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Update at all?
Mary I Green Sparx Gems: 462
#1 Posted: 16:01:17 14/11/2017 | Topic Creator
Going to sound basic here but will the website ever be updated? I was a member here a loooong time ago and the website still looks the same now as it did back then.

Also will we ever be able to use Emojis on this website? I don’t like typing X D as i feel like im back in 2008.

Just a few thoughts from your loving Queen.

Mary R.
Truth is the daughter of time.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 17:11:17 14/11/2017
Aside from small additions, it only ever had one overhaul I think. Don't recall if anything changed in the transition to Curse Forums(and when the site left it again) - except maybe the malicious ads but those weren't under Dark's control.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:11:59 14/11/2017 by Bifrost
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