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The Haven Legacy: Ultimatum [CLOSED]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#1 Posted: 04:00:02 02/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Hey everybody, and welcome to the seventh part of this long lasting RP, which started with The Missing s; An Animal RP back in 2012. For those of you new, you can view the rules in the very first RP. The links from the first RP onwards can be viewed, which was the last story before this one. Since this story relies heavily on the way nature works and there is a strong predator/prey relationship on occasion, there are several conditions as to how it all works.

1) Predators arriving and living at the Haven feed on fish, pigeons or smaller animals like lizards, crustaceans and insects (this is what the characters welcoming the new resident will explain). As for the orcas, they feed mostly on fish, with seals being the only land animals they consume.

2) Antagonistic predators can attack forbidden fauna like the warblers, or even some of the main characters. Whether they are eaten whole and/or die afterwards depends on the user controlling the victim character(s), since they can also be spat out depending on the circumstances. Remember to keep the blood minimum and avoid stronger content like gore.

3) The Haven has the most variety when it comes to homes, like dens, caves, burrows, etc. Hunted island, despite having a slightly bigger jungle, doesn't have as much variety, but it has a meadow, something the Haven lacks. However, the wetland makes up for it, and it's where the pigeons gather.

4) A map of both the Haven and Hunted island can be viewed in the third RP, and the length of each terrain is described in the first RP so you'll have an idea on where you are and, more or less, know how long will it take for your character to reach certain places. The warbler species that inhabit it are grass and grey warblers.

5) Finally, the weather can be a very important element. It can rain or reach levels similar to a drought. Hunted island is well known for the thick mist that forms most of the time. The tide can also change on both islands.

As a side note, remember that this is an RP that focuses mostly on real life, so real animals must be the ones controlled, and the situations faced must be as realistic as possible, the only exception being the main antagonist's ghost making physical appearances from time to time. However, it will still have the fantasy element, since the characters can dream and battle this antagonist through them. Here is where you can use mythical animals and fantasy elements if you want. And remember that your character will reach the Island by traveling on a Orca Whale. unless it can swim or fly. It will be guided by a Pelican, a Seagull or a Warbler. Your choice.

To recap the character sheet, here's how it should be done:

Goal: (optional)

The appearance is not necessary, since it's only a matter of looking at the artworks from previous RPs to see how the characters look like. You can also research the species, or if you're a new user, you can either do a drawing yourself or give a link to the animal's species.

Now then, with the rules explained, it's time for the new story.

Several days had passed since the last adventure, and the Haven has reached it's darkest hour. Shadow the Komodo Dragon, whose vengeful spirit has returned after being executed almost two years ago, is still roaming the Haven, tormenting his enemies' dreams and terrifying them while awake. What's worse, he has allies, both old and new, and he won't stop until he has destroyed the Haven and has his revenge on the Siberian tiger Rose, who is the successor of the Haven's administrator, Sybil the Malabar civet. And if that wasn't enough, the threat of the enormous Indian python Naga, whose deal with Sybil seems to be growing thinner, is still roaming free, and is still being one of the biggest threat the Haven has ever faced. Despite the problems, all the Haven residents have tried to maintain their normal life as much as they can, with surprises along the way, and are ready to receive new Haven residents as long as they are aware of the dangers they face. After all, they need all the help they can get. But how will it all turn out? Will Shadow finally succeed? Will he be able to recruit more animals to his cause? And what will be the python's next move? There is only one way to find out...

As for the artwork, here it is. Hope you like it smilie
[User Posted Image]

Now then, without further ado, let us all... BEGIN!
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 23:59:05 25/06/2017 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2 Posted: 15:17:44 02/04/2017
Ooc: here are mine! It's a copy of the old one

Rose: Now an adult tiger Rose has a mate named Sayan. She is brave when protecting her friends. Often thinks about her mother. She is the future leader of the Haven. She is now Shadows main target.

Jet: An Orca. Lacks strength, but is cunning. Was an antagonist working for Shadow, but had a change of heart due to Sybil's kindness. He's now leader of the orcas.

Sozen: A black Bald Eagle. Sozen is prideful and will often go on patrols around the island to protect it. He has the ability to create static electricity and shocks those who insult him or his friends. He has a girlfriend named Shilis.

Zera: A Komodo Dragon. She helped defend the haven from Shadows super weapons and is a close ally with the haven. She is the new leader of Komodo Island.

Nero: A red Tailed Hawk. He is a close friend of Zera. He is the head scout of Komodo Island.

Name: Crystal
Gender: female
Species: Caracal
Personally: Mysterious, kind, and helpful.
Story: She is a native of the outback. She is a kind of spiritual guide to those who have lost their way. She is able to communicate with the spirits.

Name: Shadow
Gender: male
Species: Komodo dragon
Personally: dark, curle, very dangerous.
Image: N/A
Story: he wants revenge on the islands for what they have done to him. He is now the spirit who is terrorizing the island residents. His main target is Rose.

Name: Snow
Gender: female
Species: mix of leopard and Siberin Tiger called a leoger
Personally: adventuresome and gets into trouble. But she is kind and shy especially around others besides her own parents.
Image: she is white with leopard spots on her legs and tail and black tiger stripes on her face and body.
Story: she is daughter of Sayan and Rose. (More story will come.)
Goal: to one day take over as the haven leader.

