

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Dream Topic Deluxe
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#201 Posted: 01:15:40 29/01/2018
I had a dream I kept sneaking out at 3am to go meet with Drawdler at a shopping center across from my house and I would order stuff on amazon for her by using Poké coins in Pokémon Go
Also one of the times my mom saw me doing it and I told her it was just too hot in the house and I was going outside to cool off which is a ****ty excuse but hey it was dream

Also there was another part where the Gsme Grumps started a Let's Play of Danganronpa 2
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:16:37 29/01/2018 by 84skylanderdude
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#202 Posted: 02:03:21 29/01/2018
Quote: MoonMan
Last night I had a dream where this rapper named Sybyr ditched his whole goth persona and became a nerdcore rapper. He even started wearing really thick glasses and a labcoat in all his music videos. He released a mixtape called "Videogames." The cover art was some sort of mix of Fatigue Fleet and SATURATION by Brockhampton. All the beats sampled Nintendo games. The whole tape consisted of him talking about how good his grades are and his inability to find a girlfriend, and the last song is about him deciding to remain abstinent until marriage.
I really hope that he'll somehow see this and actually make the tape just for the hell of it.

this sounds pretty funny tbh
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#203 Posted: 18:10:21 04/02/2018
I had a dream where I did a speed run of Mario Odyssey and then at the end there was an area that was an advertisement for PokePark 3 and then I got really excited that a third one was coming out :[
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#204 Posted: 01:18:56 05/02/2018
I normally don't remember my dreams but the one I had the other day was apparently weird enough for me to remember.

It was about a weird evil cult version of hogwarts? Except it didn't look anything like hogwarts, I think my brain only made the connection cause Dumbledore was there, for some reason? But anyway, I remember it was super evil and everyone was trying to break out, but they kept getting caught and dying. Some people managed to escape but they were still being pursued by ****ing Dumbledore, I guess?

I don't know why I even dreamt about it tbh, I'm not even that into harry potter.
"Was it a hot ghost?"
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#205 Posted: 16:27:11 25/02/2018
I had a dream that Jake Paul was a guest speaker at my school because apparently he had went there, and he came and joined our English class and I started making fun of him, telling him that he was **** at writing lyrics and stuff. Then later after class was over he started snapchatting me and saying weird **** like "I wanna meet your sister" or "Good luck on your exams!"
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#206 Posted: 17:06:14 25/02/2018
I was not "in" this dream. It was more like I was viewing it as if it was a movie:

In an archeological dig site underneath a motel in New Mexico, scientists unearthed this big stone well that looked had dragons carved into it. When they dug it up, hundreds of bats flew out of it. The scientists went down into the well, which they said created during the dawn of mankind, and found this giant machine underneath, which apparently created the strongest steel in the world. It started to be used by the United States military to make weapons and machinery, and it was heavily guarded at all times. It became known as the "Hell Forge." People from all over started moving to New Mexico to work in this forge, and basically, there was a second, worldwide Industrial Revolution. It ended with Russia declaring war on the US because they believed that they were using the forge to create weapons to use against them.

It was strange because I normally don't have dreams like that.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5384
#207 Posted: 21:47:02 27/02/2018
Had a dream I was playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with some other users on Darkspyro. We were on Rainbow Road. The track was the MKDS layout, but with the design from the revamped N64 track. I absolutely destroyed everyone, obviously (despite only playing it on the Wii U). The last track we were on looked like Airship Fortress from MKDS, but instead the track made us hit the car into the wall, then it would raise up above the wall or something? And HIHD was talking about the future of his youtube channel?
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#208 Posted: 12:34:09 04/03/2018
I had a dream that the Spyro remasters got announced and they had the graphics of a 3DS game. Everyone was still hyped and hollering for this game and it was funny.
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#209 Posted: 10:02:26 15/03/2018
I was watching GG Gab playing through Project Zero/Fatal Frame 3 last night, so that must be why two out of my three dreams (or nightmares) were about Project Zero. I had them while sleeping in.

The first one was strangely in my house. I'm all alone but then the ghost of M. Bison came through the walls in the living room because of his Psycho Powers. Before I knew it, I'm playing Ryu. The Camera Obscura was useless against Bison, so Ryu runs outside and uses the discipline of Shotokan (which Ryu must stand still to concentrate to fill up the meter) to either fire a Hadoken to damage Bison a little or turn invisible so Bison can't see him. This must've been all day and night because I was hiding the shed with the dog to find something to use but ones came home and told me I can't this, that I need sleep but I know Bison will attack me at my most vulnerable.

