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Badly describe a video game/movie/book...
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#51 Posted: 05:56:11 14/07/2016

-is a Disney Channel movie
-Had a couple sequels
-Has a lot of singing
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#52 Posted: 05:59:12 14/07/2016
high school musical.

-1965 was the greatest year ever
-the book was better
-you are going to cry either way
-fallout but without the fallout for lack of a better undescriptive description
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
Spellslamzer75 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1333
#53 Posted: 00:37:44 25/07/2016
-Explore an alien planet
-Ride giant robots
-Battle some really big monsters
Strength, courage, and evil
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#54 Posted: 19:25:11 25/07/2016
Lost planet?

-Start with a pistol
-See dudes
-Shoot dudes
-Shoot demons
-Never Stop
-Destroy Hell
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:25:44 25/07/2016 by SoulFly
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4779
#55 Posted: 04:08:20 26/07/2016
Quote: Skyhunter
^ Toddler Titans (AKA Teen Titans GO!)

-stuck in the wilderness
-going insane
-starving to death

Don't Starve?
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
night bomb guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1538
#56 Posted: 20:56:25 28/07/2016
Here's one:

-A rhythm-based RPG.

-The Main villains are basically floating heads.

-You command little blocky creatures to fight zombie versions of the creatures.
This account has been closed in favor of a new account name.
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#57 Posted: 20:54:44 30/07/2016
gah idek but it sounds pretty cool

-sea creature people
-they fight
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#58 Posted: 21:05:10 30/07/2016

-A Nickolodeon show
-Has a robot in a dog costume that makes random noises.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#59 Posted: 21:17:01 30/07/2016
invader zim, i'm pretty sure

-pretty okay soundtrack if i do say so myself
-not actually starfox so don't say starfox
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#60 Posted: 21:20:38 30/07/2016
A Fox In Space

-Dancing video game
-Every game features a Katy Perry song
-Is available on every current gen system.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eruptor100 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1446
#61 Posted: 08:21:18 01/08/2016
Just dance

-2 men
-1 mouse
-men get tortured by mouse
-men try to get the pet out of a house
(Not many probs know this)
Stick em up!
Credit to big green
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:22:30 01/08/2016 by Eruptor100
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#62 Posted: 11:30:16 01/08/2016

-Wake up
-See a balding dude whose head spinned.
-"You've been shot in the head"
-Post-nuclear wasteland to explore
Samius Hunter Gems: 9530
#63 Posted: 13:47:42 01/08/2016 | Topic Creator
No-one has yet figured out the first one. I'm actually sorta surprised.

Quote: SoulFly
Lost planet?

-Start with a pistol
-See dudes
-Shoot dudes
-Shoot demons
-Never Stop
-Destroy Hell


Quote: SoulFly

-Wake up
-See a balding dude whose head spinned.
-"You've been shot in the head"
-Post-nuclear wasteland to explore

Fallout: New Vegas
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#64 Posted: 14:58:10 01/08/2016
alcoholic orphan and his boss burn down his childhood home
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:06:29 01/08/2016 by Badwolfmichael
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#65 Posted: 02:15:57 02/08/2016

-Get called to old mansion owned by yer family or something
-Owner dead
-Everything is horrible
-Gather warriors of every type
-Kill mr.Skeletal and the spook troops, cultists and Chuthulu and everything in between.
-Nothing's fair and your struggles are pointless
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#66 Posted: 04:46:42 04/08/2016
darkest dungeon?

-many a meme spawned from this game
-it's cold
-like really cold
-there are these big reptile guys that fly and stuff
-but they're different than the other reptile guys who don't fly and people are racist towards
-you're part of this prophecy thing
-or not
-your choice whatever i don't care
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#67 Posted: 05:15:42 06/08/2016
Skyrim? Fits i think.

YOWZER BINGO BANGO. And i tought that was going to be undiscovered

-Everything used to be nice
-Now everything rots
-You dead 'cept alive
-Alot others alike you, but mad
-You escape asylum
-Profecy to ring a ding
-Kill bosses
-Not ez min you
-Kill everything, even old "gods"
-Burn yerself or not i 'unno
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10797
#68 Posted: 05:17:30 06/08/2016
I must admit that I don't know...

-think you are a God
-get destroyed by your own ambition
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#69 Posted: 12:54:07 06/08/2016

-has a goat
-is a video game
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4779
#70 Posted: 15:59:37 06/08/2016
Goat simulator?

~Is a rythm based game
~Has a character in the popular game Yandere Simulator
~You can play your favorite songs
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#71 Posted: 16:01:39 06/08/2016
Quote: SoulFly
Skyrim? Fits i think.

YOWZER BINGO BANGO. And i tought that was going to be undiscovered

-Everything used to be nice
-Now everything rots
-You dead 'cept alive
-Alot others alike you, but mad
-You escape asylum
-Profecy to ring a ding
-Kill bosses
-Not ez min you
-Kill everything, even old "gods"
-Burn yerself or not i 'unno

Dark Souls?
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#72 Posted: 17:18:46 06/08/2016
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
Quote: SoulFly
Skyrim? Fits i think.