The Guardians (the guardians who are spirits who protect the residents of the haven they only come in dreams and can speak to the one they protect to a limit.) each resident must be blessed by Crystal to have a guardian.

Ember: a green dragoness who protects Rose.

Flare: a female phoenix who protects Crocux.

Trico: (from the game the Last Guardian.) male best protects Sybil.

Orion: green snake male with blue fur along its back and brown horns on its head protects Sayan.

Zonos: a male griffin who protects Cairo.

Steel: black bear male with green horns protects Mambo.

Titan: rhino male with wings and dragon horns protects Cole.

Sapphire: a tiger female with longer front canines protects Crystal.

Flame: a hippogriff male with red wing feathers protects Snow.

Star: a white wolf female with red wings and a strip of red along its spine protects Hunter.

Leo: a male white cheetah with long canines and gold dragon horns on his head protects Ravage.

Ender: a mysterious terrordactyl made of Shadow fire with glowing yellow eyes and glowing red tail tip protects Naga. (Or is he?)
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 04:42:22 21/04/2017 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#3 Posted: 19:24:50 02/04/2017 | Topic Creator
OOC: Alright then, my turn. Here is my copy of the characters, with a few changes along the way. Get ready. It's long...

Name: Sybil
Species: Malabar civet
Personality: Creator and administrator of the Haven. She’s very caring and bright, but can be stubborn and prone to stress. She's aware of the current dangers of the Haven and constantly risks her life to make things right, while at the same time trying to resume a normal life.
Goal: To stop Shadow from destroying the Haven and keep Rose and the others safe.
Note: She has a scar on her chest and both ears are somewhat cut.

Name: Mambo
Species: Kea parrot
Personality: Leader of the keas. Extremely mischievous and playful, but his heart is in the right place. He cares deeply about his flock, and is always there for Sybil, even if he sometimes pulls mean pranks on her. He’s very mature and responsible when he needs to be. He’s almost always under the companionship by his bulky bodyguard Cole, and Cole’s naughty and uptight sister Cheryl.
Goal: Help Sybil stop Shadow.

Name: Cairo
Species: Killer whale (orca)
Personality: This former leader of the orca whales is someone to rely on. Most of the pod still looks up to him. He is rough around the edges, but is really a giant with a heart of gold, with a huge affection for Sybil and a fondness for almost every Haven resident, especially Rose. Even if he's limited to a water habitat, he is still willing to do wht it takes to help everyone.
Goal: To be of service to the pod and the Haven residents no matter the limits.

Name: Yodel
Species: Grey Warbler
Personality: Incredibly bitter, but also sly and intelligent. After a near death experience with Crocux, he is thinking on how to get his revenge of him.
Goal: To get even with Crocux for almost killing him.
Note: Has lost most of his feathers.

Name: Peepers
Species: Grey Warbler
Personality: A kind and helpful middle aged warbler who is incredibly knowledgable of the Haven, he is the bird whom Sybil trusts the most. Is very wise.
Goal: to help Sybil stop Shadow and keep order at the Haven.

Name: Sholeh
Species: Ruddy mongoose
Personality: A former antagonist trying to redeem herself. She is now living the Haven, with Rose’s permission. Thanks to a deal, she can feast on abandoned warbler eggs, but due to Shadow influencing her once more, she is getting very unstable
Goal: To serve Shadow so that he would leave her alone.

Name: Warren
Species: Vulture
Personality: A kind and clumsy vulture who is exceedingly loyal to Sholeh, despite her mistreatment. He also acts as a flying steed for her. Unlike the mongoose, he gets along very well with Sybil and the other Haven residents, and doesn’t mean anyone harm. Is deathly afraid of Shadow.
Goal: To be happy and try to help stop Shadow despite his fear.

Name: Ruby
Species: Warbler
Personality: She's a kind warbler helping the mongoose Terrence take care of Angel, a little warbler whom he adopted and is now raising.
Goal: To help Terrence keep Angel safe.

Hunted Island residents…

Barloc: Leader of the cockatoos. He despises predators above else, and is usually mean and bitter, though he means well. He was learning to trust Rose, Sayan, and the other predators at the Haven, but now with the drought, he is more bitter and distrustful due to an event of his past.

Kali: Barloc’s wife and voice of reason. She takes most of the decisions. Unlike him, he is very trusting of everybody at the Haven and loves nothing more than to be helpful.

Whirlpool: A wombat with a huge heart and possibly the smartest, wisest and most knowledgeable residents of both islands despite his speech impediment (and a lazy eye). He lives in a tunnel that looks like a labyrinth. His love for medicine and discovery has helped the residents on more than one occasion. He is now everybody’s official doctor. His roommate, helper and apprentice is the serval Sunflame. He is currently taking care of the injured Yodel.

The cockatoo cousins (now teenagers):

Nia: Barloc and Kali’s daughter, and extremely mischievous. She loves danger, much to her parent’s dismay, and usually runs off to play and find adventure, always dragging Angus with her.