The second one was either set in a warehouse or an abandoned factory but I know there's stares. Jordan Peele is trying to avoid evil spirits shaped like small Chinese dragons and he too must concentrate to fight off or stun these dragon ghosts. Then items appeared while he's still fighting them but then sees memories of people getting greedy and becoming violent, implying he shouldn't be picking up too many items. Jordan then runs up stares to continue the fight as regular ghosts begin to appear.

One more dream I had was possibly in a dock with old couches, a TV and a trophy case with Tekken characters like Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law and Julia Chang looking at old 3D polygonal cardboard models of the fighters in their early days of Tekken 1 and 2, reminiscing about their victories and loses. Julia tries to go out for pizza for the guys but then Heihachi came in kicks their asses while Julia notices an art palette with small dry paint shaped like sweets and picks them out. Fortunately, she's smart enough not to eat them.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:29:30 15/03/2018 by StevemacQ
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#210 Posted: 15:13:21 19/03/2018
i had a dream last night, where some kid joined the site and started posting a lot in S&N. he posted a picture of himself, revealing he looked like a tubbier version of that kid from home alone. he stuck around for a week, then vanished. a couple days after he left, someone here saw a news report about a murdered child, and the image matched the one the user posted. turns out the kid who got murdered was the kid who joined a week earlier.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#211 Posted: 20:18:31 20/03/2018
i had a dream that communism took over the world and i became the russian ambassador for the usa
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#212 Posted: 21:37:03 20/03/2018
Quote: Chompy-King257
i had a dream that communism took over the world and i became the russian ambassador for the usa

McCarthy would've had your ass if he were still alive.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5559
#213 Posted: 15:40:57 21/03/2018
I was in Hogwarts, and after some weird pedestal was destroyed all of the houses went into all-out war. I tried to hide from the Slytherins, and Lady Palutena saved me by accident. I was teleported into a different school, where I was greeted by Shielder. Then, when we were exploring the school, she got eaten by a Piranha Plant.

Basically, my dream had more references than Ready Player One.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8364
#214 Posted: 15:47:15 21/03/2018
Quote: StormDragon21
I was in Hogwarts, and after some weird pedestal was destroyed all of the houses went into all-out war. I tried to hide from the Slytherins, and Lady Palutena saved me by accident. I was teleported into a different school, where I was greeted by Shielder. Then, when we were exploring the school, she got eaten by a Piranha Plant.

Basically, my dream had more references than Ready Player One.

Any dream with Lady Palutena is a good dream.

Well, almost always.

Wait accidentally saved you?

Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5559
#215 Posted: 18:02:02 21/03/2018
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: StormDragon21
I was in Hogwarts, and after some weird pedestal was destroyed all of the houses went into all-out war. I tried to hide from the Slytherins, and Lady Palutena saved me by accident. I was teleported into a different school, where I was greeted by Shielder. Then, when we were exploring the school, she got eaten by a Piranha Plant.

Basically, my dream had more references than Ready Player One.

Any dream with Lady Palutena is a good dream.

Well, almost always.

Wait accidentally saved you?


I have no idea. She was supposed to save someone else? Who was named "Serra" or something?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8364
#216 Posted: 18:45:30 21/03/2018
Quote: StormDragon21
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: StormDragon21
I was in Hogwarts, and after some weird pedestal was destroyed all of the houses went into all-out war. I tried to hide from the Slytherins, and Lady Palutena saved me by accident. I was teleported into a different school, where I was greeted by Shielder. Then, when we were exploring the school, she got eaten by a Piranha Plant.

Basically, my dream had more references than Ready Player One.

Any dream with Lady Palutena is a good dream.

Well, almost always.

Wait accidentally saved you?


I have no idea. She was supposed to save someone else? Who was named "Serra" or something?

The less you talk and think about it, the safer you are!
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5559
#217 Posted: 19:26:11 21/03/2018
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: StormDragon21
Quote: HeyitsHotDog

Any dream with Lady Palutena is a good dream.

Well, almost always.

Wait accidentally saved you?


