visit Dahlia, but he didn't want to arrive late. Once he reached his stand, he got quite the surprise.
"Señor Leoquin? Wha… oh. Oh! Hola señor Leoquin! So nice to see you again! How's everything?" Maverick greeted, genuinely glad to see him again and glad to know his hunch was right. Not only was Leoquin still in the city like he suspected, but he got his message. And very fast too.

Knowing his destination was a bit further away from the city, the Guardian left Angora in one of the squares of Redwater, her having to jump from a small altitude so that the wyvern wouldn't need to land where the people were. She made quite an entrance, and while she didn't want to draw attention, jumping off a wyvern was enough. Her small size was no good to hide. After the Guardian left, telling her a certain hour and place for her to meet him there so he could pick her up and return to the base, Angora proceeded to look at the map, trying to ignore the glances and murmurs of the people. She didn't know if it was because of the entrance she made or if they recognized her from the time she fought in the arena, but it still made her very uncomfortable. She proceeded to walk using the directions of the map, finding out to her frustration the market where Maverick was working was several miles away from where she was. Maybe she should've tried to tell the Guardian to leave her there in particular? It was too late to do anything now though. No use complaining, so it was time to walk...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2489 Posted: 11:10:28 31/05/2020
Leoquin gave a pleasantly surprised smile, having not been completely certain that Maverick would actually show up. "Oh, hey Maverick," he greeted. "Everything's going just fine... just redecorating my place, that's all." He gave a bit of a dejected look before putting on a better face. "How have things been going for you?"

Veris woke up to some food from the other caretaker, present on Angora's day off. The wyvern hands were generally a mix of Guardians and contracted work - the time needed to attend the wyverns, however, meant that the personnel were heavily biased towards the latter, with the Guardians usually using their time to undergo some other form of training or conduct missions.
He quickly ate the food, before lying back down. Perhaps there would be a bit of exercise later. Not that he was too concerned with whatever this guy had in store for him...

With the sun rising, the ringing of a large bell indicated assembly for the workday. The guards came together to attend Shade, with one of them tossing in a bucket of raw fish.
"Eat up and get ready to go to work," he ordered. "You have a long sentence ahead of you."
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:12:27 31/05/2020 by A Guy
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2490 Posted: 15:42:11 31/05/2020
Angora ventured around the city following the map, very uneasy with all the eyes that looked at her direction. Some children would come to her and touch her, some even telling their parents she was the troll from the arena. She was kind of a celebrity, mostly around children, though it still made her uncomfortable. None have asked her for an autograph or any of that nonsense, although it made her believe it was because Aelinon still wasn't very forgiving around trolls. Not that she blamed them though since her kind could be quite evil, but it was nice to know she could be different and that not all trolls were like that.

After walking several miles, Angora reached a high place of Redwater where she could see quite a bit from the city. Looks like a tourism place. There was even a restaurant nearby. Whatever it was, it made things much easier. After she was sure where she was exactly, she continued walking, being near the market where Maverick was working, practicing how she should greet him.
"Hey Maverick. Or... hola Maverick. Yeah, he would love it if I use Spanish. Or maybe, how I missed you?" she talked to herself in a slow voice, thinking of potential greeting and getting better at ignoring the uncomfortable glances and approaches of some people. She knew how she left Maverick very stressed when she left for that dangerous job, so maybe seeing her doing well and still in one piece was going to ease his mind considerably...

Quote: A Guy
Leoquin gave a pleasantly surprised smile, having not been completely certain that Maverick would actually show up. "Oh, hey Maverick," he greeted. "Everything's going just fine... just redecorating my place, that's all." He gave a bit of a dejected look before putting on a better face. "How have things been going for you?"

Maverick nodded, glad to hear that he had a place of his own.
"All is well for me and Ilasi. We rented this nice place near the beach that leads to the ocean where her parents live so that she could visit them any time. Had to leave mi pobre Dahlia in a stable since the owner doesn't allow animals, plus there isn't much space anyway. I could build a pen I suppose, but we're not planning on staying there forever." Maverick explained as he got from his hyperspace bag the things he would sell.

