Please tell me, I played it and thought it was pretty sloppy and mediocre.
Don't flame me for stating my opinion, just tell me why everyone is making such a big deal about this game.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > What is so good about it
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674 |
#1 Posted: 23:04:34 16/02/2009 | Topic Creator
IcelectricSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2002 |
#2 Posted: 23:11:23 16/02/2009
Because it's the last part of the trilogy...Because it's first Spyro with great graphic work...Because it's first for the two players mode and because it's maybe the last Spyro like this.
And because it's fun
The one from deviantART... CZ |
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#3 Posted: 23:21:07 16/02/2009
Quote: IcelectricSpyro
And you can play as CYNDER!!!
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
IcelectricSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2002 |
#4 Posted: 23:31:29 16/02/2009
Yup "Because it's firts for the two players mode..." I said it
The one from deviantART... CZ |
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#5 Posted: 00:04:44 17/02/2009
Just face it! If you don't like the game, make you statment then drop it. Because alot of people actually liked the game. Besides this is a SPYRO FAN website, so running it down in the dirt is just going to start a fight. I don't really care for Pokemon, but I'm not going to a Pokemon fan website and start downgrading Pokemon games. You have made your point and I respect your opinion(Truly). However talking about how bad the game was is not going to just bring those that agree to you, it will also bring those that disagree as well. You have made your point, so just drop it.
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353 |
#6 Posted: 00:13:08 17/02/2009
Anyone's able to state their opinion. We can say if we think it sucked or not. And I agree Dingodile555.
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#7 Posted: 00:16:49 17/02/2009
I've no problems with opinions, as long as they are kep in their proper prospectives. You made your point, we can disagree on a game. But when you start running it down into the dirt because you didn't like it, you need to find something else better to do.
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#8 Posted: 02:43:40 17/02/2009
To be honest, I didn't see any merit about this game. It was lackluster, and those of you who are looking to make a quick buck to buy BIGGER, BETTER games should get DotD right back to the store you bought it from ASAP!
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564 |
#9 Posted: 02:51:49 17/02/2009
Just the graphics, especially for PS3 and 360.
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#10 Posted: 21:01:11 17/02/2009
Quote: HIR
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#11 Posted: 21:56:48 17/02/2009
Quote: dingodile555
ARE YOU OKAY??????? WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHY THIS GAME IS SO AWESOME??????? Gosh, do I have to go through this list? there are over 50 things for it!!!! EDIT: NO OFFENSE!!!! I'M SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANYBODY!!!! |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:57:29 17/02/2009 by wanderist
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164 |
#12 Posted: 22:51:05 17/02/2009
The graphics may have been beautiful, but they were sloppy, and buggy. The music was great, and beautiful, but not perfect. The sound was weird and a little off, the controls on the ground wasn't great. then there's flying which is bad to the start. Then there is the fact that the game is Cheesy, but it is fun, you may want to play it again, or you may not want to play again. So the game was minorly mediocre, but it was still fun to many Spyro fans. To other people, it wasn't a great game for various reasons.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life. |
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564 |
#13 Posted: 23:04:18 17/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
Starting listening the "over 50 things"; pointlessly saying that you like something in that manner is quite SPAMish and useless. |
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#14 Posted: 00:31:06 18/02/2009
Quote: Shrazer320
Do you have to respond to EVERYTHING I say? |
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674 |
#15 Posted: 00:39:52 18/02/2009 | Topic Creator
Wow... Just shows that there's truly nothing good about it, if you're not even going to say anything valid and just attacking me for stating the fact.