I have no idea. She was supposed to save someone else? Who was named "Serra" or something?

The less you talk and think about it, the safer you are!

Have you been possessed by some creepy spirit?
Is this going to end badly?
What are those strange noises behind me?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8364
#218 Posted: 20:34:24 21/03/2018
Quote: StormDragon21
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: StormDragon21

I have no idea. She was supposed to save someone else? Who was named "Serra" or something?

The less you talk and think about it, the safer you are!

Have you been possessed by some creepy spirit?
Is this going to end badly?
What are those strange noises behind me?

Stop questioning it now!!
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#219 Posted: 12:40:51 24/03/2018
I had a dream that I was a female protagonist in a comedy based, supernatural show. I was slinking into the ranks of an evil, snake themed cult and trying to get information from them. I unfortunately got caught and was talking to this evil cult leader while tied up. She decided to let loose something... I forget what it's called but for the sake of story consistency I'll call it "The White Mamba". It bit me, I started convulsing and I saw all white for a long while. It didn't take me long to utilize my other senses ala Daredevil, and burn the place to the ground. I teleported back home, still relatively blind, but getting more clear. I tried everything from eyedrops to just sleeping it off but nothing would work. I picked up the snake charm from the leading lady that was in my pocket and it opened, transporting me even further into whiteness. I felt like I was floating in mid air, and I heard an ominous laugh roar in the distance.

"You will awake when I do", said the voice, and I ended off my dream screaming, "NOOOOOO!"
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5559
#220 Posted: 12:43:42 24/03/2018
Quote: TheToyNerd
I had a dream that I was a female protagonist in a comedy based, supernatural show. I was slinking into the ranks of an evil, snake themed cult and trying to get information from them. I unfortunately got caught and was talking to this evil cult leader while tied up. She decided to let loose something... I forget what it's called but for the sake of story consistency I'll call it "The White Mamba". It bit me, I started convulsing and I saw all white for a long while. It didn't take me long to utilize my other senses ala Daredevil, and burn the place to the ground. I teleported back home, still relatively blind, but getting more clear. I tried everything from eyedrops to just sleeping it off but nothing would work. I picked up the snake charm from the leading lady that was in my pocket and it opened, transporting me even further into whiteness. I felt like I was floating in mid air, and I heard an ominous laugh roar in the distance.

"You will awake when I do", said the voice, and I ended off my dream screaming, "NOOOOOO!"

Good thing you woke up.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#221 Posted: 12:44:54 24/03/2018
Quote: StormDragon21
Quote: TheToyNerd
I had a dream that I was a female protagonist in a comedy based, supernatural show. I was slinking into the ranks of an evil, snake themed cult and trying to get information from them. I unfortunately got caught and was talking to this evil cult leader while tied up. She decided to let loose something... I forget what it's called but for the sake of story consistency I'll call it "The White Mamba". It bit me, I started convulsing and I saw all white for a long while. It didn't take me long to utilize my other senses ala Daredevil, and burn the place to the ground. I teleported back home, still relatively blind, but getting more clear. I tried everything from eyedrops to just sleeping it off but nothing would work. I picked up the snake charm from the leading lady that was in my pocket and it opened, transporting me even further into whiteness. I felt like I was floating in mid air, and I heard an ominous laugh roar in the distance.

"You will awake when I do", said the voice, and I ended off my dream screaming, "NOOOOOO!"

Good thing you woke up.

Oops! I might've caused the Snake Apocalypse.
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5384
#222 Posted: 17:26:11 24/03/2018
I’ve had multiple instances where I’ve dreamed I finally found Shiny Celebi.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5559
#223 Posted: 17:48:52 08/04/2018
I had a dream where there were two new Giants: a tall elf with a collapsible gun (Fire) and a wooly mammoth-Yeti-type thing (Water). I played as the Water giant first. I only had two moves: a charge and a claw attack, but I couldn't get any damage with them. I switched to the Fire giant, but her gun attack had a really long charge time. Then I met a bad guy who was impressed by my gun and tricked the other bad guys into standing in a line for me to shoot them.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#224 Posted: 10:39:17 22/04/2018
I had a dream where my dad, brother and I went to this resort in Mexico and it was just the most disgusting place imaginable. It wasn’t even realistic about its grossness either, it was just like Superjail or something but it real life. All the fountains were filled with poop, the floors were sticky and grimy, and there were just people getting axes left and right. I’m not kidding when I say that it was like a live action Adult Swim cartoon.

