

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Dream Topic Deluxe
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#101 Posted: 01:15:29 28/06/2017
A time where I was happy

Yeah, I'm Depressed
Rise and Shine Ursine
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#102 Posted: 14:39:02 28/06/2017
I had a dream where I was at a school's talent show and I went up before the show started to meet my friend who was performing in it. Unfortunately, I stayed and chatted so long that I was in the middle of the stage with him. Panicked, I sat down at the electric keyboard on stage and tried my best to do a one man keyboard cover of The Hit by TWRP...

Needless to say, I sucked
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#103 Posted: 20:46:00 29/06/2017
Darkspyro got into a civil war over what path to go with Ro-Bow. HIHD was the leader of the top path army, and GowBuuzer was the leader of the bottom path army. I didn't know what side to pick so I was torn.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#104 Posted: 20:47:43 29/06/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
Darkspyro got into a civil war over what path to go with Ro-Bow. HIHD was the leader of the top path army, and GowBuuzer was the leader of the bottom path army. I didn't know what side to pick so I was torn.

Wow dude, that seems intense. But unreallistic. I mean, who would go for the bottom path?
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#105 Posted: 20:48:41 29/06/2017
Quote: emeraldzoroark
Quote: Chompy-King257
Darkspyro got into a civil war over what path to go with Ro-Bow. HIHD was the leader of the top path army, and GowBuuzer was the leader of the bottom path army. I didn't know what side to pick so I was torn.

Wow dude, that seems intense. But unreallistic. I mean, who would go for the bottom path?

Oh god
Don't start it

(But yeah top path master race)
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#106 Posted: 20:51:42 29/06/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: emeraldzoroark
Quote: Chompy-King257
Darkspyro got into a civil war over what path to go with Ro-Bow. HIHD was the leader of the top path army, and GowBuuzer was the leader of the bottom path army. I didn't know what side to pick so I was torn.

Wow dude, that seems intense. But unreallistic. I mean, who would go for the bottom path?

Oh god
Don't start it

(But yeah top path master race)

Why not? It'll be a dream come true!
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#107 Posted: 23:45:40 29/06/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
Darkspyro got into a civil war over what path to go with Ro-Bow. HIHD was the leader of the top path army, and GowBuuzer was the leader of the bottom path army. I didn't know what side to pick so I was torn.

what side was I on?
Rise and Shine Ursine
Emperor_Mustard Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#108 Posted: 03:40:15 02/07/2017
I often dream that I am in an unending building and going somewhere.
And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#109 Posted: 17:04:53 05/07/2017
Had a dream that Dookieshed had made a Pokémon-based test for my school and everyone in my grade was in this dark room taking it. The person next to me turned on their iPad and that made me realize there was a digital portion of the test. With the bright light suddenly appearing in this darkened room my eyes were immediately drawn to it, and one teacher who was close by went "Hey, Jesse!" because he thought I was trying to cheat but then he immediately went "oh, nevermind" and I ended up not having to clear anything up apparently. The only question on the test I remember is there were three contents of Pokémon eggs listed and we had to drag the correct eggs to their contents. They were pink, grey, and silver, and the silver one had iron and something else listed as the contents. The only other thing I remember about it is it had "****" written in it a lot, but the "i" was always replaced with an asterisk.

