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Dusk of Dawn (Fantasy RP) (Open)
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#1 Posted: 22:54:12 22/11/2017 | Topic Creator
In a flurry of light and shadow, a whirl of care and love, a goddess created the world and everything in it, entrusting it to her children. Lunalioris, goddess of the moon and stars, created creatures of the night. Solis, god of the sun and day, created his own more peaceful creatures to relish the sunlight he gave them. The world was balanced, and they were happy just to watch their creations roam the world. They even worked together to create a race that would be able to hear and communicate with them, the angels. Each of the twins would grant an angel a small part of their power as they were born, would watch the two more powerful angels grow to lead their people. As their chosen ones died, they would die together. The cycle would repeat. Eventually, Solis grew bored of this cycle. His creatures, sensing this, learned to make weapons, and would start attacking Lunalioris' creations in the hope of pleasing their god. Lunalioris grew angry at her brother for this act, and gave her creatures natural defenses and a way to fight back should they be attacked by Solis' beings. The two gods were unhappy, and the angels with special powers would grow resentful of each other. Still they were born, though the gods no longer chose who was born with their power. Solis finished the battle by destroying his sister, so he thought, sending her to the world below to live as one of the creatures she loved. Their powers were connected, however, and he was also forced into a mortal body chained to the earth. The two gods never found each other, and while Lunalioris wanted to apologize, Solis wanted nothing but to kill his sister.
You are a member of one of the many races populating this world. War is breaking out between the forces of the sun and the forces of the moon, each creature fighting for its creator. A new race has sprang up in somewhat recent years as well, created by the goddess who originally brought the world into existence. They want nothing but to end the war and restore peace between the gods. No matter who you are, you are being drawn into this conflict. The armies are forcing all who are of their races to join the war, and the angels are the only ones spared from the conflict, if only due to their ignorance.

Angels - winged humanoids. Closest to the gods. Can be aligned with any side of the war.
Humans - boring old humans. Solis’ creations.
Elves - Pointy eared humanoids, nearly immortal. Solis’ creations.
Demons - divided between shapechanger and shadowwalker demons. Shapechangers can change shape, but have little control over it. Shadowwalkers can slip into shadows. Demons have varying appearances, thought they are usually fanged, clawed or scaled. Lunalioris’ creations.
Sirens - people of the oceans. Scaled, fishlike humanoids with webbed fingers and toes as well as gills. Able to weave illusions or alter their nature with song. Lunalioris’ creations.
Gorgons - women with leathery skin in shades of gold, green or teal. Some have wings, though they are only usable for gliding. Turn people to stone by looking into their eyes. Most avoid this, however. Lunalioris’ creations.
Animali - humanoids with Animal features capable of turning into the animal they share traits with. Creations of the World Mother, the world’s original creator.

Weapon of choice: (can be magic or natural weapons)
Brief backstory: (just to kinda know if they’re a part of the war willingly and whatnot)

Normal RP rules duh
If you want to do something and aren’t sure if I’m okay with it first if all look at me I’m not strict ask yourself is it gonna disrupt the balance of the story if not it’s fine if you’re not sure if it will or not ask me it’s not that hard
Forgot to say you can have however many characters
Why am I a loser
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:41:11 30/11/2017 by FuryBeam136
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8370
#2 Posted: 00:24:36 23/11/2017
*has a character named Solis*

This sounds fun! I’ve been looking to get back into RPing again- I miss RPing with multiple people. I’d love to have more info about the races and stuff!
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#3 Posted: 00:36:18 23/11/2017
I'm in the same boat! All three of us roleplaying'll be just like the old days!
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9403
#4 Posted: 00:46:21 23/11/2017
Guess who's back, baby!?
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#5 Posted: 02:25:25 25/11/2017 | Topic Creator
Imma put the sheets and stuff in the first post now I get distracted easily
Why am I a loser
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#6 Posted: 04:36:36 25/11/2017
Just one question: does an Animali's form have to be a real-life animal?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9403
#7 Posted: 05:43:56 25/11/2017
Name: Georgie
Race: Demon (Shapechanger)
Appearance: Georgie has the claws, fangs, and horns one might expect from a demon, but his short stature makes him look more akin to an imp than a full-on demon. He has yellow snakelike eyes, a barbed tail, and he covered head-to-toe in coarse black fur. The only clothes he wears are a pair of brown pants.
Gender: Male
Weapon of choice: A magical fiddle
Brief backstory: Georgie is a slacker. He'd be more than happy to spend his days playing the fiddle and causing mischief to anyone he could find (including other demons), but now he finds himself thrust into a war he never would've even considered joining otherwise. Reluctantly, he fights on behalf of his kind- if only so he can go back to doing absolutely nothing productive.
Other: Speaks with a southern accent (or whatever this world's equivalent would be)
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:44:14 25/11/2017 by Skyhunter
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1489
#8 Posted: 01:14:13 28/11/2017
Another RP? Sure, why not?