We stayed there for way too long and the way to get out was so convoluted. It turned out that there was a dream machine in the resort and it malfunctioned, making me go through the entire climax of Inception to finally get out of the place
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#225 Posted: 16:39:51 22/04/2018
I had a dream that Dark52 announced that he would be deleted DarkSpyro in like 4 hours. I was on the site for four hours and then after that time passed, I refreshed the page and everything looked the same but it was super greyed over. Also going to any part of the site other than the home page resulted in an error.

Also I had a dream where my math teacher (who also runs the anime club at my school) had to switch rooms for the next school year because her room was going to be used for something else. And then me and another guy got unreasonably sad at that fact for some reason lol
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:40:17 22/04/2018 by 84skylanderdude
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#226 Posted: 09:22:40 24/04/2018
Holy ****, what a nightmare...

I dreamt that my parents one day tried to kill me. They paid people to assassinate me, tried to get bombs set off at my school with me in it, and just overall disowned me. I have no idea what I did wrong in that dream’s story or why they’re after me, I’m just scared out of my wits trying to stay alive. Like, my parents legit try to hack my up with a fire ax and I have to hit it away and climb off of the edge.

The end of the dream happened when I was rescued by ThroneofMalefor for some reason and we drove away to a hotel in New York before I woke up.
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#227 Posted: 09:55:13 24/04/2018
The dream started out with my cat having kittens, which was weird cause she's like 10 years old and neutered, and then somehow spiralled into some sci fi thriller?? There was this super giant evil alien thing that was controlling all the civilisations on different planets. Earth wasn't effected cause it was too far away or some ****, but the alien would make like vine kinda things sprout from your body, esp. if it cut you somewhere, and it was super freaky, and everyone was terrified of it. Also Bakugo from BNHA was there, for some reason. There was a group of people who tried to fight it, with fusion powers?? but one person in the group who had a really big pink top hat decided it was too dangerous and like... sealed away his own group to protect them. In like a pot thing.

The kittens were fine tho.
"Was it a hot ghost?"
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#228 Posted: 11:41:19 24/04/2018
I once dreamt that I was finally playing Kingdom Hearts 3 except the plot was where Sora, Riku and Kairi were travelling around worlds searching for pieces of Xehanort. It was basically the plot of Deathly Hallows part 1.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5559
#229 Posted: 12:28:30 09/05/2018
I had a dream that I bought a used game for 7 dollars. (The dream said it was Final Fantasy, but it didn't seem like anything I knew about the game. The main plot was about a girl who had a key in place of her hand. The key was the only thing that could activate a robot that had great destructive power. I don't remember the actual gameplay, but I remembered that the game felt very short. At the very end, the girl set herself and the robot on fire, and the villain tore up her mother's house trying to find her. Maybe I got a bad ending?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#230 Posted: 17:08:03 11/05/2018
Months before Cloud was revealed to be a DLC fighter in Sm4sh, I dreamt that Roxas from Kingdom Hearts (another blonde haired Squenix character) was a fighter in the game. Coincidentally, he had two amiibos just like Cloud. One was wearing his Org XIII cloak and the other his Twilight Town outfit. Also in that dream, I still had my old job at Sainsburys and I was waiting for a shift to end so I could go and buy the amiibos.

Last night, I dreamt I was playing Pokemon Go and a Reshiram appeared (not from a raid, but in the wild) even though only the first three generations are currently available in the game. While, I was trying to catch it, I turned on the AR camera and some of the scenery was missing (there were just black voids between bushes and paths) like I was inside a video game with missing textures. The ring that you use to aim the pokeballs was light blue even you can't get it in that colour and I somehow accidentally threw a Pokemon egg at the Reshiram which due to a glitch, caught it as if it was a pokeball. When I checked its stat screen, it was shown to have been caught in a master ball.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:53:55 14/05/2018 by alicecarp
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
#231 Posted: 15:25:41 23/05/2018 | Topic Creator
i went on a bus trip to this lame but bizarre roadside attraction, a museum about barn art. but then someone broke into the abandoned house next door and discovered the owner's large collection of decorated fedoras and vintage candy (which i ate). then someone found the owner's abandoned goblin farm and let all the goblins loose so we could hunt and kill them. i grabbed a goblin and was carrying it around for a while until a goblin hunter shot me. i reawoke in a pen with some other humans, a giant goblin cocked his shotgun and pointed it at me.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#232 Posted: 00:40:35 02/06/2018
I had this dream the other night that was barely controlled chaos but in order for it to make any sense at all there are some things you must know
1: I have a friend who is obsessed with BTS (a K-Pop boy band)
2: I know nothing about BTS not even the names of the people in it so they were all just redhead vaguely Korean looking people with names that were actually gibberish
3: this location is actually a recurring setting for my dreams and I have no idea why

