darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Dream Topic Deluxe
Gold Sparx
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#151 Posted: 15:18:18 20/08/2017
I didn't have very good dreams last night. Let's just say that I got killed in said dream.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad" |
Emerald Sparx
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#152 Posted: 22:09:00 29/08/2017
So I dreamed I was running around some stores and one of them had lots of Skylanders, including Blackout. I bought him and that's it. My dreams are really empty and short.
That's not the first time I dream with Blackout specifically. I fear what I'll actually do in order to get him.
Bruh |
Gold Sparx
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#153 Posted: 23:46:56 29/08/2017
I dreamed I was in school and it was the first day, and a person I know was being her usual self and messing with stuff and joking around but I was really angry for some reason so I shouted "**** you!" at the top of my lungs and hit her in the face with a chair. Then I got chased through the basement by some kid who took my phone, and then the guidance counsellor found me and suddenly I was sobbing on a table in the cafeteria and then I was in a fish tank and when I went home my mother was all like "seriously you couldn't even wait one day to ruin everything" and I woke up sobbing
Platinum Sparx
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#154 Posted: 10:57:05 01/09/2017
I had a dream that there were a bunch of bugs in my room (spiders, stink bugs, and moths) and I was going around trapping them in Sosa bottles that were scattered around my room. I was putting two in each because apparently if I tried to put a third in there the others would escape easily. These were all big ones too, like the size of my thumb. And then there was also a humongous black centipede. It was extremely long and I trapped it under something. Iirc it was in a glass bowl and I put the Guardian Amiibo packaging over it. It was all like wriggling around and making a lot of noise the whole time because it was so big. I remember having at least four sora bottles of two spiders/stinkbugs each, and that I was never able to catch any of the moths.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman |
Platinum Sparx
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#155 Posted: 15:01:20 01/09/2017
I had a dream the other night where school would be let off an hour early because a meteor was coming to kill everyone. I remember being mad because if everyone is going to die surely there wouldn't be a school day probably.
Soon. |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#156 Posted: 15:43:20 01/09/2017
i had a dream a few nights ago in which gordon ramsey beat jake paul in a fist fight at whole foods
Emerald Sparx
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#157 Posted: 18:59:49 01/09/2017
So I was stuck on my father's car, which was in the middle of the street close to home. There's was a big truck on the back of the car, and it was catching fire. Everyone started to run away (a lot of people just appeared), and I desperately tried to open the car and get out. No success, the truck exploded and the car started flying with me inside. After that I started to appear for a few seconds in many random places with this exact same truck. Weird...
Bruh |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:00:31 01/09/2017 by Crash10
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#158 Posted: 02:45:05 04/09/2017
i had a REALLY ****ed up one last night where there was this cult and they kidnapped this woman and injected a syringe in her arm, then she was like "what the hell was that!?" and the cult dudes we like "the hellworms" then these worms appeared under her arm skin and started circling around in her arms and the woman started screaming and blood started spraying out of her arms because THE ****ING WORMS CUT HER ARMS UP FROM THE INSIDE AND THEY JUST FELL OFF
Diamond Sparx
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#159 Posted: 20:53:05 04/09/2017
I dreamed I was playing a new Skylanders game as Pop Fizz, but instead of blue purple fur, he has white-ish green. The game had a controllable camera and I was in this rather open sky environment with a nice field to run it. the sky was evening and was a gorgeous orange red with these two HUGE Cumulonimbus Clouds. I saw this land pillar (Kind of like a curved grass covered spike, look very earthy too) and I walk up and look at the sky. It was honestly one of the best dreams I've have in a while, very peaceful and relaxing.