Throughout the test (and entire dream in general) I remember hearing sirens going off, and today is the first Wednesday of the month irl meaning that might've been the irl tornado sirens going off and getting into my dreams. So then the bell rang and I hadn't finished my test but I was unconcerned for whatever reason, and I head BrettUltimus in the back say "I'm so sorry" to one of the teachers, apologizing for the horrible test Dookieshed had made for us. We all then made our way over to the library in the lower school for a guest speaker, and there were a bunch of rows of fold-out chairs for us to sit in. I went over to the front row and we all sat there for a little bit, and Dookieshed was about to come in and be the guest speaker but that's when my mom irl woke me up.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#110 Posted: 15:26:14 09/07/2017
It's pretty much a weird mash-up of dreams. First, I'm flying somewhere when I get into a plane crash because the pilot goes too fast and loses control. I'm stranded on a pirate ship which is situated like a choose-your-own-adventure type game. I get off the ship by turning the ship into an airplane and landing at an airport, which is strangely made of balloons. Then I'm deposited back into the pirate ship, and I apparently get knocked out but saved by someone who went to my old school. We arrive at the old school, and a giant tree with dragons grows out of the gymnasium. I am somehow able to teleport on top of it. Then I'm back at the pirate ship, but this time I summon demons to destroy it forever.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#111 Posted: 17:13:09 09/07/2017
I had a really NSFW dream and I'd love to share it but the mods would prolly come for me lmao
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#112 Posted: 13:46:24 13/07/2017
I had a dream that I went to Brazil to meet up with Bifrost (for some unknown reason... I think we might've been dating or something idk) and the entire dream was a dumb "fish out of water" comedy that ended in me chasing down a monkey that stole my Lightcore Hex gift for her. It turns out it was Bifrost's pet monkey giving it to her anyway.

Also, I apparently think Bifrost looks like a tall, slightly tan brunette with a dark purple Hex shirt on, lol.

Oops! I had a weird dream about a DS User
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:47:47 13/07/2017 by TheToyNerd
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#113 Posted: 01:28:10 16/07/2017
Quote: TheToyNerd
I had a dream that I went to Brazil to meet up with Bifrost (for some unknown reason... I think we might've been dating or something idk) and the entire dream was a dumb "fish out of water" comedy that ended in me chasing down a monkey that stole my Lightcore Hex gift for her. It turns out it was Bifrost's pet monkey giving it to her anyway.

Also, I apparently think Bifrost looks like a tall, slightly tan brunette with a dark purple Hex shirt on, lol.

Oops! I had a weird dream about a DS User

Woah you didn't even came to visit me too. I feel abandoned now.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#114 Posted: 01:30:30 16/07/2017
Quote: Crash10
Quote: TheToyNerd
I had a dream that I went to Brazil to meet up with Bifrost (for some unknown reason... I think we might've been dating or something idk) and the entire dream was a dumb "fish out of water" comedy that ended in me chasing down a monkey that stole my Lightcore Hex gift for her. It turns out it was Bifrost's pet monkey giving it to her anyway.

Also, I apparently think Bifrost looks like a tall, slightly tan brunette with a dark purple Hex shirt on, lol.

Oops! I had a weird dream about a DS User

Woah you didn't even came to visit me too. I feel abandoned now.

Hey, who knows! Maybe some other time. My dreams do tend to repeat sometimes.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#115 Posted: 16:47:09 16/07/2017
Christ, really weird nightmare today.

Thing felt straight out of one of these gore-for-gore's sake animations. In the future, people get giant capsule ships, but for some reason, youtubers rule these capsules and they became dystopian hellholes.

That's too much reasonable for my brain. I start missing like two buses home, present time. Third one takes me to one of these capsules...? And it's a weird torture-but-let's call it fun-land and somehow I discover that the youtubers are puppets to some advisor character in every ship. The advisor in the ship I'm at gets taken down and everything look peachy, then suddenly the thing changes perspective and we know ANOTHER advisor ejected from their ship, crashes into hours, and turns half the crew into red pasta as it pingpongs through the room.