So the dream started with the plot of some movie about child slaves and they were all starving but I had a pet fox (who was actually a dog, we'll call him Foxdog) who would bring us food and things we were able to sell until we managed to somehow buy a house that used to be a supermarket. Turns out this movie was a book and because it had a fox in it my sister wanted to read it but I didn't let her cause I wasn't sure if she was allowed.
Then suddenly the plot changes entirely (foxdog is still a thing, at some point I sent him in search of a stapler) and we're planning a beach barbecue party (what a change in topic) and my stepmother is being mean to me like usual until suddenly there's Foxdog swimming up to the shore! And he has a stapler shaped box in his mouth! Turns out it was cheesecake? And then my stepmother got mad at me? Even though it was Foxdog who got it? I ate half the cheesecake but before i could offer the other half to anybody my stepmother ate it. Then I made bacon? It was strange
More change in scenery, I go to my friend's grandparents' apartment (I don't actually know her grandparents) and Foxdog no longer exists. This is the recurring area, an apartment attached to a public washroom attached to another apartment with a Staples store across the street. So apparently we need to get a new litter box for her dog who is actually Wolf Link from Legend of Zelda and so we take him to the store and buy that stapler we needed earlier for whatever reason. The road is very slippery. We forget Wolf Link on the beach and have to go save him from people who want to adopt him and Google helps us (how? No idea). Then we go back to the apartment and communicate with BTS (who live in the other apartment) through some hexagon word game. My friend has the genius idea to sneak them to the barbecue party. Somehow it works for a while. Then there are intense quick time events and we win a race (I don't know how we got here either) and then we have to sing and somehow still no one realizes it's BTS even though they're singing in Korean (or, in actuality, gibberish, because I don't know Korean) and we go to the party everybody eats cheesecake (apparently there was more) and have a great life
It was good cheesecake
Why am I a loser
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#233 Posted: 05:35:02 02/06/2018
For the past week I've been having dreams every night about this one person.
I usually wake up early because of it. This morning I got up at 2 because I couldn't sleep, even though I really really wanted to.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#234 Posted: 07:43:20 23/08/2018
^^^ **** ... so that's still happening. it's been almost three months now. okay.

Had a horrible dream last night. It was like a side scroller game, and the camera panned down into the ocean and it showed little fish and sharks and stuff, and it got deeper and deeper and the animals got bigger and bigger and there was a huge sunken ship, and submarines and the submarines got bigger and darker and uuugggghhhhhhhh i woke up in a cold sweat.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#235 Posted: 22:02:16 09/12/2018
A few days ago I decided to set a jumpscare as my laptop wallpaper. My reasoning for this was that the more I seen it, the more I'd get used to it, until it didn't really scare me anymore. Because I'm a bit of a coward who tends to get scared by everything.

I finally had a (kind of) nightmare about it last night. Except compared to everything else I've had this one was really tame. I had several dreams last night actually, but this is the only one I can be arsed to talk about. I was using my laptop for something whilst I was in the middle of talking to someone or something... basically I was using my laptop for something. Same jumpscare background as my irl laptop.
Anyway I was in the middle of something (as I mentioned I think I was talking to someone) so I needed to close my laptop for a while to get back to whatever I was doing or talking about.
Then when I finished whatever it was I opened my laptop again, except the background had changed. The person in it had moved to the right side of the screen and was smiling with their eyes closed (like this ^_^ ) with their right arm outstretched to the left side of the screen, not necessarily pointing at anything though. Also I think the colour scheme had changed to show a lot more contrast and brighter colours. It was like the background had changed on its own. I metaphorically **** my dream self and closed the laptop quickly.