And this song was playing as well! Maybe a slightly calmer, slower version of it.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:55:45 04/09/2017 by HeyitsHotDog
Platinum Sparx
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#160 Posted: 01:48:56 05/09/2017
Ok so I know I had a whole other dream and there was a lot more but one bit of my dream from last night suddenly came back to me, I dreamt that Ding Dong and Julian did a face reveal and Julian was just a regular fat mexican but Ding Dong was actually like super old like 80 years old and all grey and wrinkly and stuff
Edit: **** boi I just remembered my other dream from last night I was talking about while heading to sleep! So I was in the parking lot of this church that's by my house at night with some guy, and apparently we were trying to see if ghosts were real. I had this purple rod plugged into my phone and was just sticking the end of it into my ear, because I guess that apparently how you hear the voices of ghosts. I remember the ghost saying "Hello, how are you" but it was in like a strained whispery voice. I replied "Fine, how are you?" And I don't remember the exact wording of what came after that but it said something that made us know it was planning to eat us, but at the same time gave us an excuse to leave and theoretically return for that. Idk, it's weird in my memory and makes no logical sense. Like us saying we would go and get us and bring us back for him to eat us...? Anyway I told my friend we need to leave immediately and we ran back to my house and planned to never come back to that parking lot again so we didn't have to confront that hostile spirit.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:04:51 05/09/2017 by 84skylanderdude
Gold Sparx
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#161 Posted: 10:48:50 07/09/2017
I had a dream that there was a party at my house featuring kids from my high school, and we were all having a good time until my old English teacher comes and halts the party to give a PSA about drugs. This went on for 20 or so minutes
And my dream just ended with my teacher having a heart attack in the middle of the floor and ruining the rest of my day. |
Platinum Sparx
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#162 Posted: 11:13:28 08/09/2017
I had a dream Vanilla Ice (the rapper, not the Jojo character) came to our school and rapped a song for us all. Then he tried to do a freestyle and he was struggling a lot, he even used the line "drop that zero and get with the hero" from the Cool as Ice movie and it was just an overall **** show
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman |
Platinum Sparx
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#163 Posted: 10:43:32 24/09/2017
It's been a while since I've had such a weird yet somewhat coherent dream.
I'm a big hotel after a wedding, I go to the men's toilet room, which the bride and groom just passed by, I head to the very corner and see an unconscious Danny DeVito/Frank Renyolds in his business suit when become CEO of his company again. I see another suit with glasses reading a newspaper telling me to try on Danny's suit, which I did. Somehow the guy mentioned Final Fantasy XV in some form of a joke and I just laughed because I got the references. Then Noctis came in from the window beside the toilet we where in. Then I come out and I'm wearing Danny's suit. ![]() I honestly felt like Patrick Bateman for a moment with slicked back hair, suspenders and shiny black shoes.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns. |
Yellow Sparx
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#164 Posted: 13:42:09 24/09/2017
I can't stop thinking about this dream I had, like, two months ago?
Apparently I was heading up north to see one of my grandmas, which I didn't, but the town she was at was all modernized, perhaps one place above my hometown. The thing I strongly remember the most was the looping advert on a big screen along some wall of a store. Where this calm-looking lady was talking about drugs or something. If I remember correctly, she said "Don't do drugs, it's full of bangs, bongs-" and out of nowhere a shock stinger sound plays while her face becomes distorted/monstrous, "...AND BURNS". Then fades to black, then does the thing usually seen on Canadian commercials: "A message from the government of Canada". Then repeats. I always thought that was pretty bizarre. The moral of the story kids, drugs are full of bangs, bongs, and burns. Trust me, it makes perfect sense. Quote: 84skylanderdude
Someone's been watching too much JonTron ![]()
NOSTALGA-LANDERS COLLECTION (Spyro's Adventure) 30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV) Missing: ![]() ![]() |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:44:37 24/09/2017 by LameLime
Platinum Sparx
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#165 Posted: 11:25:55 29/09/2017
Had a dream where I was in the lunch room at school with a couple people and I received a big cup of milk. However, when I looked at it, I noticed a dead cockroach in it. (I think it was actually a stinkbug but I called it a cockroach in my dream.) So I took a spoon and scooped it out, and put it on the table. My drawing teacher then made some reference to the scene in DiU of Rohan locking the spider. But then when I looked back at the milk, I noticed another cockroach floating there. So I moved the cup and shifted the milk around in it and saw the entire cup was filled to the ****ing brim with cockroach corpses.
