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Shining Light (legend of Orion. Private) [CLOSED]
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2401 Posted: 19:39:35 28/08/2019
Mischief tilted her head. "Uh, he wanted you to teach me magick... Is... Is something wrong?" She had no knowledge of the issues between Latnok and Angora, so naturally she was confused.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2402 Posted: 20:04:28 28/08/2019
Angora raised an eyebrow, wondering if that was even the truth.
"Latnok. Tall, armored human with the fur dragon. He told you that I should teach you magic. Teach?" Angora repeated, having a hard time imagining Latnok would trust her with such a task Why her? Was this fox speaking the truth? Latnok was the teacher, and he hated her, so why would he give her such responsibility? This had to be a trick. There was no way he would let her... unless he was searching for the perfect opportunity to make her mess up something and have an excuse to punish her again? That had to be it. Or perhaps... he was so busy with Tyraika that he wanted another magic user to take his place? No, couldn't be. If that was the case, why her? Angora believed it was the former. And that's when she made the decision.

"Listen, I'm learning myself, but I can help. I have used magic several times." she said to Mischief, wanting to be truthful about her skills. She found it strange how she seemingly put a q at the end of the word magic, but she imagined it was the accent. She was no teacher, but she could help. She was going to do a great job too. If Latnok was searching for an excuse to punish her by giving her tasks he believed she could fail, she was going to prove him wrong.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#2403 Posted: 20:15:26 28/08/2019 | Topic Creator
“She reminded me of a good friend we lost to the storm.” Shade said. “But something about her just seemed off. You see this collar I wear? Well it is connected to Raclaw’s as well through a mental link. I could feel something pulling at my and his powers when the fox creature was close.” He shuttered at the thought. “I don’t want anyone messing with those links. Raclaw is actually helping in controlling my powers.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2404 Posted: 23:13:56 28/08/2019
Latnok gave a short, wistful sigh, before he would answer Raclaw. "I suppose we should continue," he answered. "So far, it seems that only members of the Ardent Guardians have had the intestinal fortitude to stick with my training. I try to be a little more gentle and understanding with others... but I suppose none of them really have the willpower to go through it. Considering the lengths we go through to get our power, I guess it makes sense that we would naturally weed out those who aren't serious about training and reaching their limit."
Meanwhile, high in the sky, a mastermind passed high above, shrouded in its invisibility in the typical manner. Though it tried to move as quickly as possible, it was limited to a certain extent, as anything too fast would disrupt its ability to keep itself invisible. As it passed by, it tracked down everything happening on the island.

After some more conversation with Ray, Leoquin had had his fill. He left with some hope, but uncertainty. Well, they would just have to keep moving on for now. He still had a job to do, and his own personal goals could not interfere with that.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#2405 Posted: 00:00:08 29/08/2019
"Don't worry Latnok-- I'm sure you'll find a good pupil!," Raclaw responded lowering his ears and very much sensing the Guardian's sadness. "Not everyone may be serious about your training, but I've seen it and I've seen what can come of it. There will be others and even if just one of them listens to you and truly takes your advice, you will have made a difference and perhaps even saved a few lives in the process. Every individual is different and while some may not hold up to the same standards and principles that you do, there will be others that are much more willing. And you never know, they may even surprise you and come back once they've realised what they are missing.," the fur dragon companion then said trying to raise Latnok's spirits. Chester rubbed against Latnok in a comforting manner not needing an mental bond to know just how down their beloved friend and guardian was feeling.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2406 Posted: 02:16:28 29/08/2019
Far away from the ship, near one of the borders of Redwater, one of the guards have been observing Huntress for a while now. She was helping with tasks, but occasionally, she would get a piece of paper out of her pocket. It was the wanted sign from the hybrid man that was friends with the little troll that got spared by the king some months ago. He has not been the only one to notice it either, and it wasn't the first time it happened either. Something was not right. Why was Huntress obsessed with that man? Was it because she found him handsome? He couldn't stand the curiosity anymore.
"Excuse me madam. Pardon my boldness, but you have been staring at that poster for a while. Mind if I ask why?" he asked, hoping Huntress didn't find him rude. She was surprisingly understanding however.
"Him? A nobody I once knew is all. It's not important." Huntress answered, surprising the guard. How curious it was that she knew him. Was Maverick once in Redwater? He really wanted to ask more, but Huntress seemed apalled.

