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Favorite Crash/Spyro Design?
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1 Posted: 16:55:36 27/09/2016 | Topic Creator
Simple question, the title says it all.

My favorite Crash design is from TwinSanity, with the Mind Over Mutant and Imaginators ones being close second places.

For Spyro, it's the A Hero's Tail design. With the original one and the Skylanders: Academy one in second place.

SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#2 Posted: 17:46:09 27/09/2016
Crash design is Twinsanity & TTR (same model)
With original Crash 2 & 3 design second.

Spyro is the ps1 era. I'm boring like that.
I do like the design in The legend of Spyro, but still the originals beat it by childish charm.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#3 Posted: 18:00:52 27/09/2016
DotD is meh.
looks like ive got some things to do...
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#4 Posted: 20:43:26 27/09/2016
Spyro: His Legend design, younger and older. His look in AHT is my second.
Crash: Just his classic look, really.
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:49:54 27/09/2016 by Spyro Lover122
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#5 Posted: 21:02:32 27/09/2016
Spyro - Every design in the original series games.

Crash - PS1, Twinsanity and Skylanders.
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#6 Posted: 23:38:29 27/09/2016

1.) Spyro The Dragon/Ripto's Rage/Year of The Dragon/ Spyro Enter the Dragonfly.
2.) A Hero's Tail.
3.) Skylanders Academy


1.) Classic
2.) Skylanders.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#7 Posted: 09:55:24 01/10/2016
Spyro: A Hero's Tail's design is my favourite. (But it's not my favourite voice-over for him though, I think Tom Kenny suits Spyro the best) and my second favourite would be from Ripto's Rage! The reason being, he looks so cute, and when you get him to run around, he looks angry, smilie In Spyro 3, he doesn't have the same animation. I do like his design in the first game, but he looks a lot smaller, and not so much like a badass. lol

As for Crash Bandicoot, I'm not really a fan of him, or his games. But I have played a few of them, I think Twinsanity would be my favourite design, followed by Crash 2 or 3.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#8 Posted: 20:34:47 23/10/2016
Always loved the design of the original Spyro. His face is just the cutest of all. <3
[User Posted Image]

But with Crash I'm torn. I loved his original design as well ... but I also like his look in Crash of the Titans. It did stray a lot from his original design, but he looked so cute and scruffy. >.<
THEN there is the design from the scrapped game Crash Landed.
Just look, this design is adorable. Such a shame the game never made it. ;'c
[User Posted Image]
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#9 Posted: 20:48:37 23/10/2016
*goes through games to see differences*

Spyro - Shadow Legacy
Crash - Skylanders
DarkPredator Gold Sparx Gems: 2276
#10 Posted: 21:18:24 23/10/2016
Never played or cared about Crash.

I like Spyro's adult LoS design the best.
"Still as silent as ever, eh?" - Blue, Pokémon Sun and Moon
DS D Yellow Sparx Gems: 1601
#11 Posted: 08:11:05 13/04/2017
Believe it or not, I'm starting to like GBA J-Spyro. I've even put him in my osu! skin.

[User Posted Image]

(Former admin of TapL's Server.)
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4254
#12 Posted: 22:43:44 16/04/2017
I haven't really played Crash so I can't comment.

But for Spyro, his design in 2&3 is my favourite, followed by 1 and AHT equally. Enter the Dragonfly looked a bit odd, Legend was ok but not my favourite, and all the Skylanders designs in my opinion are ******* shockingly awful.
The darkness only stays at nighttime, in the morning it'll fade away. Daylight's good at arriving at the right time, it's not always going to be this grey~
DragonDog Ripto Gems: 1798
#13 Posted: 20:57:06 27/08/2017
Spyro: All the original Spyro models are about tied with Hero's Tail being a close second to them. (Seems to be the case for most people here.)
Crash: Haven't played many games from this franchise but I always found him cute in the second and third ones, I've also grown very fond of the model they used for him in the cutscenes of Crash Nitro Kart. Honestly wish he stayed looking like that longer than one game.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#14 Posted: 23:45:45 27/08/2017
[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:28:37 28/08/2017 by Chompy-King257
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#15 Posted: 01:31:41 28/08/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: Sesshomaru75
The Imaginators model is nice, but to hell with those teeth.

Maybe he's using a denture.
C1nder Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10208
#16 Posted: 02:10:18 28/08/2017
I honestly prefer the classic designs for both.
NSane Bandicoot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3188
#17 Posted: 22:40:29 09/09/2017
YOTD For Spyro

Warped For Crash
Just me in my world of Enemies! | NSane Bandicoot? Nah
ClassicSpyroLUV Yellow Sparx Gems: 1193
#18 Posted: 03:49:48 11/09/2017
[User Posted Image]

LOVE IT! Love the colours, love the markings on the back, love the face, love the pose, love the attitude, love it all!
Mary I Green Sparx Gems: 462
#19 Posted: 22:38:17 11/09/2017
Crash: twinsanity
Spyro: A heros tail
Truth is the daughter of time.
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#20 Posted: 15:07:40 13/09/2017
I haven't played Crash enough for a proper opinion.