Angus: Nia’s cousin, and son of Barloc’s deceased brother. Although he is usually as carefree and fun as his cousin, he goes on the more cautious side. Despite his awareness, he follows his cousin everywhere, no matter if there is a chance of danger.

There are several pod orcas that may be integral to the plot:

Dagger: A young and energetic teenager who wishes to be the pod's leader someday. Can be wild and uncontrollable, but means well most of the time.

Ellen: Dagger's mother and second in command of the pod. She is very strict when it comes to rules and the safety of the Haven so she is somebody you can count on when needing help.

Gustave: An enormous orca, second in size only to Cairo alone. He is extremely strong and the best hunter, but is very gentle with everybody, especially the Haven residents and the younger orcas.

Randy: Ellen's brother and Dagger's uncle, who loves to give rides and is very good discovering new places. He's a major explorer, and a very good friend to practically anybody he meets.

Renee: A young Antarctic orca who is Randy's new mate. She moved in with the pod after the Haven's drought is over. She is easily impressed and admires Sybil greatly.

Marylin: A mute orca who is possibly the kindest soul in the entire Haven. She doesn't participate in the pod's game in fear of hurting someone.

Raphael: A nearly middle aged orca in love with Marylin, and the only one who can understand her almost completely. He usually translates everything she says. Loves the game, but limits himself quite often.

Ricky and Rumble: Two young adults that are brothers. They are quite brutal when playing, and even though they mean well, they can get out of control. Ricky is the youngest and the most mild mannered, but even he can fall into a rebellious attitude like his older brother.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:41:22 03/04/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#4 Posted: 22:57:26 02/04/2017
ooc: current characters and next post will be the new one and you will never guess what my new character will be.

Terrence Jr: son of the dicesesd Terrence the king of theives used to live alone but is now raising a baby warbler he named Angel.

Angel: a baby warbler who's parents were killed by shadow when he was an egg is being raised Terrence Jr

Jack: a mistavous chimp who likes to case trouble for a little fun every now and then.

Crocux: the salt water croc is co administraitor of the haven ever since his fostor father Guardian died. He is a kind and gentle croc who is very large for his age. has become much more relaxed and way less stressed recently.

Shilis: a young plover and the adopted baby sister of the family. She's kind and protective and is Sozen's mate

Saris: Crocux's adopted younger brother. He was believed to have been dead but with the help of his biological younger brother Syris the blue iguana he lived.

Ravage: was once a killing machine is now one of the most gentle creatures in all of haven having lost most of his memory

James: a warbler who treats Ravage as his best friend and trusts Ravage completly regardless of the horrible things he's done

Guardian: after dieing his spirit remains at haven forever watching over his home and will appear in the dreams of others it give advice and aide whenever he can

Marina: a bottle nosed dolphin who was saved by Crocux in the past is now living in the waters of Haven like the orcas and is Crocux's mate
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#5 Posted: 23:04:50 02/04/2017
Name: Sayan
Gender: Male
Species: Amur Leopard [INFO][MORE INFO]
Appearance: Adult leopard [IMAGE] with many old scars resulting from prior shock collar usage and other more recent events

Personality: He is cautious and has some minor trust issues; in part due to his previous experiences involving humans. However, the residents of the Haven (in particular Sybil and Rose) have proven to be quite helpful and have caused him to slow shred his solitary status over time. He has since grown to become a trustworthy individual-- willing to do anything to protect those he considers friend and even gaining a mate in the form of Rose; a Siberian tiger and eventual successor to the Haven.

Goal: To protect and look after his family, the Haven, and it residents. To that goal-- he is willing to do anything.

History: Prior to his first stay at the Haven, Sayan was held in a zoo along with a female named Milena. They were potential mates, though the humans limited their interactions. For unknown reasons, she had developed a life-threatening disease and the two were kept separated. One day, Sayan was forced to watch as the caretakers injected her with something and slowly fell asleep... never to wake up again. This was when he took his first chance and ran away to the Haven. There he had hoped to find another of his kind, so that he may no longer be alone. And although he caught a glimpse or two of the eventually destined Rose; it wasn't meant to be yet. Feeling unsafe and out-of-place, he ran away once again and left to the mainland of Russia. He survived and even thrived in the wild-- until he was captured and sold on the black market as an exotic pet. He was caged, collared, mistreated, and abused in various ways. Out of pure desperation, he escaped to an orca thus returning to the Haven for a second and final time.

Promising to never again leave the Haven-- he had his collar painfully removed and tried to emotionally recover at what was then a secluded creek deep within the Forest. Finding that he couldn't do it alone, he eventually revealed himself and shown himself to be a great aide in the troublesome matters that soon occurred. As a second "Hunted" island was discovered and a villainous Komodo known as Shadow presented himself, he defended the tiger known as Rose. And as events made it necessary for him to almost become a bodyguard for a time-- he grew to care for the young stripped feline and his heart slowly fell over time. After Sybil had faked her death and Rose had become her successor for time, he had not only helped to protect a dear friend but also a new hope for the Haven's future.