He let her be, resuming his duties while Huntress continued staring at the poster.
"How? How come you're still alive Maverick Blakes? Have merpeople lost their touch? You left on that ship with those accursed Guardians. But... once you come back, you will see..." Huntress whispered to herself, leaving it clear that she did NOT like Maverick. But who wouldn't like Maverick? What did he ever do to her?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2407 Posted: 02:18:24 29/08/2019
Mischief nodded cheerfully at Angora. "All right! What magick do you know? I've mastered fire, ice, and lightning, so we can skip those. I do need to learn magick that's practical outside of fighting, so..." She stood back up and readied her staff for spells.
Darkheart's eyes closely watched the ship from shadows, frequently switching for a better viewpoint of a given thing. Something about Mischief drew the dark dragoness' attention, beyond the obsession with Mana... It felt vaguely familiar, though she couldn't put her claws on exactly what the issue was.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2408 Posted: 02:39:22 29/08/2019
Angora felt humiliated. She didn't have any elemental magic, none that she knew of anyway. It was quite embarrassing to you had magic and not knowing what kind it was.
"Offensive magic. Hmm. I'm more specialized in defensive magic. What good is attacking if you're going to be injured and unable to attack and get even?" Angora stated, showing her the only magic she knew well. She created the orange shield around her, inviting Mischief to hit it as many times as she liked.
"Not only does this shield protect me. It doesn't let anything get inside. But I however, can penetrate it from the inside. I can attack as long as the weapon doesn't leave the shield completely." she said, as she gave a demonstration with a pencil she had on her. If she wanted to make a good impression, might as well start with the one magic she could count on.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#2409 Posted: 04:53:19 29/08/2019
Tyraika frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had lost someone." Having lived in the archipelago all her life, she knew all too well how dangerous the storms could be here. Tyraika gave her friend a more thoughtful expression as she listened, and nodded at his question about the collar. "Ah, right, a mental link. I'm somewhat familiar with them, though it's been forever since I last dealt with them. So you share one with Raclaw, and something... Was sort of interfering with that?" Tyraika's knowledge on mental links was limited and rusty at best, so she was trying her best to follow along and understand Shade's explanation. She nuzzled Shade gently. "Don't worry, I doubt Raclaw would allow anyone to mess with them. Besides, he's usually with that armored human, who seems to do a decent enough job of keeping control of situations and dealing with threats. I doubt that fox creature will be able to accomplish anything, before getting collared or something." Tyraika tried to reassure her friend that nothing would happen, and hoped she did a good enough job in doing so.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2410 Posted: 09:27:18 29/08/2019
Mischief realized right about now that she should've rested. She shrugged off mild drowsiness and mimicked the spell. Near as she could tell, she did well. She hoped so at least. She'd created a flickering, dark toned magical shield. It wasn't perfect, or anywhere near. But she figured it was good for a beginner. After releasing it, she tried a second time, focusing a bit more. She was drawing Mana from the air and ocean around her now, she had little choice if she wanted to avoid what Black Mages call Mana fatigue. But she got something solid this time. A translucent, midnight blue shield. She tested to see if she could reach past it, poking a little paw through. Sure enough she'd gotten the shielding spell down. The only magicks she'd never been able to use were the healing arts. Anything else she could learn quickly, although it took practice before she could do a spell without having to think and remember it. But something concerned her. Most spells, regardless of the source, looked the same every time they were cast. Why did her shield look different? Sure, it seemed to be merely aesthetic... Something occurred to her. "Where do you draw your Mana? Uh, I mean, where do you get the energy for spells? And what color Mage are you classified as? Black, White, Red, or Blue? Maybe something different?" She didn't realize that the Ardent Guardians didn't classify magick through the color system she was familiar with.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#2411 Posted: 09:55:15 29/08/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade looked at Tyraika and smiled. “Thank you. I’m glad to of meet you.” He nuzzled her back. “I’m just concerned is all. My powers are very unstable but I’m trying to control them better. With the help of raclaw Of course.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2412 Posted: 13:29:57 29/08/2019
Angora was quite annoyed to see Mischief getting it right so fast, but like Maverick on a constant basis, she tried to look at the positive side. If Mischief got good at magic, it meant that she was a great teacher, maybe even better than Latnok, and that would put him in his place. If he was trying to sabotage her, she would make sure he failed. But as she pondered this brief moment of possible pride, Mischief wasn't making any sense.
"Mana? What does that even mean? And since when do mages are classified by color? Magic is magic, and it all depends on how you use it." Angora said, starting to get frustrated by Mischief's confusing speeches.

After getting a snack in the kitchen for himself and something to eat for Dahlia, Maverick headed to the cabin to see if Angora was there. If she wasn't, she was probably with Veris in the enclosure. But since he didn't want to go there, he headed to the cabin first. It has felt like an eternity since he last spent time with the dear little troll. He had a girlfriend now, but he didn't want that to be the reason for him neglecting Angora. As he walked by the hallways that lead to the cabin, he wondered what their next destination would be. How Mischief would adapt. And even how Tyraika would bear with the journey. While she was set to be free as soon as she recovered, he wished she could stay to keep Shade company. His poor large friend has been so lonely without him and Angora that he knew spending time with the wild dragon was doing wonders for him. And perhaps in very little time, Sere would allow him and Angora to speak to their dear Oscurito again.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2413 Posted: 13:42:47 29/08/2019
Mischief squirmed a bit, nervous. "S... Sorry, uh... Mana is the fuel behind magick. And I only meant what kind of magick you use... I guess I should explain then. I know for a fact you aren't a Black Mage. Black Magick is exclusively offense. White Magick is healing, mostly. Blue Mages learn their spells by observing and copying. Red Mages mix Black and White Magick, and most learn some kind of weapon. Red Mages are usually considered the most adaptable, but I'm nearly useless at White Magick..." She hoped the explanation of the color system helped. "So, I guess what I'm asking is, are you a healer too, or maybe you're good with a blade?" Mischief tilted her head in adorable fashion. Her big blue eyes displayed her emotions for all to see, should one bother to look. Right now she was confused, a bit flustered too. But there was a hint of determination.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2414 Posted: 14:10:42 29/08/2019
Angora never heard of such concept before, but then again, this fox must come from a very different environment than her and probably anyone else on this ship. She listened to the color explanation and then answered her question.
"Both I believe. Still working on the healing magic though. It's quite difficult." Angora explained, knowing Neo did most of the work there, but she didn't want to startle Mischief with the fact that there was a spirit living within her.
"Hmm... strange yet convenient classifying magic with color, but it make things easier. Hmm, not sure where I fit in that chart honestly. Maybe White and Blue?" she said, knowing both apply, but maybe Red wasn't so far off either.

