

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Dream Topic Deluxe
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#251 Posted: 23:48:28 18/02/2019
Quote: Carmelita Fox
had a dream there was a reveal trailer for the next doctor and apparently his next incarnation is going to be a little black bird dubbed by a british voice actor

When you're so progressive you start hiring otherkin.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#252 Posted: 02:56:07 23/02/2019
idk i had a weird dream and i wrote it down at work today.

content warning for light gore and stuff.

dog dream

Jonathan. Brown and black German shepherd dog, new recruit police dog.
Windsor. Grey German shepherd dog, senior police dog.
Brooke. Black and light grey German shepherd dog, new recruit police dog.

Illness spreading through the police dogs. Once they get diagnosed with it they get taken away and placed in quarantine. Never see them again. Contagious.

Jon is new on the force. He is getting trained by Windsor and they go running to test his endurance. Jon falls in love with Windsor during the training exercise.

Brooke, another new police dog that Jon highly regards and has a soft spot for, goes missing. Jonathan is frantic and mad and runs away in search for her, going missing in action and forfeiting his position in the force. He fears that she contracted the illness.
"No. No no no. Not Brooke. Not Brooke! No!"

The police dog force is dwindling. Not many left. The streets are empty of dogs. Black gunk is found in the corners of the streets. Jon gets into contact with it. It's probably got to do with the disease. Jon accepts that he has probably contracted it.

Jonathan returns to the police force to see if Brooke has returned. Approaches a depressed police dog in the corner. Asks questions. Interrupted by a noice of a car outside, a van is parking. Sees label on a van outside. "C.W.D."
"C.W.D.? What does that mean?"
"Chronic wasting disease... Ive seen it. I've seen it take hold of a dog within one day.
"You should be glad that you left, Jon."
Jon decides to follow the van when it leaves, in search for Brooke.

The humans have completely dropped the police force dogs. Any dogs they see must be quarantined, or destroyed.

Jonathan finds his way into a lab in search for Brooke. The halls are quiet. Filled with the black gunk that was found in the corners and alleys of the street. He sees tables and scalpels and syringes and all sorts of medical/testing equipment. He sees dead decaying bodies of strange dogs, ready to be put in the incinerator.
He comes across humans in hazmat suits down the corridors. They wonder how this dog got out and frantically try to capture him.

"You want to see what the disease does to you? Well, it's your lucky day."
Jonathan gets thrown into the quarantine, expecting to see other dogs ... but there is just a huge, gigantic, monstrous amalgamation of dogs lying in the corner. Gruesome mound of rolling flesh. Many heads and limbs hanging off the side of the revolting body. Jon recognises Windsor. He isn't Windsor anymore though. He is a monster. The disease has rotted away at his mind. It isn't Windsor. It has his memories, but it isn't Windsor. The monster gets up and starts to chase Jonathan around the quarantine area, convulsing and running and snapping at him, desperately trying to merge with him and make him part of the amalgamate. It's mouth is foaming and it's physical form gets angrier and less stable with the physical movement.
"You loved me. That moment you met me I could tell that you loved me. What you don't know is that I fell in love with you too."
Jonathan goes into a moment of bliss and denial. His movement slows and he debates what he's even doing ...
Eventually Jon ends up killing the monster. The monster's form became so unstable and bought the roof down, crushing the beast in concrete.
As C.W.D. Is highly contagious, Jonathan has accepted that he definitely has the disease after coming in contact with the Windsor beast. He has accepted that he is going to die soon.
Jon sees Windsor's huge rotting body on the ground sometime later.