---------- New edit Had a dream where I was Izuku but for some reason I kept trying to use Yoarashi's Quirk and I was really confused as to why I couldn't use it before I remembered that wasn't my Quirk
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:19:14 08/10/2017 by 84skylanderdude
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#166 Posted: 09:16:12 15/10/2017 | Topic Creator
i just had a dream that there were terrorist attacks going around where peoole would shoot tomahawk missiles at your house because the terrorists didn't like the new cuphead restaurant that came out and samius got shot by one when we were frolicking through a field so i sent him to ludwig von drakes lab in California to help him heal but then the government started parking giant trailers with cuphead faces on them in front of everyone's houses and they forced me inside a defense trailer with my neighbors which included char from gundam butch hartman and kramer from seinfeld
we were in the trailer for three days and there wad spaghetti sauce everywhere and kramer was thinking about murdering me which char approved of because he also wanted me dead but i tricked kramer into not killing me by stealing his katanas lying on the floor while he was listening to the disco music i put on and then the government declared the attacks over so then i went to butch Hartman's house and he was a hoarder then i woke up and wrote thus post |
Gold Sparx
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#167 Posted: 11:13:18 15/11/2017
Bringing this back, oh yeah! Kinda personal dream, too.
So I was walking around in the longest mall ever, when a girl I knew since elementary showed up and I said “hi”. We were chatting it up, catching up with our respective lives when suddenly everything turned sour. I made the remark of, “Man, it’s really been a long time hasn’t it?” to which she replied, “Yeah... last time, I distinctly remember you really wanting to ask me out and me rejecting you cause you’re a loser. My heart sank and she started drifting and I couldn’t find her again. Then the dream became disjointed and I can’t remember much from it. There was a part with a map that became lucid, but that’s it. |
Platinum Sparx
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#168 Posted: 14:52:01 24/11/2017
I had a dream it was the day before Christmas which was apparently a holiday called 'Egg Day'. I discovered that these two kids had broken into our house and stolen items. I managed to find them cowering in my closet and then I grabbed them and forced them to give back what they stole. It worked like Pokémon, they just handed me nothing and then the item music played and a notification popped up saying what I received. They had stolen things like my Leftovers and my Tapu
Z Crystals, so it was all Pokémon items. Then I told them to give back the other 300 items they stole and they handed it over in the same way as before. After it was all returned I just tossed them outside. I looked at my grandmother who was setting up a Christmas tree and I got upset because she was setting up a fake one when we always get a real one each year. And that's the extent of it --- Okay so I had a dream quite a while ago that I wanted to share on here but was too lazy to at the time, so I just jotted down the big points so I would remember it and could post about it later. However I must've wrote them while half asleep or something because it's completely incomprehensible. Here I'm just gonna post a screenshot of my notes ![]() Just for some context, when I had this dream we were in the process of doing a group project for English in school and I remember in this dream one of the girls on the hood of our car was one of the people in my group, and they asked for help on the project in the dream. Also at this time I was waiting for a parcel from Drawdler in the mail irl and according to my notes, I'm the dream the parcel arrived and contained a copy of Pokémon Moon, a Silvally booster box, and something hot, which I do remember. The something hot was just I felt heat emanating from the box. I have no ****ing idea what the middle part is attempting to say
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:01:50 24/11/2017 by 84skylanderdude
Blue Sparx
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#169 Posted: 15:42:33 24/11/2017
So, a while back (during Spring I think), I started getting some really weird dreams. Like, really weird - they all took place in the same world, it seemed.