Maverick was on his way to the cabin when he spotted Mischief. What was she doing there? And... was she talking to Angora? How did she even found the troll? The ship was big, so there was no way she could've found her so fast unless somebody pointed her there. It seemed rude to interrupt them, so Maverick went to another part of the hallway. Perhaps this was Angora's chance to make a new friend.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2415 Posted: 23:21:34 29/08/2019
Latnok shook his head, appreciating Raclaw and Chester's efforts to cheer him up. "It's nothing to worry about," he assured. "I guess us Guardians are just... a tougher breed than most. I'll leave the teaching to those who won't fatigue their students."
Latnok was interrupted by a sailor who seemed to be in a bit of a rush to call him over. "Latnok, sir, one of the chieftains wishes to be let on board," the sailor reported. "He calls himself Martus."
So it was the one that had visited them previously. Latnok didn't know what he could want now - their mutually beneficial work had been complete - but now would be a good time to find out.
"Let him on and escort him to me," Latnok ordered.

A few minutes later, Martus was brought to Latnok as he had ordered. Latnok was ready and waiting. "Hello. What is it you need?" Latnok asked the chieftain.
Martus wore a solemn expression - it wouldn't seem he came to pass the time. "I've come to warn this ship to leave," he said. "The man you had taken care of - the Ishulgites insist he has acted treasonously, and want him dead. We cannot let that happen."
Latnok's eyes widened with the news. "And what does this have to do with us?"
"The Ishulgites swore that they would take their own measures to see him dead if we did not hand him over by midnight," Martus answered quickly, obviously having come knowing everything he would be talking about. "We don't know what they will do; they might try to send some assassin, or they might send an army. They might try some magic, or they might just be full of hot air. But we would prefer guests not get involved."
Latnok took in everything he had heard. "I don't have the authority to make the decision on that," he said, "though I'll call the captain up here."
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2416 Posted: 18:25:16 30/08/2019
Mischief nodded. Now that everything was cleared up, she was relaxing a little. She'd been up all day long. She'd just burnt most of her Mana. A distinctly sleepy look became apparent. "That seems... Accurate..." She settles into a seated position. "So... Healer then... Like I... Suspected..." She yawns wide and lays down while undoing her robe for a blanket, all in one motion. Her tail sways lethargically. She struggles to keep her eyes open. The moment they slide fully shut she's asleep.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2417 Posted: 19:18:03 30/08/2019
Angora couldn't understand why Mischief show to sleep right there just like that, but she didn't want to disturb her, so she shrank her shoulders and let her be. She didn't understand either why would Mischief suspected her as a healer when her appearance didn't give that impression, but then again, like she pondered earlier, perhaps this creature was just too different... and a little weird. But better weird than rude or cruel. Mischief has been one of the few who wasn't taken aback by her appearance and treated her nicely, so she was grateful for that. Since the fox's nap apparently was going to be long, she decided to take the time off and go somewhere else. Veris was probably still asleep, so she was going to check on Dahlia instead when she found Maverick in the hallway.
"Hey Angorita. I see you made a new friend." he said ecstatic, glad that finally Angora could befriend someone on that ship.
"Let's not just the shark yet. I barely know her." she said, not sure if the treatment would last. For now, she was just an involuntary magic teacher.
"Well it's still something. Come on. Let's move her to the bed." Maverick said, but Angora didn't want to disturb her. People barely came there, so she doubted anyone would bump into Mischief in that hallway, yet Maverick insisted, so they moved her to his bed. Maverick then suggested doing something together like old times, maybe one final look around the city before the ship left, but if there wasn't any time, they could do something else. Angora was skeptical given how Ilasi could get jealous about their time together, but she's had Maverick quite a lot lately, so it was her turn.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2418 Posted: 23:35:37 30/08/2019
Mischief slept right through being moved, although she did mumble in her sleep. She did cuddle up slightly when picked up. A little after Angora and Maverick left, she began yipping softly in her dreams.
Said dreams weren't what one would expect. It wasn't chasing rabbits or some playtime. No, it was a squabble with another part of her, wrestling with a vicious side of herself. Her opponent manifested in her dreams as a black-winged angel wearing a pure white mask. This other side constantly schemed, plotting to gain ever increasing power. To this end, she'd given the main personality and insatiable thirst for Mana. The more Mana, the stronger the magick could be. Her opponent was also pragmatic, willing to let Mischief's primary personality. She had similar dreams anytime a great change in her life was occurring. She murmured in her sleep "But I went willingly... Not your decision... I can choose for myself... I won't let you free..." She returned to yipping softly... The tone wasn't playful or excited, but pure fear.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2419 Posted: 01:12:12 31/08/2019
While Mischief was having her own, internal struggle, Angora was trying to spend more time with Maverick, but had her own inner struggles. They went to the main deck to go to the city, but a sailor warned them about the ship leaving at any moment, so leaving right now was not recommended. As they settled to a less crowded part of the ship, Maverick took some board games so Angora could choose, but he noticed her uneasiness.
"What's wrong Angorita?" he asked, having believed she would be happy about the possibility of making a new friend. Was it because Sere was released? But that couldn't be. Without him, they would've been stuck there.
"It's just that... so many strange things have been happening lately." Angora said, explaining about Sere's bizarre kindness to her, but leaving the near poison accusation out, and the fact that Latnok of all people tasked her with such responsibility. Maverick did find it strange, but believed Angora should take this chance.
"Well, maybe they're finally changing their opinion about you Angorita. After all, you have done so much, even if they didn't initially see it. You're taking care of that scary wyvern and doing a terrific job, you clean the ship when you have the time and sometimes even help me with the cooking. I knew it was only a matter of time before they recognized how special you really are." Maverick said with one of those goofy smiles, a smile that was contagious. While it did make Angora grin for a brief second, she was still skeptical about the two Guardian's real intentions.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#2420 Posted: 18:49:27 31/08/2019
"The Ishulgites swore that they would take their own measures to see him dead if we did not hand him over by midnight," Martus answered quickly, obviously having come knowing everything he would be talking about. "We don't know what they will do; they might try to send some assassin, or they might send an army. They might try some magic, or they might just be full of hot air. But we would prefer guests not get involved."
Latnok took in everything he had heard. "I don't have the authority to make the decision on that," he said, "though I'll call the captain up here."