Name: Deca
Race: Animali
Appearance: A girl with chameleon traits, including a ridiculously long tongue, prehensile tail, and such. Small and pudgy, but can be surprisingly intimidating when she wants.
Gender: Female
Weapon of choice: She likes magic, and is a talented illusionist... But she has a habit of messing around with knives in combat.
Brief backstory: She didn't want to get involved, but she sort of got sucked in. She was a chef before getting involved. Before that, she was a criminal. She's reformed now, but that doesn't make her any less dangerous.
Other: She's sweet, but has a darker side hidden underneath, as is evidenced by her long rap sheet of crimes.

She was heavily inspired by the Decadal Marapet.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#9 Posted: 14:34:49 30/11/2017 | Topic Creator
Animali don’t have to be actual animals smilie
You’re all accepted!
I made sheets for these important dudes but I am most definitely gonna have more minor characters that I’m not making sheets for
Dang I made making these way more complicated than I had to

Name: Freya
Race: Animali
Appearance: Fur on her arms and paw like hands and feet. She has ears and a tail matching those of a wolf and her fur is a rosy gold in colour.
Gender: Female
Weapon of choice: A pair of swords
Brief backstory: Has always done her best to fight off any intruders on her territory. She considers the war similar to that but on a larger scale.
Other: Leader of the Animali, though nowhere near strict.

Name: Luna
Race: Demon (Shadowwalker)
Appearance: Humanoid with pointed ears and fangs. Black claws in place of fingernails and toenails. A pair of small horns that are barely visible through her thick hair.
Gender: Female
Weapon of choice: Bow
Brief backstory: Loner, unwillingly a scout for the army. She tends to do her own thing rather than following orders, leading to a unique role in the army.
Other: None

Name: Aria
Race: elf
Appearance: Golden blonde hair and blue eyes, pale skin
Gender: Female
Weapon of choice: Sword
Brief backstory: Elven royalty. Forced her subjects into the war, though she didn’t really want to.
Other: Leader of the elves (and Solis’ armies)

Name: Karg
Race: Demon (Shapechanger)
Appearance: mostly scaled and muscular, with large, somewhat scarred horns curving out from his bald head. Almost completely covered in midnight blue scales, with reptilian golden eyes and a long, whip thin tail. Scars cover a lot of his body, and he rarely wears a shirt.
Gender: Male
Weapon of choice: Warhammer
Brief backstory: Powerful demon warrior. He took charge of Lunalioris’ army with ease.
Other: Leader of Lunalioris’ army. Despite his tough appearance, actually quite gentle.

I may have did character sheets for the gods too but it’s mostly only so that you know the information

Name: Lunalioris
Race: Demon (shapechanger)
Appearance: Human in appearance except for her fangs. Her black hair has flecks of silver like stars. Her eyes are silver.
Gender: Female
Weapon of choice: Divine power
Brief backstory: See the op
Other: See op

Name: Solis
Race: Human
Appearance: Golden hair and eyes, fit and slightly tan.
Gender: Male
Weapon of choice: Divine power
Brief backstory: See op
Other: See op
Why am I a loser
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1489
#10 Posted: 20:29:08 30/11/2017
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#11 Posted: 16:55:01 15/12/2017
It took me way too long to come up with names.
Name: Kivuli
Race: Animali
Appearance: Humanoid, with black hair and covered in blue scales. Has bat-like wings and a tail tipped in a dagger.
Gender: Female
Weapon of choice: Magic
Brief backstory: The leader of a village of reptilian Animali. Her group normally tries to stay out of the war as much as possible.
Other: Enjoys the study and application of magic.

Name: Chera
Race: Human
Appearance: Dark brown skin and curly red hair. Always wears polished armor, even in situations where she's not likely to be attacked.
Gender: Female
Weapon of choice: Sword and dagger
Brief backstory: A refugee from a village destroyed by gorgons.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#12 Posted: 02:51:43 16/12/2017 | Topic Creator
Alright you're accepted!
If everyone's still there and good to go we can start whenever
Why am I a loser
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8370
#13 Posted: 18:49:19 25/12/2017
I’m so sorry that this slipped my mind! Here are the sheets! smilie Can I make Shadmé or Shada an angel, or are angels off-limits?