"Anyway, how are things going for you? Didn't think you would get my message so fast. Nice to hear you got a place of your own. But hey, if you ever feel like the need for company, I can show you where we live. My shift last eight hours, but you can stay nearby, help me with my sells or meet me here then so I can take you there. Whatever you decide." Maverick offered, ever gentle. Leoquin left all of the sudden after the war, and Maverick was worried he had ventured far away. But he also suspected he might've been somewhere in the city, so it made him happy he had the initiative to send those letters through the bulletin boards. Now that Leoquin was in their lives again, he could help amend his and Ilasi's friendship and them bond like brothers.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#2491 Posted: 18:15:37 31/05/2020 | Topic Creator
Shade used his extra hand to grab the bucket and eat his fish. He still didn’t like it but it was better than nothing. He eventually finished and got ready to work. He then got to work like before.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2492 Posted: 23:25:03 31/05/2020
Leoquin nodded and smiled along. "Glad to see things working out for you... at least you have someone. Not only did I lose any lead on my brother... my parents also disappeared during all of this unrest. I'm... not really left with much. No closure. Don't know what happened to them. All I know is that... I failed to make things right. Perhaps everyone was right to abandon me. Wouldn't be the first time... might not be the last."
Leoquin quickly shook his head. "Oh, forget about that. Just a bit of rambling. Besides the unfinished business, I haven't had any issues getting resettled. It seems my story is not yet finished. Maybe we can hang out for a bit. Have a drink or - oh, yeah, you're not too keen on that sort of thing, if I remember correctly. Well, we can find something to do, I guess."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2493 Posted: 00:37:35 01/06/2020
Maverick could see Leoquin still had too many issues with his life. He now had a better understanding though why he was always so distant and bitter.
"Oye, don't give up just yet man. I had a pretty miserable life myself, and look how happy I am now. Don't give up, no. I'm sure there are other methods to find your family. Maybe ask around, check the archives if there is some information about them. Or ride many letters and send them to the bulletin boards around the city like I did? Someone is bound to know about them. I didn't know how Angorita was doing for years, and then all of the sudden, I find her again, as if destiny wanted to be kind to us. You just have to keep trying, keep moving forward, wish for the best and do whatever you can. If your family is around, you will see them again. I can help you too." Maverick said with optimism as he finished settling everything, willing to help Leoquin and not let him do this alone.

