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Stranded in Antarctica- Always Open and Accepting
Emperor_Mustard Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#1 Posted: 16:11:30 27/11/2016 | Topic Creator
A jumbo jet with two hundred passengers crash landed in Antarctica mostly intact, but all the machinery froze solid. Only a handful of passengers survived. An unknown idiot destroyed the radio and wifi, preventing any contact with the outside world.
Name: Dally
Age: Old
Species: Dalek
[User Posted Image]
Abilities: Can use Jedi and Sith powers, make donuts with Sith powers, and exterminate things like a typical Dalek
About: Invents new Jedi techniques regularly, Talks like any other Dalek, Jedi grand master, Loves to eat and make donuts, rarely exterminates like a normal Dalek, lives in Antarctica

Noticing the sudden shock wave, Dally emerged from his wrecked spaceship. It had been wrecked there for two centuries, but still provided decent housing from the Antarctic weather. The Dalek flew over to the wreck site to investigate. The jumbo jet was pretty obvious, but the snow was burying it quickly. Upon reaching it, Dally used his attractive plunger arm to rip off the door to let any potential survivors out of the jet.
And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:50:23 27/11/2016 by Emperor_Mustard
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6356
#2 Posted: 04:43:31 28/11/2016
Name: Jaffa
Age: Old
Species: Giraffe
[User Posted Image]
Abilities: Can perform powerful Judo moves further assisted by his walker, Jaffa is a formidable opponent in battle. Unfortunately, even his glasses cannot help his failing eyesight, and he tends to pick fights with the wrong targets. He also is notoriously bad at chess.
About: Jaffa boarded the plane hoping to visit his grandson and have their weekly giraffe neck battle when the plane crashed. It is rumored that he mistakenly destroyed the plane's communication equipment thinking it was his grandson hoping to ambush him on the plane early.

Jaffa dashed out of the doors and into the harsh cold of Antarctica. He noticed a weird pepper shaker and said some choice words to it, not entirely sure why. "Dr. Poo is a bad show, boy howdy."
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6876
#3 Posted: 05:02:06 28/11/2016
Name: Jo Headford
Age: Not Sure
Species: Alien/Human fusion
[User Posted Image]

Abilities: Can subtly morph into other beings by absorbing their body, leaving only clothes behind. Doesn't do that anymore because it makes him sad. Has multiple legs and crawls around on them quickly. Able to climb on walls like spider-man. Can survive harsh cold temperatures but can't stand it when the weather is too hot. Has been here since 1982. Ate a dog one time.

Jo walked was enjoying the nice day out in the freezing wilderness, scurrying along the snow, when he spotted Dally and Jaffa. Hurrying over to them, he gave them a toothy grin and said, "Howdy! It's been a while since I've seen anyone out in these parts."
Emperor_Mustard Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#4 Posted: 22:01:49 28/11/2016 | Topic Creator
"Dr. Poo isn't exactly my idea of quality entertainment neither," Dally replied to Jaffa, relieved that there was at least one survivor. Sensing Jo's approach through the force, he turned to greet him, unfazed by his unusual form, "About time I see another resident of Antarctica. I am Dally."
And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6876
#5 Posted: 04:04:09 30/11/2016
Jo crawled up on top of Dally's domed head and said, "It's so nice to have someone to talk to that I can't absorb! Usually everyone runs screaming when they see me but you and me seem like we would get alone just swell! So, what are you doing out here?"
Emperor_Mustard Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#6 Posted: 01:23:59 01/12/2016 | Topic Creator
"My ship crashed here long ago and I have been staying around it ever since, repairing it very slowly with its scattered parts. It is still nice and warm inside if you want to visit sometime," Dally replied, "I only came over here to investigate this plane and check for survivors."
And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6876
#7 Posted: 20:47:58 01/12/2016
"I tried to repair my space ship one time too but some humans blew it up. It's really hard to do that sometimes." Jo said, a bit sad that he had to give up on building his space ship. "They just didn't like it that I kept accidentally absorbing all their friends and kept trying to shoot me with fire. Luckily I got away."
Emperor_Mustard Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#8 Posted: 03:34:12 03/12/2016 | Topic Creator
"You mean like how I used to end up massacring people when they asked me to EXTERMINATE COMMON PESTS!" Dally said and accidentally broke five windows on the plane, "Sorry, Jo, I will have to use another word. Neutralize is what I should've used. It is pretty obvious that I still cannot control my emotions when I say EXTERMINATE!" Another window was broken. "I really need to stop saying that," continued the unusually hospitable Dalek, "In spite of my best efforts, I can aim my shots, but cannot stop them. I am a Dalek, but I can still be a good Dalek. It took a very long time for me to escape the rest of my kind, first emotionally, and then physically."
And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6876
#9 Posted: 03:46:18 04/12/2016
"I see... I used to be pretty scary too. Absorbing people and killing them, turning into grotesque monstrous versions of them... Not anymore. Now I eat at the McDonalds about 10 miles away and enjoy lots of exercise!" Jo scratched his head and scurried off towards the small shack nearby.
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