You just don't want to accept that there's nothing good about it, I wasn't flaming this game at all but if that's how you want to play... The game sucks, it is a joke and I'm a fan of Spyro and ELB (the developers who made it) but that doesn't mean I'm forced to worship this glorified pile of overrated mediocrity. I just wanted to know why so many people here are acting like it's God's gift to Spyro fans. DarkSpyro58, I didnt "run it down into the dirt" at all. I merely said it was mediocre and sloppily-made, which is an understatement. So every "reason" that has been posted doesn't make sense... Last part of trilogy? So? First game with great graphics works? Well to me it's just ugly, and dull. If you ask me, pretty much every console game before it had much more appealing graphics. And co-op is only good in a good game. Wanderist, go on, list 50! |
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#16 Posted: 00:59:24 18/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
I assume, good sir, you have EVIDENCE to back up this statement. A statement, that by the way, I can hardly even deem as credible, seeing as how you've tarnished your argument with caps lock abuse and punctuation marks to the point where it is no longer legible. I also do no like exaggerations. I bet that most of the items on the list of 50 things that you will be creating for us now are actually reasons why WE who are challenging you hated the game in the first place. p_o
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Cuzzberry Gold Sparx Gems: 2081 |
#17 Posted: 01:17:44 18/02/2009
O great, another pointless fight...
Wow... It's been awhile! |
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#18 Posted: 02:01:06 18/02/2009
Quote: dingodile555
1. You can fly ANYTIME 2. You can play as Spyro and CYNDER! 3. better graphics 4. New moves 5. In all you can use 10 different breath attacks (including the convexity breathes) 6. 2 player 7. They are older 8. The levels are cooler 9. The moves look cool! 10. *falls asleep* Sorry, I just cant do it right now! I'M TOO TIRED!!!! *faints* |
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674 |
#19 Posted: 03:02:23 18/02/2009 | Topic Creator
All reasons = invalid. Okay let's take them one by one.
1. You can fly ANYTIME - nice idea to begin with but gets boring 2. You can play as Spyro and CYNDER! - Cynder? OMFGZ RLY? Big deal. 3. better graphics - Nope, they're still dull and ugly to me. 4. New moves - Not necessarily good, though. 5. In all you can use 10 different breath attacks (including the convexity breathes) - Wow, way to overcomplicate things. It was seriously better when we only had a few useful ones. 6. 2 player - Okay, I give you that one. 7. They are older - ...and that's a good thing? They are both such bland characters. 8. The levels are cooler - No way. 9. The moves look cool! - A matter of opinion. 10. *falls asleep* - So am I, it's 3 AM |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:03:28 18/02/2009 by dingodile555
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564 |
#20 Posted: 04:15:16 18/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
1. Free flight was crap 2. That was POINTLESS, espcially when the AI controlled character was more of an obstacle than help. 3. Yes, that was true. 4. That sucked horribly. 5. A bit useful, but Convexity (Fury) was USELESS 6. ._. Not everyone has someone to play with. 7. What does age matter? 8. No they weren't; they were a confusing mess. 9. Eye candy is nothing of use in a battle. 10. Grow up and make a list rather than realize you effed up when you said there were 50 reasons. I've stayed up two days in a row and been mentally fine (for the most part; my thoughts were simply slower than normal, but not gone). |
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#21 Posted: 04:56:24 18/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
1. Did we mention the control scheme was... lacking and didn't let your fly in the direction you wanted to? 2. They pretty much behaved the same way as each other, and whichever one you didn't play as served as an obstacle instead of a helper. 3. THE GRAPHICS HAD ME ON ADVIL FOR 2 ****ING DAYS! ;~; It was like playing the Virtual Boy all over again! The brightness, blockyness, and numerous frame rate issues/graphical glitches took away from the quality. 4. New moves that were weak and hardly did anything to your enemies. And there were too many, making combat complicated. Did I also mention elemental moves drained too much mana? <.<; 5. What good do the breath attacks do when you're constantly running out of mana because said attacks use SO much of it?! 6. You assume that you'll always have a friend to play with. Some of us aren't that lucky. T_T 7. Yeah, real teen punks, fresh with "hormones" and everything. The only thing the age difference brought on was a lack of emotion by the voice actors. 8. No, the levels lack a clear path and flow unlike DotD's predecessors. They get boring and repetitive too. 9. No, I think they quite phail in comparison to TEN's and ANB's. And what's up with each element NOT getting its own fury? >.< 10. I SHALL DRIZZLE RAGE DRESSING ON YOUR SALAD OF LISTS... WHICH ARE INADEQUATE! I HAVE FURY!!!
