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Traps and the Mustard Smell
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5702
#1 Posted: 15:27:11 03/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Has anyone here wondered why Traps have the smell of mustard within them? I believe I might know the reason why, and it all has to do with The Ultimate Weapon.

As many here know, The Ultimate Weapon required tremendous amounts of Stinkocity in order to fulfill it's original function, which was to be able to Trap entire cities or islands. With that in mind, think of the purpose of Traps: to capture Villains, which are substantially smaller than islands. What more, unlike the Ultimate Weapon, each Trap was only designed to store one Villain, rather than multiple cities like The Ultimate Weapon surely could have stored.

The mustard smell is the level of Stinkocity necessary to ensure that the Traps work properly. Sure, it is nowhere near as strong as the Goo from the Secret Sewer, or ten-thousand-year-old cheese, but then again it isn't trying Trap something as huge as islands. Why else would the smell be there?

If this has already been noted, feel free to ignore me. If this hasn't, make sure to comment with your thoughts. The only reason I bring this up is because there was no mention on the Wikia, and when I searched up 'Mustard' here, there was nothing.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 15:31:27 03/08/2016
The Ultimate Weapon is a shrink ray, not a Trap. The Traptanium was just a power source; Kaos even describes he'd still need to put the player in a Trap once the beam shot through the TV.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:32:07 03/08/2016 by Bifrost
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5702
#3 Posted: 16:50:25 03/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Alright, I can admit that The Ultimate Weapon acted more as a shrink ray more than a Trap. But still, it appears that Traptanium doesn't hold any special properties until there is a level of Stinkocity around it, or within it in the case of Traps. I've just found reasoning for the strange mustard smell.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#4 Posted: 18:36:47 03/08/2016
That would explain why the Trap Master's weapons can't trap villains despite being traptanium.
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#5 Posted: 19:31:49 03/08/2016
Quote: JohnnySmasher42
That would explain why the Trap Master's weapons can't trap villains despite being traptanium.

Logic went out the window a long time ago. Just hush and go buy more plastic for Activision, m'kay?
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#6 Posted: 19:38:34 03/08/2016
With pleasure
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#7 Posted: 03:39:27 08/08/2016
Lou likes hot dogs.
Any last wishes?
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