Where is Brooke? He never saw her as part of the amalgamation.

that's all i remember. it was weird.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#253 Posted: 19:59:59 23/04/2019
Had a dream last night where I went to watch a play based on Gothe's Faust. Or at least that's what it was supposed to be. Instead it was an animated film taking place from Koro-sensei's perspective as he went on a rampage throughout the galaxy, destroying copious amounts of planets and stars and stuff with his new godlike powers as the protagonists of Jimmy Neutron drove around in a space rocket trying to defeat him.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#254 Posted: 21:29:14 28/06/2019
Okay okay okay okay
I had a dream about HTTYD which is weird because I dream about it a lot and I haven't watched any since the third one came out at the start of the year??
Well, I think they were all a bit older but they still had their dragons and crap, and they had a plan about their dragons digging for something? I know there was a dragon with razor spring legs that could cut through the earth. Because yeah.
Uh, something happened and they split Berk off in to tribes relating to elements, but I really only remember fire and ice? The tribes grew more and more distant over the years to the point of becoming hostile to one another. Also they advanced in their technology really well and they were developing guns and crap. Hiccup and Astrid were king and queen, but they were part of some sort of resistance to get the tribes back together, and their deputy hated the resistance and always tried to undermine Astrid and Hiccup (but he didn't know they were part of the resistance). It got out somehow, and in my dream I took Hiccup's pov and I remember him sitting in his dark room hearing footsteps to Astrid's room next door and it was super foreboding and scary, and they took her away kicking and screaming. Then there was a knock o the door, and it was the deputy's goons, but they helped Hiccup get away because "long live the king". The goons got dead I'm p sure. Hiccup went off and started an air tribe in the forest that was super peaceful (like air nomads from ATLA) with the members of the resistance that got out. And Hiccup says he'll never forget Astrid, because to him she was still stuck in the other tribe.
It cuts back to Astrid who is in some sort of lab holding cell thing. She sneaks out somehow and finds the Lugjt Fury in another cell, and she's riding her to try to get out. They run through all sorts of weapon testing areas and the "scientists" testing them shoot at the light Fury but she still keeps running on, despite being very injured. I remember they get to a barbed wire fence outside of the facility and they think "yeah we're home free", but they're badly badly injured and broken. I think Astrid had so many broken bones and wounds. They get out but it doesn't show what happened to them, and it fades off.
I think Hiccup finds them dead a few years later.
More stuff happened later but it's kind of inappropriate to say here, and I think it kind of deviated from the original subject as well. There were four different elemental tribes who coexisted at first, but as the years went by they got more hostile like with the Berk tribes, to the extent of committing mass murder. But I do remember when you went to a different tribe at the start you had to make a passport and design yourself as one of those deviantart dress up games for a picture on the passport?? And all the time I knew the tribes would turn on one another so it was this constant forboding of appreciating the relations right now before they go out and murder everyone.

Weird dream.
Been having too many vivid dreams lately.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6666
#255 Posted: 01:59:18 29/06/2019
I always have dreams that I'm late for work but I know it's a dream so I'm like "wack" and wake up
Gay 4 GARcher
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:59:53 29/06/2019 by DragonCamo
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#256 Posted: 07:26:49 29/06/2019
Had a dream Voldemort was smuggling Porgs from Star Wars in a briefcase on a train. He was successful, but smuggled them to good homes. Good guy Voldemort, I guess.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#257 Posted: 20:21:58 29/06/2019
Dreamt last night that dark52 gave me physical gems for gem day and i ate them and wondered why i still had the same amount of gems as i had before gem day. i also cried.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#258 Posted: 06:40:00 30/06/2019
Last night, I dreamt that I was looking at a set of official Kirby figurines on ebay and I ordered one of flame Kirby. However, when I received it, it looked nothing like the pictures as it was a bootleg figure of his early design except his head was more deformed/mishaped.

