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Imaginators Updates For Expansions
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#1 Posted: 02:18:45 15/02/2017 | Topic Creator
In preparation for the two new Adventure Packs, Skylanders Imaginators received an update earlier today. Along with the content for the two new Adventure Packs, Cursed Tiki Temple and Lost Imaginite Mines, it has added 250 new parts, gear and weapons for your Imaginators to use, and it's also apparently fixed several bugs (including the Heroic Challenges wipe issue).

[User Posted Image]

While the vast majority of the new parts will only be able to be found in the new level packs there are several parts that you'll be able to start finding in Imaginite Chests straight away, meaning this update is more than just a tease for next month. The game will even give you a whole new set to use right away with a free chest just sitting there on the new adventure pack island in the M.A.P..
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
AestheticDragon Ripto Gems: 1658
#2 Posted: 02:43:16 15/02/2017
Eizons Green Sparx Gems: 470
#3 Posted: 04:01:32 15/02/2017
Seems like this could be the first step toward completely new characters. I sure hope so and I am looking forward to the new adventure packs.
xboxfanuk Yellow Sparx Gems: 1155
#4 Posted: 07:42:21 15/02/2017
The fact these expansions are coming so quick makes me think Activision plans on releasing this content and that is it probably until the re-launch of Skylanders many years from now.
Friend me on Xbox One - GT: Xboxfanuk

Would love to co-op Superchargers.
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#5 Posted: 10:24:06 15/02/2017
Is the bug fix in the adventure pack? Or does your console need to be online to get the patch?
Any last wishes?
Eizons Green Sparx Gems: 470
#6 Posted: 12:57:06 15/02/2017
Quote: Wishblade
Is the bug fix in the adventure pack? Or does your console need to be online to get the patch?

I haven't played Imaginators yet, as I have been busy with Spyro's Adventure, but I am pretty sure you have to be online to get the patch.
Star Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5323
#7 Posted: 20:49:38 15/02/2017
Sweet. I was thinking about blowing the dust off my portal. Now I have a reason to play this tonight. I wonder if the Creator app will be updated with the new parts.
What! Marco sent you here? I've got a restraining order against him! - Rapunzel, Spyro 3
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:51:57 15/02/2017 by Star Dragon
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#8 Posted: 21:06:10 15/02/2017
Dunno if it will, but as of now, be careful using chirp to transfer Imaginators, apparently some weord glitches happen.
(What I need is never what I want)
Eizons Green Sparx Gems: 470
#9 Posted: 05:42:22 16/02/2017
Quote: Star Dragon
Sweet. I was thinking about blowing the dust off my portal. Now I have a reason to play this tonight. I wonder if the Creator app will be updated with the new parts.

I'm pretty sure it will be updated soon or later. At least I hope I do since it is a nice way to show off characters online, since the PS3 doesn't have a photo share function.
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#10 Posted: 12:03:57 16/02/2017
More human heads...
what even is this site anymore lmao
MrsSpyro01 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1567
#11 Posted: 21:31:36 24/02/2017
I hope they decide to add characters from both the Classic and TLOS series. I REALLY want a Ripto figure.
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