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Favorite Giant Skylander?
Mobcraft101 Red Sparx Gems: 63
#1 Posted: 18:32:47 02/08/2017 | Topic Creator
So, out of the eight Giants in Skylanders Giants, which one if your favorite?
If anyone cares, my favorite is Ninjini.
I say "I'm sorry" every second of every day. I love Akame Ga Kill. I'm a teen girl who probably shouldn't be here. I make bad art.
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1437
#2 Posted: 19:39:44 02/08/2017
At the moment, Swarm for his mobility. Other characters can charge, but they don't control or move as fast as the Air Giant. I'm going to get Eye Brawl and Hot Head afterwards to see how they play.
In terms of looks though, Thumpback is my fave. Had he moved faster, he'd easily be my fave.
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4836
#3 Posted: 20:12:54 02/08/2017
Quote: Johnbonne
At the moment, Swarm for his mobility. Other characters can charge, but they don't control or move as fast as the Air Giant. I'm going to get Eye Brawl and Hot Head afterwards to see how they play.
In terms of looks though, Thumpback is my fave. Had he moved faster, he'd easily be my fave.

I was going to say that Thumpback is my favourite, followed by Swarm, in part due to gameplay reasons, so... thanks!

I love the gameplay of Thumpback the way he is.
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#4 Posted: 22:34:08 02/08/2017
In my opinion it's a really hard choice between Bouncer, Ninjini, and Hot Head.

I would instantly say Hot Head if he wasn't so similar to Eruptor and/or the flames on his hand lit up. He's one of my most favorite characters to play, and I find him really cool as well.
However, considering what I mentioned earlier, Bouncer probably takes it. I have a very similar opinion on his looks and gameplay, but he's not TOO similar to anyone who came before him.

Honestly I love how all of the giants play except for Thumpback and Eye-Brawl, which is a little disappointing for me, considering I like both of their appearances more than Tree Rex and Swarm.

To give a full ranking system:
Appearance: Hot Head = Bouncer > Ninjini > Thumpback > Crusher > Eye-Brawl > Tree Rex >>>>> Swarm
Gameplay: Hot Head > Crusher > Bouncer > Swarm > Ninjini > Tree Rex >> Thumpback >>> Eye-Brawl
Overall: Bouncer > Hot Head = Ninjini > Crusher > Thumpback > Tree Rex > Eye-Brawl > Swarm
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#5 Posted: 00:44:30 03/08/2017
Eye Brawl without a doubt. His gameplay was both really efficient and hilarious. Easily one of my favorite Skylanders of all time.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Wally-Gang Gold Sparx Gems: 2987
#6 Posted: 00:56:33 03/08/2017
Eye Brawl, hands down. Big strong brawler that can summon little minions, and when his head flies off and the body keeps fighting, pure gold. He was my first undead skylanders and still remains one of my all time favorites.
"Come rang or shine"
Still troubled by him speaking
Mobcraft101 Red Sparx Gems: 63
#7 Posted: 20:41:02 06/08/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: Chompy-King257
Eye Brawl without a doubt. His gameplay was both really efficient and hilarious. Easily one of my favorite Skylanders of all time.

I love the pun in his catchphrase. "I've got my eye on you."
I say "I'm sorry" every second of every day. I love Akame Ga Kill. I'm a teen girl who probably shouldn't be here. I make bad art.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#8 Posted: 23:29:02 06/08/2017
Quote: Mobcraft101
Quote: Chompy-King257
Eye Brawl without a doubt. His gameplay was both really efficient and hilarious. Easily one of my favorite Skylanders of all time.

I love the pun in his catchphrase. "I've got my eye on you."

Yeah I really like that too!
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#9 Posted: 01:00:59 05/11/2017
Thumpback. He’s just awesome!!
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#10 Posted: 01:04:07 05/11/2017
Bouncer and Swarm were always my favorite boys from this game
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1437
#11 Posted: 08:10:38 05/11/2017
I've put some bids on a Ninjini figure (shortly after seeing some boxed versions for the same price as the unboxed version RAAAAAAAA), so I hope to give her a shot next week. Unless I buy a boxed figure. Not opening that. She'll be my pride and joy.
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4836
#12 Posted: 23:29:58 06/11/2017
Quote: Johnbonne
I've put some bids on a Ninjini figure (shortly after seeing some boxed versions for the same price as the unboxed version RAAAAAAAA), so I hope to give her a shot next week. Unless I buy a boxed figure. Not opening that. She'll be my pride and joy.

Trust me, you'll love her.
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#13 Posted: 01:43:41 08/11/2017
The sad thing about TfB gimmicks is that the make all the “gimmick-landers” huge. It made sense for Giants because.......I really don’t have to explain that. But the next two series of TfB helmed toys were about just as big. Unneeded, and cheapened Having the actual Giants.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#14 Posted: 08:17:41 08/11/2017
Ninjini or Eyebrawl
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1437
#15 Posted: 09:58:50 08/11/2017
Quote: Earth-Dragon
The sad thing about TfB gimmicks is that the make all the “gimmick-landers” huge. It made sense for Giants because.......I really don’t have to explain that. But the next two series of TfB helmed toys were about just as big. Unneeded, and cheapened Having the actual Giants.

I can see where you're coming from with that, but I think VV is almost as guilty of doing this with SWAPpers but they did cool things with the bases (especially swirly ones like Hoot Loop or Grave Shift). It's my opinion that they do this for marketing purposes - they want the more expensive gimmicklanders to stand out, and perhaps even roll out the excuse of "using more material than cores" if questioned about it. The Traptanium weapons should've been enough of an indication they were Trap Masters if they were the same size as cores (and the box clearly displayed that info). The Senseis look gorgeous with the amount of detail they put on them though. Just a shame about the bases, but they're large enough to hold the figure steady.

But yeah, at the time Giants looked and felt giant. Wouldn't say no to them having that feel again in future games! smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:00:15 08/11/2017 by Johnbonne
jainasky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1016
#16 Posted: 11:42:20 30/03/2019
Scarlet Ninjini is my favorite but Tree Rex is a close 2nd. Also Punpkin Eye Brawl because... Halloween.
Lady Skylanders collector from the Southern US
Favorite characters: Whirlwind, Flashwing, Molten Hot Dog, Eye Brawl and Ninjini
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4365
#17 Posted: 16:15:53 01/04/2019
I like Bouncer, Crusher, and Swarm's designs.
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