As Shadow was "deal with" (more later) and Sybil had returned from the dead, Sayan remained ever faithful to Rose and to the Haven as a whole. No longer quite as fearful as he once once, he even accepted potentially dangerous newcomers-- giving them the benefit of the doubt and attempting to help smooth their transitions. His "youth" had also began to return with the orca games but the Haven was soon forced to face reality once again as a drought quickly approached. Despite the shortage of food and most of the orcas being forced to retreat to the Antarctic, he and Rose soon finally found happiness and the two offcially became mates. As the tiger's instincts came out-- he once again had to watch over Rose both for her sake and for the sake of the others.

However, the drought was soon to be over and the orcas soon returned to the Haven. There was peace for a time-- but like all things, peace doesn't last forever. And although they had tried to maintain their normal lives; a new threat in the form of Naga had appeared and even Shadow once again came back albeit in a new spiritual form. The Haven was once again at risk, but Sayan and Rose would once again try and remain calm. However... the mated pair now had another *surprise* and it was coming. Soon.


Name: Naga
Gender: Male
Species: Indian Python [INFO][MORE INFO]
Appearance: About 10ft/3m long [IMAGE] with a yellow/brown(ish) blotch pattern
Personality: Curious but self-centered. Wants to feel he is doing "good" to the world, but mainly interested in himself.

Goal: To satisfy his own curious needs to "do good to the world" but also pleasing his own appetite.

History: Brought to the Haven by Shadow as a form of revenge-- Naga had been feeding on the warblers whenever he had been able to do so without being noticed. Able to fast for weeks at a time (after a good meal), he had also been observing the Haven residents and their ability to seemingly live in some sort of harmony. And although his species could also eat mammals, he had grown to prefer the warbler diet due to being raised in captivity. After the earlier events of Shadow had passed-- he was eventually discovered and mean a deal with Sybil only to eat that of the dumb pigeons. However... Shadow had since returned and the deal was growing thinner.


Name: Hunter
Gender: Male
Species: Leoger [INFO]
Appearance: Slightly tan(ish) with leopard spots on the face and most of the upper body. Elsewhere-- broad black strips can be seen albeit somewhat blurred and breaking off into blurred rosettes. Appears to a mix between of a leopard and a tiger; leaning more towards the leopard side.
Personality: He is slightly adventuresome but also more appears cool-headed at the same time. Although shy at first, he can be brave and is willing to do anything to protect those he comes to know. He is especially protective of family, but will happily help those he considers friend.

Goal: To keep Snow out of trouble and protect those he cares about.

History: Hunter is the son of Sayan and Rose... and is the brother of Snow.
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 07:52:29 05/04/2017 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#6 Posted: 23:12:04 02/04/2017 | Topic Creator
OOC: It's alright redwes. We know how much you like doing a good job, so we'll wait. As soon as you're done, I will start the story in my next post so we can all begin. Any new users out there reading this, remember that you are welcomed to join the story any time, no matter how late you are or how far we've gotten. It has no time limit.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:10:28 03/04/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#7 Posted: 23:17:27 02/04/2017
ooc: here he is. did you guess it?

Name: (yeah working on that surprisingly but being a baby he most likely doesn't have a name yet anyways)
Gender: male
Species: baby leopard seal
Personality: is curious and scared. being born in the haven lost its parents as prey and is to be found on the haven's shore out of the orcas reach.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:23:14 03/04/2017 by ShadeTheDragon
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#8 Posted: 03:17:01 03/04/2017 | Topic Creator
OOC: Alright then, time to start. Remember new users that you can still join, as for my friends, welcome back smilie

It was a quiet yet eerie morning at the Haven. The Malabar civet Sybil was just waking up, but instead of going to the saltwater crocodile Crocux for his morning yoga, she went to the beach. Ever since Shadow's spirit returned to the Haven to seek his revenge, the Haven has been rainy almost twenty four hours a day. The terrain was muddy, the tide was higher than ever, and there has been a few landslides. Crystal the caracal has been unable to seal Shadow again due to the Komodo dragon having learned the last time. Poor Sybil has barely gotten any sleep. She was slightly skinnier, her fur was opaque, and her walking seemed wobbly. Nevertheless, she was still willing to be of service to anyone who needed it. Today in particular was very special, for she learned yesterday that the badly injured Yodel has opened his eyes for the very first time ever since Crocux attacked him.

Now at the beach, Sybil called for an orca, and the always reliable Cairo was there to help her.
"Good morning Mistress. I suppose you want to see Yodel now?" he asked, knowing she was there for that. By now, everyone at the Haven knew what happened to Yodel, but much to Sybil's surprise, no one, not even the warblers, were treating Crocux indifferently for what happened. They all knew how Yodel was, and some even said how he deserved it for being such a rotten soul, not to mention that most of them still didn't forgave the old warbler for betraying them to Shadow when he was alive. All of them however, find it miraculous how he was able to survive Crocux's dastard attack.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#9 Posted: 03:53:39 03/04/2017
Rose Meanwhile was with Sayan and their kids. Having keept their birth secret for nearly a month the now young enough Snow was ready to meet the residents. How they pulled it off was hard but they did it well especially sense the ever watchful Peepers staying nearby keept it a secret.
"Hey little missy are you ready for your big day?"

"You know I've been ready momma!"Snow said. "I want to see miss Sybil!"