You might have seen my posts in Random Thoughts. The two most notable connections I've noticed are a building and a pair of twins. Mostly the building, although the twins seem to appear a fair bit too. I tend to only remember parts of the dreams, but I sense that it is all connected. The most notable event that has happened was when I had to team up with someone (don't know their names, but I'll call this guy Joe b/c he looked a bit like Joacim Cans the first time I saw him) to rescue someone else that had been taken away and trapped inside the building (Elysium). Possibly one of the twins. Long before I found Elysium, as the dreams started, I met a girl called Heather. She was looking for her mother (Hope), and I know these were their names for sure, since Heather herself told me. These are the only two names I know. She knew her mother went missing during a war, and was trying to find out what happened. We later went into a cafe, where we found a video showing the last known footage of Hope. Warning, it's really depressing: Hope was dead. As it turned out, she was the one who killed the general of the opposing side, but never received recognition for it. After she shot the leader, she tried escaping, but was killed herself as she tried escaping from the soldiers. I think there was a landmine buried near the gates, which went off as she crossed them. Now knowing what had really happened to her mother, Heather got really depressed. As I turned back toward the video, I heard a gunshot. When I turned back, I found out that Heather had killed herself. I think that was connected to Elysium, and whatever or whoever is inside it. I've been inside a few times, like when I was trying to rescue that person from there. It's mostly full of books and scientific stuff. Another time I went inside was when I first remember meeting the twins. Because of the nature of this dream and Elysium in general, this makes me a little doubtful of who they really are, might they be on the side of Elysium? I don't feel hostility from them. Anyway, I found them (Oswald and Serena) in Elysium. I can't remember why they were there, but they said they were helping me. Given that I recall trying to escape from something earlier in this dream, I believe this, that they took me to Elysium to escape. Whether or not they knew about Elysium is another matter, and honestly, I'm not 100% sure this dream took place in Elysium. The exterior looked smaller, and the interior was more cluttered than usual. The geography was the same, though - the wasteland and ruin surrounding Elysium was there, and the inside had the same white-coloured walls and equipment seen in Elysium. Anyway, back to the dream. I decided this would be a good time to better explore Elysium, so I went into a room that was next to the entrance. It was cluttered and had lots of folders. I decided to pick one up and look at it, and (another warning, very creepy and depressing)... I read the spine. It said: "[My Name]'s Suicide Notes" I didn't read inside. I think I woke up, probably from shock, after reading that. Why was that there? Really creepy, probably the creepiest thing I've seen in the Otherworld so far. A few other dreams happened, but you get the basic idea. I've visited another world, or so it seems. I don't know anything else, other than that I get a strange feeling when I visit there, which separates it from my normal dreams. Like deja vu, expect I feel like it is happening, not that it has happened. And that something bad is going on in Elysium. Something that could be more dangerous than it initially seemed. After all, Hope and Heather are both dead now... who were they? Did they even live, at some time and place? I've started having them again, it seems. I recall seeing the twins again a few nights ago, and some of my more recent dreams give the same feeling I had during Elysium Wave. I've also started having another kind of dream too. These new dreams are kind of like flashbacks. I'll remember dreams I had a long time ago, sometimes before Elysium Wave, but in better detail. Detail I don't usually remember, especially months after I originally had the dream. They don't occur like my normal dreams. More like thoughts, and I can get them whilst awake - they just suddenly come to mind, with no reason why.
No fate. Only the power of will. |
Platinum Sparx
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#170 Posted: 18:38:47 24/11/2017
I had a dream that I accidentally caused a sniper war at my school during a museum trip. Because of that, I decided to try and help everyone out at the school. However, I ran into a roadblock during lunch because two people needed the same item. It was kind of like a video game.
I also met Orisa trying to disguise herself as a student. She did not do a very good job at it.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Platinum Sparx
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#171 Posted: 17:19:34 24/12/2017
Alright, so this dream is divided into two parts that are loosely connected. In the first part, I was in my grandparents' house, but my grandparents and parents were going on a trip somewhere, so I would be there all alone. Apparently some intruder was gonna be coming, so my grandmother gave me specific instructions on what to do each day. On the first day, I was fine and didn't need to do anything. On the second day, I had to take the skin off of John F. Kennedy's face and put it on mine as a disguise, as well as swap hands with him. On the third day, I had to stay in one specific room of the house and completely hide the lower half of my body from sight.
