So I was playing through the game, as one does, and I wanted to get 100% for whatever "secret ending" I would unlock. Unfortunately for some reason it didn't count the turret minigame egg in stormy beach.
Cool thing is, I have video proof.
At 10:20 I pick up the egg from the thief, giving me 1/2.
At 16:30 I finish the turret minigame. Which should have given me 2/2
At 16:49 I enter the map screen and it still shows 1/2 eggs.
At 21:07 I realize what happened. Both on the map screen and in the egg collection screen the turret minigame egg didn't count.
Just felt like sharing this glitch, and honestly I have no idea why or how it happened, or any way to fix it.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Spyro: A Hero's Tail > Game breaking glitch
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