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Skylanders Academy's Season 3 Trailer
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#1 Posted: 18:00:01 18/09/2018 | Topic Creator
The third season of Skylanders Academy is due to hit Netflix on Friday next week so just in time they've released a trailer for the brand new season (complete with plenty of spoilers):

Returning September 28th, the Skylanders are faced with their greatest challenge ever! With Spyro turned evil at the hands of uber-villain Strykore, it will take all of the Skylanders uniting together to help Spyro remember the true hero he really is and restore peace to the realm.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 18:12:25 18/09/2018
Nice to see a certain redesign there. Very strange choice, but still interesting to see the game being referenced.
(What I need is never what I want)
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#3 Posted: 19:20:33 18/09/2018
I have excitement! *Fawful spin*
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
boolou88 Red Sparx Gems: 37
#4 Posted: 23:43:14 19/09/2018
cant wait
Greeble Emerald Sparx Gems: 4276
#5 Posted: 01:56:27 25/09/2018
It looks quite good.

It'll be interesting to see Kaos' parents face off.

I wasn't disappointed with the ending, and i hope there's a season 4 smilie
^ You all know it's true
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:44:01 03/10/2018 by Greeble
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