Just as Maverick finished the sentence, Angora finally found the market. It was full, though not as much as she expected. Maybe it was because too early. As Angora spotted Maverick's kiosk, she saw someone she never expected to see. Was that... Leoquin? What was he doing with Maverick? The two seemed to be talking, so she didn't want to interrupt. However, Maverick spotted her before she could hide.
"Angorita? ANGORITA! OH! Look señor Leoquin! It's Angorita!" Maverick said as he left his post for a moment to run and embrace her.
"Dos amigos in one day! What are the chances? Oh such a happy day! We were just talking about you Angorita! I'm so happy you could make it too! Those Guardians surely are quick. Sent the letter just yesterday and here you are! We have so much to talk about!" Maverick said, wanting nothing more than to sit down and talk to the merman and troll, but he would have to wait for that. He was already receiving customers and couldn't afford distractions. He put Angora on the ground, her rather disappointed that he ruined the greeting she was trying to come up with. She looked at Leoquin meekly, and gave a small nod as greeting to the merman, knowing he was one of the many people that wasn't fond of her. She watched Maverick work, with many of his customers sometimes turning around to look at her, though she couldn't tell they were looks of disgust or fascination. She wondered what Leoquin was doing here, but she wasn't there to question him. She was just glad to see Maverick again.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2494 Posted: 00:37:01 02/06/2020
Though the two never did get on friendly terms, Angora proved herself a good enough ally when it counted for Leoquin to be left with no hard feelings regarding her. "Hey. Didn't figure you would choose to stick around this place after all that's happened," he said.
Leoquin still had other matters to think about, however. "I won't give up just yet... but at the same time, I have to be realistic. I can't hold out hope forever. I can't keep chasing ghosts..." Maverick got along with so many people, and had a girlfriend... it was easy for him to have a positive outlook.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2495 Posted: 01:35:51 02/06/2020
Maverick didn't know what else to say to Leoquin to help him have a better outlook, but he still gave him a reassuring smile, willing to help find his happiness even if they never found his family.
"Too soon to tell. And like I said, I will help you." Maverick said after a while, hoping Leoquin would accept the help. Angora didn't know what they were talking about, but since Leoquin surprised her by talking to her, she decided to reply.
"I know you think it's weird for me to stay nearby after what this city and the Guardians have done to me, but... regardless on what good action I do, I'm still a troll. There was no point in looking for a job here, so I accepted Sere's offer. I know it's for the sake of Veris alone, but at least he cares for me a lot." Angora explained, assuming everyone knew by now the odd friendship she had with that wyvern. Her talking about it reminded Maverick of his previous concern.
"Yeah, about that... how's that going? I mean, how are the other Guardians treating you? How... are the other wyverns treating you? Ilasi told me that... wyverns..." Maverick started to say, but Angora knew what he was coming with.
"Relax Maverick. Everything is fine. Caretakers have their own place, so I barely interact with the Guardians. Nobody has been mean to me. And all the wyverns have their own pens, so I stay far away from them. I only interact with Veris. I do pretty much the same things I did on the ship, so almost nothing has changed. And Sere pays me well. Just got the first payment yesterday." Angora explained, knowing how prone to worry Maverick was, so she wanted to make sure he could have some peace of mind. She left the fact that most wyverns could indeed capture her from beyond their cages if she wasn't careful, but there was no way she was going to tell Maverick that.

Maverick looked deep into her eyes to make sure she wasn't lying, and was convinced. Angora wasn't lying anyway, just leaving behind a few details. He continued selling his stuff, sometimes accepting other objects as payment for those who didn't have any money, making his stand even more popular. It was a relatively successful day despite Angora and Leoquin's presence. Maverick didn't know if Angora was going to attract or shoo away customers with her presence, but he didn't care. He wanted her there. And indeed some customers there were interested in her presence, maybe because of her size or that they recognized her as the troll who was forgiven in the arena. Whatever the case, Maverick couldn't be happier about having her and Leoquin there with him. After so much time, the future was finally looking bright. He knew about Sand Dune, Opium and Random having jobs as well, and with luck, they could meet someone special as well. He could start a family, and if things went well, he could help his friend get the happiness they deserved as well. It was too early to tell where their roads would take them, but the Ishulgites no longer had power, and the king was willing to make changes that would benefit everyone, so there was hope. He didn't know who told Sere about his past life, but nothing has come of that yet, so as always, he was wishing for the best... unaware of a shadow from his past, watching him still...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2496 Posted: 08:19:03 03/06/2020
The next day, they would be moving out to begin working on implementation of some of their ideas. For now, it was time for some sleep...

As the new day came-- Raclaw and Chester would wake up in a timely matter, both 'canines' dreaming pleasant dreams. Chester dreamed of soaring high in the night sky courtesy of Raclaw and the secure harnesses/collars provided by the various humans in their previous adventures; both of them had their fair share of leathery attachments.. both for practical purposes and for feelings of comfort/security. Their collars represented Latnok/the Guardians and the fact that neither would let anything happen to the pair. And the harnesses, while not exactly being self-sufficient, only pushed the idea that they all needed each other in multiple ways. Chester wouldn't give his collar (and it's associated benefits) for anything and he had seen similar behavior in Raclaw himself.

