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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > News and Updates > Ring of Heroes Begins Launching Tomorrow
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Ring of Heroes Begins Launching Tomorrow
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#1 Posted: 12:20:35 11/12/2018 | Topic Creator
For those of you in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada it has been announced on the official Facebook page that tomorrow is the day when the mobile game Skylanders: Ring of Heroes finally launches.

Launching Schedule: Dec. 12th 5pm PST
  • Australia: Dec. 13th 12pm (GMT+11)
  • Canada: Dec. 12th 8pm (GMT-5)
  • New Zealand: Dec. 13th 2pm (GMT+13)

Other regions will have to continue waiting for a release in their local app stores but as of yet there is no clear schedule for when that will happen or in what order.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:49:16 11/12/2018 by dark52
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 12:34:44 11/12/2018
Not sure why a stress test is needed when the beta worked fine, but hey, at least it's only a matter of time.
(What I need is never what I want)
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#3 Posted: 13:49:01 11/12/2018 | Topic Creator
Oh yeah... I coulda sworn it was the 12th today... smilie
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
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