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277 |
#22 Posted: 07:03:54 18/02/2009
Quote: DarkSpyro58
I agree. You have made your point, why keep on saying it over and over for about 5 years (points to ETD)? We get the point so why don't you just drop it? Complaining isn't gonna do anything so why act like 5 year olds and say "THIS GAME SUCKS" for 10 years? Is it really worth it? Its only gonna course fights. |
Spyro 666 Green Sparx Gems: 326 |
#23 Posted: 12:36:03 18/02/2009
Quote: Cynder_543
Yeah,talk cr*p about the game all you want,but the people that like it,are more than the people that hate it.
Waiting for the new game and movie.(Its gonna be a loooong wait ) |
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674 |
#24 Posted: 14:20:40 18/02/2009 | Topic Creator
You're missing the whole point. To begin with, I wasn't bashing the game, but you made me do it.
I'm simply asking why you like it, and why I should like it. And so far there have been zero valid reasons. |
Cuzzberry Gold Sparx Gems: 2081 |
#25 Posted: 15:03:42 18/02/2009
Can't we just say there were a few flaws and great points in the game? Why can't we just leave it at that?
Wow... It's been awhile! |
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674 |
#26 Posted: 18:45:41 18/02/2009 | Topic Creator
Because I want to know what those 'great points' are.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#27 Posted: 19:58:23 18/02/2009
Quote: Cuzzberry
Sure. But in my opinion, this game had no redeeming qualities. <.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076 |
#28 Posted: 20:08:08 18/02/2009
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427 |
#29 Posted: 21:33:36 18/02/2009
The game was good but not 'Great' or 'Excellent' it's just good...
It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken... |
Cuzzberry Gold Sparx Gems: 2081 |
#30 Posted: 21:34:09 18/02/2009
Technically, some great points could be great flaws for others. So i can't actually name any cuz it would just cause another big fight which i'm not going to be a part of.
Wow... It's been awhile! |
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427 |
#31 Posted: 21:43:32 18/02/2009
Quote: Cuzzberry
I agree, it would just cause a fight......and I don't want to be apart of it either *Leaves*
It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken... |
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#32 Posted: 22:00:40 18/02/2009
Quote: ShadowDragon91
Look guys and gals, this is getting old and is making people upset. I understand your opinions and everybody else does, too. So let's just drop it, OK. We don't need people getting upset because they just can't accept eachothers differences and let's close this topic. It's doing nothing but starting a fight, let's be mature and go on to a new subject.
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#33 Posted: 22:06:53 18/02/2009
Quote: DarkSpyro58
Your right. |
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#34 Posted: 01:46:21 19/02/2009
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12639 |
#35 Posted: 02:45:13 19/02/2009
Because you get to beat Malefors a$$
「恋愛なんてだっさー‼ヤングは迷わずテクノブレイク一択でしょ‼」 |
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277 |
#36 Posted: 10:34:35 19/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
I agree. This game is already done. Why not put it in the past and look at the new Spyro game thats gonna come out about next year (i'm just guessing....)? |
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#37 Posted: 23:43:21 19/02/2009
Quote: Shrazer320
Well, that was the meanest thing ever! 1. Your opinion 2. your opinion 3. THANK YOU 4. your opinion 5. your opinion 6. I KNOW THAT 7. It may not matter to you. But it may to others! 8. Your opinion 9. EYE CANDY? 10. DON'T TELL ME TO GROW UP!!!! THAT WAS JUST PLAIN RUDE!!! And if I don't feel like listing 50 things, I DON'T HAVE TO!But I shouldn't be insulted because of it. |
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674 |
#38 Posted: 00:51:11 20/02/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: Cynder_543
Already done? It's only been out for a few months. Hey while we're at it, let's put every other Spyro game in the past and forget about them all. Let's look to the future, because it's looking so bright, isn't it? |
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564 |
#39 Posted: 01:34:32 20/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