I dreamt that I was the one who had to close up the store I work at even though I'm only a team member. I didn't know how to set the alarms after locking up, so I decided to spend the night in the back of the store. I quickly went home to fetch some stuff I need and when I got back to the store, there was a family in there who I accidentally locked in while they were doing some last minute shopping. I made them stay the night to keep me company.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:29:12 16/07/2019 by alicecarp
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#259 Posted: 03:47:07 20/11/2019
my cat was working customer service from home. she had a headset on and was typing on a phone with her nose. she was very grumpy.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#260 Posted: 13:32:31 27/11/2019
Last night, I dreamt I was playing Pokemon Shield and I saw a shiny Mew floating in the middle of one of the routes (it appeared shiny in the overworld even though Pokemon don't do that in SwSh). I whistled for it to come closer and I went into a battle with it. After weakening it, I managed to catch it with one Pokeball.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#261 Posted: 21:09:10 27/11/2019
ehhhh more dreams about my dad stalking me

like he does in real life
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5384
#262 Posted: 21:51:48 27/11/2019
Ok so in this one dream i was in a room in secondary school with a bunch of other people (they might have been me, i don’t remember) but we were just sitting on the floor playing with random toys or something

then at one point one of my college lecturers came in and pointed at the floor that had a load of dice demanding that whoever left them there cleaned them up. i was thinking “yeah, i was sitting there, those are probably mine.” as i’m cleaning them up she says whoever left them there would be expelled. i audibly screamed “WHAT?!?!” then the rest of the dream i forgot, but i do know i was in shock and disbelief for the rest of the dream so i didn’t do anything

usually my dreams go on until my brain points out all the plotholes
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#263 Posted: 08:36:53 28/11/2019
I had a dream a couple nights ago I was in line to buy Sword and Shield and it was split up into two lines. In the other line my father was with my childhood best friend, and in my line I was with my mother and a girl from my college

Very pointless dream
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
BlueFox Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#264 Posted: 02:19:11 03/12/2019
the attack: fought off an army of small reptilian monkeys with bony hooks/spikes for hands. vividly remember killing one by stuffing it into a shredder and crushing some underneath the garage door.

pseudo-nudist party: went downstairs and saw two half-dressed girls having a tea party and talking nonchalantly to slenderman. not a nightmare, since he didn’t really do much of anything? just kinda sat there.

that’s so raven: was on a bus full of everyday joes and for some reason raven-symoné. the world was in the midst of invasion by aliens. as in aliens, the jerks from the alien franchise. raven is a chestburster victim, and so the bus decides to stop at a pet store?? i don’t see the correlation either, but that’s what happens. we get stuck in the entrance because the automatic doors shut. i guess it was an evil pet shop because a couple of xenos were already there and massacred everyone.
Where’s the account deletion button when you need one?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:19:55 03/12/2019 by BlueFox
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#265 Posted: 15:15:10 03/12/2019
dreamed that my sib and i were with this really young but elderly looking girl who had some sort of magical power. she seemed like her intentions were good, but the things she was gathering were ominous.

was trying to watch a dvd of nausicaa. for some reason there was a tv show version and a movie version of the story on the same disc. someone was trying to watch the movie but kept accidentally getting the tv version. i tried to fix it, but the movie version had been severely edited (a la star wars) and i couldn't even recognize it.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#266 Posted: 00:01:32 30/12/2019
Last night I had a (distressing) dream that I was pregnant. I was close to the due date and was feeling incredibly uncomfortable because I was anxious about labour and the pain of childbirth. o.o;
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#267 Posted: 16:17:21 04/01/2020
something about powerpuff girls and going on a road trip to visit family.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#268 Posted: 14:08:51 05/01/2020
Spyro and Crash were playable in Mario Maker 2 and they had sprites similar to those in Fusion. Shortly after I woke up from that dream, I checked my Facebook and as a weird coincidence, someone on the Spyro fan group posted the same idea.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#269 Posted: 01:44:06 06/01/2020
someone did something to my sib and i wanted to fight them


night of 1/5/2020
i had to go back to my highschool instead of college because i messed up my college course schedule