Without needing much que-- Raclaw quickly alerted the closest crew member. "Get the captain and tell him we have someone who may need our help.," he said as the former pirate quickly scurried off and the captain would soon receive a knock on his door...
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2421 Posted: 22:19:12 31/08/2019
Sere, slightly annoyed, soon received the sailor's message. It appeared that there were much more urgent things requiring his attention.
The captain was soon on the deck, with Martus immediately recognizing him and approaching him. Quickly, he repeated the same information he had told Latnok shortly beforehand.
Sere pondered for a moment. "Well, we appreciate the warning. This isn't our fight, after all - but I have to wonder, what is it that's so important to these people that they would go through such lengths to hunt a man down?"
"Just a theory - but as I have mentioned to others, I feel this is more an excuse than a particular reason," Martus added. "This was bound to happen. For the longest time, the Ishulgites have been insisting that we're standing on some 'holy ground' or something. Considering all the territory they already have, I don't know what's so special about these grounds here. What doesn't help is that our man barely remembers anything that happened - like something was ripping out the most important parts of his memories as he escaped. He's trying to piece things back together - but he'll need to be alive for that."
The last thing Sere wanted was to get involved in a local dispute - and yet, perhaps there was more to it than that? The Ishulgites mentioned lofty prospects to him, after all - perhaps this seemingly unassuming spot was part of their grand scheme? If the implications were as big as they had the potential to be, Sere wanted answers.
"I need answers. I will speak with their representative when he arrives," Sere said firmly. "I will bring a few others with me. I'll have everyone else on the ship move out to the next island - we'll be able to take one of the smaller boats to catch up with them, or set off a flare to get their attention should that be infeasible."
As Latnok listened, he had a strong feeling that he would be one of the "few others" Sere would bring along. Regardless, he was ready.
"Well... if you insist on seeing this matter through, after what you've had to put up wit here, we can't exactly turn you down," Martus replied. "Prideful we may be, but pride has its limits. We'll get what we can ready on our end."
Sere nodded, and the two men shook hands before Martus began to leave.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2422 Posted: 22:51:05 31/08/2019
Just as Angora was ready to choose game, she and Maverick saw one of the local man climbing aboard. She was certain she has seen him before. There was some tension around. She could feel it. She perked up her ears to try and listen to the conversation as much as she could.
"Is something wrong Angorita?" Maverick asked, unable to hear anything.
"They're talking about the man that was here earlier. And something about the Ishulgites?" Angora explained, though she couldn't understand every word. Now there was a familiar word for Maverick. Ishulgites... from Ishulgu, a deity that was mentioned to him some time ago, back before he tamed Dahlia to come rescue his friends. He has been hearing the word lately, although he wondered why. Angora was curious about just what was going on in this island, but it was something she was going to stay out of. She has been in enough trouble already for butting into things that were none of her business.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#2423 Posted: 22:56:20 31/08/2019
Raclaw offered an reassuring nod-- knowing that Latnok would likely be asked to come and thus himself. He knew that he didn't *have* to follow of course, but he wanted to and wouldn't want to otherwise leave Latnok alone to fend for himself. Chester knew that he may/maynot come depending on the circumstances, but he would support the decision of his two companions regardless. Risar was also nearby and knew that he was likely to be included, considering his strenth alone and status as the only minotaur aboard.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:01:03 31/08/2019 by redwes
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2424 Posted: 02:24:28 01/09/2019
OOC: I'm working on more characters, including one I guarantee will be unusual. In the meantime, I'm going to try and keep up with this. Inspiration is leaning to characters rather than stories right now.

Mischief wakes up with a yelp. She looks around, and rolls over, shivering. "Never had one of those last so long..." She began fretting.Could it be... I'm losing control? She shuddered and pushed the thought from her mind. "Rest. That's it, I just need a nap."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2425 Posted: 23:21:27 01/09/2019
As the day went by, the crew went through preparations for the next stage of travel. There hadn't been too much to do; to that end, many of the crew members were involved in training instead, as Latnok had suggested.
The sun moved slowly but surely across the sky as they day continued on. Finally, it was time.
Sere rounded up those who would be accompanying him; Latnok, Risar, and Raclaw. Chester, for his own sake, would be staying back. Sere just needed to communicate to Leoquin the plan for the night, leaving the others to ponder their next mission.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2426 Posted: 00:34:20 02/09/2019
Angora and Maverick played one board game, but then the rest of the activity resorted to talking with Digi. Maverick was exited and interested in how informative the device was, but Angora had other opinions. When Sere took his chosen group away and left Chester behind, Maverick volunteered to take care of him. He lead him right to Dahlia's enclosure to play. The two of them handn't seen each other in a while, so this was the perfect way to keep them both entertained and distracted from whatever tension was outside.

