darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Dream Topic Deluxe
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#1 Posted: 01:30:02 05/05/2017 | Topic Creator
because the other one got purged
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#2 Posted: 02:51:48 05/05/2017
I was at target, and they had this Bill Cipher plush i thought was like 10 bucks. I check the price and it's 29.99. Dream ends with me throwing the damn thing in somebody's cart
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#3 Posted: 07:08:40 05/05/2017
I had a dream where I essentially tried to delete the Internet history of the entire universe but I failed and broke reality. So I had to try and fix it even though I didn't know how so I ended up constantly dieing and being born in different places in the universe. But I wake up when I get to the centre of the universe :c
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Emerald Sparx
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#4 Posted: 15:22:04 05/05/2017
I had a dream that i was swimming in champagne, and then i woke up with a hangover :'(
^ You all know it's true |
Prismatic Sparx
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#5 Posted: 15:26:59 05/05/2017
The other day I dreamed Skylanders Academy was leaked like Orange is the New Black and I was furiously mashing the screnshot button for hours :I My dreams are weird and don't make up their mind if they want to be mundane or crazy.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Gold Sparx
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#6 Posted: 00:15:07 06/05/2017
I went to this huge hospital place and they had statues of Godzilla in the lobby. Then I was suddenly in a restaurant with my mom and my best friend, and I had a delicious-looking steak in front of me. But I was crying because it was the steak was so sugary I couldn't eat it (I'm actually a type 1 diabetic irl so I guess that's why), so I went into the bathroom and I cried some more but when I came back my best friend ate the steak and ordered me something else, which was like a huge chunk of pineapple with a bunch of sliced tomatoes on it. I ate it all, but then my friend said "wot in tarnation" and I woke up.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad" |
Platinum Sparx
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#7 Posted: 13:02:44 07/05/2017
I had a dream I had to escape a cult to get home and work on an english assignment. Apparently failing the assignment created more panic than being trapped by a cult, as I woke up still thinking I needed to do it. Plot twist: I haven't been in school for over a year now.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl |
Platinum Sparx
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#8 Posted: 16:30:05 07/05/2017
I had one where there was a Pokémon Direct and everyone thought they were gonna reveal the next Pokémon games, but they ended up just revealing some gen 4 spinoff game. This did however fuel the idea of the next Pokémon games being D/P remakes.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:30:25 07/05/2017 by 84skylanderdude
Platinum Sparx
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#9 Posted: 21:51:46 07/05/2017
My house was invaded by red centipede-like things that killed you if they latched on to you for too long. I saw them on my friend's back and suddenly we were all in full panic mode trying to get them off.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#10 Posted: 06:56:00 08/05/2017
Everyone spoke sillese, a language that is a mix between Hungarian and Japanese, but I could only speak French (I don't even know any french). So that was for a day in my dream.
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Gold Sparx
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#11 Posted: 09:55:22 12/05/2017
The club I'm in for school plays had its first meeting that year. While we waited, we grabbed these lone sodas and Red Bulls. We all got in trouble for stealing the drinks so everyone had to go down and talk about it. I even took a Coke from a friend there. Meanwhile, my relationship with a random girl from real life was blossoming. It really felt like we were in love. We held hands, traded jokey insults and I even picked her up at one point and gave her a big ol kiss. I was so mad when I woke up, dudes...
My dreams are so weird and disjointed. There was even a "stage fright" joke with someone peeing in the restroom while also talking to someone else. But, that last part. That was so magical! |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:18:13 12/05/2017 by TheToyNerd
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#12 Posted: 02:15:33 15/05/2017 | Topic Creator
I was desperately trying to get the role of young Princess Leia in an upcoming Star Wars film. Apparently the best method to achieve this was to stalk Mark Hamill at the mall.
Diamond Sparx
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#13 Posted: 03:35:20 15/05/2017
How do you people actually remember your dreams? Because I sure as hell can't. XP
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Gold Sparx
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#14 Posted: 10:11:00 15/05/2017
Quote: HIR
Write it down as soon as you wake up so you can remember it better. I was the same way till I started doing it. |
Diamond Sparx
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#15 Posted: 13:41:52 15/05/2017
Quote: TheToyNerd
But waking up for me is like coming out from under anesthesia. I don't remember how I even fell asleep in the first place. XD
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907 |
#16 Posted: 13:43:41 15/05/2017
I dreamed Blaster-Tron had a sword and came to out school during health class and murdered our teacher.
We killed him with cookies filled with pills This was in 2014, and I still remember it.
Rise and Shine Ursine |
Yellow Sparx
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#17 Posted: 19:27:51 15/05/2017
I dreamed I was Mitsuha, and touched her bewbs.