Name: Vivia
Race: gorgon
Appearance: Vivia is a younger, teenaged gorgon, and dresses rather conservatively for one, with thick, violet robes and a blindfold over her eyes so she doesn’t unintentionally turn anyone to stone. Her skin is darker teal, almost purple, and fade into dark, demonlike wings. Her hair is a bed of black snakes with a few purple ones here and there. If one were somehow able to see her eyes, they are a pale blue.
Gender: female
Weapon of choice: shadow magic
Brief backstory: A newcomer to war. While not a serious soldier, she looks up to Karg. Though she is eager to do anything to please him (and by extension, Lunalioris), she winds up being shy and merciful more often than violent when pitched into combat.

Name: Dax
Race: siren
Appearance: Indigo scales wind up his arms and neck, and down his waist to end in a fish-shaped tail. His eyes are normally black with a speck of lime green, but he uses illusions to make them look a more natural, trustworthy green. He adores wearing silver jewelry, and dons a green scarf and bandana when conducting business on land, with every intention of showing off his muscles. A glittering harp hides in a pouch he wears over one shoulder, while a strap over the other shoulder hilts his trident to him.
Gender: male
Weapon of choice: silver trident, magic harp, illusion power
Brief backstory: Skilled in manipulation through music and illusions, Dax believes that his sole purpose is to cause as much mischief as possible. Despite being a creature created by Lunalioris, he finds the minds of the moon goddess’ creatures more fun to warp than the minds of the creatures created by Solis, and so more often than not he fights for the sun god.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:44:27 25/12/2017 by ShadowMewX
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#14 Posted: 14:54:04 29/12/2017 | Topic Creator
Angels aren’t off limits, but black and white winged ones (angels blessed by the gods) are.
I accept your characters!
Why am I a loser
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8370
#15 Posted: 21:17:19 01/01/2018
OoC: Shadmé’s wings are along the lines of red-tinted and Shada’s are blue-tinted, but they both might still be too close to black. Whoops! smilie

Dax strummed his harp idly as he sunned himself on a rock. A few bodies were strewn about, unconscious and bewitched by Dax’s illusions. A hunting party, he’d deduced. All happened to be fighting for the moon god.
He felt no remorse for their suffering states. To Dax, it was all a game, a flex of his mental muscle. Tossed from family to family throughout his childhood, teenhood and finally adulthood, it was never in his nature to pick a side and stick with it. In fact, Dax had always found it more advantageous to pinpoint the likes and dislikes of his comrades and shape himself to their expectations.
Nobody ever saw it coming when he’d change his mind.
So as soon as he’d broken through the cloistering actions of his “families” and discovered a war on the other side, it had been no different. In fact, he was surprised to learn that soldiers had to pick a side and stick with it to the bitter end. What if they were obviously outnumbered? Dax wondered. What if the rewards were greater on the other side? Apparently these thoughts, so natural to him, were treasonous. And thus, he’d moved with the tides, fighting on his own whims. Who knew what would happen if the soldiers of the gods had caught wind of his so-called “treason?”
The hunting party he’d destroyed had been a crowd of shadowwalking demons. Technically, they were allied, united as creatures of Lunalioris, but that didn’t faze Dax. They had ventured too close to the territory Dax had claimed as his own for the time being. If they had found him, the interrogation would have begun, and things would be nasty for him. “All in self-defense,” Dax murmured aloud, pleased with his progress. He hadn’t succeeded in killing any of them, but if he left them like this, they’d surely die of starvation, dehydration or shock. That is, if the rest of their friends didn’t show up first. Dax strummed another chord as he pondered this, and finally a solution came to him. He began to weave an illusion over the fallen demons, crafting a camouflage that hid them from sight. He smiled. Now if anyone were to stroll by, they would never notice the shivering shapes under the illusion of a clean, grassy field...
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9403
#16 Posted: 19:58:11 02/01/2018
Georgie slumped over at his post, one eye shut, the other half open. The thought of this war and how he got wrapped up in it dwelled in his head as a tumbleweed lazily rolled by. The little black demon didn't belong here. He'd never held a weapon in his life besides his old slingshot and his pappy's pitchfork, he had no kind of merit whatsoever, and to top it all off, he was only knee-height to most of his kin. What did the commander see in Georgie that made him any more eligible than anyone else? You just need some discipline, he said. Discipline, shmiscipline, he was a slacker, always had been, always would be. Go find some other thick-headed Jingo to fight your silly little war.