This is where it transitions to the second part of the dream. I'm in my house and this same intruder is coming. In this part though, he's apparently a cleaning person that has came to clean out house for a long time, but someone warned me that he was coming and told me about how his special ability works. His ability took the form of a piece of light, and he could transfer it between any sharp objects that were in your line of sight at the speed of light, and attack from them by producing another sharp object. This means if you closed your eyes, his affliction would be stuck to whatever sharp object he was on when you closed your eyes. Anyway, there were a lot of other people in my living room who were apparently human representations of all the Electric type Pokémon. However, I noted that none of the generation 5 Electric types showed up. The intruders then broke in with a gun and was threatening us and all with a long time. I don't remember any specific bits from that part, I just remember we were all lined up in a row on my couch (which was apparently way longer than usual) while he was a threatening force in front of us. At some point I managed to run back to my mom's room to tell her what this man was doing, since she had known him to be our cleaning person. I got her the phone so she could call the police, and we discussed how he was probably going to take one of the Electric types as a hostage. I walked right outside her room and he was by our rabbit cage, and I was mortified he was going to take one of my rabbits as a hostage. With an evil smile on his face, he told me to look at the top rabbit. There was a stitched-shut scar on the rabbit's head. The intruder had apparently used a pair of kid scissors to cut into my rabbit's head and alter my rabbit's internal clock by only a few minutes. Even within the dream I saw how stupid of an evil deed this was. Also he had placed him back in the bottom part of the cage with my other rabbit. Then I went back to the living room where the Electric types were. I looked at my phone and I was getting a call from my friend, and we talked for a bit about my current status with this intruder thing. After I hung up I saw people from my school were constantly calling me to find out about this situation. I had asked the first guy who called how he knew about this and he gave some explanation that made sense in the dream that I don't remember. I picked up the phone again but had to hang up almost immediately because I saw the police pulling into our driveway. But then it turned out it wasn't actually the police but someone else, and I never found out who it was. Later on a fire truck pulled into our driveway and that's as far as my dream got.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#172 Posted: 19:01:37 24/12/2017
some of my best, a recap-
- the one where my grandma had to rap battle someone over lugia - the one where gordon ramsey beat jake paul in a fist fight at whole foods - gyarados amusement park ride - the worms that cut off your arms |
Platinum Sparx
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#173 Posted: 15:31:51 29/12/2017
I dreamt I was walking uphill near where I live and in a shed behind one house on the left, I go inside and discover Alex Jones is hiding in there. (Shudder)
Needz more eh-mo-shuns. |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#174 Posted: 21:54:43 29/12/2017
Quote: StevemacQ
he was hiding from the chemicals that turn the friggin frogs gay |
Blue Sparx
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#175 Posted: 00:25:04 30/12/2017
I had another dS-related dream a few nights ago. I dreamt that I was in an IRL relationship with another user (not saying their username b/c that's creepy), or something like that. I think one of us asked the other out on a date or something.
That reminds me, I'm pretty sure I've had several dreams where I've had a relationship. I even got married once. However, this is the first dream like this I've had in a long time, I rarely dream about love or relationships. They mostly involve people getting killed or some other kind of ****ed up ****. I really hope this dream doesn't hint at anything.
No fate. Only the power of will. |
Gold Sparx
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#176 Posted: 20:56:33 08/01/2018
Skylanders 7 was actually happening, coming in 2019. It had something to do with Time Travel but I can't remember how it actually functioned in the game. I just remember the game had really amazing graphics and it was semi-open world, like Odyssey.
I only remember one Skylander, who was this big bear with a club, which was a beehive tied to the end of a stick. He looked a lot like the werebears in Skyrim. He had a really simple name like "Honey Whack" or something.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad" |
angels cry Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572 |
#177 Posted: 01:11:35 11/01/2018
The nightmares have returned...
I'm scared |
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343 |
#178 Posted: 06:14:59 11/01/2018
Quote: angels cry
What do said nightmares consist of...? Do you need a dream therapist...? I had a dream last night where I was unable to stay awake. When I finally fell asleep, I woke up. WTH????