Raclaw too would have dreams, albeit dreams of a different subject. Darkheart choosing to live in the base alongside himself/the others, Darkheart choosing to fully accept the so-called 'domesticated' lifestyle, and Darkheart even perhaps eventually accepting a collar herself were certainly things that currently only seemed possible in a dream. Such a thing would put them both on equal footing-- they would both be legally owned pets, they would both be dragons living alongside/under humans, and they would both be 'marked' in similar fashions ala the collar he knew and loved well. A fur dragon could hope at least, as ironic as it was for a dragon to (subconsciously) wish for another of it's kind to be technically 'captured.' At least they would be fully equal and perhaps that would be enough for Darkheart to fully accept him for who he was. It was been made clear to him that Darkheart hadn't been fully willing to give up such luxuries as 'full freedom' and the ability to be fully respected by other dragons. "Perhaps.," he thought out loud in the form of a whisper as he awoke. He may have become a mated dragon, but his own mate had refused to cross a line when it came to fully joining with him.

As the pair awoke, they looked lovingly at Latnok. In an ironic twist-- Raclaw probably acted more like a dog now in some ways than he did when he lived an 'outdoor dog' existence under his previous Guardian. Of course, Chester probably played a major role in the reoccurance of some dog-like behaviers.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 08:24:07 03/06/2020 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2497 Posted: 15:36:20 04/06/2020
Latnok was up, putting his armor on for the day in the typical fashion. He had been doing it for so long that it had become a part of him. His dreams, as of late, had been peaceful, somewhat contrasting what they used to be - though the dreams of fighting never bothered him much. It was just another part of his everyday life.
"Good morning, friends," he greeted Raclaw and Chester. "What will it be today?"

Leoquin was hardly expecting any sort of help - odd that Maverick would offer it to him. "Thanks, Maverick," he said. "I don't know where to start. We'll see what happens... it stings, failing at the one thing I've prepared my whole life for, but it was a shot in the dark to begin with. I only hope the future has more in store for me than that. I don't want this to be the end of my story..."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2498 Posted: 18:07:06 04/06/2020
"And it won't." Maverick assured, not willing to let Leoquin give up that easily. He was still very young, so he was still willing to help him. Angora smiled quietly, knowing this was typical Maverick behavior. If he was willing to befriend someone like her, then he was willing to befriend anybody. On his break, Maverick invited the two of them for a bite to eat, even paying everything himself. It was time to return to the kiosk at the company of his friends, but Angora couldn't stay for much longer.
"Where are you going? Vamos Angorita. Wait until my shift is over so I can show you my home... well, temporary home." Maverick expressed.
"Sorry Maverick, but the Guardian who brought me here will come to pick me up soon." Angora explained, but Maverick was disappointed.
"Well, it's your day off. You can stay with me tonight and then... I don't know, ask a Guardian to come pick you up in the morning? You can have your own room." Maverick asked, but Angora knew the chances of that we're too low.
"Guardians have a very tight schedule. I'm not going to ask him to come pick me up in the morning. He won't agree to that. But hey, I know where you live now. I can make a better plan for the next time so that this won't happen again and I can take on your offer. Oh, and say hi to Dahlia too." Angora assured, looking forward to spending time with Maverick again now that she knew his work schedule and where he lived. She knew Ilasi was probably not going to like the times she would be there, but she would just have to learn to share Maverick. She still had him most of the time anyway.

After a small hug to him, Angora bid farewell to Leoquin as well, but only with a small nod, unable to speak to him again and believing he still didn't like her despite having the initiative to talk to her earlier. Maverick was saddened by the fact that his little friend still couldn't interact with others that well yet, but was still hopeful that Leoquin, as well as many others, would take the time to know her better. The troll went to the appointed place, and in no less than two minutes, the Guardian who brought her was there to take her. The wyvern once again glared at her, but Angora remained calm, knowing that no wyvern would dare attack her with their master's presence and without their permission. As they went airborne, Angora looked below, seeing the city that cursed her so much misery in the past. Maverick already said the King was planning to make some changes for the better, but she was still skeptical. Better for who? King Seraos wasn't as bad as she though he was, especially since he saved her life... in a way, but he was still a stern monarch that showed little to no mercy to criminals and certain beasts. Would that change too? Angora wanted to believe the worst was over at last, but there were still many things that could happen. So many uncertain futures...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#2499 Posted: 18:19:52 04/06/2020
Latnok was up, putting his armor on for the day in the typical fashion. He had been doing it for so long that it had become a part of him. His dreams, as of late, had been peaceful, somewhat contrasting what they used to be - though the dreams of fighting never bothered him much. It was just another part of his everyday life.
"Good morning, friends," he greeted Raclaw and Chester. "What will it be today?"