Get over it. 1. It was yours as well. 2. It was yours as well. 3. ._. It was still too bright; I think that's why Cynder was purpleish. 4. It was yours as well. 5. It was yours as well. 6. ;~; 7. True, but age doesn't matter a whole lot except to the law. X_X 8. It was yours as well. 9. Yes, eye candy. 10. Get over it; you shouldn't have said you could list 50 reasons without doing it, so this was your fault. Quote: dingodile555
Exactly; old Sonic games are considered the best by some (rather deranged fans, too some point as I see 'em) fans, so they still play them. I have respect for older games, especially series starters. You don't just throw them away and say "OKAY! MORE BAD SEQUALS PLZ!" |
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#40 Posted: 01:39:07 20/02/2009
Quote: Shrazer320
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564 |
#41 Posted: 01:40:40 20/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
...Yeah, it was. You said you could list 50 reasons, so we asked for your crediblity, that of which you obviously lack. And can you muster up some maturity and turn off the caps lock button? |
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#42 Posted: 01:42:16 20/02/2009
Quote: Shrazer320
1. IT WAS NOT 2. There isn't a problem with caps lock! 3. I didn't say I COULD ACTUALLY list 50! 4. I don't lack anything! I listed my 9 reasons. Now, lets do something amazing! LETS GET ALONG!!!!!! |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:56:09 20/02/2009 by wanderist
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#43 Posted: 05:43:12 20/02/2009
Quote: wanderist
Your right!!!
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277 |
#44 Posted: 06:13:40 20/02/2009
Quote: dingodile555
I don't mean that. You just heard me wrong. All I am saying is. Can we STOP making alot off topics saying that DOTD sucks? You know, I am now getting really p!ssed off and I am now taking the TLOS side. I just hate people just keep on complaining and complaining about the game!!! Just get over it PLEASE!!! This game isn't gonna rule your whole life! Why can't we just look foward to the next game? And, to back this whole thing up, I'd might as well say this again. Quote: Cynder_543
And yes, I can take other people's opinions. But its stupid to complane about this game for about 5 years. Just THINK, what is all this gonna do? Make the game better? NOPE, its just gonna course fights. There, I have said everything. Now can we PLEASE do what Wanderist said and get along? And can we look at the good things about this game instead off always looking at the bad points? Please? EDIT: How many topics is there, saying that DOTD sucks? And how many times THE SAME people trash DOTD in different topics? 1: DOTD, overated? 2: A topic about "DOTD sucks" made by Spyro2008 3: This topic 4: The truth 5: Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. The same people are ditching DOTD in that topic. 6: Game design (WAT DO YOU WANT!!?) Again, almost all off THE SAME people are ditching DOTD. The title is also sorta trashing DOTD if you think about it. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:02:15 20/02/2009 by Cynder_543
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076 |
#45 Posted: 12:45:53 20/02/2009
Maybe the older games would get respect if people stoped making these damn topics.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#46 Posted: 18:32:52 20/02/2009
I think it's easy to see where the dividing line between the ages of the people here... and whether they hate/like DotD is. <_< I HAVE SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATIONS! ^_^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#47 Posted: 19:08:15 20/02/2009
Quote: HIR
Please, speak about your findings HIR! *puts on his glass and grabs his pocket protector*
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076 |
#48 Posted: 21:17:18 20/02/2009
Quote: HIR
Ah, so you also have a God complex? |
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674 |
#49 Posted: 23:33:43 20/02/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: Tango
This was never intended to turn into a "DOTD SUCKS" topic but because you guys' insecurity and sensitivity towards people who don't worship this game like it's God's gift to Spyro fans it has turned into just that. I don't care whether you respect the old games or not... I never even brought that up. And why do you keep asking me and HIR if we have God complexes? Obviously we do. |
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814 |
#50 Posted: 00:16:46 21/02/2009
Quote: dingodile555
I'm not making fun of HIR, I really want to know what he says! I've no problems with HIR.
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!! |
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