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift |
angels cry Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572 |
#179 Posted: 21:54:58 11/01/2018
Quote: BlackNight12
Don't wanna talk about them right now... No, no dream therapist, they don't care about what the nightmares are about they care about the outrageous fees they're gonna charge. Ya know "it's all about the money". When it gets to the point where I need help, I have a wonderful friend I can talk with. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:58:08 11/01/2018 by angels cry
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343 |
#180 Posted: 05:11:44 12/01/2018
Quote: angels cry
lol, I didn't mean a real therapist. I was referring to myself. If you wanted to talk to someone about the nightmares you were having. I'm I good listener. Alright, then make sure you talk to that friend if the nightmares continue to reoccur. I wish you well! --- I have strange dreams all of the time. I'll try and see if I can think of some that will make everyone laugh. I can't remember what happened last night...
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift |
angels cry Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572 |
#181 Posted: 02:33:23 13/01/2018
Quote: BlackNight12
lol, no thanks!!!! ![]() Don't tell me to make sure I talk with my friend, I can make my own decisions. Oh and please stop quoting my posts it's getting rather annoying. Thanks. |
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#182 Posted: 03:11:17 13/01/2018 | Topic Creator
this isn't personal thoughts, people can quote and respond to your posts if they want.
angels cry Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572 |
#183 Posted: 03:14:34 13/01/2018
^ Oops, thanks for the reminder Carm.
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343 |
#184 Posted: 05:19:39 13/01/2018
Quote: angels cry
Well, you are the one who publicly displayed the fact that you are having nightmares? I usually try to be a good person and offer my ear (not necessarily my advice if people don't care or want it) to somebody who wants someone to listen. Mostly no one knows anyone on these forums beyond the forum itself, so I'm not sure that is relevant? And in the world of psychology it is often (though I am not one who completely agrees with this) looked at as a good thing to speak to someone who does not know you, and has no opinions on you or your experiences. Giving them a completely unbiased way of listening. I was sending you supportive feedback, not trying to control your life? Again, you are the one who publicly stated that you had a friend you could talk to? You already replied to carm about the quoting thing, so I won't comment on that. I was trying to be friendly with you? Making friends or "conversation partners" is part of the point in a forum, especially here on ds, so yeah. No hard feelings though, I just don't think that I was being anywhere near as assertive as your reply implied.
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift |
Platinum Sparx
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#185 Posted: 05:39:55 13/01/2018
I had a dream that I was in prison and my manager that doesn't like me at work was the warden. Needless to say, I don't like her either...
Blue Sparx
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#186 Posted: 19:02:19 13/01/2018
So, I've been sent to some kind of abandoned warehouse with a squad consisting of a few SSA dragon Skylanders (Bash, Camo, Sunburn, I can't remember who else). There was also an assistant of some kind, I don't know who they were but I'll just assume they were Darjeeling because that suits me best. The bad guys are some Rabbids from Kingdom Battle, and for some reason, I need to drive them out of the warehouse... with heavy artillery.