"I don't know-- you decide today.," Raclaw said fully trusting the Guardian. Rather it be more training or accelerating their plans regarding their new project, they fully trusted Latnok to do what was best. And any decisions would very much be a team decision at the end of the day; Raclaw had given himself to Latnok for a reason after all. The Fur Dragon could've indeed chosen anyone or even possibly attempted to survive on his own/with Darkheart, but he *chose* Latnok and the Guardian pet lifestyle. "We trust you. We'll follow your lead.," Chester added with his best approximation of an canine smile. That particular talent was sadly something much more suited for Raclaw, whose adorable toothy grin proved exceptionally.. erm adorable.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2500 Posted: 00:49:25 05/06/2020
Angora arrived at the Guardian base, heading to her room without looking at anybody and pondering how much everything has changed since they went to the Enduring Legacy. Or further still, how much all changed when they met Aelinonian soldiers. How it all went downhill from there. They stopped the Ishulgites, but there were still some of them out there, as well as many other people who were probably worse. Angora didn't want to have such negative thought cloud her mind though, so she tried to think like Maverick would. Shade was in prison and was practically a slave, but she wanted to trust that the day would come where he would be forgiven and redeemed through the eyes of the people so he could win his freedom at last, and maybe live with the family he never knew he had. As for her, she had that dangerous job, and she would have to find the moment to tell Veris she didn't intend to work there for the rest of her life... or at least not so constantly. She was nervous about telling him, but it would have to happen eventually. For now, Angora enjoyed the calmness of her own room. Her own space, which was much better than the cabin she had on the ship. No more mysterious messages, no more manipulation. The Ishulgites weren't going to bother her anymore, and if they tried to intercept her again, she had no doubts the Guardians would be able to locate them from their own headquarters. Although things weren't as well as she would've wanted, she still had a sense of peace. The people of Aelinon weren't going to change their opinion about trolls and many other creatures from one night to the other, but with her actions in the arena, her and Shade's contribution to the war, not to mention the king's appropriate guidance, maybe it won't take long for humans to finally accept creatures like them.

Maverick returned home after his shift and a brief visit to Dahlia, bidding farewell to Leoquin whom he was hoping would at least visit soon. He told Ilasi about the wonderful day he had with the merman and Angora. He didn't know what the future would hold, and he still felt rather guilty to be leading a happy life while his friends still had a hard time. But at least the Ishulgites were no more, and his friends would be fine where they were. Sere and the king weren't going to let any harm befall on his friends. For the first time in a very long time, he looked at tomorrow with a bright smile.

Hope was growing, the Ishulgites' were few and powerless. King Seraos seemed like he was changing his demeanor towards creatures like Angora, and if Shade did what the troll suggested, perhaps he would change his views of him too. And after many hardships, the friends they met at the Enduring Legacy all had their jobs and lives to look forward to. Latnok had Raclaw and Chester, unlikely friends whose bond knew no boundaries, and Sere was attending his responsibilities, having faith in humanity and all the non humans. But happiness could be a thin emotion. Vengeful woman Huntress was still watching Maverick and the three former pirates, having a few friends to assist her. But she wasn't the only one keeping an eye on the faun man. And somewhere out there, there were long forgotten creatures, waiting for the perfect moment to show themselves to the world again...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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