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Regarding Advertising
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#1 Posted: 02:55:08 27/08/2016 | Topic Creator
In the video game section a topic was removed for advertising, the thread in question contained links to a users lets play videos. These threads are often in the idle chatter section with no issue, so could a mod clarify the rules?.
What counts as advertising and what doesn't?.
GarbageMemes101 Ripto Gems: 670
#2 Posted: 07:49:03 17/10/2016

Would like to know as well.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8623
#3 Posted: 19:41:10 17/10/2016
In my opinion the advertising rule should reinforced if the individual questioned is making a profit off of it.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#4 Posted: 20:56:54 18/10/2016
^ Yep, I agree with that.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
PataponCreeper Red Sparx Gems: 30
#5 Posted: 15:29:58 25/02/2017
can I talk to a moderator or some sort of staff member of the sight, it's relating to a Spyro Movie but it's also sort of advertising my channel, I want to talk to the staff before I do a forum post, I just want to see if it's ok, so staff, contact me as soon as possible, I'm going to be a bit busy recently, but there is some time, contact me asap, I would like to talk about something before I post it
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