Ironically the background I recalled seeing in my dream was a lot less terrifying than the one currently as my background and actually looked kind of cool. Although in hindsight I don't either were particularly scary... it was more the fact that my background changed on its own. If anything it was like an actual jumpscare using something I didn't expect, like Elmo showing up by your house at 3AM or some ****.
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5769
#236 Posted: 22:08:42 12/12/2018
i dreamt that something happened but i forgot what happened
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#237 Posted: 17:38:42 26/12/2018
(The spoiler tag in this dream is spoilers for the Attack on Titan manga.)

I was in my backyard doing some filming for the film I’m working on in real life at the moment. I went back around to the front of the house for something and saw three bags on the front porch which I realized had just been delivered (for some reason in bags rather than boxes). One had a lego set, one had a PS3 with an advertisement for Kingdom Hearts on the back, and one had the storage bag for my filming equipment (which I should’ve already had but whatever). I quickly took all three bags with me to the backyard to hide the two former from my mother, and to pack away my filming equipment in the latter since it was starting to rain slightly.

However, as I was packing away the equipment, I felt the ground start shaking. I looked to my back left and saw, a few neighbor yards away, a bunch of Titans as well as a few giant animals such as a snake ambling in my general direction.
I realized that The Rumbling had been activated, and this confirmed rumors (that don’t actually exist irl) that the previous Titans were all just a test by Lady Ymir (that’s how she was addressed in the dream)
and now the real Titans are coming, which are larger than before and include animals as well.

I ran inside my house to warn everyone, and on my way there all the animals were running in one direction, signifying to me that the animals could sense the exact direction the Titans were coming from and how we should escape in that same direction. My family all got in the car and starting driving away, but had to go parallel to the line of Titans approaching us for a little bit before we could drive the right direction because there was no road there that led that direction immediately.

At some point it cut to me being in my own house again for some reason protected against the Titans. There were various people there, and one of them apparently changed their name right then. I don’t remember what they changed it to but I remember it was some kind of pun with their middle initial that had to do with combat. We were all sitting in the dining room for a while when an old cartoon style black and white Mickey Mouse walked in. He had an incredibly long finger and he touched me with it, which put me under mind control. Apparently Mickey Mouse was also being mind controlled by someone being mind controlled by someone being mind controlled, and the chain linked back to the original guy. The original guy had the ability to control the mind of anyone he touches as long as he can see their name. This could also be carried out through anyone he’s controlling. (There didn’t need to be constant contact but the name did need to be constantly in view for it to stay in effect.)

We started walking out the house and down the street in a big line of people being controlled by the one behind them, with me at the front. I kept breaking free somehow but Mickey Mouse would just poke me with his long finger again and put me back under his control, because my name was apparently on the back of my shirt. Soon, a large part of the back of the line just started slowly drifting onto the road as they walked and got hit by a truck, including the original guy. But the control wasn’t broken just because the guy was dead. The one controlling Mickey Mouse was made of paper and he got blown by the wind into another passing truck, killing him. I forget how Mickey Mouse got dealt with but I did get out of his control at some point. I don’t remember if there was more to the dream after this.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#238 Posted: 17:52:05 26/12/2018
Had some dream last night where How To Train Your Dragon got a live-action reboot trilogy. Can't remember much about it except it felt a lot like Harry Potter and... something else about it felt odd that I can't quite put my finger on. It might have been that the movies were headed for a more cult-classic feel? It didn't feel like normal hit movies anyhow.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#239 Posted: 23:16:18 26/12/2018
Oh man, can I post a dream I had a few nights ago? Terrified the hell out of me, here’s what I wrote in my dream journal:

