

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Last Sunrise OPEN REMAKE
Somnium Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#1 Posted: 18:31:16 30/07/2016 | Topic Creator
As the sunset on the 16th of July 2016 the world cried out.

Everything seemed to happen all at once that night, the San Andreas fault; destroying half of america, the Volcanic belt; spilling lava and death across the world, tsunamis', tornadoes and finally the most destruction done, nuclear explosions simultaneously happened everywhere effecting everyone and anything. So much damage and fright occurred across the world. It was as if the world took out its anger on everyone.

As the dust cleared everyone realized the sun had yet to rise, anywhere, only the moon sat completely still in the sky. Hardly Anyone or anything survived, and a silence fell upon the world.

Ten thousand years into the future the world had finally began to heal and new creatures had evolved and took on form in this world. Magic had appeared a thousand years prior and became popular for healing and many other things. At this point no one remembered the world before, but those still full human passed down stories of its technology that became thought of as ancient magic.

Deep forest areas cover almost everything, ancient forest spirits call Kobai roam, watching.
Those villages that exist and thrive have arrays of different species; Kobalts, dragon bird like people, Lupvanis, wolf like humanoids, Avianus, humans with angelic wings, Cordus, humanoids with horns or different types of antlers, but the rarest are humans.

The Avianus took to the sky at one point making a floating kingdom with magic and old world magic they discovered. They believed they were better then any other creature and should never be looked down upon. They began to implement rules and cultural practices along with manners to the world. Also Avianus have a third eye they hide under there masks believing other creatures arent good enough to look upon them.

The Lupvanis stayed to the mountain regions they enjoyed the crisp air and beautiful view. They retained a lot of animal qualities and hunted primitively, they prayed to the moon goddess for life and good hunt. They believe in using everything they kill from other creatures and also enjoy fishing.

The Kobalts could camouflage and enjoyed living anywhere and everywhere. They adapted quickly and learned fast. They could fit in with any culture and enjoyed it all. They are easy going and dont believe in any god or goddess but rely solely on fate.

The Cordus took the forest being swift and relaxed in that environment. They live completely on fruit. They prey to the forest spirits to watch over them. Though they do not dare journey to the deep forests where the spirits reside. They say somewhere there is a place where you can travel to the other side.

The Humans have taken to the dust of the desert region. They enjoyed the open land and built urban steampunk cities out of anything they could find. Humans tend to cling more then anyone to the old world magic and desperately try and learn how to use it. They believe one day heros will come to save them from the death and disease before all of them die out.

Some pieces of the old world even lingered behind in more deadly areas of the world....

Now things are changing strange evils' rising from the ashes and in the depth of darkness. Demons called Dijinki aim to take over saying they were meant to rule over everything and everyone. Yet now the Avianus believe they are the the greater species and belong in charge and have challenged the Dijinki to war.
Out of this hatred and war horrible creatures are arising, forest spirits are going missing and fear lies over the land like a dense fog.

Both sides evil and cruel, yet the legend arises of young warriors who will save the land from its possible udder destruction and the possible over rule of either of these two creatures.

Forest Spirit

Fear: (I feel like this can add an interesting aspect to the story)
Dream: (I feel like this can add an interesting aspect to the story)

No God Moding
No Controlling other characters
Any romance and gore keep pg (I leave in romance cause it can add to story and make things interesting)
Lets not murder each other's characters
Please 3 lines at least
Dreamy days are gone~
I do the art for cheap <3
Somnium Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#2 Posted: 18:34:26 30/07/2016 | Topic Creator
Name: Glaciea
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5"2
Physic/appearance: https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbc...7cb&oe=561847E0
Power(s)/abilities: She has a high dexterity and can build almost anything.
Weapon(s): Twin Blade Guns she crafted. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic...YtwgRKdBPM7Q4B3
Fear: She fears thunderstorms, and will hide like a small child during them and sometmes cry if she knows no one will see it.
Dream: She dreams to go see the Avanius old world magic floating kingdom.
Other: She created a sports bike out of old world technology. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic...ekoApXbLieQvSrN

