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Youtube Channels
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#1 Posted: 05:29:02 11/07/2017 | Topic Creator
I saw there were a couple of these threads a while back, but they've long since been closed. So... feel free to post your channel, as well as a description, subscriber count, etc.

Help each other out and subscribe to one another! smilie

Anyway, my channel is "Emo Josh". I've got 175 videos up currently. I am a lets player, I play horror, action, stealth, and adventure games. Some stuff I've played/plan to play: Hitman, TLoS, Undertale, Soma, Amnesia, Silent Hill, Left 4 Dead 2, Cry of Fear, Scooby-Doo, Tomb Raider, etc.

Besides games, I also post some guitar covers for bands like Avenged Sevenfold.

I'm currently at 108 subscribers! Wooh!

Sound interesting? Please help support me and check out my content smilie Constructive criticism is also accepted.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1437
#2 Posted: 07:20:46 11/07/2017
Mine's in my signature. I do video game reviews in a very sweary way, laced with footage from the 90s British comedy show "Bottom" (because when people don't laugh at your jokes, get a dead comedian to do it for you. Rest in Peace Rik Mayall). I've also done a woefully underviewed video about Spyro the Dragon, called my Top 10 Levels in Spyro the Dragon. It's pretty much what Spyro would choose, because it's through me He speaks. I also did a video on Enter the Dragonfly, with irrefutable proof that it's not very good.

For the Warhammer 40k nuts out there, I also do reviews as Commissar Johnbonne; Traitoris Extremis to the Imperium of Man who likes the gifts of Chaos a bit too much, and would give anything for a good fight! This character I save for the many, many 40K video game reviews I've done and will continue to!

I have only 358 subscribers thus far, but I'm not so bothered when it's views, likes and most importantly feedback that I prefer. I'm glad I have a small channel with a following that wants me to be happy with what I'm doing. I had an old channel with double the subs but half the joy and quality in content creation.

So if you like my comments on this forum, you'll absolutely hate my poorly delivered and dangerously heartfelt critique of video games on YouTube. Here's a video for your ears to look at now (spoilers for my fat ugly head):

Edited 2 times - Last edited at 12:26:52 11/07/2017 by Johnbonne
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#3 Posted: 12:02:31 11/07/2017
Huh, neat

I don't have a youtube channel, but I'm hoping of having one in the future
Rise and Shine Ursine
Blayze Gold Sparx Gems: 2299
#4 Posted: 23:56:12 22/09/2017
I'm wearing lots of belts..... for no reason at all ~Jinx
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:23:42 23/09/2017 by Blayze
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#5 Posted: 06:03:06 23/09/2017
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#6 Posted: 08:14:00 23/09/2017
I have no uploads, nothing to my name on YouTube. Yet, I have 11 subscribers
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#7 Posted: 10:30:18 23/09/2017
Most of my videos were for university work but I'd love some support.

I also a get a Vimeo account with different videos if you're interested.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#8 Posted: 15:09:36 23/09/2017

Currently at 33 subscribers. Most of my channel consists of gaming. However, it's a bit wonky in terms of commentary and quality. Still, above satisfactory, in my opinion. I am doing my OpenRCT2 strategies, Sonic games, and a massive Wii game series.
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1437
#9 Posted: 15:52:39 23/09/2017
Quote: ZapNorris

Those're some super fancy music videos! I'd love to use your Smokelanders video as an intro to my Superchargers video!

Quote: StevemacQ
Most of my videos were for university work but I'd love some support.

I also a get a Vimeo account with different videos if you're interested.

Just seen your liked videos - good to see another fan of Jim ******' Sterling, Son!

Quote: LameLime

Currently at 33 subscribers. Most of my channel consists of gaming. However, it's a bit wonky in terms of commentary and quality. Still, above satisfactory, in my opinion. I am doing my OpenRCT2 strategies, Sonic games, and a massive Wii game series.

Just had a quick glance at your videos, and your presentation's pretty funny! I'll subscribe because I'd like to see what past and future videos you've got in store! smilie
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#10 Posted: 04:18:30 24/09/2017

My nothing of a channel that I made for pretty much no reason. No videos, no subscribers.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#11 Posted: 02:57:04 25/09/2017
Quote: Johnbonne
Quote: ZapNorris

Those're some super fancy music videos! I'd love to use your Smokelanders video as an intro to my Superchargers video!

go ahead! just be sure to credit me as the source of the music
KeybasHedKey Ripto Gems: 1862
#12 Posted: 06:13:55 26/09/2017

I'm NerdyKairi, I never post anything, I yet to change my banner, lol.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#13 Posted: 02:17:23 29/09/2017

here's a playlist of those fancy music videos you speak of
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#14 Posted: 02:38:17 16/10/2017
I got my channel on youtube too
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
skulldragon95 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1672
#15 Posted: 22:08:35 07/01/2018
I'm Akai mimotaku
I only two videos up but plan on making and uploading more soon
I mostly like doing gaming videos
I got no subscribers
Fired up for victory
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#16 Posted: 23:28:41 11/01/2018
Quote: skulldragon95
I'm Akai mimotaku
I only two videos up but plan on making and uploading more soon
I mostly like doing gaming videos
I got no subscribers

Wow, that’s twice as many as me!
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#17 Posted: 19:02:05 18/05/2020
It's been a while but I wanted to start posting up more videos on YouTube since deviantART's awful Eclipse mode will be permanent. These were old animation projects I did for uni.

Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8444
#18 Posted: 10:00:03 22/05/2020
I occasionally upload Spyro videos. recently it's been mostly skateboarding race records in Spyro 3 but sometimes other stuff too.
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2733
#19 Posted: 22:54:35 02/06/2020 woo wooooo
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
SnowyArcticFox Red Sparx Gems: 28
#20 Posted: 17:45:50 05/04/2021
I do not have a channel but I watch Aphmau, DanTDM, Wisp, stevee, SSSniperWolf, AzzyLand, Gloom, and Gacha Life things. I am more recently watching iCherry though. Shoutout to her!
SnowyArcticFox (she, they, them) (a.k.a SnowyFox, SnowyCrystalFox, DiamondFox, SapphireFox)
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#21 Posted: 11:16:50 16/05/2021
It's been nearly a year ago but I'm back with a bunch of new videos, so please click, watch, like, comment, share and subscribe... please. I could use the support.

Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#22 Posted: 22:58:23 16/05/2021
Captaaaaiiiiiiin Midnight
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#23 Posted: 02:24:20 17/05/2021
Quote: Metallo
Captaaaaiiiiiiin Midnight

that you?
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#24 Posted: 18:39:51 17/05/2021
i'm not sure if he was saying he's captian midnight or if he meant he enjoys watching that channel
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#25 Posted: 00:37:10 18/05/2021
Quote: ThunderEgg
i'm not sure if he was saying he's captian midnight or if he meant he enjoys watching that channel

I enjoy watching that channel
Ezio Hunter Gems: 7306
#26 Posted: 04:02:13 23/05/2021
i dont do youtube but I do Twitch. Im thinking about getting back into doing it frequently. my url is
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed
But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed."
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