Angora left to the cabin, very pleased for the time spent with Maverick. It made her feel happy that even with a girlfriend and a pet like Dahlia, not to mention his job, the faun man was still willing to find the time to spend some time with her. She hasn't seen Ilasi nearly all day, but if she saw them from somewhere, she hoped the mermaid was understanding enough. In the cabin, she stayed with Mischief, just talking and sometimes showing her own magic, which for some reason felt different. The fox's presence perhaps? She was much more pleasant company than Latnok. Her magic was all crazy when he was training her, so maybe being with someone that wasn't him, and her being the trainer this time, was making her magic work slightly different.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#2427 Posted: 00:38:39 02/09/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade was meanwhile enjoying the rest of the day spending most of his time with Tyraika. He enjoyed her company especially sense he can’t talk with Angora and Maverick at the moment.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2428 Posted: 02:11:50 02/09/2019
Mischief for her part remained friendly. However, Angora would catch the little vixen being lost in thought roughly half the time. Her mimicry remained impressive, and she quickly picked up on nearly everything. Digi became abnormally quiet as he watched, intrigued by magic. Unlike Star, he was fascinated rather than fearful. He also wanted to avoid distracting Mischief further.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2429 Posted: 18:03:45 02/09/2019
To keep a close eye on Mischief, Angora decided to let her stay in the cabin, while Maverick stayed with Ilasi. Her cabin was much bigger and enough place for the both of them, not to mention that he would get to spend more time with his girlfriend while Angora took care of the new recruit and got to know her one on one. She was rather uneasy by some of her behavior, but figured it was because she was just too different and a little weird.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2430 Posted: 18:04:58 02/09/2019
With the plan decided, Sere gathered the group together, and they soon disembarked from the ship. As they went past the gates, the guards greeted them, having been told of their impending arrival.
There wasn't much discussion to be had; besides talks on the potential motives of the Ishulgites, there was mostly silence as the group traveled to the meeting place - the large, spacious meeting hall. There, the islanders were already waiting; Cernentium was due to arrive before long.
As Sere and his group entered, they were soon greeted by the chieftains. "Welcome," Levia said in greeting to the group as they came in. "May we get you something to eat or drink?"
Sere turned down the offer, though he didn't forbid the others from accepting. Latnok would naturally consult his best friend first. "Anything in particular you're looking to have?" he asked Raclaw.
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2431 Posted: 22:48:36 02/09/2019
Mischief was already viewing Angora as a packmate. She let her guard down around the troll. She allowed herself to be vulnerable, she didn't know why. Maybe she just sensed a trustworthiness, maybe she was just that desperately lonely. Being a social species, Zorua need companionship and affection as much as safety and food. The pup's tail wagged excitedly when physical contact was made, although she hid it in her expression, aside from her big blue eyes. Now that she was relaxed and away from the prejudice towards Black Mages, she proved eager to be with someone, anyone, for social contact. It even drew her attention away from Mana. She even mimicked a common cat behavior and attempted to brush against Angora.
But occasionally she would pause, lost in thought about the nightmare she had. She was worried about what it might mean. Speaking to her or making physical contact would draw her attention back, but it was obvious something was bothering her.
Digi, for his part, did his best to explain why Mischief had started insistently making physical contact, noting that she'd likely had no real friends on the island due to being distrusted for her magic. He then wondered aloud if she had ever gotten the social contact a Zoroark mother would've given her. If not, that would explain her being insistent on physical contact to the point of coming across as pushy.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#2432 Posted: 02:00:42 03/09/2019
As Sere and his group entered, they were soon greeted by the chieftains. "Welcome," Levia said in greeting to the group as they came in. "May we get you something to eat or drink?"
Sere turned down the offer, though he didn't forbid the others from accepting. Latnok would naturally consult his best friend first. "Anything in particular you're looking to have?" he asked Raclaw.

"Nothing in particular, but you can surprise me if you wish.," Raclaw responded with a smile allowing the befriended Guardian to order on his behalf if he so desired. He briefly thought of Chester, but knew that they had left the lovable Beagle behind for his own safety. Risar politely declined along with Sere.

Elsewhere-- Chester was pleased to see Dahlia again and had even brought his ball again, after having retrieved it from Raclaw's stash.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2433 Posted: 12:42:53 03/09/2019
Angora on the other hand, tried to avoid a much physical contact as she could, but trying not to act so rude. It was just too weird how someone like Mischief, would wear clothes and could stand on her hind legs could act so much like an animal, and a cat no less when she was a fox. Angora herself could run better on all fours, but she only did it during desperate emergencies. She was already considered a beast by many people she met, and doing something so animalistic would simply reinforce their opinion. Mischief didn't seem to care though, but it wasn't enough for Angora to change her view.
"Alright then. Time to sleep. Just look at the time. The ship has very busy activity and we can't afford sleeping in late." Angora declared after seeing it was past midnight. The fox has clearly distracted her. Everyone, even Maverick, had to be asleep by now. As Angora settled into the bed, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was forgetting something very important, but she was too tired to think what it was.