Name: Seiichin
Age: unknown
Race: Forest Spirit
Gender: Male(?)
Height: 6"2
Physic/appearance: https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbc...800&oe=562170A5
Power(s)/abilities: teleporting(?) Walking through walks, speaking with spirits
Weapon(s): he uses magic, but normally avoids any sort of conflict, otherwise he kills and eats his enemies soul.
Fear: bright lights
Dream: unknown
Backstory: He seems to be an omnipresent specter, appearing and dissapearing whenever he pleases.
Other: He has "phantom" legs which begin to disappear upon taking a step.

Name: Atsunos
Age: 26
Race: Avainus
Gender: Male
Physic/appearance: https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbc...012&oe=5619AADD
Power(s)/abilities: can fly, speak to birds and see far distances.
Weapon(s): He uses a bow and arrow and long sword in battle.
Fear: Being locked away.
Dream: He wants nothing but peace to continue in the land so he may be free to do as he pleases.
Other: Unlike other Avainus he doesn't wear a helmet or mask but shows his face, he doesn't believe he is above anyone. Doing this reveals he has a third eye. He prefers to walk places instead of flying and keeps his wings hidden under a fur cloak. He prefers to live in the mountains. He owns an odd owl creature as a companion.

Name: Ariel
Age: 20(?)
Race: Dijink-Avanius Hybrid
Height: 5"6
Physic/appearance:Her third eye is covered by her hair, her eyes are a golden color.
Power(s)/abilities: She has both the powers of a Dijinki and Avanius.
Weapon(s): She has a dual crossbows each from her parents. One made from crystals grown in the sky and the other from crystals from the other world.
Fear: Drowning.
Dream: Find somewhere she belongs.
Backstory: She was born from a Dijinki and Avanius wwho believed they could co-exist. When she was young her parents hid her away before being murdered by their own kinds for being together. She grew up alone in the deep forest. She was discovered not to long ago and imprisoned by the Avanius to be judged on trial for her parents actions, she is currently locked away.
Other: She has a hawk companion. She communicates with the spirits.
Dreamy days are gone~
I do the art for cheap <3
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#3 Posted: 20:28:22 30/07/2016
Name: Diasi
Age: 16
Race: Cordus
Height: I'm not used to having to put this here can I leave it blank?
Physic/appearance: (I assume they're basically human with antlers correct me if I'm wrong) A pale skinned girl with long brown hair. Has rainbow colored deer antlers that look almost like a crown on her head.
Power(s)/abilities: Can use some nature magic to grow and manipulate plants. Is very fast and good at climbing. Can get around a forest without leaving a trace of her passage or making a sound.
Weapon(s): A bow and arrows. Enjoys archery, but dislikes hurting people with it.
Fear: Has a fear of heights so bad she freezes up when she gets very high. Kind of ironic, since she's good at climbing.
Dream: To fly. She has good reasons for this, despite her fear of heights.
Backstory: Has lived on her own all her life, due to being abandoned by her parents. She assumed she had to stay hidden, and learned how to get around the forest without making a sound or leaving a trace of her passing. She has become very shy due to this, and has hidden from any and all other races her whole life.
Other: I dunno