Then for no reason whatsoever everything goes to chaos, someone shows up with a shotgun and it turns into a weird The Purge expy, and I force myself to wake up because holy ****. I want to say this was my brain picking up the wrong parts of IHE reviewing Left Behind, because I actually thought to myself 'wow there's no reason for this to happen when a bunch of people get squished by a metal crate, this is stupid'.
(What I need is never what I want)
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#116 Posted: 17:17:05 16/07/2017
I had a pretty weird dream that one of my online friends (not anyone from dS) was actually a woman all along and tried to make out with me. It was kinda uncomfortable, and he (or she, in that case) complimented me at the end of the dream, which... Was really weird too.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#117 Posted: 12:57:47 17/07/2017
I had a dream about my friend picking me up on the side of the road one night and wanting to hangout, I hesitated at first, but I hadn't hung out at all in forever, so I hopped in her car and we sped off into the night. Unfortunately, a few minutes later I woke up in my bed (still in the dream) with no recollection of the night before. I started going through texts to see if there was any clues, but before I could crack the case, I woke up for real.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8718
#118 Posted: 14:41:56 17/07/2017
I had a dream I was with the Guardians of the Galaxy, along with a plethora of other Marvel characters. We we're all on this ship going some place. Star Lord was on a hover chair and refused to get off of it, becuase he thought it was so cool. Rocket got on it too. Gomora and Kraglin encouraged him to get off, but he still refused.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#119 Posted: 17:19:28 17/07/2017
So I'm walking along next to the old school I used to go to and I find a little round clear bubble-looking organism on the ground. I'm slightly intrigued but I walk away. Then I come back the next day and it's still here, and I just leave it again while being incredibly interested. I come back again a third day and it's on the ground still but with a bunch of bacon and cheese with it on the ground. I eat the bacon and cheese and then put a glass over the organism so it'll stay there for sure, and my reasoning is that no one will come and move it because it's summer and no one will be coming by the school.

So then I come back again the next day and the organism and glass are nowhere to be found. Instead there's a small odd-looking purple rhinoceros sitting motionless in the same area. I start giving it commands, like to head butt the telephone pole or to run five feet to the right. I come to the conclusion that this is an organism that cannot think for itself whatsoever and must be given commands. So then I come back the next day with some other people to show them the rhino, but it's not there. I'm super upset and frantic and try to find it, but then we all give up and start walking towards my house.

However, on the way to my house, everything goes to ****. I notice Nomu from Boku no Hero across the street to the right as well as a bunch of other Nomus around and I see them running to places and destroying things. The logic is that the rhinoceros evolved into a Nomu. I whisper to my group not to bring attention to us so the Nomus don't notice us, but then one of them (not the rhino one, it's not longer brought up again) notices us and starts walking towards us slowly. I exclaim "Run!" to everyone and we all scatter in different directions trying to avoid the Nomus. Suddenly everything is in chaos and there's a bunch of people running from the Nomus here. I see someone run into the street that's right across from me but then a giant hand comes up from it and I find out the street has been completely dug up and a colossal Nomu has its hand in the ditch where the street used to be, so you can't see the hand until you're already on the street and by then it's too late, and the Nomu grabs you and eats you. So then I'm trying to escape the Nomus and I get a bit cornered but then this portion of the dream ends. Also I recall at some point there was this Guardian (the immobile ones at Hyrule Castle, not the decayed ones though) that spotted our group and fired at us and killed everyone in the group except me, causing me to scatter away, but I can't remember how this part fits into the dream.

Following this, everyone is suddenly on this one island (it's actually the island from the first shot of the new Boku no Hero ending song) and everywhere there are eyes that whenever you're near them they project the little tracking ray on you that the Guardians do in Breath of the Wild, watching you, so you don't step out of line. Apparently all of civilization has been destroyed because of the Nomus and the rest of everyone left lives on this island with the omnipresent watching eyes.

The mastermind behind all this is Kaos from Skylanders and he doesn't want us stepping out of line so he's always watching us, and if we do step out of line the eyes will fire a laser at us. So then I find a portion of the island where there are no eyes for whatever reason, some sort of blind spot. I meet some people who are living there, including some people from my school. We talk for a bit but then I go back into the city because I figure someone needs to take down Kaos. I encounter someone who's super bored in their attitude and they start running to get away from the tracking eye lasers, saying that they used to run from these in BotW all the time so it's fine. This portion of the dream now ends, cutting to a completely different one.

I'm in this forest with the people from my friend group. One of the guys, we'll call him Jake, gives me and two of the girls a map and hands me some sort of little thing that's like two yellow balls connected, and tells us to follow the map to the location on it because he has something important to tell us. So the three of us follow the map and I'm wondering what this object I have is, and we get up to this sodden area with benches and we sit down. Jake comes up and confesses to us that he's actually an alien and he's made of rubies, and then he zips open his skin to reveal he's a bunch of rubies. I ask him how much longer he's going to be staying on Earth and he says he's staying until the year 2500, so I think to myself that I have nothing to worry about and he won't ever be leaving us in my lifetime.

