

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Guess how old the above AVATAR is?
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#1 Posted: 08:25:15 01/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Similar to guess how old the user is but with your avatar instead
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#2 Posted: 15:06:48 01/08/2016
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#3 Posted: 15:42:15 01/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Wrong, the character on my avatar is 30.

Your avatar looks about 35
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#4 Posted: 15:50:20 01/08/2016
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#5 Posted: 15:57:40 01/08/2016
I'd love to participate but I actually don't know her age.
Why am I a loser
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#6 Posted: 01:48:13 02/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#7 Posted: 02:05:54 02/08/2016
Lel spoilere'd
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#8 Posted: 02:31:04 02/08/2016
Too young for me to have these feelings about it.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#9 Posted: 03:31:22 02/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Thirty four
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#10 Posted: 10:20:46 02/08/2016
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#11 Posted: 13:16:02 02/08/2016
Old trumpet beast
I 'unno 50?
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#12 Posted: 20:40:58 02/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#13 Posted: 04:24:59 05/08/2016
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#14 Posted: 20:17:09 05/08/2016
In their 20s?
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#15 Posted: 20:58:44 05/08/2016
20s maybe?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#16 Posted: 21:00:09 05/08/2016
......... 50s?
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#17 Posted: 21:55:18 05/08/2016
15-40? 20?
Can't figure out with that anime style.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#18 Posted: 22:11:10 05/08/2016
Nowhere near 20 xD

Yours is...17, based on what the dog is wearing?
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Eruptor100 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1446
#19 Posted: 00:37:46 06/08/2016
16. Teens...

Try me bruh
Stick em up!
Credit to big green
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#20 Posted: 01:40:02 06/08/2016
3 weeks?
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#21 Posted: 01:41:24 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#22 Posted: 01:45:10 06/08/2016
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#23 Posted: 01:46:30 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator

20, 18
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#24 Posted: 01:55:03 06/08/2016
one quintillion years old
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#25 Posted: 01:55:52 06/08/2016
17 and 16?

Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#26 Posted: 01:56:56 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator
23, 25
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#27 Posted: 01:58:02 06/08/2016
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#28 Posted: 01:59:03 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator

Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#29 Posted: 01:59:26 06/08/2016

Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#30 Posted: 02:05:42 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator

Mid twenties
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#31 Posted: 02:09:14 06/08/2016
Do they really seem that old? smilie


Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#32 Posted: 02:10:03 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator

Late teens
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#33 Posted: 02:11:28 06/08/2016

Guess actual numbers, it'd be easier smilie And nope.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#34 Posted: 02:13:29 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator
12, 14
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#35 Posted: 02:16:25 06/08/2016
Oh my gosh, you almost got it right. They are both the same age.

Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#36 Posted: 02:17:38 06/08/2016
Forgot to say, you got it right

Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#37 Posted: 02:20:06 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#38 Posted: 02:20:47 06/08/2016

Sixteen then?
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#39 Posted: 02:21:30 06/08/2016
Right again

Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#40 Posted: 02:24:22 06/08/2016

Sixteen. From Persona 4, correct?
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#41 Posted: 02:26:57 06/08/2016
Actually Persona 3

Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#42 Posted: 02:28:43 06/08/2016
I was close smilie I dunno the time line.

Yep! Hibiya and Hiyori are fourteen!
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#43 Posted: 09:19:02 06/08/2016
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#44 Posted: 21:38:17 06/08/2016
Probably many years old, it looks like a dragon
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#45 Posted: 21:43:20 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#46 Posted: 21:52:01 06/08/2016
25 maybe?
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#47 Posted: 22:39:11 06/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Incorrect Falco is 30

Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#48 Posted: 23:17:55 06/08/2016
30 (Why reply if you are going to give way the answer anyway?)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#49 Posted: 03:52:58 07/08/2016 | Topic Creator
(IDK) Correct

Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Iblistech Platinum Sparx Gems: 5099
#50 Posted: 04:02:25 07/08/2016
30, of course.
Hail to the King, baby!
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