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Pokémon of the Day Act III: Shock and Terror (Galarian DLC!)
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1601 Posted: 21:55:53 02/12/2019
No art yet? This is bullgrap!...loct

yep my puns are back
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1602 Posted: 22:05:59 02/12/2019 | Topic Creator
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1603 Posted: 12:46:34 03/12/2019 | Topic Creator
Quote: Drawdler
Also, what about Gigantamax forms?

Nah I'm not doing Gigantamaxes, just the 81 new fellas and the 13 Galarian forms.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1604 Posted: 21:33:30 08/12/2019
I'm down for this
I'm up for this
I'm left for this
I'm right for this

*drops bass*
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1605 Posted: 21:13:15 02/02/2020 | Topic Creator
Any day now they'll release all the official arts, I can feel it
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1606 Posted: 17:19:38 03/02/2020
If we all feel together, maybe Nintendo will catch the feels
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#1607 Posted: 13:41:24 05/02/2020
Mega mawile
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1608 Posted: 07:54:05 21/02/2020 | Topic Creator
>Fighting Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #865<

[User Posted Image]

Welcome to the Galarian DLC for PotD! There are 95 (for now) new fellas to get through, starting with Sirfetch’d!

Today's PotD is the Wild Duck Pokémon, Sirfetch’d!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Psychic-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1609 Posted: 09:27:19 21/02/2020
Go ahead and ponyTake your time
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1610 Posted: 05:48:45 22/02/2020 | Topic Creator
>Psychic/Normal Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #876<

[User Posted Image]

This could’ve just been a Galarian Audino tbh. That’s what I thought it was when I first saw it in a Pokémon Center ahaha.

Today's PotD is the Emotion Pokémon, Indeedee!

The next Galarian PotD will be an Electric-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1611 Posted: 06:20:34 22/02/2020 | Topic Creator
You know what **** it I’m throwing in Gigantamaxes

I wanna make this last at least up to the first DLC and doing that will allow that to happen
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1612 Posted: 08:57:58 22/02/2020
Dont boltunderestimate me
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1613 Posted: 22:50:06 22/02/2020
Toxtricity or however you spell it, electric guitar frog dude
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1614 Posted: 08:00:21 23/02/2020 | Topic Creator
>Electric/Poison Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #849<

[User Posted Image]

Everyone likes Amped more but I quite like Low Key hmmph

Today's PotD is the Punk Pokémon, Toxtricity!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Dark-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1615 Posted: 09:12:11 23/02/2020
Don’t lie(noone) to me.
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1616 Posted: 15:41:33 24/02/2020
Hopefully I can Nickit, the answer of course
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1617 Posted: 06:38:58 28/02/2020 | Topic Creator
>Dark Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #828<

[User Posted Image]

What a spruce moustache

Today's PotD is the Fox Pokémon, Thievul!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Dragon-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1618 Posted: 09:59:38 28/02/2020
this thing better not drag(apult) on
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1619 Posted: 15:21:39 28/02/2020
I beg to differ, this should last for all Eternatus
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1620 Posted: 05:57:09 29/02/2020 | Topic Creator
>Poison/Dragon Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #890<

[User Posted Image]

After all these years we finally have a Pokémon bigger than Wailord

Today's PotD is the Gigantic Pokémon, Eternatus!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Psychic-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1621 Posted: 07:44:36 29/02/2020
I won’t have anyone Orbeetle me at this game
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1622 Posted: 16:55:16 01/03/2020
I best get my score Rapidash'in (Galarian Form) to the top then
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1623 Posted: 06:52:17 03/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Psychic/Fairy Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #858<

[User Posted Image]

And here is our first GMax PotD!

Today's PotD is the Silent Pokémon, Gigantamax Hatterene!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Flying-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1624 Posted: 06:56:28 03/03/2020
Corviswhy are you doing this
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1625 Posted: 16:47:18 04/03/2020
Don't Cramorant my style (eh, i tried)
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1626 Posted: 05:46:11 07/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Flying Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #821<

[User Posted Image]

I’m glad we’re finally getting more pure Flying types. Not sure why it took this long.

Today's PotD is the Tiny Bird Pokémon, Rookidee!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Steel-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1627 Posted: 10:11:53 07/03/2020
Yeah, more pure flying types is cufantastic
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1628 Posted: 23:01:30 07/03/2020
Careful, i'm gonna get Perrserker on your butt
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1629 Posted: 06:31:54 08/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Steel Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #052<

[User Posted Image]

Watch us get a new regional form for Meowth every single generation lol

Today's PotD is the Scratch Cat Pokémon, Galarian Meowth!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Steel-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1630 Posted: 10:23:42 08/03/2020
i still think this will be cufantastic
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1631 Posted: 18:20:15 08/03/2020
Still gonna get Perrserker out here
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1632 Posted: 04:06:47 11/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Steel Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #878<

[User Posted Image]

The very first Pokémon you see in the game

Today's PotD is the Copperderm Pokémon, Cufant!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Dark-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1633 Posted: 06:54:27 11/03/2020
I need more...grem
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1634 Posted: 16:45:28 12/03/2020
You're becoming an Obstagoon in my way
(made more sense in my head)
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1635 Posted: 07:01:49 13/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Dark Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #827<

[User Posted Image]

This is a very risky name to say

Today's PotD is the Fox Pokémon, Nickit!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Fire-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1636 Posted: 07:16:00 13/03/2020
I’ve come to make an announcement, Shadow the hedgehog is a (female dog) (butt) mother (f word). He Sizzlipede on my wife.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1637 Posted: 04:34:35 19/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Fire Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #828<

[User Posted Image]

When this name was first leaked way back in the Affleck leak, I started calling my rabbits “Raboot” every time I passed them because I thought the name sounded funny.

Today's PotD is the Rabbit Pokémon, Raboot!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Water-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1638 Posted: 09:29:14 19/03/2020
I think I have Intel(eon) on the next pokemon
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1639 Posted: 06:24:36 21/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Water Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #816<

[User Posted Image]

I was so adamantly on the Sobble Squad before the final evolutions were known. It’s still by far my favorite first stage in gen 8 at least. Also the PotD number is 1 away from matching the Pokédex number here lol.

Today's PotD is the Water Lizard Pokémon, Sobble!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Fire-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1640 Posted: 11:01:59 21/03/2020
Now we begin out descent(iskorch gmax) into madness
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1641 Posted: 05:08:49 27/03/2020 | Topic Creator
>Rock/Fire Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #838<

[User Posted Image]

This thing’s got a weird face

Today's PotD is the Coal Pokémon, Carkol!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Fighting-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1642 Posted: 11:23:30 27/03/2020
Hang on, trying to FaLink a Pokémons name to a pun
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1643 Posted: 03:57:35 07/04/2020 | Topic Creator
>Fighting Type<
>Galarian Pokémon #852<

[User Posted Image]

Oof I am bad at keeping this routine lol

Today's PotD is the Tantrum Pokémon, Clobbopus!

The next Galarian PotD will be a Normal-Type Pokémon.

Correct Guesses:

“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#1644 Posted: 10:14:18 07/04/2020
dont linoone to me
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1645 Posted: 08:39:47 12/06/2020
it’s greedent baby! worst normal ever i hate its guts
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#1646 Posted: 19:36:57 18/06/2020
How 'bout our good good bean Wooloo?
(I'm too impatient to come up with a pun every post, I'll let inspiration strike me first)
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#1647 Posted: 01:50:10 31/10/2020
Skwovet. Because I can't think of a play on words with this one
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#1648 Posted: 07:11:10 01/12/2020
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
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