Rose smiled and nuzzled her. "That's my daughter." She looked up to where Peepers was usually staying. "Hey Peepers do you want to give her some good luck? I'm sure Sybil would be happy to see a new face for the first time."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:24:22 03/04/2017 by Spyroconvexity
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#10 Posted: 04:02:53 03/04/2017
at the beach even with the rising tide a baby leopard seal was out of the orcas reach and was cold and afraid.

Marina was swimming off for a little exersize and maybe to see if she could find some breakfeast.

Jack was busy working on the last statue he needed to complete his masterpiece. Crocux woke up and was going to see Rose and Sayan wanting to get to know them better since he didn't spend that much time getting to know them.

ooc: wait SC 2 years? that much time makes no sense to me. Felines a little help. I mean don't get me wrong here but the opening post says a few days passed and there is no way 2 years can go by in a few days. if that was the case shadow would've been taken care of by now not to mention in the last rp they weren't born yet and if they were Jack would've found out when he went to tell Rose that shadow was free.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:10:12 03/04/2017 by ShadeTheDragon
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#11 Posted: 04:10:03 03/04/2017
Ooc: considering Rose and Sayan live in a more isolated part of the Haven it is possible.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#12 Posted: 04:12:36 03/04/2017 | Topic Creator
At the ocean, the orcas were having a normal, yet very boring life. They themselves had put the games on hold, since they knew the dastard predicament their land friends had been going through. Shadow hasn't tormented their dreams, but they could feel his ghostly presence from time to time, so they knew how desperate the situation was. They were so distracted by everything that has been happening lately, neither of them ever noticed that a pair of seals they hunted were a very different species from the ones they usually consume, though the rain may had also contributed to the confusion. It has made their hunts more difficult.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Rose Meanwhile was with Sayan and their kids. Having keept them secret for nearly a month, the now young enough Snow was ready to meet the residents. How they pulled it off was hard but they did it well especially sense the ever watchful Peepers staying nearby keept it a secret.
"Hey little missy are you ready for your big day?"

"You know I've been ready momma!" Snow said. "I want to see miss Sybil!"

Rose smiled and nuzzled her. "That's my daughter." She looked up to where Peepers was usually staying. "Hey Peepers do you want to give her some good luck? I'm sure Sybil would be happy to see a new face for the first time."

Peepers was ready to escort the young Snow, but even after all that time keeping the secret, he still couldn't believe a hybrid was born. He didn't even know different species could give birth to a mix, even if they were close relatives genetically speaking.
"Alright then, just make sure to stay under the trees. It's a downpour out here." Peepers warned, knowing that this almost endless rain had to be because of Shadow. He knew Sybil was going to visit Yodel, but now knowing if she left already, he was going to head to Sybil's tree nonetheless.

The meeting would have to wait, since Sybil was now at Hunted island. Cairo waited for her, for her meeting was going to be very brief. The civet entered Whirlpool the wombat's burrow, and saw to her delighted surprise that Yodel was not only awake, he was already sitting down. Whirlpool was feeding him, and he seemed in far better shape than before.
"Hello Yodel. It's great to see you." Sybil said politely, only for Yodel to turn her back on her and replying with silence. Whirlpool explained that Yodel has been cranky lately, and that he could speak, but has chosen not to. Sybil now knew the accident didn't make Yodel change, and had to accept the possibility that he was probably going to get worse, so she knew it was best to leave.
"Well... get well soon." Sybil said as she bid farewell, still trying to be polite to him despite knowing how rotten that old warbler was. Saying goodbye to Whirlpool and giving her regards to the serval Sunflame, Sybil left for the Haven, feeling quite depressed to see Yodel reject her like that. Just when she has had high hopes for that warbler. It would've really been the silver lining of her day considering all the bad things happening at the Haven right now.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:26:57 03/04/2017 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#13 Posted: 04:17:06 03/04/2017
Ooc: I changed it to a month. If that's ok with you.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#14 Posted: 04:20:39 03/04/2017
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Ooc: I changed it to a month. If that's ok with you.

ooc: I looked it up and the genstation period is 3.5-4 months SC
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#15 Posted: 04:21:32 03/04/2017
I meant they are a month old.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#16 Posted: 04:25:42 03/04/2017 | Topic Creator
OOC: That's better. Thank you. As long as the cubs are a month old, then that's more than acceptable. And ShadeTheDragon, you'll have to explain later how in the world did a family of leopard seals arrived to a place so far of their natural habitat.

Soon, Cairo brought Sybil back to the Haven, and judging by her silence, it didn't take him much time to realize the meeting didn't go well. It was of no surprise to him, since even he knew how Yodel was. After leaving, a rather frenetic pelican came to Sybil before she could disappear into the forest.
"Miss! Mistress! Oh Mistress! This is... I don't even know how to put it!" he said desperately, almost appearing as if he was having an epileptic attack.
"Mistress, there is a baby seal stranded near our homes! I's stuck between some rocks. I don't think he can get out." the pelican explained, with Sybil calming him down and telling him to lead the way. Sybil correctly assume it was a baby seal that was stranded, and was afraid that her own orca friends could've killed the parents. The rocky terrain near the seagull and pelican's homes was impenetrable to the gigantic orcas, so she knew the baby was safe, for the time being...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#17 Posted: 20:46:30 03/04/2017
OOC: Glad to see this back alive. I'll be rejoining.

