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Better blocking suggestion
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#1 Posted: 23:07:13 05/02/2019 | Topic Creator
As far as I'm aware if you block someone on here it just stops them from sending you PMs and posting in your guestbook. I would personally prefer that this feature is extended so the blocked user cannot view your guestbook or profile at all. Ideally the guestbook would appear as an error message like what is displayed when unlogged in users try to view it.

This would enhance desired privacy.

Personally no active users are blocked but if old users were to return I would rather they not be able to see it.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2 Posted: 00:34:56 06/02/2019
I agree, a lot of forums have this feature and I wish this one would as well.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12702
#3 Posted: 09:28:43 07/03/2019
I completely agree with this. If you're not logged in, you can't view profiles, so it'd be simple to make it the same way for blocked users.
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