Suddenly we travel back in time but I retain my memories, and Jake gives us the map again but there's a lot more people this time. We all go up to the area again and he does the same thing, but with a much bigger audience this time. A lot of people are skeptical and point out that he's only unzipping one small part of his skin and that it could be a trick and the rubies are just on top of his body under this fake top layer of skin. He tries to argue back but the points people are bringing up are making more sense, and I start to believe that he was lying all along. That's where this dream ends. This part with the ruby alien might've taken place before the island part, but whatever. Also I remember at some point I met another one of these ruby aliens and he was an old dirty-looking man but I can't recall where it fits into the story.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12706
#120 Posted: 18:57:58 20/07/2017 | Topic Creator
i was trying to track down thumper and find her secret identity. she was a part time magician and she was putting cats in rockets to send to the moon.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#121 Posted: 03:17:15 21/07/2017
had a weird NITW dream involving a holy bible and holding hands with angus

good times
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#122 Posted: 03:46:43 21/07/2017
Had my first Skylander dream the other night. I was Chop Chop and exploring some realm when some fierce enemies began pursuing me. I thought I could scare them off with intimidation and started making noise. That's when my wife woke me up and said I was barking in my sleep. We were cracking up.
Any last wishes?
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#123 Posted: 03:48:18 21/07/2017
Quote: Wishblade
Had my first Skylander dream the other night. I was Chop Chop and exploring some realm when some fierce enemies began pursuing me. I thought I could scare them off with intimidation and started making noise. That's when my wife woke me up and said I was barking in my sleep. We were cracking up.

That's your spirit skylander now.
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#124 Posted: 03:53:24 21/07/2017
I can handle that. Series 2 Chop Chop was the only one that ever beat Ninjini in PvP at my place.
Any last wishes?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#125 Posted: 13:15:27 21/07/2017
what the **** was today's dream

Same start as usual, miss the bus. But wait! Today I'm an hour early, it's not possible. Suddenly, the apocalypse happens destroying reality around the crowd, and everyone turns into toys??? and slowly the buses arrive, but now they correspond to toy brands. For no good reason I'm a LEGO figure, and my bus is the very last one, but it's so slow I might as well go over the other buses first. Big mistake, now I'm in a 3D collectathon, and each bus is a hub of the brand of rebuild the world and restore reality before even that shred of existence is gone. Objective is to collect all the random ass pellets, open the portals to each bus, and make my way into the LEGO bus to get all of them working.

Now I woke up super dizzy. Great.
(What I need is never what I want)
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#126 Posted: 18:48:58 23/07/2017
I was talking with Drawdler, as usual, but them I started to become really rude to her for some reason. She tried to reply calmly but I kept being rude to her. That was weird.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#127 Posted: 12:49:24 29/07/2017
Today I dreamed that there was a super secret Triforce quest in BOTW and by completing it you could get a secret Kohga boss fight where he gained every ancient Sheikah power and looked super edgy. Now I want that in the game :c
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:55:19 29/07/2017 by Bifrost
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#128 Posted: 16:16:17 30/07/2017
I was standing around in my front yard (with the big conifer that's out there just not being there so I could have a view of the whole sky), and it was day so I don't know how I could see the moon, but suddenly the moon just started getting bigger. I was really frightened because I realized it was coming closer, and then it just started flying all around throughout the sky. The moon was just moving around at a seemingly random pattern. I went on google and typed in "moon" and went to news but no one had wrote about this yet as the most recent news about it was from three weeks ago.

There was also this hat that was flying around in the sky but it was closer to me which is why I could see it. A bunch of the neighbors gathered in my yard and we were all watching this happen, and then the police showed up and also came in my yard. All the neighbors and policemen then took out their guns and started shooting at the hat. Two of the neighbors collapsed as if they had been shot in the head but then got right back up. Apparently they had all shot the hat and that somehow made the hat stop moving and the moon no longer moving either and we just couldn't see the moon anymore. We all decided to go into my house so we could stay together and have safety in numbers because I guess this was an end of the world type thing or something? Idk but it just wasn't safe.