Kimi No Na Wa is a goddamn good movie. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:28:17 15/05/2017 by DS D
Gold Sparx
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#18 Posted: 09:41:18 16/05/2017
I had a dream that ZapNorris threatened to kill me because he got overly defensive about his mom on Mother's Day. Someone said something pretty nasty about her, but Zap kinda went overboard and several users tried to calm him down. It ended when he typed in "I'll kill every single last one of you! I will avenge my mom's dignity." before I signed off slightly terrified for my life
Then I woke up (in the dream) and was pissed that Zap hadn't been Ripto'd so I was in the middle of typing an angry post to the mods before my alarm woke me up. Also, I just remembered a small dream I had about The Drunken Peasants making cameos in The Walking Dead. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:01:43 16/05/2017 by TheToyNerd
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#19 Posted: 11:24:29 16/05/2017 | Topic Creator
i was Clint from Lazy Game Reviews and my elderly next door neighbor kept inviting me to an orgy between a couple of young girls and his other elderly friend, i was very disturbed and i made a vlog about it.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#20 Posted: 01:16:52 17/05/2017
i had this dream that i woke up with a HUGE, BLUE AFRO and my mom didnt even notice the large afro but at school i was like a superstar then we just all showed up at this canyon and there was this pokemon battle and i had this onix and i think i like barely won
although bug types are my favorite |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#21 Posted: 01:21:59 17/05/2017
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907 |
#22 Posted: 01:49:40 17/05/2017
I also had a dream where I was in the point of view of two guys jumping across a lake like jesus from something.
Then at the end, one of the guys was pulled into the water
Rise and Shine Ursine |
KeybasHedKey Ripto Gems: 1862 |
#23 Posted: 05:11:32 17/05/2017
That one dream when Camilla was a an Spider/Human Hybrid it was weird and creepy. I should stop playing Fire Emblem Fates for a while it's giving me weird dreams like the one with Silas dying and i was shocked to see him die.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:12:32 17/05/2017 by KeybasHedKey
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#24 Posted: 07:04:27 17/05/2017
I had a dream where me and my gran visited every country in Europe but my gran offended every country so she got arrested everywhere so I had to go back to England on my own. When I got to England I found out that my family had moved to japan. I finally found a flight that first stops at Rome then to Osaka, I figured that's the best I could get. The plane I got on looked like a green steam-engine and exploded almost as soon as we took off. I somehow survived and walked back inside as if nothing happened. I convinced an employee to take me in their personal plane that also happened to look like a green steam-engine but they ditched me in Malta where I found another green steam-engine and used it to fly to Osaka which looked suspiciously like Tokyo. Either way I met with my mum at the Eiffel Tower and woke up.
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Yellow Sparx
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#25 Posted: 08:29:05 19/05/2017
Wait.....why am I suddenly at the edge of a crater?
has anyone actually watched Kimi No Na Wa? ![]() |
Emerald Sparx
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#26 Posted: 13:15:10 21/05/2017
I dreamed I was playing a Sonic game that the plot revolved around betting mixed with Unleashed's plot. I remember something ended horribly wrong during a bet involving Dark Gaia or something.
I also dreamed Bifrost was swearing in Portuguese in her posts for some reason.
Bruh |
Prismatic Sparx
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#27 Posted: 17:57:53 21/05/2017
I don't even swear too hard in portuguese, it just sounds dirty compared to nice english swears
Either way, today I dreamed that the bus driver started arguing with me even if he magically appeared almost an hour before schedule and I missed an appointment with a teacher. Then a few seconds later I was talking to the teacher anyway??? And for some reason, when I went to browse the forums, MurgoUrth was banned. Absolutely no rhyme or reason, I don't think anyone was even talking about it, but the YK thread was just a sea of avatar-less posts.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Emerald Sparx
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#28 Posted: 18:00:32 21/05/2017
Quote: Bifrost
I like to mix booth sometimes. Everything goes well with "****ing".
Bruh |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#29 Posted: 18:23:03 21/05/2017
i had a dream i was trying to get into seaworld but they wouldnt let me in
Diamond Sparx
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#30 Posted: 18:46:50 21/05/2017
i had a dream where i got a switch from target. i wish
Gold Sparx
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#31 Posted: 23:30:49 21/05/2017
I was looking out the window of this really top building down on the farm which in real life is across from my house. There was this dog running around in the fields and he was sliding around on his giant back paws he had and he kept slamming into the fence and then doing it again. I was laughing until the dog flipped over the fence and into the street, but then he just went back into the field to keep on sliding.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad" |
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#32 Posted: 14:47:04 23/05/2017 | Topic Creator
some guy trapped me in some kind of nightmare world of his own creation and there were meaty tentacles following me around constantly
Gold Sparx
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#33 Posted: 00:51:23 24/05/2017
I became a mad scientist and cloned this one kid I went to middle school with. I made the first human clone, who was exactly like the kid but he had paper-white hair instead of the original's blonde/brown.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad" |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#34 Posted: 02:24:57 24/05/2017
Quote: Drawdler
![]() but damn pineapple lore is weird |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#35 Posted: 02:37:18 24/05/2017
Quote: Drawdler
no wonder spongebob made so much money for nick at least the first three seasons did |
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#36 Posted: 23:43:08 24/05/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: ZapNorris
drawdler in one clip |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#37 Posted: 02:02:04 25/05/2017
Quote: Carmelita Fox
my parents explicitly remember animaniacs and pinky & the brain. might sit down and watch those sometime. also RIP prince still ![]() |
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