YOWZER BINGO BANGO. And i tought that was going to be undiscovered

-Everything used to be nice
-Now everything rots
-You dead 'cept alive
-Alot others alike you, but mad
-You escape asylum
-Profecy to ring a ding
-Kill bosses
-Not ez min you
-Kill everything, even old "gods"
-Burn yerself or not i 'unno

Dark Souls?


-Aliens incoming
-You are chosen to lead resitance against Ayy Lmao
-Ayy Lmao start weak, end up with killer machinations and elite brutish shooters
-You end up with supersoldiers with telecinetic majiks and plasma guns
-Delet Alien
-Sequel said Aliens won
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#73 Posted: 18:27:46 06/08/2016
X-Com. You were rather specific.

-Start with one unit and some resources.
-You build some stuff.
- ???
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:28:56 06/08/2016 by icedragon333
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#74 Posted: 19:46:57 06/08/2016
Quote: icedragon333
X-Com. You were rather specific.

-Start with one unit and some resources.
-You build some stuff.
- ???
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected
-Strategic Launch Detected

Supreme Commander?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:54:07 06/08/2016 by Spyro Fanatic
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#75 Posted: 20:23:54 06/08/2016

But you didn't really leave anything for anyone else to reply to.

-Wait until midnight and wear headphones.
-Launch game.
-Wake up.
-Walk or die.
-Oops, sorry, random power cut.
-Try not to die as everything tries to kill you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:24:58 06/08/2016 by icedragon333
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#76 Posted: 23:58:14 07/08/2016
probably some indie horror game i don't know about, i'm not too into horror games anymore

-but it isn't
-dystopia and stuff blah blah
-small revolution
-jk you're not a part of it
-spooky guys in cloaks appear sometimes
-idk man if i say the actual point of the game it'll give it away
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#77 Posted: 01:18:34 08/08/2016
I wanna say Metro?

-went to the woods for whatever reason
-being chased by a lonely guy
-he smells of death
-he's also got a kink for hooks
-you're not into this kink
-he doesn't care
-open the doors (they are your safe word)
-there's four of you and one of him
-that's also another kink of his
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#78 Posted: 13:07:47 08/08/2016
- Working in a big business.
- Shenanigans
- A spin-off is being considered.
- Has the greatest DVD menus ever.

Quote: icedragon333

But you didn't really leave anything for anyone else to reply to.

I got the idea you didn't need to leave anything else from this post:

Quote: Samius
Oh, just to clarify: It was not my intention that you would have to guess what the user above you is describing. You can quote whomever and try your luck, or you can just post a new description.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#79 Posted: 13:47:29 08/08/2016
-A dysfunctional animated family
-Teenage son is a pot smoking loser
-Youngest son is a weakling
-The 70's
-"Imma put you through this ****ing WALL!"
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#80 Posted: 15:11:51 08/08/2016
-"I took a arrow to the knee"
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9478
#81 Posted: 15:26:36 08/08/2016
^ Skyrim

-protect your neocortex
-fend off cadavers
-army of autotrophic organisms
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#82 Posted: 15:31:49 08/08/2016

-A tomato
-A cucumber
-they have eyes and mouth and they talk
-A Christian show
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#83 Posted: 18:48:18 08/08/2016
- Starts in Vegas at night.
- Shot in the head with two other people watching.
- Left for dead.
- Rescued on the verge of death.
- Face rebuilt by surgery.
- Goes searching for revenge.
- It's not Fallout: New Vegas.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 10:53:00 09/08/2016 by Spyro Fanatic
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#84 Posted: 20:50:49 08/08/2016
fallout : new-
well then

-dragons get frozen
-dragonfly yells at you to go help them
-that's all i need to say really it's kinda obvious
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#85 Posted: 00:37:09 09/08/2016
lesbian turns straight in order to save the worlds economy

Quote: dinorang67
fallout : new-
-dragons get frozen
-dragonfly yells at you to go help them
-that's all i need to say really it's kinda obvious

spyro 1
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:37:30 09/08/2016 by Badwolfmichael
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#86 Posted: 14:11:18 09/08/2016
Quote: Samius
...And have other users try to guess what video game/movie/book you're describing. Make sure to drop some hints to make guessing possible.

- Wake up butt-naked.
- Kill everything in your path.
- Do it thrice over.
- Realize that you've been playing an economy simulator all along.
- Die a lot.

Oh, it's "Rust?"
Samius Hunter Gems: 9530
#87 Posted: 15:03:04 09/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
Quote: Samius
...And have other users try to guess what video game/movie/book you're describing. Make sure to drop some hints to make guessing possible.

- Wake up butt-naked.
- Kill everything in your path.
- Do it thrice over.
- Realize that you've been playing an economy simulator all along.
- Die a lot.