So we all went in my back door (strangely not the front door, which was right there) and someone said that apparently during that whole sequence of the moon flying around there were no rain showers at all happening anywhere on the entire earth. As soon as we got in the house (with a couple people still getting in) a heavy rain kicked up. We walked into my house completely and the door was still open when suddenly there's a bunch of huge snowflakes coming down instead. They were all sparkly and pretty and they only lasted for a second. One of the girls kept the door open hoping they'd show up again so I could take a picture of her in them, but we instead just kept getting short waves of heavy rain that lasted for a like a few seconds.

We all went into my house and gathered in my living room. I don't remember how many there were of us, I wanna say there were six or seven total. Also one of the people was Native from Boku no Hero Academia. So I went upstairs to my room to get blankets and stuff for myself because it was freezing cold, and when I started heading downstairs to join the others I saw my sister in the room across from me under the blanket on the bed, watching something on her phone. I went and asked her what she was doing and she stated that in situations like this we're all supposed to stay apart to be safe. I tried to convince her to come down with the rest of us but she kept refusing.

Finally she told me that this was just something someone else had told her to do. I realized someone had told her this to try to kill her. I asked her who told her this and she points to my room and says "Neopolitan". I looked back towards my room and right at the bottom of the back wall in my room there was the head of Neo from RWBY. I ran downstairs and she followed me, and then everyone in the room started fighting her. She got a few scratches on me but I managed to dodge her blows for the most part, and we eventually took her down.

Then suddenly it became like this was a video game and I went to upgrade the stats of everyone there. I went to the TV, grabbed a Wiimote, and upgraded the entirety of a pig. Idk why a pig was one of them but apparently it made the pig into a big powerful boar. I also was able to get one upgrade for another person. I looked ahead to the other options and one of the people on there was Donkey from Shrek but as a pharaoh and I figured that meant he was going to join our party at some point. That's all I can remember.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#129 Posted: 22:25:34 01/08/2017
****, I had like 5 separate dreams last night but I forgot to write them here when I woke up and now I only vaguely remember 2 of them

In one I had my rabbit outside for some reason and I needed to carry him home but on my way home I accidentally stumbled into a rabbit-cooking factory and I wanted to escape without anyone seeing me because I figured the workers would try to kill my rabbit. I actually ended up talking to some workers and was able to get out without them taking my rabbit but when I got out my rabbit had apparently just turned into a big slab of meat just from the environment I guess

And then the other I remember was I was with my dad in the car just sitting on the side of a random street and I was gonna meet up with Drawdler or something. I asked him if this was really the place he told Drawdler and her mom to meet us at and he exclaimed he was mistaken so we had to go to another street which was the real one he had told them to go to. I saw the two of them parked in this one parking lot but my dad drove past the entrance accidentally so we were going to turn around but then I woke up

-Also I don't remember everything so there might be details I'm missing but in the dream with Drawdler, it was all phrased really weird like as if they were being delivered to us rather than us meeting
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:31:55 01/08/2017 by 84skylanderdude
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#130 Posted: 21:07:56 03/08/2017
I had a dream about a new Skylander. It was the head of a dragon with the body of a tarantula. He could spin webs, blast flames and perform a pounce/lunge attack. He was Undead but I forgot the name.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#131 Posted: 22:02:19 03/08/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
I had a dream about a new Skylander. It was the head of a dragon with the body of a tarantula. He could spin webs, blast flames and perform a pounce/lunge attack. He was Undead but I forgot the name.

I'd call it Draconid
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#132 Posted: 22:08:43 03/08/2017
Okay I wanna talk about my sister's dream, not my one.