darkspyro was turned into a christian internet magazine. the front page looked like highlights magazine.
geez maybe i shouldnt use ds before going to bed
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:45:22 06/01/2020 by ThunderEgg
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#270 Posted: 10:07:30 19/01/2020
I was sitting on a sofa and this millipede was on the floor crawling towards me. Its body was like an accordion. As it climbed up the sofa, I picked up a plastic laundry basket to shield myself. But as soon as I did, the millipede leapt in my face and that's when I woke up.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#271 Posted: 12:59:36 19/01/2020
I had a pretty long dream about an explorer that got lost in a semi-open cave system, inspiring someone who was me but not really to explore it. It worked slightly by minecraft rules, so she illuminated and gradually made the caves safe to settle in, and a small town started to form on the open areas. Eventually, she found a water area that connected it to another world that was the cave system in reverse and underwater, and found the explorer sending them back to the normal world(also falling in love with them, because of course). However, some stuff happened and they got swapped again, and the explorer had a dream that the normal-world town wanted to pillage the water-town and the water-town was ready to destroy the cave system to be hidden again, and now they had to figure out how to save both.

Then I woke up just for that spicy cliffhanger.
(What I need is never what I want)
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#272 Posted: 18:28:55 19/01/2020
I had a super weird dream early June last year. I still think about it.

It's hard to explain exactly - how this dream felt. I've had plenty of dreams before that felt so real, that after waking up it took a few minutes to realise it was a dream. This was so much more intricate than that. I can't remember the full details, still, yet key details always remain in my mind.

First of all, there was this strange language everyone was speaking, that I could understand perfectly. I could not recognize it as any language I had heard before, it all made perfect sense to me however and I can recall some of the words and phrases said. There was a written system to this as well which looked like some kind of runes.

Second was, as previously mentioned, how it felt. There was this great sense of epiphany and knowledge, almost as if I could see and understand all that was going on in this dream. Like I was one with my dream world. Like, I don't know - more than that, more as if I suddenly became smarter tenfold. This knowledge extended beyond my understanding of the dream, I'd say it was more like a revelation, anything that existed I could perfectly understand.

Third, the shape of the world. I can recall seeing it from some point high in the sky, like I was flying above the whole thing. It was more at an angle than a bird's-eye view. A large city by an almost equally large beach, skyscrapers barely touching the sky.

Most of the dream involved me simply walking through the city and talking to the civilians, sometimes interacting with them or at one point messing around with some weird videogame console - like the rest of the dream this console was strange. made no sense compared to anything from this world, overall it was far advanced.

Then at the end and my point of waking up were the most interesting. Before I woke, I was walking along a pier when I met someone I somehow recognized despite never having met, and asked for their autograph. They accepted and also told me something which I only vaguely remember. Something about a goal I had to achieve, rules I had to follow. They mentioned I'd learn more by following some kind of "path". Then I woke up, and unlike any other dream I'd had before, I had a strong feeling that the dream was somehow important and that I should never forget what happened. I can't exactly compare or describe that feeling, either.
Ezio Hunter Gems: 7178
#273 Posted: 21:32:24 20/01/2020
I keep having dreams that I’m falling. or no dreams at all
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed
But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed."
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#274 Posted: 02:18:49 21/01/2020
i pet a tiger
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#275 Posted: 22:31:56 21/01/2020
I went on a camping holiday with parisruelz, emeraldzoroark and hihd and we were at like, a canadian/northern amerian woods/forest campsite thing and we were kayaking over a really deep lake ... and i saw a submarine and a super huge sea mine under the water and I ****ing flipped out and frantically paddled towards the shore. The other three started looking for me because they were worried about where I went, and they hound me huddled in my boat at the bank and paris came in and sat next to me and I started biting her arm because I was so sacred. Then I was like, "why am I biting your arm I should be biting mine" and then i started biting my arm. Paris asked if we should do something else, and one of us suggested white water rafting. So we went white water rafting.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#276 Posted: 02:53:37 29/01/2020
whoooo boy last night's dream was a doozie

rwby's general ironwood was my father figure/boss. i was in my childhood home. some apocalypse thingy happened and we had to escape.

we went to a sunny islandy place with lots of submarines and pipes. we all got shrunk down and were trying to explore the pipes with the cast of she-ra 2019

i guess i like animation or something
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#277 Posted: 23:05:55 05/02/2020
I always seem to have emotional dreams about HTTYD?