Scientists created what was called the “first virtual reality,” which they named “The Monogram.” It was called that because it was like a hologram but in ... one dimension I guess, like in the physical realm... I don’t know it made sense in the dream. But the Monogram was a success mostly and people could travel into it and be inside of this entirely artificial, computer-generated world. It kinda looked like you were underwater, the world around you was a darkish blue and there were these low poly poorly rendered colorful fish-like things that swam around occasionally. There were weird low poly plants and strange bursts of color now and then. The buildings were made up of these elaborate Roman or Greek temple-like places with winding hallways and long sweeping staircases and arched entryways and tall pillars and stuff. Everything was a visibly digital/CGI, like a low budget or slightly older video game, except the people who were all real. People could travel in and out of the Monogram for things like work and school. I used to work in the Monogram at a kid’s fitness after school program thing and I was sent there for a class to go check in with the program. It was basically an accepted part of everyday life, an entirely second world humans could enter. But there was an issue, which was that it was unfinished and unstable, and no one knew the size of it, and the scientists who created it would send people in sometimes and they’d just go missing forever, and they could send search and rescue groups in but they’d never find them and sometimes they’d never come back either, and there was nothing edible in the Monogram and they’d be gone long enough to die of dehydration or starvation. So it was still controversial in the eyes of the government. At some point my dad went into the Monogram and went missing. Everyone was looking for him and trying to find him and we had a vague sense of his location via tracking outside of the Monogram but it wasn’t very strong, and then it was revealed that he had disappeared entirely, and it turned out he had accidentally opened a rift between the Monogram and what was simply referred to as “Monogram 2,” which was a secret second world that the scientists who made the first Monogram were working on without permission from the government since the first one was still causing trouble. Monogram 2 was even more chaotic and unstable than the first one. The colors were completely discordant, the sky was purple and everything was in bright eye searing color. Bizarre low poly creatures roamed around and the temples were skinned in bizarre colorful eclectic patterns. It was just a huge unstable mess and it seemed things constantly appeared and disappeared and grew and shrunk etc. When you were in there it was like your humanity was slowly lost and you started to disintegrate mentally and physically into the same low poly mess. We had lost all traces of my dad now and apparently Monogram 2 being opened early was really dangerous for everyone. My mom from the outside could still vaguely follow his movements somehow from inside Monogram 2 and tried to help clear his path by messing with the program and coding on the outside but it seemed like the Monogram 2 did the reverse or something totally unexpected whenever you modified the code in a seemingly obvious way (she tried to modify a fruit tree and I can’t remember exactly what happened but it caused total chaos). Meanwhile, it was Christmas and I was spending it with my sister and her boyfriend and his family. My sister’s boyfriend’s mom gave me a copy of an autobiography Chris Corner had just written and I was really excited about that (for those unaware, Chris Corner is a musician and frontman of the band IAMX, and he certainly has not actually written an autobiography lol). But then I found out from the book that Chris Corner’s dad had actually been a scientist who worked on the Monogram and had gone missing in there for MONTHS and months and had somehow made it out alive. At the end of the dream I was reading through Chris Corner’s book for answers and I remember feeling like Chris himself was communicating to me through the book somehow. Then I woke up.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
exefile Yellow Sparx Gems: 1783
#240 Posted: 11:02:32 06/01/2019
Ok so I had a "nightmare" kind of about Smash Bros and some other stuff it's kinda disturbing and really gross.

So apparently in my dream every fighter had they're own cutscene at the end of their classic mode, these were really strange different ways the character would get tortured. So I beat Master and Crazy Hand as Rosalina and a cutscene plays, the rainy castle looking area from the first Ultimate Smash direct came on screen and when the door opened the Terminator came out (which is weird since I've never watched that movie) and said "I really hope you die" with the word hope in yellow text for some reason. I thought "huh, ok then cool". What happens next is even worse.

Next scene is in a white room with a toilet. Master Hand was in there with a tied up Mario next to the toilet and Rosalina was tied up on top of the toilet. Master Hand opens up the toilet lid to reveal an unconscious Meowth floating in the water. Mario tries to struggle out of the rope. Master Hand says something like "Vomit now" while he tightens Rosalina's rope. While he does this Mario tries to break out of the rope but he almost strangles himself so he stopped and watches in horror as Rosalina... throws up on the Meowth. The dream ends there because I was called to wake up and I'm really happy for that because I don't want to know what happens after that.
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#241 Posted: 15:48:43 06/01/2019
Last night I had a dream where I was still at school and another school near us was holding some kind of baking contest between themselves. To decide whose cake was the best, they visited our school to get our opinions. I ate two and they were really nice, but ultimately nobody could decide whose cake was best. The other school left and the best cake was left undecided.
Then it all went black and I woke up in a dark room. I soon realised that I was drugged and taken as some kind of hostage from the other school, and I soon understood that they kidnapped me so I would participate in some kind of battle royale which they thought would somehow make a better way of deciding whose cake was best. So we fought to the death over cakes.