Maverick was by this time already asleep, using Ilasi's couch. It was surprisingly comfortable. He wondered if Ilasi would've wanted them to sleep to sleep in the same bed, but he was too nervous and respectful to ask her. He didn't think their relationship was ready for that step, so he didn't bother asking and simply made himself comfortable on the couch, drinking some warm milk before finally closing his eyes. He wanted to get up early and cook for everyone. He was in a very good mood that night, a mood he wanted carried to the next day, but he would need a good night sleep for that. Angora was making a new friend, and the Guardians were seemingly treating her better now, and he couldn't be happier for that.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2434 Posted: 17:17:27 03/09/2019
Mischief nodded in response and undid her robe as usual as she curled up as close as Angora would allow. For a moment she became distracted by her thoughts, and fears, of what the nightmare earlier could mean. She was still a little tired, but she needed physical contact right now. She craved affection, desperately so. She'd never really gotten it, even from those who raised her. Mischief held her head up until her neck was too tired to hold up anymore.
Digi meanwhile was busy gathering all the data he acquired, sorting it, and storing it. He'd studied everybody here, eagerly learning what he could without independent movement. Star had intended to add that feature, but he prioritized major functions as an encyclopedia and companion. He then did some calculations based on the abilities Mischief had shown, and estimated to pup would Evolve quite soon. It likely would only take one or two good bouts. He made note of Mischief's other statistics, for explaining to Angora later. He calculated health, height and weight and compared them all to that of a typical Zorua. They were approximately average. He guessed the moves she'd be able to use through instinct as well, and made note of which ones programmed into his database could be taught to a Zorua or Zoroark.
Darkheart watched as night fell. Her eyes glowed, her dark heritage was an advantage at night. On the downside she almost literally couldn't sleep at night. But that was beside the point. She searched briefly to see the moon. Then she looked to see Raclaw's room through scrying, and muttered a curse under her breath. She'd made an error. Raclaw, as always, was with Latnok. Who right now wasn't onboard, so Raclaw wasn't either. Of course. She mentally debated the merits of teleporting in now and hiding in a shadow for Raclaw's arrival, versus waiting. Either way required careful planning.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2435 Posted: 18:39:53 03/09/2019
Angora had fallen asleep very quickly, too tired to bother shoving Mischief aside. She wasn't the affectionate type, even though she had deep inside been in the same position many times before. She couldn't tolerate such clingy behavior, with the exception of Maverick, Shade or even Veris, but even in those times she didn't like when they overdid it. She has learned to tolerate it with time though, but it still hasn't been enough. Oblivious of how busy the night was going to be for certain members of the crew, Angora continued with her slumber, not wanting to worry about anything or anyone. The dreams she had were pleasant and some rather strange, and thankfully, none were the bizzare nightmares she usually had when worried or scared about something happening. As they were people that hated her, there were also people who liked her and treated her with respect, which was far more than any other troll could go through in a lifetime.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2436 Posted: 21:53:19 03/09/2019
With the moon being high in the sky by now, Laszur was up and about in the typical manner of a nocturnal creature like himself. Anchor was being raised as the ship prepared to head to its next destination; an unmarked island reasonably close to the one they were currently at.
With not much to do himself, Laszur pondered on Shade's current state here. Perhaps... maybe it was time to see how far he had gone?
Larzur roughly came by Shade, not being particularly concerned about the dragon's sleep. "Hey, Scourge," he ordered. "How about we do a little test?"

Ilasi only watched as Maverick eventually decided to settle on her couch. It seemed... he was still not really comfortable sharing a space with her?
"Uh... Maverick, you know, you..." She only wished she could find some excuse to invite him over. Surely the couch is uncomfortable? Have you tried taking a rest in the bed here? Any excuse she could come up with only seemed to be too forward to her, however.
"...I just wanted to say, good night. That's all." Despite her best efforts, Ilasi wasn't very good at putting on a front.

Latnok simply asked for some meat and water for his companion; one of the chieftains summoned a worker at the meeting hall, who soon obliged with some of the local fish on a plate, and a bowl filled with water, set on the ground. Before long, the light but distinct footsteps outside would give away Cernentium's approach.
The insectoid creature entered the meeting hall, taking his place at the main table without any prompting - which was the cue for everyone else to do the same. He wasted no time, beginning as soon as everyone was seated.
"So, are you ready to turn over the criminal?" Cernentium asked, in a neutral tone - though everyone around knew the words that underscored such a thing.
"Cernentium... I believe that is your name?" Sere intervened.
"Yes, this is he. You are known as Sere, leader of the Ardent Guardians," Cernentium answered, demonstrating his knowledge. "What brings you here tonight?"
"As a third party, I was wondering if I could, perhaps, help us come to a mutual agreement," Sere answered. "What is it that this Jedde person has done, which is severe enough to warrant you to track him down so?"
Cernentium paused for a few moments as he contemplated how to word himself. "Jedde has committed crimes against us in an attempt to destabilize our organization and destroy us. Such crimes include the unlawful access to and distribution of confidential information, attempts to spread dissension, and sabotage. The punishment for such crimes in most nations would result in death."
The chieftains at the table began to whisper amongst each other, as Sere pondered what all of this could mean...
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#2437 Posted: 22:00:35 03/09/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade flinched a little at the rough awakening. “W-what’s happening?” He was near Tyraika and whispered a little as not to awaken her. “It’s so late.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2438 Posted: 22:05:45 03/09/2019
"Well," Laszur began, "it seems that you have ade a bit of an improvement since you were first taken captive. To this end, I was thinking that, perhaps, we could grant you a day with your best friends here. We would, of course, be monitoring your behavior closely, and seeing whether such a thing is reasonable on our part." Naturally, Laszur assumed Shade would accept; it was everything involving such a thing that they would have to watch out for, however.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#2439 Posted: 22:10:50 03/09/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade perked up and a big smile spread across his face. “R-really?! T-thank you sir! Thank you so much! When can I be with them?”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2440 Posted: 22:23:16 03/09/2019
Back at Redwater, Huntress' behavior was worrying some of the soldiers. After that one soldier noticed her staring at Maverick's wanted poster and confronting her about it, he spread some of the word to his companions. Some of them were also noticing her obsession, and wondered if they should do a perimeter around the port once the Enduring Legacy arrived. Practically everyone knew by now that the hybrid man was with the Guardians in the large voyage, and if Huntress had some sort of vendetta against the faun man, they had to make sure she didn't cause any kind of chaos when the ship arrived. She wasn't a troublemaker by nature, but most of them knew her enough to know what she was capable of, and this Maverick fellow was someone she clearly wasn't fond of.