Name: Raul
Species: Kouprey
Personality: Raul is a real level-headed and relaxed sort. He'd much prefer peaceful activities like friendly conversation, stargazing, or slow walks than energetic happenings. He is a great conversationalist. He is never in a hurry, though, so don't expect him to get anything done quickly. If you need someone to vent your feelings to, good advice, or just want to chat about something simple and dull, he's your bovine.
Goal: To find a place where he can live quietly and peacefully, settling down and finding his inner solace.

Name: Harland
Species: African Wild Ass
Personality: Harland is incredibly unfocused, easily entertained by small things. While annoyed with relative ease, he is nigh impossible to draw into a full rage. He's by no means the brightest bulb in the bunch, but he means well and tries his best. He is fascinated by the mysterious and unknown. This fellow will wander aimlessly by his lonesome, seeking new things, but always welcomes friends.
Goal: Generally seeks to discover things never seen or heard of before. No matter how minuscule, he would be delighted to show off his findings.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#18 Posted: 21:06:53 03/04/2017
ooc: well you never specified what kind of seals lived in the haven's waters so I just chose a random one.

the seal stayed there not moving from it's spot scared and hungry.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:18:16 03/04/2017 by ShadeTheDragon
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#19 Posted: 21:32:59 03/04/2017 | Topic Creator
OOC: Really? I thought I did. The seal in particular is the New Zealand fur seal, given how the Haven is located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. But I just read that leopard seals hunt them, so there you have a very good explanation. As for the warbler's species, they are two species that inhabit the Haven; grass and grey warblers. Sorry I never specified that. I'll put it in the first page right away. And Shadow-Cipher, welcome back. Glad to have you on board again smilie

Sybil approached the seal, but the pelican stopped her.
"No Mistress, this seal is... strange. It looks a lot like the ones our friends hunt, but this one... has very sharp teeth." the pelican warned, enough for Sybil to be cautious. Maintaining her distance, Sybil talked.
"Hello there. Who are you? Where are your parents?" Sybil asked, correctly assuming that this was a baby. It was too small.

At her tree, Peepers brought Snow to meet her, but just as he suspected, she wasn't there.
"Oh I'm sorry young Snow. The Mistress isn't here at the moment." Peepers explained, though he was willing to wait there...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:50:25 03/04/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#20 Posted: 23:19:02 03/04/2017
the seal was so young it didn't know how to talk yet so it made a few baby sounds. it felt a little safer and didn't back up but cautiously moved a little closer.

Crocux liked to make little detours and was going by Sybil's tree when he saw Snow. being so big his approach was noisy enough but when he saw Snow he stopped very confused.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#21 Posted: 23:28:43 03/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil approached as well, but making sure she was ready to jump away in case this little seal was hostile. It sounded ridiculous, but the pelican seemed so nervous, it rubbed off on her.
"Now what am I suppose to do? I don't know where the parents are, or even if they're dead." Sybil said to the pelican, full of doubt.
"Just leave it here and let nature take it's course. Come on Mistress, it's not like you can help each and every animal that you come across, especially when they are the prey of our friends." The pelican coldly suggested, but Sybil was having none of it.
"Are you crazy!? I'm not going to keas a baby to die like that! Listen, keep watch. I'll return with Crocux." Sybil said, knowing that the seal was going to keep itself hydrated with the rain, and even if it stopped, the pelican could use it's beak to keep it hydrated. The seal was small, but was still too big for her, so Sybil went to Crocux's cave to ask for his help...

"Oh, good morning Mr. Crocux. This is Snow. She's... a new friend." Peepers introduced, keeping secret to whom the parents were. He believed Rose and Sayan would rather tell the Haven residents themselves than having someone else telling the big news.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#22 Posted: 23:32:46 03/04/2017
Crocux smiled "oh hi Peepers I didn't see you there." he looked at Snow and says "well then Snow it's nice to meet you I'm Crocux the co-administrator of the Haven. it's a pleasure to meet you."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#23 Posted: 23:42:45 03/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Peepers just smiled, finding it hard to believe that a saltwater crocodile of all animals could be this polite. Of course, he was still dangerous considering what happened to Yodel, but like the rest, Peepers knew how that warbler could get into anyone's nerves.

Sybil arrived at Crocux's cave in a matter of minutes, but she knew Crocux wasn't there due to the lack of his thunderous snoring. Jack, like usual, was nearby.
"Hey Jack, the main monkey. Listen, do you know where Crocux is right now? It's kind of an emergency." Sybil asked, still not use to Crocux's scattering patterns. He could be either getting breakfast or someplace else entirely. It was unusual for the croc to be up this early.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#24 Posted: 23:47:51 03/04/2017
Jack says "ok two things one I am not a monkey I'm an ape. two Crocux left to get to know Sayan and Rose better but knowing him he probably detoured over to your tree just for fun. if you hurry you could meet him at your tree since he's taking his time."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#25 Posted: 00:07:42 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil knew that chimpanzees were more advanced than apes, but liked to bother Jack.
"Ok, thanks... monkey. Don't fret over it. I get confused as a raccoon or even a cat." Sybil commented, almost as if teasing him. Wanting to catch Crocux in time, she left before Jck could reply.