For Spyro I like his younger Legend design best. Then A Hero's Tail.
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833
#21 Posted: 02:55:19 04/10/2017
Well, I never was a fan of Crash, so....

I honestly love all of Spyros designs throughout the years. First game all the way up to Skylanders.

(The only unfortunate thing though is that Skyro can look pretty bad at certain angles at times, but when its not one of those times he looks great)
I am a Cow.

SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#22 Posted: 15:31:16 04/10/2017
Quote: cowpowa23
Well, I never was a fan of Crash, so....

I honestly love all of Spyros designs throughout the years. First game all the way up to Skylanders.

(The only unfortunate thing though is that Skyro can look pretty bad at certain angles at times, but when its not one of those times he looks great)

I think Skyro looks a little bit better in Imaginators, he definitely looks a little different.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#23 Posted: 18:59:39 30/09/2020
my favorite designs for these two are completely biased and influenced by what version of the character was popular in my childhood.

for spyro, i really like the model that was made for the etd promo art. he's still got that little scratch on his crest, and i like the texture of the scales on his body. the gold rings around his claws are also a nice touch. this version of spyro is what i used to go off for a long time when i'd draw his design from the insomniac-aht era.
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crash's twinsanity design is my favorite version of him. the knee pads on his jeans are a nice touch. i also like what they've done with his gloves. i'm not super sure i know how it compares to his other renders or designs, but this is what i envision when i think of crash bandicoot. i also am partial to his crash of the titans design. the tattoos on his hands are cool, and i especially like his belt.
[User Posted Image]
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#24 Posted: 21:52:21 30/09/2020
Yeah ETD Spyro look great, my favorite for classic is A Hero Tail and Legend, ANB/TEN, DOTD just look weird.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#25 Posted: 05:30:26 01/10/2020
Weird opinion, but Skylanders had my favorite Spyro design, with Reignited as a close second. I like Skylander's lil pug nose.

As for Crash, I like his look in IAT a lot so far. I don't have any fondness for late 90s/early 2000s 3D character designs across the board.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#26 Posted: 22:25:04 09/10/2020
Spyro? It has to be Reignited!
[User Posted Image]

His Hero's Tail model is super cute too.
[User Posted Image]

But I will always love the simpleness of his classic design. So much personality in so few polygons. <3
[User Posted Image]

With Crash, I think my favourite would be from Crash 2. Haha. Nothing has been able to top this one for me yet.
[User Posted Image]

I love Titans too. And the white Crash. Mmmmm.
[User Posted Image]

And It's About Time gave him big ears so I love that too. I don't like the overly prominent shoulders that much though, and the board shorts. I preferred the jeans lmao
[User Posted Image]
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Akame Yellow Sparx Gems: 1584
#27 Posted: 19:22:17 17/10/2020
The original look for Spyro, specifically his in-game model and not the renders used on boxart etc - and for Crash it's a tie between original and Crash 4 (again, the model versions not art/renders)
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#28 Posted: 19:52:44 17/10/2020
the most recent games for both

reignited and it's about time
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#29 Posted: 21:24:17 18/02/2021
I was trying to take this seriously, but Google Images would not cooperate, and now I'm stuck with this and I'm trying really hard not to laugh out loud right now.

Spyro - Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

[User Posted Image]

Crash - Crash Twinsanity

[User Posted Image]

Also shout out to Dawn of the Dragon and Titans because they were really awesome redesigns.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#30 Posted: 10:02:24 21/02/2021
Reignited Spyro, but, AHT design looks the most detailed.
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#31 Posted: 06:45:10 06/03/2021
twinsanity crash enter the dragonfly/dawn of the dragon spyro
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#32 Posted: 19:08:36 09/03/2021
: ( ( (
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#33 Posted: 19:10:10 09/03/2021
Wait, ThunderEgg, you found good pictures of my favorites! Why wouldn't they come up for me?!
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#34 Posted: 19:13:33 09/03/2021
idk?? i might have searched 'spyro render'??
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#35 Posted: 19:17:28 09/03/2021
Mwahahaaa! Behold!

[User Posted Image]

Well. Almost...

[User Posted Image]
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
#36 Posted: 00:43:31 11/03/2021
For me, it’s their most recent appearances with Reignited & Crash 4.
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