There was a group rebellion to get rid of Magic and dragons and the Berk people lived in a huge ass parking lot and there were curfews and restrictions and people under suspicion were confined to a certain area in the parking lot. Hiccup and Astrid and the others were there obviously because they're the dragon riders. Hiccup was hiding toothless somewhere and the two ended up getting out and they had to leave everyone there and they felt super guilty. They took refuge in an old rainforest down the coast because that's where toothless takes his power and energy from. They found an old abandoned town near the rainforest and set up camp there.
It turned like Star Vs where all the magic creatures either died or became non magical.
Toothless and Hiccuo started making tricks and traps to get people from the under suspicion group out. Astrid got out first and she and Hiccup went back to the abandoned town near the rainforest. She loved Hiccup as a friend but she wasn't romantic towards him anymore? They were okay with it, I guess they just drifted apart?
Eventually more people from the group got out, and there were girls that were apparently part of the group all along but they're not from HTTYD lol. I remember Astrid and one of the girl fell in love.
The leader of the rebellion had a huge dragon that they called the forest sprit and he was like a mega evolution of a night fury.
More and more people started escaping on their own and came to the abandoned town. The leader obviously got wind of it because this girl infiltrated the town and called a whole army to come and attack the town.
There was a huge battle and lots of the rebellion died, including Astrid's girlfriend.
There was a huge build up to the Toothless and Forest Spirit fight and Hiccup and the leader fought each other seperately. There was a huge explosion from the forest spirit and Hiccup and the leader were caught in it and Hiccup killed the leader but he had fatal injuries and ended up dying. Toothless was still fighting the forest spirit and with each attack the spirit got smaller and less corrupted and he ended up turning out to be a baby night fury and was apparently toothlesses brother.
Hiccup came to toothless as a spirit and they hugged and cried but toothless was okay because he now had a new brother to take care of so at least he had a new purpose.
Everyone was sad and shocked about all the losses in the fight. Astrid was especially upset because both Hiccup and her girlfriend died and she had no idea what to do. But at least they were free from the rebellion's regime. I think Snotlout ended up helping her through her depression or something.

It was weird and sad.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#278 Posted: 23:12:47 05/02/2020
oh cool there's a dream topic. i had a darkspyro related dream last night. but it was like it was an online game so everyone was a person.

i don't remember usernames but i remember everyone was in a building and we were all being punished so we had to clean up the building. i remember finding a soda that was half empty and i asked who this belonged to and someone spoke up so i gave it to them and they slowly poured it over their head. tag yourself folks who did this
then we got in more trouble and had to do school work, dark52 was a big buff drill sgt and everyone was whispering insults about him but no one was brave enough to say it out loud so i stood up and said it. he went in my face, grabbed me by my shirt and punched me across the face. everyone was upset by this.

it was quite a dream wish i remembered more of it
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#279 Posted: 06:37:57 06/02/2020
i put the soft drink on my head!
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#280 Posted: 06:39:14 06/02/2020
i believe you bolt
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#281 Posted: 07:15:12 07/02/2020
I was doing a late shift at work and there were so many customers, we had to stay open an hour later. At one point, I was serving this family and one of the kids wanted to buy this gin and tonic energy drink. I was trying to refuse the sale due to his age but his dad kept insisting he was the one buying it for himself when it was clearly the child who wanted it. The team leader was doing something in the back and I was desperately trying to get him to come and lock the door so no more customers can come in.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:15:35 08/02/2020 by alicecarp
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#282 Posted: 01:39:28 08/02/2020
I dreamt that my brother was really mad at me for not washing his car even while I was peeling the spuds. For the record, he only has a van now since he sold his car. Probably the least imaginative dream I ever had.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#283 Posted: 03:13:37 08/02/2020
something about utena.

