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Favourite Upgrade Path: Hood Sickle

Sick Sickles and Darker Dislocations Poll 34% (79)
That's A Swell Gravity Well Poll 9% (20)
Don't have him Poll 25% (58)
Never played Imaginators Poll 32% (73)
Favourite Upgrade Path: Hood Sickle
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#1 Posted: 21:52:22 14/07/2017 | Topic Creator
Mysticat's "Paw-erful Painter" path takes the win.

The returning villain up next is Hood Sickle who was switched to the Dark element for Imaginators for some reason. Do you prefer to upgrade his remnants or his gravity well?

[User Posted Image] Sick Sickles and Darker Dislocations
Focus on upgrading Dark Dislocation and the enhancements that come with remnant absorption.
More Remnants Even More Remnants Dark Stinger
[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]
Now drop up to 4 remnants. Press (Square) to absorb them and gain an extra spin, armor, more speed, and more damage during the Dark Scythe Combo. Now drop up to 6 remnants, which grant another combo spin, more speed, more damage, and projectile deflection for the duration of Dark Scythe Combo. The last spin in Dark Scythe Combo now causes a powerful shockwave.
That's A Swell Gravity Well
Focus on upgrading the Gravity Well move.
Longer and Stronger Warp Pulse Explosive Dash
[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]
Gravity well does more damage and lasts longer. Hit the gravity well with your war scythe for a show of war scythes! So exfoliating! Detonate the gravity well by attacking it with Dark Dislocation to trigger a large explosion of dark energy.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#2 Posted: 23:04:26 14/07/2017
those remnants are great when upgraded. it's a true night in the HOODs when he's used right.

(also, first.)
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#3 Posted: 00:13:20 15/07/2017
Quote: ZapNorris
those remnants are great when upgraded. it's a true night in the HOODs when he's used right.

(also, first.)

Is the preffered place in mario kart
Rise and Shine Ursine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:13:32 15/07/2017 by King-Pen Krazy
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#4 Posted: 03:33:53 15/07/2017
I never thought the gravity well too be a very useful attack. I just spammed the other two. Tbh, I found him kinda boring.
Any last wishes?
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#5 Posted: 20:03:16 16/07/2017
His scythe and Dasah attacks is what makes smilie such a fun Sensei to play as and makes his Top Path the best path.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SkylandrPurists Emerald Sparx Gems: 3461
#6 Posted: 12:23:48 17/07/2017
smilie Luna/Oogie Boogie
PATH: That's a Swell Gravity Well
REASONS: Truth be told; I thought of this when I was looking at his upgrades in the past; and I thought the Gravity Well would be good at singling out enemies (similarly to Knight Light's secondary attack). Although I might have to check out Sick Sickles and Darker Dislocations in the near future.

"Are you a gamblin' man, Sandy?”
My Rocky Ravagers: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:47:58 11/10/2017 by SkylandrPurists
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#7 Posted: 02:15:26 18/07/2017
Honestly, I only tried the top path. I missed my window to buy Steel-Plated HS. I rarely try both paths if I only have one figure for that character. I hate spending time to level up and upgrade again after resetting.
So anyway, usually I don't comment on the polls unless I've tried both paths.
Any last wishes?
kczportalmaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#8 Posted: 11:11:49 22/07/2017
sick sickles and darker dislocations
go home villains your all drunk off for your G()D DVWN @5535
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672
#9 Posted: 10:44:47 24/07/2017
He's a pretty boring character to use but it is fun to spin around with his dark dimensions. The top path is the best.
Croc and Roll smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Sworn2Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#10 Posted: 18:57:05 24/07/2017
The Sick Sickles and Darker Dislocations path is definitely where Hood Sickle's power comes from. His stats are too low to carry him through the game alone and if you choose the That's a Swell Gravity Well path, you won't get to see Hood Sickle's incredible potential with his dual edged scythe swings and will likely just be dismissive of him--and in my experience, I found the gravity wells didn't help one darn bit. But if you go down the Sick Sickles and Darker Dislocations path, that all goes away. Hood Sickle's damage output and attack speed get boosted (a lot) for the duration of his Attack 1 scythe swings when you absorb the blobs from his (Attack 2) forward charge to the point where his damage output becomes very serious, and since he's swinging his dual edged scythe on all sides, you can wipe out enemies near Hood Sickle very fast if you absorb all 6 blobs.

But perhaps the best part is that you can deflect projectiles with Hood Sickle's scythe swings when he's absorbed the blobs, including some that normally are very dangerous and nasty to get hit by. This can be anything from Kaos's bowslinger Doomlander, to the witch pitchers in the sensei dark realm to (if I'm not mistaken) even the sheep mages with those staves who fire off those horrible baby blue-colored spells that slow you if you get hit! Hood Sickle is really good for taking away the advantage that many of the most annoying projectile users in the game have and leaving them with nothing. I find he's great for almost any purpose you can imagine on this path, from controlling crowds to doing massive damage to rendering projectile users irrelevant.
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