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The War of Elements (Magic RP)(Always Open)
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#1 Posted: 22:50:00 04/09/2016 | Topic Creator
The two countries, Lerofa and Rigeta have been at war for as long as anyone can remember, and it need to end. Each country has 6 sub-countries, each of which control their very own element that the people can use to their advantage, the environment of each one reflects this, e.g. Serropuna is mountainous, Tharla is freezing cold.

Lerofa: Nekora, land of life; Callenti, land of fire; Serropuna, land of earth; Ontent, land of water; Tewto, land of plants; Tharla, land of ice.
Rigeta: Telippe, land of death; Ceronet, land of metal; Ellebe, land of wind; Allegpik, land of lightning; Bellat, land of psychics; Betigue, land of light and dark.

It is the characters job to unite Lefora and Rigeta, and to defeat the enemy trying to destroy both Countries.

Normal RP rules apply 5 characters per person maximum

Edited 3 times - Last edited at 16:42:00 06/09/2016 by Shagaru Magala
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#2 Posted: 23:13:53 04/09/2016 | Topic Creator
Name: Ollie
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: A friendly person that is always upbeat. Strong in battle. Good with mechanical stuff and a builder as well. Will always protect his friends. If someone gets in his way he won't back down without a fight.
Country: Rigeta
Sub-Country: Ceronet
Element: Metal
Appearance: Brown straight hair. Brown eyes. Muscular. Wears a grey mechanics uniform. Smile on his face. Quite tall.
Bio: Ollie heils from Ceronet, He's a builder there who will make weapons for the army even though he wants peace, he plans to escape from there to try to unite the two countries yet he believes he won't succeed.

Name: Kai
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Very cocky and full of himself. Will annoy people when he can. Friendly if you can befriend him. Depressed from the death of his parents but doesn't show it that often. Strong in battle.
Country: Lerofa
Sub-Country: Callenti
Element: Fire
Appearance: Blond hair. Blue eyes. Red shirt. Jeans. Average size for his age.
Bio: Kai's parents died when he was 9 so he was forced to move out of his home to the Capital where he lives with his aunt. He hates it there.

Name: Freya
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Calm and collected. Tries to befriend people before she is forced to battle them. Always friendly. Uses her power over ice and snow all the time.
Country: Lerofa
Sub-Country: Tharla
Element: Ice
Appearance: Brown hair in a ponytail. Sky blue eyes. White shirt with light grey jacket. Dark blue skirt with a light blue snowflake pattern on it. Short.
Bio: Freya ran away from her home for unknown reasons to go live in the tundra forest. Yet her clothes never seem to get tattered or dirty and always has a source of food. She has made friends with the local deer.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#3 Posted: 10:28:05 05/09/2016
Name: Kamina
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Rebellious, Arrogant, Snobby, a rich ***** but is friendly if you befriend her
Country: Rigeta
Sub-Country: Betigue
Element: Light and dark
Appearance: Blue hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, a red silk shirt with a gold jacket, blue silk pants, a 24 karat gold ring, a 24 karat gold bracelet, 24 karat gold shoes
Bio: Kamina was kicked out of her parent's house for being too rebellious and *****y and she lived in a dark area and adapted to it.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#4 Posted: 10:30:53 05/09/2016 | Topic Creator
Thankfully not Falco this time, accepted
sprocketrocket Emerald Sparx Gems: 3689
#5 Posted: 18:17:35 05/09/2016
Name: Steven
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind, Friendy and has trouble dealing with the possibility of hurting people.
Country: Rigeta
Sub-Country: Balet
Element: Psychic
Appearance: Tall for his age, Messy brown hair, pink sweatshirt, hood usually down, jeans and dark preen converse
Bio: A young kid who just wants everyone in the world to be happy even though he knows it's impossible to achieve. He lives with his parents where he constantly practices his psychic powers for both defense and (to his dismay) battle.
"When your beard is getting weird, Beard Spray! For men!"
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#6 Posted: 18:19:12 05/09/2016 | Topic Creator
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#7 Posted: 14:10:07 10/09/2016
Name: Diasi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Gentle and caring.
Country: Lefora
Sub-Country: Nekora
Element: Life
Appearance: Tall and skinny with short brown hair and forest green eyes.
Bio: Has no idea where she came from. She wants peace more than anything, and will stop even small arguments.

Name: Leligarm
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Manipulative and bloodtirsty.
Country: Rigete
Sub-Country: Telippe
Element: Death
Appearance: Tall skinny and pale with short black hair tipped with pale purple and pale, unnatural green eyes.
Bio: Has always enjoyed fighting, but hated doing things for herself. She's very good at manipulating others however, and has lived with others caring for her (more like an army of homeless servants) as long as she can remember. She has no real home. She's one of the few people who wants the war to continue.

Name: Lia
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Cheerful and energetic.
Country: Rigeta
Sub-Country: Allegpik
Element: Lightning
Appearance: Tall, dark-skinned and relatively slim. Has long brown hair often braided, and emerald green eyes.
Bio: Has lived in her home her whole life. She likes to race with anyone who will, and often wins. She's always detested fighting, and would rather settle things more peacefully.
Why am I a loser
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:37:08 23/09/2016 by FuryBeam136
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#8 Posted: 14:17:30 10/09/2016 | Topic Creator

The RP will start whenever someone decides to start, anyone else who want to join can
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#9 Posted: 22:35:21 17/09/2016 | Topic Creator
(Time to start)

Freya: I wake up in the freezing tundra that is Tharla, thousands of pine trees for miles around, infact I was sleeping in one. I climb down the branches and land on the snow. I fully awaken and decide to have a look around. A small bush catches my eye, it has berries on it "This'll do for breakfast" I pluck the berries of the bush and carry on walking...

Kai: "BOO!" I gasp as I suddenly wake up and open my eyes, I was awoken by my annoying cousin once again "You're gonna be late for the bus!". Oh yeah, I forgot I had school today, so I reluctantly force myself out of bed and get my clothes on. Another day, another rude awakening...
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#10 Posted: 22:40:03 17/09/2016
Kamina: *wakes up* That was a nice beauty sleep for this hoe!
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#11 Posted: 23:15:41 17/09/2016 | Topic Creator
(Can you please keep the text the same format as mine)
sprocketrocket Emerald Sparx Gems: 3689
#12 Posted: 23:31:35 17/09/2016
Steven: I am waking up to the smell of a delicious breakfast "Today is gonna be good" I say however, while stretching I accidentally lift up my alarm clock with my powers "oops" I say as I haven't truly mastered my powers and they seem to kick in whenever I don't want them to.
"When your beard is getting weird, Beard Spray! For men!"
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#13 Posted: 16:40:35 21/09/2016 | Topic Creator
Kai: I get to the bus that's waiting outside, another day at school awaits me... so I get on the bus and sit down. Once the bus get going I think there's got to be a way of getting out of this place, I hate it here. Then I realised that I might just be able to burn a hole through the side of the bus. I get to work and use my finger as a blow torch to create a hole in the side, thankfully no one was looking as they were staring out the windows, so I climb out of the bus... right onto a busy road with army people looking directly at me. ****.
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