Oh, it's "Rust?"

That's a pretty good guess, but no.

It's a fantasy game, I'll tell you that much.
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#88 Posted: 17:17:49 11/08/2016
Quote: Samius
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
Quote: Samius
...And have other users try to guess what video game/movie/book you're describing. Make sure to drop some hints to make guessing possible.

- Wake up butt-naked.
- Kill everything in your path.
- Do it thrice over.
- Realize that you've been playing an economy simulator all along.
- Die a lot.

Oh, it's "Rust?"

That's a pretty good guess, but no.

It's a fantasy game, I'll tell you that much.

I'm stumped. I have the feeling I know it, yet at the same time I don't. It's bugging me.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#89 Posted: 17:20:02 11/08/2016
Quote: Samius
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
Quote: Samius
...And have other users try to guess what video game/movie/book you're describing. Make sure to drop some hints to make guessing possible.

- Wake up butt-naked.
- Kill everything in your path.
- Do it thrice over.
- Realize that you've been playing an economy simulator all along.
- Die a lot.

Oh, it's "Rust?"

That's a pretty good guess, but no.

It's a fantasy game, I'll tell you that much.

This is a stretch but Binding of Isaac?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:20:21 11/08/2016 by TheToyNerd
Samius Hunter Gems: 9530
#90 Posted: 20:12:59 11/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: Samius
Quote: Spyro Fanatic

Oh, it's "Rust?"

That's a pretty good guess, but no.

It's a fantasy game, I'll tell you that much.

This is a stretch but Binding of Isaac?

Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12695
#91 Posted: 21:24:55 11/08/2016
Quote: dinorang67
high school musical.

-1965 was the greatest year ever
-the book was better
-you are going to cry either way
-fallout but without the fallout for lack of a better undescriptive description

the outsiders

Quote: dinorang67
probably some indie horror game i don't know about, i'm not too into horror games anymore

-but it isn't
-dystopia and stuff blah blah
-small revolution
-jk you're not a part of it
-spooky guys in cloaks appear sometimes
-idk man if i say the actual point of the game it'll give it away

Papers Please????

Quote: TheToyNerd
-A dysfunctional animated family
-Teenage son is a pot smoking loser
-Youngest son is a weakling
-The 70's
-"Imma put you through this ****ing WALL!"

F is For Family

Quote: Skyhunter

-orange feline
-"saving" minors
-copyright abuse

Cool Cat Saves the Kids!

Quote: TheToyNerd
-Waifu the Shooter
-None of the plot matters
-screw the robot and the dwarf


Quote: Badwolfmichael
alcoholic orphan and his boss burn down his childhood home


Quote: Eruptor100
Just dance

-2 men
-1 mouse
-men get tortured by mouse
-men try to get the pet out of a house
(Not many probs know this)

mouse hunt

- poor kid who wants to support family
- wins a lottery
- goes to secluded location
- suffers through several trials of strength and will as their competitors fall one by one
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 23:08:42 11/08/2016 by Carmelita Fox
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#92 Posted: 01:14:03 12/08/2016
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

-The Origami Killer
-Flying Button Prompts
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12695
#93 Posted: 01:18:00 12/08/2016
Heavy Rain

-grandpa who likes to travel
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#94 Posted: 01:25:35 12/08/2016
Uncle Grandpa??????

-More Guns
-Even More Guns
-Made by SEGA
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12695
#95 Posted: 01:48:39 12/08/2016
noooo. here's another hint: there's aliens
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:51:26 12/08/2016 by Carmelita Fox
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#96 Posted: 04:01:16 12/08/2016
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Quote: dinorang67
high school musical.

-1965 was the greatest year ever
-the book was better
-you are going to cry either way
-fallout but without the fallout for lack of a better undescriptive description

the outsiders

Quote: dinorang67
probably some indie horror game i don't know about, i'm not too into horror games anymore

-but it isn't
-dystopia and stuff blah blah
-small revolution
-jk you're not a part of it
-spooky guys in cloaks appear sometimes
-idk man if i say the actual point of the game it'll give it away

Papers Please????

jesus you did it
sorry for my bad description of the outsiders btw, i was super tired
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
Samius Hunter Gems: 9530
#97 Posted: 16:28:11 12/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: dinorang67
jesus you did it
sorry for my bad description of the outsiders btw, i was super tired

Hey, the point of this topic is to make the descriptions bad, while still remaining truthful to the point at which identifying the thing in question is possible. Most of these are way too easy.

Quote: Drawdler
Samius, is it DmC? I haven't played it and I don't know where the "economy simulator" bit would fit in, but I know you're naked at some point in that game.


I think anyone who has played the game would come up with the right answer pretty quickly, which does lead me to believe that not a lot of people have played it.

...It's not some old-ass, museum-tier game either.
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12695
#98 Posted: 16:40:06 12/08/2016
do you have it on steam
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