He couldn't complain too much though, because this sentry job seemed tailor-made for him. All he had to do was keep an eye out for intruders and yell if he saw any. As if anyone would look for them out here, in the middle of nowhere. He was counting the hours until his shift was over, and not a single soul had shown up. It gave him plenty of time to catch up on rest. He glanced down at the golden fiddle he had brought. A little practice wouldn't hurt, it's not like anyone would hear him. The demon hoisted the instrument up to his chin and dragged the bow across the strings, playing the first few notes of an old tune his pop had taught him.
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#17 Posted: 21:58:58 02/01/2018
You know what

Screw it

Name:Butcher(Named after The Butcher from Diablo)
Appearence:A stitched up, red-skinned character with one left horn(the right one was cut off, explained later) He is a more fat character, but he can still run at incredible speeds when angered. He has a jaw with 2 sets of sharp teeth. He wears a blood covered apron, and always carries sharp knives and other point objects that can be used to cut things into pulp
Weapon of Choice:A ton of sharp objects, mostly knives, that can be used to cut up his foes
Brief Backstory:Butcher is actually a ton of dead devils used to create on devil, because of this, he is more of a Frankenstein's monster type character, and thus serves the devils and everything they do. Due to his origin, he merely sees all others, including fellow demons, as parts. And is a suspect in some of the disappearacenes of demons

That's fine right
Rise and Shine Ursine
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#18 Posted: 00:30:54 08/01/2018 | Topic Creator
(I'll accept your character (assuming by devil you mean demon)
Honestly there are gonna be so many semi important characters I can't make sheets (why did I do this to myself I didn't have to but I did... eh, it's a challenge. I've been giving myself those lately.) for every single one of them I've just realized)

"Technically I'm supposed to be stopping you right now," Luna noted lazily, making her presence known to the siren below her. "Technically speaking, you've entranced several of my superior officers. Lucky for you, I couldn't care less." She was sitting in the shadow of the rock Dax was lying on, wisps of energy from her movement from shadows to corporeal still hovering around her. "In fact, I hated every single one of those people anyway. I would've killed them myself eventually. Thanks for sparing me the effort, I suppose." The young demon played seemingly carelessly with a pendant around her neck. "I'm gonna have to warn you, though. Grok's in that party. You'll get in an awful lot of trouble if anyone finds out about this."

"I didn't know demons had music," an Animali commented, the white feathers practically covering her body indicating that she was some form of bird. She stood at a distance she deemed safe, and watched the sentry curiously.
Why am I a loser
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9403
#19 Posted: 04:59:52 08/01/2018
As the little black demon finished his first song, his gaze swept across the area and landed on a figure covered in brilliant white feathers. “Heh, looks like I got an audience,” Georgie mused, an amused smirk stretching across his face. He reckoned it was one of them Animali, though she didn’t appear to have any hostile intent, so he thought it best to leave her be. Plus, she technically was no enemy to his alignment, so there was no need to report this to the higher-ups. Less work was always a good thing in his eyes. He picked up where he left off, playing a quick tempo number.
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#20 Posted: 16:54:52 10/01/2018 | Topic Creator
The bird girl smiled and watched curiously, having never seen an instrument other than parts of your own body used to make music. She began to hum along softly, the tune etching itself into her mind. She smiled.
Why am I a loser
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9403
#21 Posted: 01:53:02 28/01/2018
As Georgie's song came to its conclusion, he rested his instrument on his post and took a bow to his Animali admirer. "Thank you, you've been a wonderful audience," he addressed her with a chuckle. After this, he slumped back into his chair. "So, what brings you by here, tweety bird?" he spoke to the Animali, trying to make conversation. He assumed she could understand him, maybe she wouldn't, he didn't know. Georgie was ignorant when it came to other races.
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#22 Posted: 12:57:57 30/01/2018 | Topic Creator
The Animali averted her gaze for a moment, but answered the question. “Technically I’m supposed to be scouting,” she admitted. “We’re at war, after all. I don’t like fighting, though. It’s an interesting change of pace to not have to run away from a demon to see someone like you.”
Why am I a loser
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9403
#23 Posted: 00:33:23 09/02/2018
"A scout, eh?" Georgie said, balancing his fiddle's bow on one finger. "Well, I'm a sentry here, so I should be turnin' you in right now..." His mouth curled into a sly grin. "Buuuuut, you animali fellas ain't Solis's creations, so you technically ain't my enemy. 'Spose I'll let ya off with a warning." That was partially his intent. The other part was just him looking for an excuse not to do anything.
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#24 Posted: 11:13:32 09/02/2018 | Topic Creator
The bird girl smiled. “Thank you,” she said quietly, bowing her head and looking around. “With that in mind, I should get going before someone else shows up. Thank you for letting me go. I won’t tell anyone about this place, I promise.” She spread her arms, which were so feathered they appeared to be wings, and took off into the air.
Why am I a loser
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