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Spotlight Soul Gem Glitch
BoneGrunt Green Sparx Gems: 447
#1 Posted: 18:09:31 27/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Is this still an issue in Trap Team, and also in Superchargers?

Along with Flip Wreck and a few minis, Spotlight is the last figure we need to complete out Trap Team collection. But before I'm willing to spend what seems like $30, minimum, to get her now, I'd like to know if her Soul Gem attack is still glitched.
newkill Emerald Sparx Gems: 4095
#2 Posted: 19:49:40 27/08/2016
What is supposedly glitched about it?
BoneGrunt Green Sparx Gems: 447
#3 Posted: 22:50:37 27/08/2016 | Topic Creator
It doesn't work most of the time.
Tvk Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#4 Posted: 11:32:38 28/08/2016
No problems with the soulgem here. (Ps4)
BoneGrunt Green Sparx Gems: 447
#5 Posted: 16:45:28 28/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Cool. Now to track her down for a "reasonable" price.

Any more opinions of her soul gem status in either Trap Team or SuperChargers is welcome, too!
newkill Emerald Sparx Gems: 4095
#6 Posted: 20:33:08 28/08/2016
I never had issues with Spotlight Soul Gem in Trap Team and Superchargers on PS4 and Xbox 360.
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