All dragons are equipped with two methods of attack - their primary attack from Skylanders, and a weapon from Kingdom Battle. I can't remember what weapons Sunburn and Camo had, but Bash had a bazooka of some kind, and also had some kind of ground pound ability. Also, Camo's Sunblast was modified to work like a machine gun. I send them into the warehouse. They blow the mother****ers to high Hell with all kinds of explosives, until they eventually reach the end of the warehouse, where a few Smashers are waiting. For anyone who hasn't played Kingdom Battle: Smashers are very slow but powerful melee fighters, and chase opponents whenever they're attacked. Sunburn is far behind, so I send in Camo behind some cover and fire some Sunblasts at them to damage them and pull them closer. Then, I send Bash to perform a team jump/ground pound on the Smashers, and follow up with a few Tail Swipes. He gets hit several times and loses a lot of HP, so I send him behind cover. Eventually, the Smashers try to retreat, so I fire Bash's bazooka to try and kill a few as they retreat. There are only like 2 or 3 Smashers left, who have fled with no intention of returning. I let them, since my mission was to drive them out, not necessarily kill them all. All that is left in the warehouse is a Hopper who is standing by the doorway the Smashers escaped from, and has activated its' shield. I dispatch of him with a few Sunblasts. Then suddenly, just as I think I'm done, a ****load of tanks start pouring in from the exit. Not one, not two, practically a who battalion of tanks just start coming in and ****ing **** up. One goes for Bash. Quickly, I send Camo to jump over (jumping is possible for some reason), and as he's in midair, he rains down Sunblasts on the tank. All the shots are in slow motion, and he was firing at like 3x the normal rate. A neverending stream to hopefully stop Bash from getting killed. It's not working. Still in slo-mo, the Sunblasts are raining down, and barely making a dent. "Where the **** is Drobot?!" I shout, and my assistant (Darjeeling?) responds with: "He wasn't deployed". Cursing like a sailor, I send in Sunburn from the back to aid Camo, then make Bash roll around the tank to avoid fire. Still not a favourable position, but better at least. I need a plan if I want to make it out alive, and fast. Then Darjeeling calls out to someone (reinforcements?): "Bring out the War Machine!" I turn around, and at the entrance stands the most badass piece of machinery I have ever seen in my life. It's got rocket launchers, flame throwers, hammers, literally everything. And it's on our side. "This thing is so metal that Black Sabbath made a song on it," Darjeeling says as the War Machine draws closer. I send Bash, Sunburn, and Camo to the back again, awaiting the War Machine to come over and obliterate the enemy battalion. It charges forward, and the hammers keep striking downwards, smashing any tank unlucky enough to be nearby. The rocket launchers and flame throwers destroy everything else. Eventually, once enough tanks are destroyed, I tell Darjeeling to bring back the tank because - as I actually said - it is "too dangerous". The War Machine is killing literally everything, there probably would have ended up with more civilian casualties then enemy casualties if it continued, and there were already enough as there was. That's how badass the War Machine was. Even in an abandoned warehouse, it still managed to somehow kill several innocents with collateral damage. I sent back in the dragons to kill the few remaining tanks, and retreated. The Smashers that escaped earlier would be found later at some point. So, I had nothing to worry about now that the Rabbids had been driven out and the tanks destroyed. Dunno what happened next, but I hope it involved me and Darjeeling having fun times.
No fate. Only the power of will. |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#187 Posted: 00:56:31 16/01/2018
Had this dream last night where there was this new show in cartoon network about this girl who lived in this weird dream world where it automatically generated the best possible life for whoever was there or something. and she had this weird family in the dream world- her dad was this spanish guy, her mom was some sorceress, her sister was like a vigilante, and her brother was an anthro shark guy. there was also this one guy who wanted to kick the girl out of the dream world so he could have it- but this guy was, like, really bad at his job. but the main characters like went on adventures and stuff and they were just one big happy family..
that actually does sound like something they'd put on CN holy **** |
Blue Sparx
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#188 Posted: 02:41:33 18/01/2018
Last night I had a dream where this rapper named Sybyr ditched his whole goth persona and became a nerdcore rapper. He even started wearing really thick glasses and a labcoat in all his music videos. He released a mixtape called "Videogames." The cover art was some sort of mix of Fatigue Fleet and SATURATION by Brockhampton. All the beats sampled Nintendo games. The whole tape consisted of him talking about how good his grades are and his inability to find a girlfriend, and the last song is about him deciding to remain abstinent until marriage.
I really hope that he'll somehow see this and actually make the tape just for the hell of it.
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#189 Posted: 12:33:07 18/01/2018 | Topic Creator
i went into darkSpyro and there were two new subforums underneath idle chatter. one was called Possessions and the other one was called White People. there was only one topic (made by Big Green) in White People and the subforum itself was closed
Big Green
Platinum Sparx
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#190 Posted: 21:03:14 18/01/2018
Quote: Carmelita Fox
wow... i am a white people |
Gold Sparx
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#191 Posted: 13:08:54 24/01/2018
I had a dream that the users of DarkSpyro got their own personal forums for people to chat in and ask questions in. Only super special members were able to make one, but my dream ended before that concept could further expand into Black Mirror territory
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