Plot Synopsis: Kaos' latest plan to conquer Skylands takes him into orbit, where he plans on using a radio broadcast from his "Catastellite" (or just an evil satellite) to brainwash the citizens of Skylands into mindlessly serving him... However, things don't go quite according to plan when his satellite is abducted, and Kaos himself is taken prisoner of a powerful alien conqueror named Baron Cosmos. Now with his massive ship, the Doom Star, looming over Skylands and threatening to destroy it, Portal Masters must call upon Cosmos' greatest adversaries: The Star Squad, who must embark on a space-sized adventure to stop Cosmos' regime once and for all! ...And maybe save Kaos too, I guess.
The Gimmick: The Gimmick-landers for this game are the Star Squad, who are different from regular Skylanders in a number of different ways. Each Star Squad member has the ability to manipulate the gravity around them, making them necessary for certain puzzles or areas, or this can even be used for some creative combat. Certain Star Squad members can also better navigate certain areas in the game due to having to adapt to certain conditions on their home planet (Such as being immune to toxic substances, gliding after a jump, or illuminating dark areas). They also can't be upgraded like regular Skylanders can. While Persephone does return and can upgrade normal Skylanders with their gold, the Star Squad converts all gold they collect into a form of currency called Sparks, which is too advanced for Persephone to understand, which is where the squad's supercomputer, the Machine Of Mastery (or M.O.M. for short), comes in. Star Squad members upgrade more similarly to the traditional way, as in while they can unlock new attacks, their armor, speed, power, and luck stats all must be upgraded separately.
All Skylanders from Spyro's Adventure up to Imaginators are backwards-compatible with Star Squad. In addition, the game introduces 20 Star Squad Members, 8 new Core Skylanders, and 8 returning Skylanders who have been re-imagined for cosmic combat and otherworldly expeditions, plus a couple of special guest stars...
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