Ilasi only watched as Maverick eventually decided to settle on her couch. It seemed... he was still not really comfortable sharing a space with her?
"Uh... Maverick, you know, you..." She only wished she could find some excuse to invite him over. Surely the couch is uncomfortable? Have you tried taking a rest in the bed here? Any excuse she could come up with only seemed to be too forward to her, however.
"...I just wanted to say, good night. That's all." Despite her best efforts, Ilasi wasn't very good at putting on a front.

"Buenas... noches Ilasi." Maverick commented, though he could notice immediately Ilasi's uneasiness. Did he do something wrong again? Despite having his fair share of women in the past, he knew little to nothing about them. He wished he could know what was going through Ilasi's head. Did she wanted him in bed? But what if that was not it and he messed things up and come up as disrespectful? His ears turned red in embarrassment, being so clueless. He lied down, determined to get a good night sleep. Perhaps he could make a very hearty breakfast for Ilasi and make up for some of the mistake? He wasn"'t sure, but he would try.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:24:13 03/09/2019 by Felines
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#2441 Posted: 12:22:01 04/09/2019
Latnok simply asked for some meat and water for his companion; one of the chieftains summoned a worker at the meeting hall, who soon obliged with some of the local fish on a plate, and a bowl filled with water, set on the ground. Before long, the light but distinct footsteps outside would give away Cernentium's approach.
"Jedde has committed crimes against us in an attempt to destabilize our organization and destroy us. Such crimes include the unlawful access to and distribution of confidential information, attempts to spread dissension, and sabotage. The punishment for such crimes in most nations would result in death."
The chieftains at the table began to whisper amongst each other, as Sere pondered what all of this could mean...

Raclaw had no complaints about the fish-- finding the taste and texture more than suitable, given the chieftains' status as an island. As he and Latnok took their seats and listened into the negotiations, Raclaw pondered what outcome would come regarding the man's fate. Would their diplomatic attempts wield an suitable outcome for the fate of the so-called criminal or other actions be deemed necessary? It was only just beginning...

Meanwhile-- Chester had very much enjoyed his catch-up time with Dahlia, missing the others but patient about their return. As night fell.. he would rest his head wherever Maverick deemed suitable be it Illasi's cabin, Angora's cabin, or elsewhere onboard. Ether room would mean dealing with another roommate, but he wouldn't mind. There were few people-- abusive former owner aside --that he didn't like.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:46:51 04/09/2019 by redwes
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2442 Posted: 21:12:23 04/09/2019
Mischief was utterly relaxed, curled up approximately at Angora's hip. She occasionally twitched in her sleep but was otherwise still and quiet.
Choco had moved significantly when Mischief had yelped earlier, but he couldn't really get inside so he didn't do anything about it. Mischief had trained him to lay down and be quiet if she wasn't around, and he tried to obey. Since she wasn't available, he lay down near the doorway. He was loyal if nothing else.
Darkheart murmured an incantation, and stepped into the shadow she'd been scrying through. The only hint of her arrival onboard was near-silent whispering sounds, unlike teleportation's traditional flashbang. She dropped into a shadow, leaving no hint of her presence there. When Raclaw came in she'd... She'd figure out the second step beyond "grab, silence, and cuddle" once she had Raclaw on hand. She'd have to keep him from screaming or indeed making any noise above a whisper. She wanted nobody else to know of her presence.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2443 Posted: 01:55:04 05/09/2019
Before Sere could add his thoughts, Cernentium continued. "You certainly understand that there would be a rather bad precedent set by allowing a fugitive to seek asylum here, when we have had reasonable relations beforehand," he added.
"We cannot turn in our own," Dovic said vehemently. "Surely you would accept a fine of some sort instead?"
"Money or resources alone will not set things right," Cernentium insisted. "However... with our third party here, perhaps there is a chance to reach a mutual solution. What I suggest is this - give Jedde to this man and his crew. We will direct him to a place where he can speak to someone who will, ideally, convey our stance on the matter most effectively. With the information he has from both sides, he will be free to make a decision."
Though Sere was there as a sort of mediator, he didn't expect involvement to this level. "And how do I know following your direction is a wise idea?"
"You have met with us before, have you not?" Cernentium asked Sere. "You know we have somewhat similar goals. We do not seek to utilize force for anything where words would suffice. And we know the words you will hear will be very impactful. Besides that,, perhaps we can see about shining some light on your search?"
Cernentium, much like the Ishulgites in general, was cryptic as always - but so far, his suggestion seemed the only way to peacefully resolve things, and there was the dangling carrot of finding what he came for. "I accept this proposal, provided the chieftains do as well," Sere decided.
The chieftains all consulted with each other for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, they returned to their original positions. "We will accept this proposal," Martus said. "Pray keep your word."
"You have our word that we will resolve judgment on the matter until after Sere makes his decision following his appointment with us," Cernentium assured.
A little more talking, and things seemed to be straightening out. Now, what would this mean for the time to come?

