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Race to lock
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#251 Posted: 23:25:33 17/11/2020
it is something to be excited about! especially when it gets close to the end and you can win by getting the last post. smilie
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6724
#252 Posted: 02:07:02 18/11/2020
Reminds me when people would speedrun being banned from Yandere Simulator's Discord
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#253 Posted: 18:14:21 18/11/2020
oh boy
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6724
#254 Posted: 19:03:42 18/11/2020
Here's Part 1 of 3, though legends say of a user who was banned practically instantly because of their username - one I cannot type here.
I'm laughing at how they divided the runs into Paste% and Select%, it's brilliant ahaha
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9069
#255 Posted: 04:07:40 07/12/2020
Heyoooo I'm back!
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#256 Posted: 07:22:47 07/12/2020
welcome back!
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#257 Posted: 15:54:44 07/12/2020
lockity lock
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#258 Posted: 02:18:50 02/02/2021
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#259 Posted: 02:47:42 02/02/2021
If we were supposed to do this quickly, we failed.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#260 Posted: 02:33:59 31/08/2021
lock lock lock
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#261 Posted: 10:11:53 14/09/2021
I think this is gonna take forever.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#262 Posted: 18:11:08 14/09/2021
yeah T__T
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#263 Posted: 03:03:12 15/09/2021
so let's all start posting a lot!
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#264 Posted: 15:30:32 15/09/2021
heck yeah
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#265 Posted: 09:13:40 16/09/2021
I'm definitely ready to post a lot. I gotta get my post count to 50,000. :P
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#266 Posted: 23:07:39 17/09/2021
hmm? you keep track of the number of posts you make? didn't know you could do that here
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#267 Posted: 10:17:15 18/09/2021
nah, the site keeps track of it. just go to settings and you can see it.
I'm at 46266 posts total in my nearly 10 years here. smilie that number includes guestbook comments too.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#268 Posted: 02:25:02 26/09/2021
woahhh neato
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#269 Posted: 09:34:20 02/10/2021
46317 now. slowly making that number get bigger. :P
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#270 Posted: 03:00:32 05/10/2021
big number good
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#271 Posted: 05:44:35 05/10/2021
big number good, biggest number best.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#272 Posted: 20:54:36 05/10/2021
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#273 Posted: 10:48:33 06/10/2021
a bigger infinity
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#274 Posted: 22:09:07 06/10/2021
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#275 Posted: 10:19:26 08/10/2021
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#276 Posted: 21:00:33 08/10/2021
a number so big it loops back to zero
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9069
#277 Posted: 18:27:10 09/10/2021
Here I am again!
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#278 Posted: 01:20:12 10/10/2021
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9069
#279 Posted: 03:23:27 10/10/2021
Thanks for having me!
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#280 Posted: 04:27:33 10/10/2021
the more people we have posting here the better!
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#281 Posted: 16:31:09 10/10/2021
aww guys my cat is snoring
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#282 Posted: 05:55:20 13/10/2021
That sounds super adorable, cats are so cute!
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#283 Posted: 03:14:43 15/10/2021
[User Posted Image]

i don't have a hairless cat but i think they look very sweet (which may be controversial)
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#284 Posted: 08:02:55 17/10/2021
they are pretty cute, just in a different way than other cats.
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#285 Posted: 18:47:12 19/08/2022
If speed was the goal here, we definitely all lost...
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#286 Posted: 00:21:26 25/08/2022
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#287 Posted: 00:26:46 25/08/2022
[User Posted Image]

"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#288 Posted: 02:01:30 28/08/2022
ruh roh
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#289 Posted: 03:16:17 28/08/2022
I'm gonna unlock it.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#290 Posted: 07:50:38 29/08/2022
oh I remember this
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#291 Posted: 08:03:27 29/08/2022
What do you remember???
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#292 Posted: 08:05:34 29/08/2022
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#293 Posted: 08:11:01 29/08/2022
Wait, what's this??????
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#294 Posted: 08:21:15 29/08/2022
this, I remember this.
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#295 Posted: 09:50:57 29/08/2022
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#296 Posted: 21:39:58 31/08/2022
creative funny joke
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#297 Posted: 21:48:53 31/08/2022
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#298 Posted: 22:47:56 13/04/2023
hasnt been locked yet
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#299 Posted: 09:35:35 14/04/2023
this topic is the slowest race I've ever seen
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#300 Posted: 17:33:01 17/04/2023
slow and steady wins the race
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
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