Name: Leligarm
Age: 16
Race: Avianus
Physic/appearance: Has black wings with purple wingtips. Is very pale-skinned, and has bright, unnatural green eyes. Has short, black hair.
Power(s)/abilities: Can fly. Can use some magic, but is limited to weak life draining spells.
Weapon(s): A magic silver bow that can be split into two swords. It shoots arrows of solid purple light. (I REGRET NOTHING)
Fear: The dark. Not so much the dark itself, but rather what hides within it.
Dream: To be able to use all magic.
Backstory: Leligarm has always had a hunger for power and bloodshed. She prefers to stay out of others' fights, however. She chooses her battles surprisingly carefully.
Other: I dunno
Why am I a loser
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:41:58 31/07/2016 by FuryBeam136
WolvenAnakha Blue Sparx Gems: 578
#4 Posted: 23:31:59 30/07/2016
Name: Riane
Age: 17
Race: Avianus
Height: 5'1
Physic/appearance: She has fully black wings, fair skin, and grey eyes. Blonde hair that goes down to her waist. She has fully black armor that covers all but her face.
Power(s)/abilities: Can fly. Can use infusion dark magic, which can only infuse weapons. Her magic also has a limit to how many weapons she can infuse at a time, which is two. After 6 hours she can infuse 2 more weapons. Once infused, the magic will wear off after 24 hours, and after this time period the weapon is returned to it's original form.
Weapon(s): Dark Magic infused black swords. Cannot be used from a distance.
Fear: Bugs
Dream: She wants to be the strongest warrior.
Backstory: Riane was trained since a child to become a Dark Swordswoman, and was always told she had to be the best. Her parents disappeared one day, leaving her alone, wondering what happened. She still strives to become the best, wanting to fulfill her kin's wishes.
Other: Prefers flying over walking.
I'll go home now.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:56:27 31/07/2016 by WolvenAnakha
Somnium Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#5 Posted: 02:04:36 31/07/2016 | Topic Creator
(FuryBeam looks good except id like you to possibly choose and elaborate on the magic types you can do with them. Wolven please elaborate a little more on the Dark Infusion like what you can and cant infuse. Otherwise both are good.)
Dreamy days are gone~
I do the art for cheap <3
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#6 Posted: 02:42:07 31/07/2016
Why am I a loser
Somnium Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#7 Posted: 04:15:20 31/07/2016 | Topic Creator
(thank you, both are accepted)
Dreamy days are gone~
I do the art for cheap <3
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#8 Posted: 13:42:09 05/08/2016
I love this concept!

Name: Robin Thicke
Gender: Female
Age: Appears 24(keeps true age to herself)
Species: Avianus
Height: 5' 7"
Weapon: A two hand long sword that has gold wing patterns flourishing along the blade
Powers: Flight, defensive magic(shields, both personal and projected)
Appearance: Her clothing consist of multiple parts. Her top is usually loose tops, with thin strands that hold it up, and shows just a little of her stomach. There is an undershirt that is slightly shorter that extends out over her shoulders and tends to be an alternate color to the top over it(as in: If the top is blue, the under is yellow or red, if the top is green then the under is purple). She has a knee low skirt that fans out with a few other layers, usually bright colors/shades, and leggings that tend to be just black, or various dark colors. Her shoes are usually taller in the back, but never high heels. Flush clean skin, long blond hair with red streaks in her bangs. Her bangs curve off to the right side to join the rest of her hair. She has tattoos that weave across each arm, the streams stop and band like tats, all of which are a bright blue. Her wings brilliant white feathers, but the end feathers are a deep red.
Personality: Caring and kind. Brutally honest, but not judgmental. Outspoken, adventurous, and competitive. What she lacks in knowledge, she makes up for with logic.
Fear: Being alone for too long and most bugs
Dream: For all the species to live in harmony, to be one social standing
Back-story: Robin didn't find the culture created for her was her cup of tea, though she still believed in their god. She was fed up with being stuck in the sky as everyone else criticized those who lived beneath their home. One day she set out on her own to explore the world below. She did not wear a mask, but only a white head band to cover the third eye. Heading for the mountains one night, she lowered down to the forestry to investigate what sounded like howling. Finding the source were some wolven people on a hunt. While following them from the air, she lost concentration on her flight and clipped a tree with her left wing, she was found unconscious by one of the locals, a hunter named Fax. He had found beauty in her, unable to kill and drag her off to be eaten, he carried her to a cave to await her awakening.
Other: She has lost most of her memory of her home from her crash.