So, according to her, our father was Shrek (he had our father's personality but in Shrek's body) and our dog was a human and another sister of ours. There was a random man who was our enemy and wanted something at the back of my father's house. When he finally got what he wanted, he killed our father and our dog (which was a human, remember). I guess that's it, according to her.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#133 Posted: 19:27:05 04/08/2017
Eon got a Skylanders figure and was fully playable. He was the Light element.

I even remember some of his gameplay. He could transform into a ball of light and dash all around the screen, instantly killing anything he touched. He could also teleport and cast different elemental spells from his staff.

His figure was in the pose of the statue below. Don't mind the terrifying image of a beardless Eon also in the picture.

[User Posted Image]
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8718
#134 Posted: 12:35:19 08/08/2017
I had a dream I was Ash Greninja, soaring through a place that look very similar to some place in California, maybe San Francisco or Los Angeles. Pretty cool, even had some nice music too.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#135 Posted: 08:11:36 14/08/2017
This morning Scarlett Johansson was my step-mom and during dinner I was lamenting the fact she was never at home and also not getting me any work in LA. She took my brother and I to see the MLP movie in theaters. We collectively agreed it was ok. My brother never liked MLP and I haven't bothered with the show in a very long time.

I can't fathom what meaning I'm supposed to get out of this.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:12:25 14/08/2017 by CAV
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7372
#136 Posted: 19:51:21 14/08/2017
I had the weirdest dream where my whole family was a team of monster hunter (excluding my father but including my older and younger brother whom have moved away from the family) but for some reason we were working in secret at first. But then the creatures in the dream which usually did small-time damage began to get bigger and do larger damage toward cities, so we had to go public but still sort of secretive? We sort of had to hide our faces or do certain things to make us look hidden or not like us, but they were kind of small things, like sort of very small things like face paint. We were all in a van driving about to get to our destinations, while this happened we'd see buildings explode and fall and it took a bit of driving until we actually started to hunt these creatures but it was in a totally different environment than a city, it was in like the arctic with all this snow and that and it was even storming with snow. After some fight I and they did things changed perspective from my first-person self (like how normally people see things) to a third-person perspective of another group of hunters, like it was some sort of cutscene where the hunters were doing good until this unknown and evil-like hunter came in better than the rest and when he came in monsters too strong for the group came in and started fighting and absolutely destroying them, but by infecting them one at a time and trying to turn them also into these monster. Only a few of them survived who decided to join up with the evil-like hunter to form a squad with him and then I was woken up from my dream.

I think I know why I had this dream dream because it very much so related to a game I've been playing a lot recently and thinking about, even in my dream some of the people mentioned the characters from said game as if they were real people, and much of the dream acted like in real life.

The game it related to was God Eater Rage Burst 2 and I've been thinking about and playing that a lot so I think I know why the dream was like this, but it was really cool.

Before that I did have another dream because I fell asleep a few times, it was somewhat more sad and a scary thought but I became homeless and I had no one that could or wanted to support me, so I ended up living in an abandoned and empty apartment.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:11:19 15/08/2017 by Dark Lord
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#137 Posted: 20:15:14 14/08/2017
I had this weird dream recently where I lived in some house with some old couple. They had a pixelated dog that yawned and that was all it ever did, and there was this teddy bear lamp and we ate cheesecake every morning. So these random people had to come inspect our house and make sure we weren't eating cheesecake but the teddy bear lamp always distracted them. Then there was this random dance party in the middle with a ton of random fictional characters and when that ended the teddy bear lamp was replaced with a crescent moon lamp but everyone still thought it was a teddy bear for some reason, and the inspector person was still distracted by it and we still ate cheesecake every day.
Why am I a loser
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#138 Posted: 20:17:43 14/08/2017
I had a dream I went to Australia to visit Drawdler and apparently she had a brother who was a stick figure but incredibly tiny, like you can't even see him really he's so small. He was also a young child and kept running away and we all had to keep looking for him over and over

There was another part where Drawdler left the house for a few days and no one knew where she was and then came back a couple days later and said she was at a friend's house trying to think about something, I don't remember what it was
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12706
#139 Posted: 07:17:18 20/08/2017 | Topic Creator
the scooby doo gang was trying to teach scooby how to hang himself without dying
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