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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Pokemon RP - The Lost Island [Remake] [OPEN]
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Pokemon RP - The Lost Island [Remake] [OPEN]
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#1 Posted: 04:05:39 18/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Time to make the roleplay section a little bit active again and bring back a Pokemon RP!

This is based on a roleplay someone made quite a few years ago, and based on a story I wrote based on the roleplay.

It's a clear sunny day, and you are on a cruise ship with your trainer, along with other pokemon and their trainers. You're resting on a deck chair, lazing in the warm sun.
Suddenly, a blast of cold air hits your face and you look up, seeing dark clouds approaching. The sun is engulfed in a swirling vortex of dark clouds and the blue sky soon turns black. Thunder and lightning crashes in the sky and rain plummets down onto the ship. Waves rock the boat and the wind sends things flying.
An alarm echoes around the boat and your trainer struggles to return you to your pokeball. But suddenly, a giant wave and a blast of wind knocks the ship sideways, and you and other pokemon are sent overboard into the raging ocean below.

You suddenly wake up, and you have no idea how long it has been. Thunder is still crashing in the sky in the distance, and instead of being on a boat, you're on a beach. You look around, and it looks like you're on a island. Do people or pokemon live here?



  • I am the GM.

  • No godmodding, no script writing, no one sentence posts.

  • Romance and violence are allowed, but keep it PG-13.

  • No offensive language, unless it is censored.

  • Put 'lost' somewhere in your character sheet post to show that you have read the rules.

  • 4 characters max. No humans (for now), only pokemon. Any pokemon from any region is allowed, except for legendary/mythical pokemon (pseudo-legendaries are allowed), and ultra beast pokemon.



Name: [Nickname]
Pokemon: [What pokemon you are]
Moveset: [4 moves only]
Personality: [Short description]
Appearance: [small picture or link] [remember to give credit to original artist]
Where they are from: [Boat or Island]
Other: [Optional]


My characters:

Name: Star
Pokemon: Pikachu
Gender: Female
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle
Personality: Star is a kind, caring, and friendly pikachu. She is usually happy, unless something annoys her. She is quite brave and quick on her feet, but she is also stubborn sometimes.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Where they are from: Boat
Other: She has a black bow tied to her left ear.

Name: Jaws
Pokemon: Totodile
Gender: Male
Moveset: Scratch, Bite, Leer, Water Gun
Personality: Jaws is a kind and friendly totodile. He's happy around almost everyone, and has a bit of a childish personality. He is not very brave, but tries to be.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Where they are from: Boat
Other: N/A

Name: Dark
Pokemon: Umbreon (shiny)
Gender: Male
Moveset: Tackle, Quick Attack, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Personality: Dark is a quiet umbreon who comes off as intimidating to most other pokemon. He only really talks to other pokemon he knows. He doesn't like humans or new pokemon who come to the island.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Where they are from: Island
Other: N/A

Name: DeeDee
Pokemon: Purrloin
Gender: Female
Moveset: Scratch, Bite, Fury Swipes, Night Slash
Personality: DeeDee is a purrloin who likes to think she is the 'queen' of the island, but she's not. She is smart and quick on her feet, and can act kind and friendly to new pokemon to trick them.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Where they are from: Island
Other: DeeDee likes to think she is the 'queen' of the island, but she's not.



Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:23:46 21/10/2018 by Spyro-Gamer
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#2 Posted: 20:00:10 21/10/2018
Name: Ava
Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix
Gender: Female
Moveset: Baby-Doll Eyes, Ice Shard, Confuse Ray, Mist
Personality: A very shy individual, she has trouble warming up to Pokemon she doesn't know. She's still very young and somewhat naive. She doesn't like fighting much but is easily hurt if someone says something bad about her.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
(Credit to original artist)
Where they are from: Boat
Other: Ability: Snow Warning. Good friends with Muku

Name: Muku
Pokemon: Flaaffy
Gender: Male
Moveset: Cotton Spore, Cotton Guard, Charge, Electro Ball
Personality: Cares about his appearance a lot, but after that cares about others more than himself. He's not afraid to put himself out there, but always wants to feel like he is putting a refined image of himself out. But he's very cunning and a smart strategist.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
(Credit to original artist
Where they are from: Boat
Other: Ability: Static

*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#3 Posted: 06:20:19 22/10/2018 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted!
Let's start now, and other people can join in if they want.


Star the pikachu suddenly woke up. She quickly sat up and looked around, seeing that she was on a beach. She groaned. "What...what happened...?" She rubbed her eyes and then tried to remember what happened. After a few moments, she gasped and stood up, running close to the shoreline and looking out to sea, but she couldn't see a boat anywhere.
Suddenly, Star felt a drop of rain on her head and looked up, seeing dark clouds approaching. "Not another storm," she murmured. She looked around again and noticed that there was a forest behind the long stretch of beach. It would be the best shelter from the quick approaching storm. She sighed and started walking towards it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:26:02 22/10/2018 by Spyro-Gamer
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#4 Posted: 02:56:32 23/10/2018
Waking up and looking around, the lap of the waves rushing over his face, the Flaaffy sat up in shock. "Oh dear, my wool is a mess!" He blubbered out and waddled to shore wringing his white wool. "I must look dreadful right now." He muttered to himself. "And that simply won't do. This here, is why I didn't want master to put me on a ship. I'd rather be inside a comfy pokeball where my wool doesn't get wet but noooooo. Master simply had to have me experience the ocean! What a mess!" He muttered sitting on the dry beach for a second. He instantly regretted it already feeling the sand stick to him. He looked to the sky, watching the dark clouds rolling in. "Oh of all the bothers in the world." He groaned.

The Flaaffy looked around the wave and the crashing beach when he noticed something off about the white crest of a wave. There was a clump of white that shouldn't be there. As it was tossed out by the wave and left ashore, the Flaaffy's eyes widened. "Oh dear! Ava!" He started running his way over to the water again, abandoning his predisposed refinement. Ava the Alolan Vulpix was unconscious and another wave crashed down on her as the Flaaffy reached the water's edge. The wave was pulling Ava away. "Somebody help!" the Flaaffy shouted. He saw a Pikachu in the distance and tried to wave her down while wading into the ocean's current, trying to get to Ava's form being ragdolled by the waves.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#5 Posted: 04:04:19 29/07/2019
Name: Goldie
Pokemon: Krabby
Gender: female
Moveset: Vice Grip Mud-Shot Bubblebeam and metal claw
Personality: acts special beacuse she kinda is, being a shiny Krabby with a very high physical attack stat would make anyone want to keep their distance from her but she's pretty nice once you get to know her
Appearence: I suck at providing pictures in post so I'll just describe her as a slightly larger than average size shiny Krabby
Where from: the boat
Other: ability: hyper cutter
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
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