Fortunately, Crocux's cave was relatively close to her tree, so it only took her about a couple of minutes to arrive by running. Even if Crocux could camouflage himself very well, Sybil could by now recognize the little spikes of his back. She couldn't see Snow or Peepers due to him being in the way, so believing he was alone, she decided to sneak up on him and stealthy approach him to jump on his head and give him a little fright. She has been very stressed lately, so there was no sense in ignoring the chance of a little fun...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#26 Posted: 01:10:32 04/04/2017
Crocux remained oblivious to he fact Sybil was behind him as he was talking to a new friend.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#27 Posted: 01:18:25 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil, still unaware of the other presences, continued with the sneak attack, and knew that if she wanted to reach his head, she would have to climb his back. Sybil did just that, and running all the way to Crocux's back and towards his head, which felt like an eternity given the crocdile's size. When finally reaching his head, she gave him a gentle yet noticeable nibble between his eyes t startle him, too concentrated to see his reaction that she still didn't see the ones hat were just in front of him...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#28 Posted: 01:21:45 04/04/2017
Crocux jumped at the nibble taken completely by surprise. freaking out he death rolled sending Sybil off of him as he was spooked.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#29 Posted: 01:25:17 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil landed on a branch a few feet away from Crocux, laughing her head off.
"Oh man, I just scared a crocodile! Your senses need a lot of work Crocux." Sybil said, practically making fun of him. She wasn't angry at him anymore for what was done to Yodel, thus wanted to make sure they returned to the polite, yet playful relationship they had before the incident.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#30 Posted: 02:27:09 04/04/2017
Crocux couldn't help but laugh and said payfully "hey that's no fair I was busy talking to Peepers and my new friend Snow you little brat."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#31 Posted: 02:36:12 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil then saw Peepers and gave him a polite nod as a greeting, but was more interested in this little newcomer. She was practically the same size as Rose when she first arrived, but what species was this? It didn't looked like anything Sybil had knowledge of. Getting off the tree, she greeted Snow.
"Hey there. I'm..." but Sybil stopped mid sentence, just remembering there was something far more important at stake.
"Wait, what am I doing? Crocux! We got an emergency! We need to get to the marine bird's homes right now! This is urgent!" Sybil rushed, getting onto his back and ready to lead him. Crocux could run faster than she ever could, and given how desperate the situation was, there was no time to lose.
"Peepers! Keep our young guest entertained. I'll come back later." Sybil said, feeling guilty for being so playful when there was a situation at hand.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:37:18 04/04/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#32 Posted: 02:56:26 04/04/2017
Crocux got on his feet and nodded "okay aunty hop on."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#33 Posted: 02:57:11 04/04/2017
"Wait! I want to come along! I want to help! I want to be like mamma!" Snow said.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#34 Posted: 03:04:07 04/04/2017
now Crocux was confused but decided to save the questions for later and says "ok then get on my back and hold on tight. use your claws if you have to if you wanna stay on I'll be fine."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#35 Posted: 03:09:22 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil didn't agree on Snow coming along, but if she was going to live there, she might as well get use to the place and be ready for the possible situations that could unfold. A stranded seal was the least of their problems after all.

Peepers followed them, with Sybil leading Crocux to where the small seal was. After a difficult time passing through the rocks, which were sometimes pointy, Sybil could see the pelican keeping watch, though the seal was hidden by some rocks. The dounpour wasn't as strong as earlier, so that was a good sign at least.
"Well finally! This thing hasn't stopped barking." The pelican complained coldly, clearly not very fond of the stranded youth.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#36 Posted: 03:15:40 04/04/2017
"Hey lady you wouldn't happen to be Sybil? Mamma keeps talking about someone called Sybil." Snow said trying to be polite. "Mamma and daddy are very found of her especially sense mamma would be leader someday."
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#37 Posted: 03:19:59 04/04/2017
the seal barked at the pelican in protest. Crocux says "ok ride's over now were here. and you pelican friend may leave we can take care of things from here." turning his attention to the seal Crocux says "I can see why you wanted my help. I'm surprised I thought leopard seals lived more down south. the poor thing must be starving Aunty ca you go have one of the orcas bring us some fish. I'll stay here to keep an eye on the little guy and make sure nothing happens."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#38 Posted: 03:24:01 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
"Mamma... lead..." Sybil said with a dry lip, observing Snow and just realizing she indeed looks more like Rose than she realized. Could it possibly be? And if it was, how were they able to keep it a secret for so long? There was no time to drift on that thought.
"Yes, I am Sybil, but listen, we'll talk later. Right now, there is a situation." Sybil said as the pelican left, before proceeding to answer Crocux.
"Talk to the orcas? Are you mad? What will I tell them? You know they eat seals. I don't think they would take kindly of us helping someone that should be considered food to them." Sybil warned, underestimating the sympathy an orca could really feel about other animals, even the ones considered prey. But this was a first time rescuing a seal, so Sybil wasn't sure how their marine friends would react...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#39 Posted: 03:31:41 04/04/2017
Crocux says "ok then I'll go get the fish while you watch a leopard seal were if you aren't carful could get attached to you by its mouth since its clearly hungry." just then a few fish landed in front of them. looking to the water they saw Marina who looked a little annoyed saying "or you can just ask your mate to bring you some since I live right here."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#40 Posted: 03:33:37 04/04/2017
Snow simply jumped off of Crocux and walked over to the leopard seal. "Hey there friend. You lost?" She smiled. "Don't worry mamma won't let a thing happen to you. Mamma and daddy won't." He gently nuzzled the seal. "Hey Peepers do you mind getting mamma? I'm sure she would want to help." Snow said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#41 Posted: 03:40:09 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil was very relieved to see Marina, for she was perfect for the feed. She didn't trust the orcas for the job, but she knew of one that was benevolent enough in case she was needed.
"Marina! So glad to see you. Listen, you have to keep this a secret from the orcas. You can trust Ellen though, but her alone." she said, not knowing how long this could be kept a secret. Ellen was the only one that could be trusted here, since she was very gentle with every animals, even the ones consumed. She ate seals too, but Sybil knew Ellen was the only one that never attacked younger seals, since she considered it cruel and unnecessary even if the rest didn't necessarily have the same views.
"Alright then. You... go ahead. Eat." Sybil said to the scared little seal, who despite being young, was still bigger than her, and kept her distance just in case, even after pushing a fish closer to him.