Name: Fax Mchound(not a rip off of any kind *eyes dart around* no seriously, it was just going to be fax, then I realized how close it was to "Fox" so...)
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Species: Lupvanis
Height: 6' 1"
Weapon: A bow made from a very sturdy metal(let's just say its steel, yo)
Appearance: Light grey body fur, with lighter grey on his chest and belly area. A small patch of longer hair atop his head between his ears. Shorter than average snout to give him a more human appearance. His eyes are the average deep yellow. He wears loose clothing over his waist and thighs, like a pair of shorts. His tail is slightly shorter than it should be, he was caught off guard by a wild predatory animal while on a hunt when he was younger. He does not wear a top, but has his bow and quiver crossing each other when not in use.
Personality: Easily angered, but generally calm and care free. He does not fear death, nor does he want it. He has not been known to be kind to everyone(kind of like a boy from the hood, know what I'm say'n(jk)), but he prefers people think him numb since he doesn't want others to get too close to him as not to hurt them.
Fear: Humans
Dream: Not one at the moment
Back-story: Grew up like most of his kind, taught the ways of the hunt, and their beliefs. When he was old enough to take care of himself, he prefered to hunt alone with his bow, but enjoyed hunting with a pack. He obtained his bow from a human who had wandered too far from home and had been attacked by an unknown being. He observed the arrows and found a way to make them himself with branches from the forestry along the mountains. After he figure out its uses, he separated himself somewhat from his pack, but moved along with everyone else as they migrated around for food. While on a hunt he found the angeloid laying amongst some brush, unconscious.(this is where I begin smilie)
Other: May joke around a little too much, but gets serious depending on the situation.
Well that just happened...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:08:48 05/08/2016 by BallisticBeats
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#9 Posted: 21:56:02 06/08/2016
Saving a spot here hun
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#10 Posted: 04:00:22 14/08/2016
Lets bump this post, bump it right to the top!
Well that just happened...
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#11 Posted: 15:59:13 16/08/2016
Just like another RP I saw, it could be the long intro/bio/plot that is getting people. Some people don't like to read big things, crazy I know. Not saying shorten it, just saying it could be hindering more from joining... But I ready to get going, wanna see how, with who we have, this all plays out smilie
Well that just happened...
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#12 Posted: 16:47:47 21/08/2016
I think we should at least start, and if anyone else comes by, then they come by, ya know. The character I submitted are like, brand new, so I'd like to get a feel for how I should use them.
Well that just happened...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#13 Posted: 01:49:05 22/08/2016
Name: Storm
Age: 21
Race: human
Physic/appearance: Bulky, tall. Black hair and blue eyes, wears a black trench coat and a cowboy hat with AK-47 bullets around its rim. Wears cybernetic armor to increase his strength and speed.
Power(s)/abilities: his great speed and shot
Weapon(s): AK-47. And a sniper rifle cable of shooting a dime off a head from over 10 miles away. And two lazer guns on his hips.
Fear: fear of dieing out as a species,
Dream: to once again live in peace and to start a family.
Backstory: He was born in the old San Andreas fault line he was left alone when he was a baby until a family of Kobalts took him in and raised him as their own. At 18 he left them to fine his destiny and now roams the wastelands, forests, and mountains looking for his purpose.
Other: He flys a old hover fighter jet which he has modified to have unlimited fuel and power for its lazer cannons.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:30:52 04/09/2016 by Spyroconvexity
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#14 Posted: 16:59:00 04/09/2016
OOC: Sorry SC, but I don't think and AK is ever going to be capable of even 1000 meter range. And I know they're durable AF, but I don't think they would last this long after the human race smilie it may just be me though, you know... But it would be nice to know if this RP will start smilie
Well that just happened...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#15 Posted: 17:32:08 04/09/2016
Local: I've edited that part. There is supposed to be two weapons.
Spotalope Green Sparx Gems: 101
#16 Posted: 09:13:10 14/07/2017
((Would there still be interest in this or should i leave it dead?))
S2 Swap Force Emerald Sparx Gems: 3100
#17 Posted: 19:09:35 23/09/2017
I'm interested in this. I'm making 2 characters right now so don't leave it to die quite yet.
I never got my acceptance letter from Hogwarts so I'm leaving the Shire and becoming a Jedi
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