darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > What's the deal with villain themes?
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What's the deal with villain themes?
Dark Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2635
#1 Posted: 09:17:06 21/09/2017 | Topic Creator
I swear I've heard at least 6 of them in places other than trap team. Ive been playing Family guy Back to the multiverse and in the pirate level brawlrus and brawl and chains theme are playes there. Unless their themes are old songs then that's understandable but IIRC the famity guy game came out before trap team

Idk I'm confused. Can sombody explain this to me
Psn-Zydren8cookie, FC 3024-5345-8692
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#2 Posted: 03:27:55 15/10/2017
the only two villain themes that aren't stock music are Gulper's and Kaos'.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#3 Posted: 04:35:14 15/10/2017
Quote: ZapNorris
the only two villain themes that aren't stock music are Gulper's and Kaos'.

Dreamcatcher too.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#4 Posted: 12:43:56 15/10/2017
All three still use licensed dubstep remixes.
(What I need is never what I want)
SkylandrPurists Emerald Sparx Gems: 3461
#5 Posted: 11:08:46 22/04/2018
Then again; I do remember hearing Chill Bill, Blaster-tron and Pepper Jack's songs in other media. Chill Bills I heard in a McDonald's commercial in 2015 (I don't remember about what exactly), Blaster-Trons I have heard in a Doctor Who commercial, and Pepper Jack's was in an episode of my favorite Nickelodeon show.
My Rocky Ravagers: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smilie
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