Peepers did as told, and flew away to find Rose, while Sybil pulled Snow away from the seal.
"Now careful there. We have no idea if it can be hostile." Sybil said, still very cautious after what the paranoid pelican said.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:41:36 04/04/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#42 Posted: 03:43:59 04/04/2017
the seal bit Snow's leg, it wasn't hard enough to really hurt her but it was enough to indicate it's hungry. as soon as the fish was pushed up to it it let go and started eating. from were Snow was she would be able to see a large gash on its tail.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:51:32 04/04/2017 by ShadeTheDragon
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#43 Posted: 03:49:57 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil didn't know if the seal's teeth were as sharp as the pelican claimed, so the bite gave her quite a fright.
"Wait! Come back here!" Sybil said after pulling Snow by the tail to prevent the seal from continuing the bite, hoping that was warning enough to indicate to stay away from the stranded animal.
"And you! Look! The fishies! It's the fishies you should be biting!" Sybil scolded, any that the seal bit Snow having plenty of fish right there.

Peepers arrived to Sayan and Rose's den rather quickly, and gave the news without hesitation.
"Miss Rose. Your daughter has requested your presence. They are at the marine bird's homes. There is a stranded seal that the Mistress and Mr. Crocux are helping." Peepers indicated, believing they could be of assistance in the matter. Sybil helping a seal was a first, so Peppers was a bit nervous about the outcome, especially considering the orcas.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#44 Posted: 03:53:50 04/04/2017
"Oh come on! Look it scared and little." Snow said moving closer. "He's just a baby."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#45 Posted: 03:59:20 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
"Still, this seal is a little different from the ones that are around here. I don't want to take any risks." Sybil indicated, still at a loss on what to do with this marine youngster. After making sure Snow was ok, she approached the seal to try some communication, but still making sure she was far enough from the seal to avoid him from getting to her.
"Where are your parents?" she asked again, needing to know if she was dealing with an orphan here.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#46 Posted: 04:05:34 04/04/2017
the seal kept eating and was bleeding from its wound on its tail. it scooted closer to Snow feeling safer with her and licked her leg apologetically. Crocux says "its strange because it's a leopard seal. don't tell me you never saw one before?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:10:32 04/04/2017 by ShadeTheDragon
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#47 Posted: 04:12:19 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
"No... I haven't" Sybil answered, that name being quite an interested one, yet oddly appropriated considering the seal's spots. But when the leopard seal took that little step forward finally made Sybil see the wound of the seal's tail.
"Oh boy..." Sybil exclaimed with a sigh, using the seal's distraction with Snow to take a closer look. The wound wasn't as profound as it appeared, and already having first aid knowledge thanks to Whirlpool, she knew what she needed to do.
"Crocux. You stay with Snow and the seal while I gather some materials. And Marina, make sure no orcas approach this place." Sybil ordered as she left, though she knew the orcas weren't going to be a problem since they almost never ventured near that place.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:13:46 04/04/2017 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#48 Posted: 04:12:26 04/04/2017
"There, there little one you're ok." Snow said. She then noticed the wound on his tail. "Look Sybil he's injured. Now we need to help him get better." She said gently petting him.

"A injured seal? Show the way!" Rose said. She then looked at Sayan and their son. "Come on you two. We need to help."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#49 Posted: 04:18:36 04/04/2017 | Topic Creator
"Yes." Sybil replied to Snow, getting ready to leave to find the materials she was going to need for the cure.

Peepers lead the way, making sure the family didn't stayed behind. They almost came face to face with Sybil, but narrowly missed her. She was gathering some leaves near the python's territory, plus some tree sap that would stick the leaves to the wound, that would both stopped the bleeding and made the injury close faster.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#50 Posted: 04:25:01 04/04/2017
Crocux nodded. Marina says "okay but the orcas normally don't come by here so we should be fine."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
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