i've been reading rose of versailles, so utena is tangentially on my mind
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#284 Posted: 05:28:44 08/02/2020
I had a dream my cousin had a crush on me and my whole family was visiting me at college and my aunt kept trying to set me up with her. It was super awkward
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#285 Posted: 12:38:58 23/02/2020
Copied from discord since I don't use DS in the early morning:

Holy **** today my dreams were prompt day
First was a ghost haunting a theater in a resort
A group of girls tried to keep the ghost hidden, but a guy made a really innacurate theater of the place's culture, the ghost got mad, and took over the entire presentation as every character she could and everyone had fun
Then my cat wanted to sleep on me
Next dream was a weird ass Vampire the Masquerade-like situation, where a vampire was hunting others in a... Resort
Then everyone who survived went to do a ritual in a room where three dragons made of copper passed through small tubes, and everyone treated it like a dinner party with food and all
The guy was fought back then I got strawberry milkshake from a weird machine where you put each part of the thing in like an ice cream machine

I just dreamed that Madagascar had a larger scope villain
With a true final movie about the group being separated and Alex having to deal with mysterious fake zookepers that wanted to kill him
With the help of a good one they discover the real person conspiring to keep them away from the nyc zoo is a racist zombie vulture that put the ideas in Marty's head and pulled the strings so they wouldn't come back
Something about hating africa just like the first founder of all of america's zoos which was like some sort of conspiracy?
So now that they were back the vulture straight up sold Alex to illegal poachers inside the US, though to that point he was beating the **** out of them in his home turf
Alex's enclosure for some reason had a luxury floating island to justify him being repeatedly alone with zookepers my brain is weird
No idea where that movie would go, but it was badass
(What I need is never what I want)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#286 Posted: 16:22:02 23/02/2020
just some muddled mess about rose of versailles and utena again.

i spend more time thinking about spyro, but i never dream about the purple dragon; i'm a little confused about why i keep dreaming about these properties.


dreamed that cats shed like snakes. in my dream, i was finding little patches of cat fur everywhere. i even found a piece with a shed nose.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:24:42 28/03/2020 by ThunderEgg
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#287 Posted: 09:00:16 30/03/2020
I was playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons and I saw a huge silhouette in the water that looked like a dragon or sea serpent. When I caught it with my rod, it turned out to be a Stringfish which is what I'm looking for in the game for real.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#288 Posted: 16:40:05 30/03/2020
dreamed that class was back in session and that we were meeting in a castle smilie
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#289 Posted: 13:20:18 01/04/2020
I was at work and for some reason, I took a KitKat out of a multipack on the shelf and ate it on the shop floor while serving customers.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#290 Posted: 22:26:23 01/04/2020
another dream about castles...

and utena.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#291 Posted: 22:32:06 01/04/2020
Last night I dreamed that I took a trip to Montana. I've never been to Montana or even thought about going so that was a pretty weird thing to dream about.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#292 Posted: 07:25:18 02/04/2020
I spent the night sleeping in one of my parents cars and my dog wanted to come in. As I let him in, my cat who died almost a decade ago was somehow alive and also came in. My dog accidentally started the car and it wasn't until I got to Asda down the road that I got hold of the wheel and drove back home.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#293 Posted: 18:12:58 08/04/2020
was at an arcade/mall. there was a children's play area that was also an arena. in the center was a pit of stuffed animals. the goal was to avoid falling into the pit. something about polarbears who were simultaneously the tmnt.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#294 Posted: 03:33:10 09/04/2020
i think i dreamt about these abominations and now i hate sleeping
[User Posted Image]

but i also dreamt about my workplace but instead of meat we sold pet products and there was a huge ass area down the back with so much pet things. i remember someone asked for dog treats in the shape of a sword.
and the customers kept piling up and up and up and i got overwhelmed and took a break with the girl out the back. o.o;
then something about quarantine and bushfires and we couldn't go outside ever because of the bushfires and there was a huge pack of wolves and bears chasing me and they wanted to eat me.
i have weird dreams.

i hate satellite city.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
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