"This would probably be starting at sunrise today, pending consultation with Latnok," Laszur told Shade. "Keep in mind that your behavior during and following the day will be monitored.'
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:24:58 05/09/2019 by A Guy
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#2444 Posted: 02:30:13 05/09/2019 | Topic Creator
“Yes sir I will keep myself under control.” Shade said excited to finally be able to talk to his family again. “Mr. Laszur? If this day does go by good can I spend longer with them?” He looked at Tyraika for a moment. “I think it would be good for her as well. Get her used to people. After all she is much calmer around me and Raclaw.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2445 Posted: 03:32:56 05/09/2019
While Angora slept peacefully without any nightmares disturbing her sleep for now, Maverick was reaching a similar state of sleep, giving Chester a snack and some water before finally settling down on the couch. The beagle was so quiet one wouldn't even think he was there. He had been thinking of leaving him with Angora so she could have the company, but Chester was his responsibility and Angora already had her hands full with the new crewmember, so it was better if he stayed there with him and Ilasi. He wondered before if he should leave it with the lonely Dahlia, but he was afraid the dirt buffalo could crush him in her sleep, so Ilasi's cabin was the best option. He left the beagle a small pillow for him to sleep on, but the couch was low enough for him to jump if he rather sleep with someone. He was no Raclaw, but Maverick had enough hair to work as a pillow.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2446 Posted: 13:32:52 05/09/2019
"Don't push your luck," Laszur chided. "You are still a criminal, a mass murderer who has to serve their sentence. You have quite the gall to even consider asking such a thing, considering the sort of monster you are. You are getting a greater luxury than many people who, thanks to you, will never be able to speak to their loved ones again."
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#2447 Posted: 17:00:39 05/09/2019
We do not seek to utilize force for anything where words would suffice. And we know the words you will hear will be very impactful. Besides that,, perhaps we can see about shining some light on your search?"
A little more talking, and things seemed to be straightening out. Now, what would this mean for the time to come?
He left the beagle a small pillow for him to sleep on, but the couch was low enough for him to jump if he rather sleep with someone. He was no Raclaw, but Maverick had enough hair to work as a pillow.

'Some light on our search?,' Raclaw pondered wondering if the Ishulgites could actually help him. And was it worth the cost of a man's life? Cernentium claimed that this 'Jedde' was an criminal, but that determination would be up to they determined upon meeting up with this other Ishulgites. It was already agreed and they would find out soon enough..

Meanwhile-- Chester thankfully rested his head upon the pillow, but found himself missing the warmth that Raclaw had often provided. He briefly tried to get comfortable, before jumping onto the couch and laying against Maverick. The hairy hybrid seemed almost as comfortable as Raclaw himself.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#2448 Posted: 22:47:03 05/09/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade cowered a little and lowered his head. “S-Sorry sir. But thank you for the opportunity.” Shade said.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#2449 Posted: 00:30:06 06/09/2019
Mischief shifted slightly in her sleep before waking up. She rarely slept for long periods. She twitched a little, eyes briefly changing color before returning to normal. Having noticed the twitch and a brief loss of bodily control, she shivered, starting to hyperventilate at the thought of losing control. Putting her robe back on, she looked at her staff. It flashed black, but when she blinked it was normal again. She decided it MUST have just been her imagination. She wasn't losing control. No, she just needed a walk above deck. She started out the corridor, and saw Laszur and Shade. She rather pointedly gave both a wide berth, and stared into the water. Then she looked up at the sky. Day or night, she was fine. Like her kin, she had good night vision. She looked back down at the water, then into the gem on her staff. All she saw reflected was herself. She placed it in the straps at her back and turned around to find herself with a beak in her face.
"Kweh?" Choco queried... About something.
Mischief forced herself to breathe normally again. "Kwek yourself! Don't scare me like that!"
Choco looked hurt, so Mischief gently stroked the bird... Thing. She didn't know what he was, really. She'd noticed his color would sometimes change based on his diet, that he liked weird smelly vegetables, and that he worked well as a mount. Other than that? She didn't know. The mages she'd been raised by claimed their traditions were imported from a land where such creatures were more commonly used than horses. Called him a Chocobo. So she named him Choco. Maybe she'd see that land someday. Maybe she'd find her origin. Or maybe all this was a wild goose chase.
Right now she just needed to calm down and clear her head.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#2450 Posted: 03:06:36 06/09/2019
Meanwhile, Angora was too heavily asleep to even notice an ounce of activity around her. She continued sleeping, Mischief's lack of presence making no difference. The slumber was pleasant, and her dreams were good. She even dreamt about Shepherd and his kindness... and him offering her a worl where she will always be treated with respect and love. She wouldn't have to worry about herself, Maverick, Shade or the Guardian's mistreatment. Not even predators. She wanted to accept the offer, but for some reason, she didn't. She couldn't pinpoint why, but she didn't accept the proposal. Was it because she was still too adamant in getting love and respect by herself without receiving any kind of help? Why did she refused his offer? Not even in her dream Angora knew, but it had to be a good reason, otherwise she wouldn't have rejected such a golden opportunity for happiness.

At Ilasi's cabin, Maverick was having a quiet, dreamless night. He was a much heavier sleeper than Angora was, so he didn't noticed when the beagle climbed the couch, though it was helping his sleep. Both improve the warmth, and the sound of the waves outside made the night all the more pleasant and peaceful for the temporary companions.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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