TL;DR: I got drugged and taken hostage then me and some other guys fought to the death to see whose cake was best.
Emperor_Mustard Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#242 Posted: 18:01:31 26/01/2019
I once had a dream that I was in downtown Kansas City and all the buildings looked different. There was this one skyscraper, much like something you would see in Dubai, that had another distinctly different glass skyscraper with a metal center leaning at a roughly 45 degree angle and of equal size on top of it. Me and my family wanted to took the elevator to the top of the bottom skyscraper and wanted to go up the elevator to the top of the top skyscraper. It turned out we needed reservations for some stupid reason, so we looked for some stairs that we could climb instead. me and my mom fell into a pit, but at that moment I realized it was a dream and flew us back to safety. The dream ended there.

I had a later dream where the buildings looked the same, but the top skyscraper was gone, but the bottom one was still there and pointed out that I had a dream where there was a slanted skyscraper on top of it.
And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#243 Posted: 09:07:36 27/01/2019
I sometimes dream that I go to a convention that turns out to be disappointing (i.e. not many stalls, barely anyone in cosplay if there were even many attendees at all, no panels). One of these dreams I had was where I was wearing my KH2 Sora costume, but my wig lost its spikiness so I asked a random guest or staff member to style it, but I had to pay them £4. After that, I realised I left my phone on a chair and when I went back for it, I caught some guy using my phone to add stuff to my Amazon shopping basket. Fortunately, I managed to snatch my phone off him before he made any purchases and I deleted the stuff off the basket which was mostly Disney merch.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#244 Posted: 17:24:44 28/01/2019
Dreamed that I was in a dense city with an abandoned amusement park. There were a ton of goats living in the park. Even though it wasn't running, people went into the park just to hang out with the goats.

Sounds creepy writing it down, but it wasn't all bad in my dream.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#245 Posted: 22:46:16 28/01/2019
I was watching the adventures of a man in a trench coat who explored the cosmos and his robot buddy as they sailed through space on a ship which was a large golden cube.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#246 Posted: 01:32:47 30/01/2019
Me and a friend were at some kind of place, dunno why, it seemed reminiscent of a field trip or something. There was a girl here that neither of us had met before but my friend immediately had a huge crush on her. However he was incredibly shy so he asked me to help him out by getting to know her and her interests. I'm not as nervous around girls as you'd expect (or at least from the last time I actually spoke to people) so I managed to become friends with her pretty easily, found out her interests and stuff. I can't remember what they were though. Anyway we kept getting closer to eachother and presumably I kept my friend updated on her interests as he started building up confidence to ask her out.
Soon it was almost the end of our trip and at this point my friend was ready to talk to her. During one of my last conversations with her on this trip I asked her about her view on relationships, something like that, it was related to the concept of love... when I asked her this she revealed that she really liked me and seen me as more than a friend. My first though was, "damn I really ****ed this up". I was trying all this to introduce her to my friend and I was moving away to another country soon anyway. Yet somehow by the weirdest combination of bad luck she had fallen in love with me instead. God ****ing dammit.
I told her about this and though I don't recall her opinion on this all being part of my friend's idea. She was still madly in love with me. I thought she was kinda cute too, but with the issue of moving away I knew I'd never see her again anyway. However, it turns out she was on holiday and was actually from the place I was moving to. So I would be able to see her again after all. She didn't mind that this was originally for my friend, she thought I was genuinely nice and we did get on pretty well with eachother. It was soon the end of the trip and although I think my friend was a little pissed I didn't end up seeing him again anyway.
The area I was moving to was a grassland kind of area, something like that, there wasn't much there besides me and her who coincidentally happened to live so close to where I was moving. Eventually we got married and lived happily ever after... I presume. The dream ended soon after I moved and we met up again.

TL;DR My friend's crush became my girlfriend after I tried introducing them to eachother. Or something like that. It was a weird dream.


I don't know how I had this dream but it was surprisingly coherent whilst being something I doubt I would be able to come up with myself. Also, although I'm good at talking to girls doesn't mean I know how relationships work. I'm mostly good at casual conversation and little else romantically. Again, weird dream.
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
#247 Posted: 12:52:56 18/02/2019 | Topic Creator
had a dream there was a reveal trailer for the next doctor and apparently his next incarnation is going to be a little black bird dubbed by a british voice actor
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